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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Hoot Gibson Wrote::hilarious: So Zimmerman beat up Martin, despite eye-witness testimony and then banged his own head into the pavement and bloodied his own nose. All while risking being seen by a witness? That is quite an imagination you have there, RV - or is this just a regurgitation of somebody else' idiotic theory?
Why do you discount the testimony that has Zimmerman on top?
TheRealVille Wrote:Why do you discount the testimony that has Zimmerman on top?
I have been to busy working to follow the trial as closely as you. That's why I asked you to correct me if I am wrong. So, there is one eye witness that saw Martin on top of Zimmerman and one who saw Martin on top? Who was the one that saw Zimmerman on top of Martin, I must have missed that one. What kind of injuries did Zimmerman inflict on Martin that would indicate he was on top?
nky Wrote::dontthink had my far share of "run ins" while having parties in college. Marks were not always left on my hands
It's not anybodies fault you don't hit hard. I too, have had many "run ins" in my younger days. The medical examiner also said there would be evidence of hitting someone.
I don't find it a bit odd that I'm the only one that cares about the death of a teenager, walking where he was allowed to walk, and followed by, and shot by a stranger.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't find it a bit odd that I'm the only one that cares about the death of a teenager, walking where he was allowed to walk, and followed by, and shot by a stranger.
I find it a bit odd that a native born American can reach adulthood and have absolutely no understanding of our justice system. "Reasonable doubt" and "innocent until proven guilty" are not complicated concepts.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I would hope all of our kids wouldnt be dope heads.
Just saying.
Do you know he was a dope head? Does having pot in your system make you a dopehead? I would hope, after I smoked a joint, you wouldn't feel the need to kill me. I've smoked pot a bunch over the years, and never was a thug, thief, or trouble maker.
Who was the witness who testified that they saw Zimmerman on top of Martin beating him, RV?
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't find it a bit odd that I'm the only one that cares about the death of a teenager, walking where he was allowed to walk, and followed by, and shot by a stranger.

You left out the fact that Martin had a goodly level of marijuana in his system. I guess that was his appetizer prior to his main course of Skittles.

Of course, the jury will never hear about the marijuana or the rest of Martin's far less than exemplary past.

Tell me, TheRealVille, would you be as "concerned" if the victim were a white male, wearing a suit and tie, and in the neighborhood passing out anti-abortion leaflets? Soimehow, I doubt it.

Now, before you turn the question on me, let me say that, if the white boy were the actual perpetrator, as was Martin, I'd still be guided by the evidence. And, the evidence is overwhelming. Only coercion can save you now.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Who was the witness who testified that they saw Zimmerman on top of Martin beating him, RV?
I don't know, but one has said that the bigger guy was on top. At the time of death Zimmerman was the bigger man.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You left out the fact that Martin had a goodly level of marijuana in his system. I guess that was his appetizer prior to his main course of Skittles.

Of course, the jury will never hear about the marijuana or the rest of Martin's far less than exemplary past.

Tell me, TheRealVille, would you be as "concerned" if the victim were a white male, wearing a suit and tie, and in the neighborhood passing out anti-abortion leaflets? Soimehow, I doubt it.

Now, before you turn the question on me, let me say that, if the white boy were the actual perpetrator, as was Martin, I'd still be guided by the evidence. And, the evidence is overwhelming. Only coercion can save you now.
I haven't saw where they placed an amount in his system. Only that it was in his system. If the guy was walking where he was legally allowed to, I'd call for the head of the killer. Bold: Martin was the perpetrator, how?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have been to busy working to follow the trial as closely as you. That's why I asked you to correct me if I am wrong. So, there is one eye witness that saw Martin on top of Zimmerman and one who saw Martin on top? Who was the one that saw Zimmerman on top of Martin, I must have missed that one. What kind of injuries did Zimmerman inflict on Martin that would indicate he was on top?
I work nights. I've got plenty of time to watch during the day.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't know, but one has said that the bigger guy was on top. At the time of death Zimmerman was the bigger man.
So, let me make sure that I have this right, RV. Somebody testified that they saw Zimmerman on top of Martin delivering punches to him. Is that right? Do you have a link to that testimony, because it sounds like you are backing away from your earlier statement. AFAIK, there was only one witness who identified either man positively as the one on top, and as I said before, he was the prosecution's witness. That alone sounds like reasonable doubt to me.

Has it occurred to you that even if your theory that Martin could not have bloodied Zimmerman's nose without bruising his hands is true, that a knee, elbow, a head butt, or the pavement are all more likely instruments that delivered the blow than Zimmerman himself?
TheRealVille Wrote:It's not anybodies fault you don't hit hard. I too, have had many "run ins" in my younger days. The medical examiner also said there would be evidence of hitting someone.
:thatsfunn hit hard enough to start three years as an offensive lineman:ChairHit:
nky Wrote::thatsfunn hit hard enough to start three years as an offensive lineman:ChairHit:
Is the medical examiner lying about the injuries to someone's hands, that broke someone's nose? Does pushing in football make your knuckles any different than other people's?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is the medical examiner lying about the injuries to someone's hands, that broke someone's nose?
maybe not but he made a blanket statement that may not be correct 100% of the time
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, let me make sure that I have this right, RV. Somebody testified that they saw Zimmerman on top of Martin delivering punches to him. Is that right? Do you have a link to that testimony, because it sounds like you are backing away from your earlier statement. AFAIK, there was only one witness who identified either man positively as the one on top, and as I said before, he was the prosecution's witness. That alone sounds like reasonable doubt to me.

Has it occurred to you that even if your theory that Martin could not have bloodied Zimmerman's nose without bruising his hands is true, that a knee, elbow, a head butt, or the pavement are all more likely instruments that delivered the blow than Zimmerman himself?
I said they said the bigger guy was on top. I didn't say anything about punching. If you want a link, find one. I watch it on TV, not reading a computer screen.
TheRealVille Wrote:Is the medical examiner lying about the injuries to someone's hands, that broke someone's nose? Does pushing in football make your knuckles any different than other people's?
Lineman don't "push" Guess I just have iron knuckles Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:I said they said the bigger guy was on top. I didn't say anything about punching. If you want a link, find one. I watch it on TV, not reading a computer screen.
Martin was well over 6 feet tall. Zimmerman was several inches shorter and he has packed on some weight since that night. I don't believe that any witness has positively identified Zimmerman being on top before the shooting. I think that would have been newsworthy. I think that you are taking liberties with the facts again. You made the claim and if you cannot back it up, then I will not be surprised.
TheRealVille Wrote:Is the medical examiner lying about the injuries to someone's hands, that broke someone's nose? Does pushing in football make your knuckles any different than other people's?
BY the way from the trial
2:16 p.m. ET: Bao says the small abrasions on Martin's fingers could have happened up to two hours before his meeting with Zimmerman. He clarifies it's an estimation and that the injuries could have also come from him fight with Martin.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Who was the witness who testified that they saw Zimmerman on top of Martin beating him, RV?

Jeannee Manalo

Quote:Prosecutors also called Jeannee Manalo, another witness, to the stand Wednesday. Manalo testified that from her point of view inside her townhome, she could see two men struggling on the ground. She also said she believes Zimmerman was on top of Martin during the altercation and that she could see his hands moving.
During cross-examination, Manalo said photographs she saw on the news of a younger Martin support her view that Zimmerman was on top during the altercation. Defense attorney Mark O'Mara asked her if she had ever seen recent photos of Martin. She said no but maintained that based on the photographs, the bigger person was on top, and Zimmerman seemed to be the bigger person.
10:48 a.m. ET: Bao notes presence also of a small, "superficial aberration caused by blunt force trauma" on Martin's left hand. No injuries found on right hand.
nky Wrote:10:48 a.m. ET: Bao notes presence also of a small, "superficial aberration caused by blunt force trauma" on Martin's left hand. No injuries found on right hand.
Which he said could have happened during falling to the ground. Superficial is a key word. He also said it was a very small scratch. Martin being right handed might also be key.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Martin was well over 6 feet tall. Zimmerman was several inches shorter and he has packed on some weight since that night. I don't believe that any witness has positively identified Zimmerman being on top before the shooting. I think that would have been newsworthy. I think that you are taking liberties with the facts again. You made the claim and if you cannot back it up, then I will not be surprised.
According to the medical examiner, Martin was 71 inches tall. Did you just make up the "well over 6 feet tall"? Bold: Post #170.
TheRealVille Wrote:Which he said could have happened during falling to the ground. Superficial is a key word. He also said it was a very small scratch. Martin being right handed might also be key.
or that Martin was grabbing for the gun while beating him with his left hand
nky Wrote:or that Martin was grabbing for the gun while beating him with his left hand
Nope. No DNA on gun. Would you grab for the gun with your "on" hand, and hit hard enough to breaks his nose with your "off" hand?

[Image: http://bewytchme.com/wp-content/uploads/...mbody3.jpg]
Now before the judge denies the motion of the defense for dismissal of all charges and TheRealVille declares that to be another development that "rocked the world", let me submit that, in these cases, it is extremely rare for a judge to grant the defense's motion.

Why? It is easier and more proper for a judge to let the jury decide such issues. And, there is far less pressure on the judge. You will find that judges are as careful as possible to cover their own rear ends.

And, of course, in this trial which has the element of coercion trumping the evidence, the judge doesn't want to do anything to enhance the chances of her house being burned down and her loved ones maimed. Don't laugh this last sentence off. You know, and I know, and everyone else knows what often happens when minorities don't get their way. Not a politically correct statement but, indeed, an absolutely true statement.
TheRealVille Wrote:Nope. No DNA on gun. Would you grab for the gun with your "on" hand, and hit hard enough to breaks his nose with your "off" hand?
DNA transfer doesn't always happen
Quote:George Zimmerman says that Trayvon Martin knocked him down, straddled him, and was banging his head against the concrete sidewalk, then putting both hands over his nose and mouth. While squirming to ‘get his head off the sidewalk’ (how he had the composure to know that his head was close to grass, but couldn’t squirm/buck/kick to get Trayvon Martin off is beyond me, but anyway) he says that Trayvon Martin noticed the gun.
Now, the gun is black. As noted, George Zimmerman was carrying it in an inside waistband holster. Which was black. George Zimmerman was wearing it basically near his back pocket. If George Zimmerman was on his back on the ground, his body is pretty much resting on top of the gun. Check out the re-enactment video, and you’ll see that George Zimmerman reaches behind him to indicate where his gun was.

First off, please explain to me how Martin was able to see this black gun, in a black inside waistband holster, which is underneath George Zimmerman. In the dark.
Second, please tell me how the hell George Zimmerman is supposed to be able to ‘pin’ Trayvon Martin’s arm with his right arm, then with the same arm reach behind him to pull the gun out of the holster, aim, and shoot a perfect shot. Unless George Zimmerman’s right arm unhinges at the elbow, it’s physically impossible. His elbows would have to bend -out- to get to the gun – which means Trayvon Martin’s arm is no longer restrained.

This shows how is is not possible for Trayvon to be doing what George claims. This is the way he claims it happened.
[Image: http://bewytchme.com/wp-content/uploads/...mbody3.jpg]

If so…pray tell me, what was Martin doing while George Zimmerman was trying to get his gun out? At the very least he had one hand/arm free: Martin would have used his left hand to get to the gun – you’ll see pretty quickly that trying with his right arm is pretty much impossible, and even if it wasn’t, there’s no way George Zimmerman would be able to ‘pin’ the arm. So Martin had his right arm completely free even if George Zimmerman somehow kept his left arm pinned.
Notice in the reinactment he reaches behind him and not on his hip. If this is true then how did Trayvon Martin feel the gun or even reach down using his right arm to reach to his left and underneath George Zimmerman while punching him, pinching his nose and covering his mouth?

According to his own reinactment, he pulls his gun from behind and not on his side.
[Image: http://bewytchme.com/wp-content/uploads/...nact_2.jpg]
Martin had, accordingly to George Zimmerman, done the following, unprovoked: Hit him in the nose so hard he knocked him down, straddled him, banged his head repeatedly against a cement sidewalk, tried to suffocate him. But when George Zimmerman goes to get his gun out and shoot, Trayvon Martin just sits there?
And that’s before we get to the ridiculous notion of Trayvon Martin – upon seeing the gun – instead of continuing the assault or making an immediate mad scramble for the gun, decides to sit up and make a bad-ass quote before ‘taking his hand off George Zimmerman’s mouth and sliding it down his chest’. I mean, it makes no sense. Why would Trayvon Martin run his hands down George Zimmerman’s chest? The gun was behind and underneath George. Why would he say anything at all? He’d just grab the gun.
And of course we have to consider that while Trayvon Martin was supposedly straddling and pummeling George Zimmerman, George Zimmerman’s hands/arms apparently weren’t free to punch back / block / remove hands from nose/mouth etc – George Zimmerman says all he could do was squirm to get his head of the sidewalk. Which means Trayvon Martin had to have been sitting or otherwise restraining George Zimmerman’s arms with his legs.
If so….how does George Zimmerman pin Trayvon Martin’s arm, and how is he then able to get his gun out?



In the video he says he didn't know where Martin came from, but another time he said he came from behind a tree.
TheRealVille Wrote:Which he said could have happened during falling to the ground. Superficial is a key word. He also said it was a very small scratch. Martin being right handed might also be key.
by the way how long was Martin's hands left in the open before they were secured?(bagged as evidence?)
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