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Key Obamacare provision delayed
The requirement that businesses provide their workers with health insurance or face fines – a key provision contained in President Barack Obama's sweeping health care law – will be delayed by one year, the Treasury Department said Tuesday.
The postponement came after business owners expressed concerns about the complexity of the law’s reporting requirements, the agency said in its announcement. Under the Affordable Care Act, businesses employing 50 or more full-time workers that don't provide them health insurance will be penalized
Well I guess that's one way to try and take this issue off the 2014 midterms
nky Wrote:Well I guess that's one way to try and take this issue off the 2014 midterms

You got it. See, we are all about equal protection in this country as long as that means liberals can run over the rest of the people who don't agree with them about things like tenets of their cherished social justice agenda. For example, the argument they offer to justify legalizing gay marriage is based on a falsified representation of equality of rights. And yet, when it comes to ObamaCare, equal protection was just flushed by Obama High Priestess Valerie Jarrett who said in a blog post that the administration decided on the delay so officials could simplify reporting requirements and give employers a chance to adjust their health-care coverage.

So, equal protection is no big deal where small business owners are given a hiatus until 2015 to provide insurance for their employees or face a 2,000 dollar a head fine for failing to do so. In the meantime, the individual mandate is still in effect. Which means individuals must buy insurance, though nobody really knows where, or face the reality of paying a penalty. Which according to the schedule on the Obamacare Individual Mandate
Tax Compliance Form

L. Penalty.
"To calculate this number,
first multiply your adjusted gross income
by 2.5%. If this number is bigger
than $695 (single), $1390 (family with
two persons), or $2085 (family with
three or more persons), pay this higher
number. If the dollar figure listed here
is bigger, pay that dollar figure. Prorate
by the number of months you did
not enroll in an affordable, qualifying
health insurance plan."
The penalty could be in excess of 2,085 dollars. So, it's another year of wine and roses for small business, and the rest of you buggers can just knuckle down and pay. But, like Bill Clinton before him, Mr Obama feels your pain and really cares deeply for the plight of the middle class. He stays up late at night fretting over the letters he's gotten from elementary school kids and hard working Americans from all over the nation. :please:

When it comes to wining an election or staying in power the dems will tell any lie or pull any shenanigan they must to succeed.
nky Wrote:Well I guess that's one way to try and take this issue off the 2014 midterms

You hit the nail on the head, nky. That is exactly why the delay was made an, of course, why it was announced on the day before a holiday. Our problem is that the natives are out buying fireworks, hot dogs, and watermelons and anything else is way over their heads.
Liberals will claim that Republicans in the House refused to fund Obamacare and plead with voters to give the a majority in the House so that they can spend whatever it takes to prevent old people and children from dying by the evil Republicans who are trying to deny them healthcare. The media will do their part to sell that narrative by picking out a few pitiful examples of children and old people who they will claim cannot take advantage of the wonderful features of Obamacare because of the scrooges who run the House.

I am sure that RV will be able to articulate the Obamunists' talking points better than I have as soon as he gets them. The sheeple who worship at Obama's feet will be repeating the lies that I have predicted above very soon. They will kick off the campaign on the Sunday talk shows. However, if the polls and focus groups show that even the fools that support Obama are not falling for the lies, then the Deputy Secretary of Treasury who announced the delay will take the fall.
Obama lead everyone to believe that he was concerned about the health of the poor and uninsured, that Obamacare was the best way to give everyone access to health care. I wonder how the poor and uninsured feel about being put off for another year just so his democratic comrades may have a better chance of winning in 2014.
Old School Wrote:Obama lead everyone to believe that he was concerned about the health of the poor and uninsured, that Obamacare was the best way to give everyone access to health care. I wonder how the poor and uninsured feel about being put off for another year just so his democratic comrades may have a better chance of winning in 2014.

It isn't about the common good any longer. It is about clever deceit and the chicanery necessary to gain control of the congress so as to be able to run over the then outnumbered republicans to advance the liberal agenda. This new nemesis is by far the most deadly foe freedom loving Americans have ever faced.
lol, I just laugh at all this anymore.
This administration, in no way, can be taken seriously.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You hit the nail on the head, nky. That is exactly why the delay was made an, of course, why it was announced on the day before a holiday. Our problem is that the natives are out buying fireworks, hot dogs, and watermelons and anything else is way over their heads.
Better yet it was announced on a blog from the Treasury Department:biglmao:
We have enough lawyers in Washington
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liberals will claim that Republicans in the House refused to fund Obamacare and plead with voters to give the a majority in the House so that they can spend whatever it takes to prevent old people and children from dying by the evil Republicans who are trying to deny them healthcare. The media will do their part to sell that narrative by picking out a few pitiful examples of children and old people who they will claim cannot take advantage of the wonderful features of Obamacare because of the scrooges who run the House.

I am sure that RV will be able to articulate the Obamunists' talking points better than I have as soon as he gets them. The sheeple who worship at Obama's feet will be repeating the lies that I have predicted above very soon. They will kick off the campaign on the Sunday talk shows. However, if the polls and focus groups show that even the fools that support Obama are not falling for the lies, then the Deputy Secretary of Treasury who announced the delay will take the fall.

the republicans have tried to defund obamacare they have voted I believe 42 times to throw it out where in the hell have you been we just had an election over this
vector Wrote:the republicans have tried to defund obamacare they have voted I believe 42 times to throw it out where in the hell have you been we just had an election over this
Tried is the operative word. The majority of Americans have been opposed to and remain opposed to Obamacare. House Republicans are doing what they were elected to do. Why do Democrats in the Senate refuse to do the right thing - in accordance with the majority of Americans' will? Obamacare is the law of the land, it was passed and signed into law with no Republican votes, and Obama swore to faithfully execute American laws. By what right has he decided not to enforce the law of the land for political purposes?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Tried is the operative word. The majority of Americans have been opposed to and remain opposed to Obamacare. House Republicans are doing what they were elected to do. Why do Democrats in the Senate refuse to do the right thing - in accordance with the majority of Americans' will? Obamacare is the law of the land, it was passed and signed into law with no Republican votes, and Obama swore to faithfully execute American laws. By what right has he decided not to enforce the law of the land for political purposes?

same thing can be said about raising taxs on the well to do why won't the republicans in the house do it the overwhelming majority of the people want this we can do this all day if it was up to me which I know it is not I would put my effort into trying to overturn roe vs wade instead of obamcare but if you did just so happen to overturn it you just lost one of your bullets for your next election which is already getting smaller then that just leaves you with giving all the money to the rich and hope it will trickle down which we all knows it does not work and gun control
vector Wrote:same thing can be said about raising taxs on the well to do why won't the republicans in the house do it the overwhelming majority of the people want this we can do this all day if it was up to me which I know it is not I would put my effort into trying to overturn roe vs wade instead of obamcare but if you did just so happen to overturn it you just lost one of your bullets for your next election which is already getting smaller then that just leaves you with giving all the money to the rich and hope it will trickle down which we all knows it does not work and gun control
Buy a period, vector. That is one of the worst written posts that I have ever read on here and you have written some very bad ones in the past. You are embarrassing those who tried to teach you English.

As to the content of your stream of consciousness post, if raising taxes yet again was so popular, then Obama would not be postponing the enforcement of the employer mandate in Obamacare for the purpose of getting more Democrats elected to the House and Max Baucus would not have resigned from the Senate because of what he described as the coming trainwreck of Obamacare. If Obama wants to raise taxes again, then he should raise them on those who are too lazy to work. Obamacare is a tax and it is a very unpopular tax.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Buy a period, vector. That is one of the worst written posts that I have ever read on here and you have written some very bad ones in the past. You are embarrassing those who tried to teach you English.

As to the content of your stream of consciousness post, if raising taxes yet again was so popular, then Obama would not be postponing the enforcement of the employer mandate in Obamacare for the purpose of getting more Democrats elected to the House and Max Baucus would not have resigned from the Senate because of what he described as the coming trainwreck of Obamacare. If Obama wants to raise taxes again, then he should raise them on those who are too lazy to work. Obamacare is a tax and it is a very unpopular tax.

duck dodge and spin that's you at your best
vector Wrote:duck dodge and spin that's you at your best
You're not even good sidekick material, vector.
vector Wrote:same thing can be said about raising taxs on the well to do why won't the republicans in the house do it the overwhelming majority of the people want this we can do this all day if it was up to me which I know it is not I would put my effort into trying to overturn roe vs wade instead of obamcare but if you did just so happen to overturn it you just lost one of your bullets for your next election which is already getting smaller then that just leaves you with giving all the money to the rich and hope it will trickle down which we all knows it does not work and gun control
:hilarious: Is this the "new" English to go with the new math?
This is a great analysis of the impact that the delay of enforcing the employer mandate of Obamacare will have. Democrats may be able to grab a few more seats in the 2014 elections or they may not - but eventually the party that sought to destroy the world's best healthcare system will be held accountable.

Quote:Health care reform: The great unraveling

The Obama administration’s decision this week to delay implementation of the health insurance mandate for businesses with 50 or more employees is no small matter. In fact, removing the mandate could lead to the unraveling of the entire law — if not in actual public policy terms, at least in public opinion.
I have a confession to make. Four years ago, when I was making my first arguments against the looming threat of the new administration’s health care reform plans, several of my blue-collar-worker patients with poor or no health insurance told me they were happy about the potential law because they thought it meant they would be covered and would be able to see a physician free of worry.

Four years later, these same patients are not happy. They are not bragging about the new law. They are not saying, “I told you so.”

What they are doing instead is complaining their premiums have risen too high, or that the coverage they anticipate getting looks too complex , or that they expect to lose their employer-based health insurance at any time and be made a part-time employee. Many are worried they will no longer be able to afford the plans their bosses are offering and fear being compelled to seek coverage on the state exchanges, where the policies could be impossible to afford.

Read more:
Desperation is mother of more than just invention and liberals are desperate. In this case she has been the mother of revelation. Tonto has had to come out of the closet just a little more than usual of late and it's because of the over (mind if I add a space here?) whelming and ever growing mountain of incriminating evidence of wrongdoing. Since liberals and truth are such strange bedfellows, I have always believed no amount of it would ever cause liberals to change their minds and espouse any of the conservative principles of their parents. Debating them to the point where they would in any way graciously concede a conservative point is therefore an unrealistic expectation. They aren't interested in the truth. Only the drumbeat of the 'DNC Ministry of Truth' will scratch their itching ears.

Like the daddies of the moral revolution of the 60's before them, today's liberal lives to see the destruction of traditional America at any price. Engaging in rebellion for the sake of rebellion, with no goal in mind other than rampant immorality and other forms of decadence as far as I can ascertain. They therefore prefer to believe a lie over the truth because after all, they hate truth. How do I know this to be true? Opposition and derision are the only things they live for. The perfect example of the type of behavior we can expect was demonstrated during the Occupy Wall Street movement. To say these guys were acting like animals is to understate the situation greatly. But past that, think of the Billions that have been spent to attack our traditional moral system of law in the courts. Emanating from the well spring of liberal contempt for our Creator, comes a relentless stream of law suits, to challenge any mention of the Christmas holiday, Easter, and the right of Christian religious expression in any fashion outside of Church walls. I really believe this is why the IRS launched their assault on the Billy Graham Crusades Ministry. They like to go to arenas, stadiums and other huge public venues to preach the Word of God. Liberals don't like that, they want them to stay back in the churches where the public won't be so tempted to go hear a sermon.

Liberals got their big toe in the door in 1947 when the SCOTUS rendered the boneheaded decision that government funded school buses could not drop kids off who needed a ride to private schools which had any sort of ties to the church. From there we see the exponential expansion of invasive rulings meant to uphold the ACLU's novel and erroneous interpretation of the concept of the separation of church and state. These rulings deprive Americans of their rights daily and, thanks to the ever widening scope of this dubious cancer of separation, the list of rights falling victim to this scourge grows daily. And FTR, the dishwater weak argument dreamed up in order to fortify the liberal position on separation, was retro-engineered from the court decision backwards to the Danbury Baptist letter, not vice versa. Tragically these days, it is illegal to make any mention of God in school. No ten commandments on hallway walls. No prayer before sporting events.

No nativity scenes on public property either. BTW, if the property is public, how come less that 1% of those joint owners can dictate to the other 99 that their town can't celebrate Christmas and put up a nativity scene in a park? The thought police are on constant patrol looking to come down on any who would dare to mention God from a government agency or any institutions they may happen to fund from time to time. Yet they discriminate and are guilty of bias even in their pursuit to regulate religion. As their efforts are aimed at only one of the many religious groups in America they like to talk about so much. It is only the Christian that must endure the liberal's laser on his back. Any other religious groups including Jeremiah Wright and the Black Panthers are a-ok with them. I for one, am fine with the assault on the church because scripture is full of warnings and instruction about what the Christian response is supposed to be. 2014 would be an excellent time for the church make themselves heard again.

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