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54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues - See more at: http://cnsne
This will be the new normal as long as socialists occupy the White House. Less than half of American adults have full time jobs. When this bum leaves office, let's not replace him with another.

Quote:54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues

Since January 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, the United States has seen 54 straight months with the unemployment rate at 7.5 percent or higher, which is the longest stretch of unemployment at or above that rate since 1948, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics started calculating the national unemployment rate.

Today, BLS reported that the seasonally adjusted national unemployment rate for June was 7.6 percent, the same it was in May.

In December 2008, the month after Obama was first elected and the month before he was inaugurated, unemployment was 7.3 percent. In January 2009, it climbed to 7.8 percent. In February, the month Obama signed what the Congressional Budget Office would later determine was an $830 billion economic stimulus law, the unemployment rate climbed to 8.3 percent.

In the Obama era, the unemployment rate peaked at 10.0 percent in October 2010. It did not dip below 9 percent until October 2011, when it hit 8.9 percent. From August to September 2012, it dropped from 8.1 percent to 7.8 percent—the first time during Obama’s tenure it went under 8 percent.

Since then, the lowest it has gone has been 7.5 percent—the rate it hit in April. But after April, it ticked back up to 7.6 percent in May and stayed at 7.6 percent in June.
^Conservative News Service?
Imagine how the media would be reporting on the economy if a Republican had been in the White House the past 5-1/2 years. Businesses were already making plans to shed more full time jobs as Obamacare went into effect. Don't be surprised if Obama refuses to implement Obamacare's job killing regulations and costs until after the election. This man could not run a profitable lemonade stand if the lemons and sugar were given to him free of cost.

Quote:A Solid Jobs Report? No, This Is a Crisis

From the media to Wall Street, June's jobs report is being spun as a major positive, a sign the economy is getting back on track. Maybe the pundits should look at the actual numbers, which are abysmal.

To hear some of them, the 195,000 payroll jobs added for the month while the unemployment rate stayed at 7.6% were a big deal. One investment house called it a "very good report." Another termed it "solid."

Really? Let's take a little closer look at the numbers.

The total number of payroll jobs in the economy, at 135.9 million, is still 1.6% below 5-1/2 years ago, when the recession began. We're not even back at scratch.

At June's pace of 195,000 new jobs a month, it will take 11 months to get back to where we were in 2007. If you factor in monthly growth of 120,000 in the labor force, that will barely make a dent in unemployment.

In short, this jobs recovery isn't solid. It's pathetic.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Conservative News Service?
If you don't like it, then read the BLS data for yourself. If you don't like that, then read the fictional description of the economy on one of the many Obama propaganda websites.
Obama has shown an uncanny skill at turning full time workers into part-time workers. Democratic Senator Max Baucus may not be a smart man, but even he was smart enough to recognize Obamacare as an economic trainwreck barreling out of control.

Quote:Part-Time America

The U.S. labor market may be gaining a little more steam, judging by Friday's June jobs report. Imagine how much better it might do if ObamaCare weren't encouraging employers to hire so many part-time workers.

The Labor Department's survey of businesses found 195,000 net new hires in June, 202,000 in the private economy. Payrolls for April and May were also revised upward by a total of 70,000, which means the average for the last three months is about 200,000. That's up from the 182,000 monthly average over the last year.

One positive development is that the number of "long-time" unemployed, those out of work for six months or more, fell again and is down by one million workers over the past year. The dismally low labor participation rate ticked up to 63.5% from 63.4% in May as 177,000 more Americans entered the workforce, though the rate is still below the 63.8% from last June. Average hourly wages climbed a welcome 10 cents and for the first time hit $24.

The disappointments include a big jump of 247,000 in the number of "discouraged workers," those who have stopped looking for a job. This could be a one-month anomaly given the other increases, but it bears watching.

Also disappointing is the big jump in the number of Americans who want to work full time but could only find part-time work. That number leapt to 8.23 million, a 322,000 one-month increase. Total part-time employment rose by 432,000, more than double the total number of net new jobs.
^More conservative news? You can find tons of Obama hate on conservative sites. Keep rolling.
TheRealVille Wrote:^More conservative news? You can find tons of Obama hate on conservative sites. Keep rolling.
Nobody is forcing you to participate in this thread. Make yourself happy and go fetch some Obama propaganda.
I know that West Virginia is a small state that Washington Democrats can afford to ignore, but Obama's policies are killing the coal industry, and with it, the political prospects of the state's Democratic politicians. West Virginia has learned the dangers of sending Democrats the hard way.

Quote:Coal-state Republican warns Obama's climate plan could harm economy

Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia said Friday that President Obama's plan to impose limits on carbon dioxide emissions would disenfranchise her coal-rich state and result in job losses across the country.

"His regulatory agenda would not only cost West Virginians jobs, but it would deliver a severe blow to our nation’s economy and any hopes of becoming energy independent," Capito said in a statement.
How many people have quit looking for jobs and, therefore, are not listed as part of the unemployed? The economy is being artificially held up by the enormous weekly purchase of our debt by the Federal Reserve. Turn off the manipulation and see what happens.

Since those who worked to save for their retirement are being smothered by low interest rates, I'd like to see some good inflation. After all, the low interest rates don't seem to be keeping the borrowers afloat.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Imagine how the media would be reporting on the economy if a Republican had been in the White House the past 5-1/2 years. Businesses were already making plans to shed more full time jobs as Obamacare went into effect. Don't be surprised if Obama refuses to implement Obamacare's job killing regulations and costs until after the election. This man could not run a profitable lemonade stand if the lemons and sugar were given to him free of cost.

we had one bush2 how many jobs did he create in his 8 years?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I know that West Virginia is a small state that Washington Democrats can afford to ignore, but Obama's policies are killing the coal industry, and with it, the political prospects of the state's Democratic politicians. West Virginia has learned the dangers of sending Democrats the hard way.

wv is not doing as bad as you think they are
vector Wrote:we had one bush2 how many jobs did he create in his 8 years?
Obama has shattered all modern records for unemploying Americans. Now, to avoid watching real unemployment soar even higher, he has suspended the imposition of the onerous Obamacare employer mandate. Obamacare has already led to employers dropping fulltime employees in favor of part time employees, so the employment situation is even worse than the numbers indicate. Part-time burger flipping jobs are not what young American citizens need, but it is what the lucky ones can find in the Obama economy.

Bush has now been out of office for 5-1/2 years. This is Obama's economy and the policies that are impoverishing Americans are his. You should be ashamed that you have supported policies and the man who is busy destroying our economic foundation. Would you vote for Obama for an illegal third term, as RV says that he would? Would you support Obama as the first American dictator?
vector Wrote:wv is not doing as bad as you think they are

Thank the natural gas industry for this, because we all know that the coal industry has bottomed out.

I heard that the Logan DEP office has not received one new surface mine permit in 2013.
vector Wrote:wv is not doing as bad as you think they are
I never said that WV was doing badly. They rejected Obamanomics in the strongest terms possible in the 2012 election. Obama has done nothing positive for West Virginia and its voters know that is true. WV's turn away from the welfare state policies of Obama and the liberal Democrats is sending the right message to businesses. Hopefully, the positive trend will continue.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I never said that WV was doing badly. They rejected Obamanomics in the strongest terms possible in the 2012 election. Obama has done nothing positive for West Virginia and its voters know that is true. WV's turn away from the welfare state policies of Obama and the liberal Democrats is sending the right message to businesses. Hopefully, the positive trend will continue.
Yea, I see that. Manchin and Obama are in office.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, I see that. Manchin and Obama are in office.
Manchin had to run against Obama and position himself as a conservative during the campaign. West Virginia obviously did not have enough votes to make a difference in a national election, but Obama is turning it into a red state. It's hard to believe it is the same state that sent former KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops, Democratic Senator Robert Byrd to Washington so many times.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Manchin had to run against Obama and position himself as a conservative during the campaign. West Virginia obviously did not have enough votes to make a difference in a national election, but Obama is turning it into a red state. It's hard to believe it is the same state that sent former KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd to Washington so many times.
So, what you are saying is that Manchin and Obama won their elections in 2012? FTR, I don't remember a "conservative" Manchin. I remember the republican ads in WV saying he was in bed with Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, what you are saying is that Manchin and Obama won their elections in 2012? FTR, I don't remember a "conservative" Manchin. I remember the republican ads in WV saying he was in bed with Obama.
You have a very selective memory, which you demonstrate on a regular basis. What I am saying that only 35 1/2 percent of West Virginians voted for Obama in 2012 and the main reason was the damage that his administration is doing to the coal industry. Many of those who voted for Romney are Democrats who would never have considered voting for a Republican before Obama declared war on their state's most important industry.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You have a very selective memory, which you demonstrate on a regular basis. What I am saying that only 35 1/2 percent of West Virginians voted for Obama in 2012 and the main reason was the damage that his administration is doing to the coal industry. Many of those who voted for Romney are Democrats who would never have considered voting for a Republican before Obama declared war on their state's most important industry.
Did it matter?
TheRealVille Wrote:Did it matter?
Yes, it mattered very much. It is a sign of real hope for this country, not the phony "hope" offered by socialists like Obama and Fidel Castro. Recognizing who the enemies are is half the battle. Most West Virginians can go to sleep tonight with a clear conscience for not contributing to the decline of this great country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, it mattered very much. It is a sign of real hope for this country, not the phony "hope" offered by socialists like Obama and Fidel Castro. Recognizing who the enemies are is half the battle. Most West Virginians can go to sleep tonight with a clear conscience for not contributing to the decline of this great country.
Remind me again, who won those elections? Did the democrats gain seats in the House? Did the democrats gain seats in the Senate?
TheRealVille Wrote:Remind me again, who won those elections? Did the democrats gain seats in the House? Did the democrats gain seats in the Senate?
I see you are trying to fill up another thread with nonsense, RV. It's okay, everybody understands why you don't want to discuss Obama's sorry economic record.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I see you are trying to fill up another thread with nonsense, RV. It's okay, everybody understands why you don't want to discuss Obama's sorry economic record.
You said people woke up during the elections. I simply asked you about gained seats in both houses, and the big chair.
TheRealVille Wrote:You said people woke up during the elections. I simply asked you about gained seats in both houses, and the big chair.
Do you have anything to say about the fact that the unemployment rate has been stuck at 7.5 percent or more for Obama's entire term? No comment on this record setting performance by the man you would support as our first dictator?
TheRealVille Wrote:So, what you are saying is that Manchin and Obama won their elections in 2012? FTR, I don't remember a "conservative" Manchin. I remember the republican ads in WV saying he was in bed with Obama.

Manchin ran against Obama. And, as I recall, the Republican challenge came from John Raese who ran virtually even with Manchin until the last few days of the campaign.
TheRealThing Wrote:Manchin ran against Obama. And, as I recall, the Republican challenge came from John Raese who ran virtually even with Manchin until the last few days of the campaign.
Exactly, TRT. Manchin ran against Obama in WV and won, which shows that WV still has a ways to go to become a true red state. There are still too many gullible voters who see a liberal shooting a gun and flashing his NRA membership during a campaign and see a conservative. If Manchin had run an honest campaign, he would have been trounced. Liberals in most states must lie to get elected.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you have anything to say about the fact that the unemployment rate has been stuck at 7.5 percent or more for Obama's entire term? No comment on this record setting performance by the man you would support as our first dictator?
Don't let facts stand in the way of your Obama hate.
TheRealThing Wrote:Manchin ran against Obama. And, as I recall, the Republican challenge came from John Raese who ran virtually even with Manchin until the last few days of the campaign.
You don't remember the Raese ads about Obama being in the bed with Obama? I was in Logan, WV. at the time, and heard all the ads against Manchin. Who won?
TheRealVille Wrote:Don't let facts stand in the way of your Obama hate.
What facts do you have to dispute the claim that the unemployment rate has not dropped below 7.5 percent for the past 54 months. Let's see them.
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't remember the Raese ads about Obama being in the bed with Obama? I was in Logan, WV. at the time, and heard all the ads against Manchin. Who won?
It turns out that Raese was exactly right. How many votes has Manchin cast against the Obama agenda to destroy America as we know it?

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