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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
TheRealVille Wrote:We don't know who attacked who. Zimmerman was the mma guy. Would you feel the same if you kid was followed, and killed, where he was legally allowed to walk?

I would hope all of our kids wouldnt be dope heads.
Just saying.
TheRealVille Wrote:We don't know who attacked who. Zimmerman was the mma guy. Would you feel the same if you kid was followed, and killed, where he was legally allowed to walk?

The prosecutor has to prove Zimmerman did exactly that. Hence why everyone on here knows that Zimmerman should walk. That in the eyes of any non biased person is reasonable doubt.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Your prejudice in this case is obvious, TheRealVille. You want Zimmerman guilty until proven innocent. It doesn't work that way.

Your only hope is for the jury to be coerced into finding Zimmerman guilty of manslaughter. It should bother you that the threat of destruction, looting, and mayhem is likely to decide this case.

So far, and all we are hearing are its witnesses, the prosecution has presented no effective case. You don't have to be an attorney to know that.

Our country is clearly in a state of rapid decline. If Zimmerman is found guilty because of a coerced jury, another block will be removed from the wall of freedom. But, then, I guess the trouble makers won't destroy any of our cities.

A good observation in my view Harry.

How do liberals dodge the obvious here and remain unbranded for their own 'over the top biases' and legal persecutions? The only tools they have available to them are the false accusations against the right, of racial and moral bias. I mean, the whole thing is just the goody goody two shoes argument gone nuclear. Liberals hate those extreme right wingers who think they are perfect. LOL, who are those guys? I know I've never run across them yet. Conservatives are your neighbors, your pastor, your relatives. They are those of the "Great Generation" who fought WWII, the Korean War and other conflicts around the globe. Up until the acidic daily diatribe from the democrats of our day, they used to comprise the vast majority of your local state and federally elected officials. Truly terrible folks to be sure, lol. Meanwhile the new salt of the earth crowd, are supposedly those who advocate for homosexuality, abortion rights and all manner of sin and personal behavior which clearly fly in the face of God's precepts.

Liberals hate conservatives, as they do the conservatives' predilection for honoring God with their lives. Therefore, we see the verbal and legal assault of today, on any mention of Him by institutions which are in any way funded by tax dollars which, of course, are controlled by the government. Thus the law suits demanding cessation of prayer in public schools and the removal of nativity scenes from city owned land. Before we can all turn around, liberal psychopaths will have successfully eliminated any city or state hung or purchased Christmas decorations, all the way to and including the White House Christmas tree. Easter has already been expunged from mention or activities at the "People's House", having been replaced by the spring bunny. :lame:

The Declaration of Independence states; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" In effect the liberal argument, based on the phrase "all men are created equal" is the same old lie over and over again, ad nauseum. Liberals, the original "Lost Boys", have taken the premise that we are all equal, and have tried to place all of their bad behavior under the umbrella of equal protection. Sort of the same reverse psychology they use to claim discrimination while they pass laws that discriminate on everybody except those these laws carve out special treatment for. Demanding equal rights which, are really special rights, they choose to ignore the moral implications for their behavior and deny God's authority in their lives. After all, who can argue with God? That my friends is why the liberal insists on the safe zone created by their all encompassing ideas of the separation of church and state. And, that is why they are more than willing to believe any bad press with regard to the actions of the right. Finally, that is why the left has such incredible hatred of republicans who by choice represent the concerns of their constituents and consequently the right. Not that they presently do that good of a job but, it's the best we've got for the time being.

At any rate, the Zimmerman trial has fallen out along the familiar lines of partisanship. Which in our day, boils down to the war of good versus evil. The Supreme Court has lost it's moral compass, along with the federal and many state governments. This constant fighting has little to do with the political preferences that most Americans talk about. And much more to do with the redefining our understanding of right and wrong in this land. My question would be this, on what could we even base our understanding of right and wrong if not the Word of God? I think you are right on Harry Rex, jury coercion is what all the bru ha-ha is about. I just hope there is at least one person of fiber among the jurors to guide them through a viable process and avoid the knee jerk finding as is being demanded by the left.
If all will think back, the police did not immediately charge Zimmerman with any crime. In fact, they apparently had no intention to do so concluding that the event was obviously self defense.

However, the race industry ginned up its apparatus, started crying "racist", published picture after picture of Martin as a preteen (We are still seeing them everyday.) and the authorities caved. Add to that that we quickly had Obama come out and give his biased opinion even going to the lengths of saying that, if he had a son, he would look just like Martin. Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, HLN, blacks in the US Congress, and black entertainers started yelling about "racism".

With all this, the coercion was under way and the fix was set.

On the basis of the evidence to date, the police made the right decision initially. There is no credible evidence to date that should result in Zimmerman being tried- let alone convicted. And, all that has been heard are prosecution witnesses. It is a travesty.

Nonetheless, political correctness, coercion, and the real threat of unrest, destruction, and mayhem by the minority community will likely prevail in the end. These jurors could well be so scared for their lives and the lives of their families that they will find Zimmerman guilty of something.

And therein, fellow posters, lies the true tragedy. If that is the outcome Lady Justice will again lose out to chaos and our country will die just a bit more.
No Zimmerman DNA on Martin's hands, or under his fingernails. Could Zimmerman have been lying, and self inflicted those wounds?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If all will think back, the police did not immediately charge Zimmerman with any crime. In fact, they apparently had no intention to do so concluding that the event was obviously self defense.

However, the race industry ginned up its apparatus, started crying "racist", published picture after picture of Martin as a preteen (We are still seeing them everyday.) and the authorities caved. Add to that that we quickly had Obama come out and give his biased opinion even going to the lengths of saying that, if he had a son, he would look just like Martin. Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, HLN, blacks in the US Congress, and black entertainers started yelling about "racism".

With all this, the coercion was under way and the fix was set.

On the basis of the evidence to date, the police made the right decision initially. There is no credible evidence to date that should result in Zimmerman being tried- let alone convicted. And, all that has been heard are prosecution witnesses. It is a travesty.

Nonetheless, political correctness, coercion, and the real threat of unrest, destruction, and mayhem by the minority community will likely prevail in the end. These jurors could well be so scared for their lives and the lives of their families that they will find Zimmerman guilty of something.

And therein, fellow posters, lies the true tragedy. If that is the outcome Lady Justice will again lose out to chaos and our country will die just a bit more.
Maybe after looking deeper into they decided to press charges? Do they always arrest someone immediately?
TheRealVille Wrote:No Zimmerman DNA on Martin's hands, or under his fingernails. Could Zimmerman have been lying, and self inflicted those wounds?
:hilarious: So Zimmerman beat up Martin, despite eye-witness testimony and then banged his own head into the pavement and bloodied his own nose. All while risking being seen by a witness? That is quite an imagination you have there, RV - or is this just a regurgitation of somebody else' idiotic theory?
TheRealVille Wrote:No Zimmerman DNA on Martin's hands, or under his fingernails. Could Zimmerman have been lying, and self inflicted those wounds?

You supporters of Martin are grasping at straws. As has been explained by qualified witnesses, it was raining, the ground was wet, and DNA, if any, could easily have washed off or wiped off.

Remember, a criminal trial under our system places the burden of proof squarely on the prosecution, It must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each and every juror. The defense isn't required to prove anything. Does anyone other than all the black attorneys, black trial "experts", black talk show hosts, black commentators, black celebrities, and black investigators who appear over and over on MSNBC, HLN, and CNN really believe that the prosecution has remotely proven its case? Be honest.

On the other hand, this is not a normal criminal case under our system. This is a race injected criminal case. Thus, all the accepted and revered rules of law, laws of evidence, and laws of procedure probably don't apply. In this case, for the physical safety and welfare of the community, Zimmerman must be found guilty of something significant. This coercion outweighs any goal to reach a just verdict.

Even the judge has bent over backwards to rule in favor of the prosecution concerning procedural matters. That should never happen. When in dispute, the court always defers to the of the accused. That is how our system works and it helps assure that there are not grounds for an appeal. Innocent until proven guilty. Although it does set up matters upon which the defense can appeal, it does, at least, increase the chances that the judge's house won't be vandalized later.

This post is not politically correct. It is entirely the truth.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe after looking deeper into they decided to press charges? Do they always arrest someone immediately?

The "deep look" was entirely caused by the political pressure from the Sharptons of the world. If Martin were Caucasian and Zimmerman were black, no one would be aware of this matter because there would have been no indictment.

Lady Justice is no longer blind folded. She has been forced to become politically correct.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You supporters of Martin are grasping at straws. As has been explained by qualified witnesses, it was raining, the ground was wet, and DNA, if any, could easily have washed off or wiped off.

Remember, a criminal trial under our system places the burden of proof squarely on the prosecution, It must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each and every juror. The defense isn't required to prove anything. Does anyone other than all the black attorneys, black trial "experts", black talk show hosts, black commentators, black celebrities, and black investigators who appear over and over on MSNBC, HLN, and CNN really believe that the prosecution has remotely proven its case? Be honest.

On the other hand, this is not a normal criminal case under our system. This is a race injected criminal case. Thus, all the accepted and revered rules of law, laws of evidence, and laws of procedure probably don't apply. In this case, for the physical safety and welfare of the community, Zimmerman must be found guilty of something significant. This coercion outweighs any goal to reach a just verdict.

Even the judge has bent over backwards to rule in favor of the prosecution concerning procedural matters. That should never happen. When in dispute, the court always defers to the of the accused. That is how our system works and it helps assure that there are not grounds for an appeal. Innocent until proven guilty. Although it does set up matters upon which the defense can appeal, it does, at least, increase the chances that the judge's house won't be vandalized later.

This post is not politically correct. It is entirely the truth.
Zimmerman has been caught in several lies. I think that will lay heavy on the jurors.
TheRealVille Wrote:Zimmerman has been caught in several lies. I think that will lay heavy on the jurors.

"Lies" is a bit strong. Anyone experienced in this area will tell you that, if the accused tells his story over and over with no variations, that is much more of a concern than if there are what amount to minor deviations.

And, even if he were actually lying, that isn't remotely sufficient to assign second degree murder guilt or manslaughter guilt on him.

Remember, the prosecution must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each juror. What is a reasonable doubt? That, in reality, is left up to each individual juror.

As a Martin cheerleader, your only hope is that the jurors will be coerced by fear of lawless retribution to go against the overwhelming weight of the evidence and use Zimmerman as a scapegoat.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:"Lies" is a bit strong. Anyone experienced in this area will tell you that, if the accused tells his story over and over with no variations, that is much more of a concern than if there are what amount to minor deviations.

And, even if he were actually lying, that isn't remotely sufficient to assign second degree murder guilt or manslaughter guilt on him.

Remember, the prosecution must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each juror. What is a reasonable doubt? That, in reality, is left up to each individual juror.

As a Martin cheerleader, your only hope is that the jurors will be coerced by fear of lawless retribution to go against the overwhelming weight of the evidence and use Zimmerman as a scapegoat.
I'm not a Martin cheerleader, I just don't allow party lines to sway me into accepting that a killer goes free for killing another "thug". Zimmerman stalked a guy he had no business stalking, confronted him while he was legally walking where he was allowed, and shot Martin. Martin might have busted his nose beforehand, but wasn't he allowed to "stand his ground"? Do you think a good old ass kicking warrants deadly force? Although, I don't think someone trained in MMA style fighting had much danger of getting his ass kicked to the deadly force point anyway. Most here are following party lines, on a non party issue, although they will never admit it.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not a Martin cheerleader, I just don't allow party lines to sway me into accepting that a killer goes free for killing another "thug". Zimmerman stalked a guy he had no business stalking, confronted him while he was legally walking where he was allowed, and shot Martin. Martin might have busted his nose beforehand, but wasn't he allowed to "stand his ground"? Do you think a good old ass kicking warrants deadly force? Although, I don't think someone trained in MMA style fighting had much danger of getting his ass kicked to the deadly force point anyway. Most here are following party lines, on a non party issue, although they will never admit it.
according to FLA law - yes. Zimmerman felt his life was threated and he choose a deadly legal option
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not a Martin cheerleader, I just don't allow party lines to sway me into accepting that a killer goes free for killing another "thug". Zimmerman stalked a guy he had no business stalking, confronted him while he was legally walking where he was allowed, and shot Martin. Martin might have busted his nose beforehand, but wasn't he allowed to "stand his ground"? Do you think a good old ass kicking warrants deadly force? Although, I don't think someone trained in MMA style fighting had much danger of getting his ass kicked to the deadly force point anyway. Most here are following party lines, on a non party issue, although they will never admit it.
Yes, you are a Martin cheerleader and have been since Obama set the example for you to follow because you are an Obama cheerleader for no apparent reason. This case was nationalized by Obama and the media for political purposes. You are right that this should not be a party issue but you will never admit that is exactly what it is to you.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not a Martin cheerleader, I just don't allow party lines to sway me into accepting that a killer goes free for killing another "thug". Zimmerman stalked a guy he had no business stalking, confronted him while he was legally walking where he was allowed, and shot Martin. Martin might have busted his nose beforehand, but wasn't he allowed to "stand his ground"? Do you think a good old ass kicking warrants deadly force? Although, I don't think someone trained in MMA style fighting had much danger of getting his ass kicked to the deadly force point anyway. Most here are following party lines, on a non party issue, although they will never admit it.

Read your post. Your entire analysis is subjective and biased. You have no grasp whatsoever of what has been offered in court. In an honest trial, you don't convict by innuendo and what if and maybe. The only real issue here is whether justice from the submitted facts will win or whether coercion will win. I still fear it will be the latter.

And, by the way, what does party lines" have to do with any of this? Do you see everything as Republican vs. Democrat or liberal vs. conservative?

The facts, something you seem unable to comprehend, are that the prosecution has called almost all of its witnesses and it has not remotely, as required by law, proven its case.
I look at it like this .

I live in a small holler where everyone basically knows everyone . I have only lied in this part of Martin for a year but were like family. When one persons family is gone we check on the dogs keep them fed and try to keep an eye on things. We get tons of atv and four wheelin people 24/7 because where less than 1/4 mile from a gas station and the entrance to old strip mines. If I see someone outside of a neighbors house after dark hooded and walking the road I have and will continue to ask what there doing and If I can help them in some way. I do not carry a firearm but after what happened to me at milo lake last night that will never happen again. Even though I engaged the confrontation with someone I labeled suspicious an do not know. If they start to kick my ass and I feel threatened I would use and force necessary to save myself.

As for milo. Me and my wife was held at gun point at milo lake because a bunch of guys wanted our fishing poles and cash. Never again will i feel so helpless and unable to protect my wife or family. I have always been so so on the gun issue but this changed my mind completely. It took 43 minutes from the time we called 911 for a deputy arrive and take our statements.

It's embarrassing, to know I didn't protect my wife and was at the mercy of these guys. My father done gave me a 357 an I'm going to get my concealed carry permit as soon as possible. There's nothing like having a gun pointed at you by a criminal and feeling helpless.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I look at it like this .

I live in a small holler where everyone basically knows everyone . I have only lied in this part of Martin for a year but were like family. When one persons family is gone we check on the dogs keep them fed and try to keep an eye on things. We get tons of atv and four wheelin people 24/7 because where less than 1/4 mile from a gas station and the entrance to old strip mines. If I see someone outside of a neighbors house after dark hooded and walking the road I have and will continue to ask what there doing and If I can help them in some way. I do not carry a firearm but after what happened to me at milo lake last night that will never happen again. Even though I engaged the confrontation with someone I labeled suspicious an do not know. If they start to kick my ass and I feel threatened I would use and force necessary to save myself.

As for milo. Me and my wife was held at gun point at milo lake because a bunch of guys wanted our fishing poles and cash. Never again will i feel so helpless and unable to protect my wife or family. I have always been so so on the gun issue but this changed my mind completely. It took 43 minutes from the time we called 911 for a deputy arrive and take our statements.

It's embarrassing, to know I didn't protect my wife and was at the mercy of these guys. My father done gave me a 357 an I'm going to get my concealed carry permit as soon as possible. There's nothing like having a gun pointed at you by a criminal and feeling helpless.
I am glad to hear that you and your wife made it through that ordeal unscathed. I have always been s strong advocate of the Second Amendment, but like you I do not carry a gun. Getting a concealed carry permit and becoming proficient with a handgun is on my bucket list and it just moved up the list a few places. I lived in Jackson, Mississippi for a year without becoming a victim but I was just lucky. I normally stick to safe neighborhoods but crime can happen anywhere at anytime and we should all be as prepared to deal with it as possible.
Under Florida law, Zimmerman had a legal right to carry a gun. Also, keep in mind that he headed his neighborhood watch. Regardless of what the prosecution implies, and their efforts are poor, he had that vitally important "cloak of authority".

I do have a concealed carry permit and I carry it, and my firearm, with responsibility and purpose.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Under Florida law, Zimmerman had a legal right to carry a gun. Also, keep in mind that he headed his neighborhood watch. Regardless of what the prosecution implies, and their efforts are poor, he had that vitally important "cloak of authority".

I do have a concealed carry permit and I carry it, and my firearm, with responsibility and purpose.
Self appointed. Self appointed.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You supporters of Martin are grasping at straws. As has been explained by qualified witnesses, it was raining, the ground was wet, and DNA, if any, could easily have washed off or wiped off.

Remember, a criminal trial under our system places the burden of proof squarely on the prosecution, It must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each and every juror. The defense isn't required to prove anything. Does anyone other than all the black attorneys, black trial "experts", black talk show hosts, black commentators, black celebrities, and black investigators who appear over and over on MSNBC, HLN, and CNN really believe that the prosecution has remotely proven its case? Be honest.

On the other hand, this is not a normal criminal case under our system. This is a race injected criminal case. Thus, all the accepted and revered rules of law, laws of evidence, and laws of procedure probably don't apply. In this case, for the physical safety and welfare of the community, Zimmerman must be found guilty of something significant. This coercion outweighs any goal to reach a just verdict.

Even the judge has bent over backwards to rule in favor of the prosecution concerning procedural matters. That should never happen. When in dispute, the court always defers to the of the accused. That is how our system works and it helps assure that there are not grounds for an appeal. Innocent until proven guilty. Although it does set up matters upon which the defense can appeal, it does, at least, increase the chances that the judge's house won't be vandalized later.

This post is not politically correct. It is entirely the truth.

nky Wrote:according to FLA law - yes. Zimmerman felt his life was threated and he choose a deadly legal option

Hoot Gibson Wrote::hilarious: So Zimmerman beat up Martin, despite eye-witness testimony and then banged his own head into the pavement and bloodied his own nose. All while risking being seen by a witness? That is quite an imagination you have there, RV - or is this just a regurgitation of somebody else' idiotic theory?

If a right handed Martin hit Zimmerman so hard as to break his nose, why wasn't there any injury whatsoever to his hands, no bruising, contusions, lacerations, nothing other than a very small, unidentifiable scratch on one of his pinkys?
^ Would it be the first time someone killed someone and tried to make it look like it was the other's fault? I don't find it odd that you guys offer Zimmerman the right to defend himself, but don't offer the same to Martin, if it even happened.
The mother rocked their world today. A jury will believe that a mother knows her sons voice, and cries. It also shakes Zimmerman's account that Martin was attacking him.
TheRealVille Wrote:The mother rocked their world today. A jury will believe that a mother knows her sons voice, and cries. It also shakes Zimmerman's account that Martin was attacking him.

So they should just believe the mother and not evidence and the fact that it couldn't be determined who it was? Zimmermans father claims it was his son.

Your innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around. Surely I you killed someone in self defense ville you would want them to use evidence and not base it on the mothers ears. You wouldn't want people to know the guy you killed has had drug issues and recent problems. The media labeled him a killer from day one, the same way they would do you if you killed a minority in self defense. Surely you would want a fair trial if it was you
Wildcatk23 Wrote:So they should just believe the mother and not evidence and the fact that it couldn't be determined who it was? Zimmermans father claims it was his son.

Your innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around. Surely I you killed someone in self defense ville you would want them to use evidence and not base it on the mothers ears. You wouldn't want people to know the guy you killed has had drug issues and recent problems. The media labeled him a killer from day one, the same way they would do you if you killed a minority in self defense. Surely you would want a fair trial if it was you
Did you miss that Martin had no nothing on his hands? No bruising, cuts, contusions, abrasions, nothing. Nothing consistent with punching Zimmerman, especially at the force it would take to break his nose. Nothing under his nails consistent with grabbing, and pounding his head. Zimmerman has been caught in lies several times in the time since the killing. Did you miss that Zimmerman trains in MMA stye fighting?

Don't take your thing last night as proof that Martin was in the wrong, and Zimmerman innocent. Zimmerman was the stalker.
^ To add, I'll never kill anyone in self defense after following them through the neighborhood. If they aren't on my property, they are safe. If I see someone in my neighborhood that I think is suspicious looking, I'll call the police and let them handle it. Once they step on my property, and I feel threatened, they better have good burial insurance.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you miss that Martin had no nothing on his hands? No bruising, cuts, contusions, abrasions, nothing. Nothing consistent with punching Zimmerman, especially at the force it would take to break his nose. Nothing under his nails consistent with grabbing, and pounding his head. Zimmerman has been caught in lies several times in the time since the killing. Did you miss that Zimmerman trains in MMA stye fighting?

Don't take your thing last night as proof that Martin was in the wrong, and Zimmerman innocent. Zimmerman was the stalker.

blasting someone in the nose may not leave marks on your hand. just saying
nky Wrote:blasting someone in the nose may not leave marks on your hand. just saying
Yes, it does. It will, at least, bruise some. If you hit someone hard enough to break their nose, your hand will show signs of it. They will not come away unscathed.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, it does. It will, at least, bruise some.
:dontthink had my far share of "run ins" while having parties in college. Marks were not always left on my hands
Correct me if I am wrong, but was it not a witness called by the prosecution who testified that Martin was straddling Zimmerman and delivering a beating to the defendant? If so, you have concluded that the most likely way that Zimmerman got his bloodied was that he did it to himself? Is that correct?
TheRealVille Wrote:The mother rocked their world today. A jury will believe that a mother knows her sons voice, and cries. It also shakes Zimmerman's account that Martin was attacking him.

Good grief. Ms. Fulton "rocked the world"? Look, TheRealVille, the only way she would have "rocked the world" is if she had admitted that it was not her son's voice.

A pre-elementary knowledge of evidence would surely make anyone aware that certain witnesses lack real credibility because their testimony is self serving and biased. Ms. Fulton, being the mother, is at the top of that list.

Did you, or anyone else with an IQ over 50, really expect her to say anything different. Of course not.

Now, did she have any reason to "stretch" the truth? Absolutely. First, she wants Zimmerman found guilty for the death of her son. Second, don't doubt that a wrongful death case is being planned. She has both a personal interest and a pecuniary interest.

It takes no genius, or even dullard, to figure this one out. Nonetheless, there is still the coercion factor and it will, sadly, win out over the evidence.
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