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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:This is all ridiculous. Rachel is a human being and is deserving of the respect that we should afford all human beings as, in most of our eyes, God's creation.

However, the attempts of the liberal media to paint her as something that she is clearly not is insulting. For whatever reason(s), and we all have our opinions, Rachel is not an intelligent, gifted, model citizen with great potential. She is much, much closer to the opposite. You can blame the government education system, you can blame poverty, you can blame racism, or you can blame George W. Bush. However, the reality is that she is what she is and that is it.

I took Spanish, French, German, and Latin in high school and/or college. Does that, along with English, make me fluent in five languages since I know a number words and phrases in all five languages? Of course not.

To be honest, a missing commodity in the media, intellectually Rachel isn't fluent in anything. She can neither read nor write cursively. We don't really know about her ability, if any, with printing. Sadly, her appearance and demeanor fit the stereotype that many have of many in the minority community. The media knows this and is going to dishonest lengths to "rehabilitate" her to make her appear to be what she clearly is not.That is wrong. Rachel is what she appears to be. Nothing more and nothing less. She deserves our respect as a fellow human being but does not deserve a complete makeover into what the liberal media wishes she were. In the end, it is really demeaning to Rachel and an insult to the rest of us.

The media goes to extraordinarily dishonest lengths to rehabilitate or otherwise habilitate the cause of the day. Whether that be to support and justify the continued pursuit of Gay rights, abortion on demand or whatever seems to be the immediate liberal focus. Or on the other hand, whether that be going to like lengths to excoriate anybody on the right who would dare to publicly advocate adherence or return to our traditional values.

Consider this abbreviated book report for just a few minutes. {copied}

"In George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Ministry of Truth is Oceania's propaganda ministry. It is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. The word truth in the title Ministry of Truth should warn, by definition, that the "minister" will self-serve its own "truth"; the title implies the willful fooling of posterity using "historical" archives to show "in fact" what "really" happened. As well as administering truth, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, truth is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants.

It is one of the four ministries that govern Oceania. However, as with the other Ministries in the novel, the Ministry of Truth is a misnomer and in reality serves the opposite of its purported namesake.

I would venture to make the observation that the media of our time, are evolving into an entity which more closely resembles Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" rather than reporting the truth. In fact, I know for sure that they slant the news pro liberal and anti conservative. People therefore, who choose to listen to the message, or ministry, are willful subjects of the propaganda being shoved at them on a daily basis. People want to be lied to these days; 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Many politicians are guilty of parroting the liberal message as well, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, McCain (and the rest of the RINOS), Schultz, Conyers, Jackson, the list is replete. The media partnered with the three branches of the federal government, make a formidable platform from which today's liberal propaganda is delivered. It is the one two punch to end all punches, the mother of one two punches, the pied piper of one two punches, call it what you will. The masses are opiated by it and America has become undeniably the laughing stock of the world because of it. I mean, here we are with a president that makes personal phone calls to pro athletes for coming out of the closet, simultaneously giving global honor to Islam. While all those who really are adherents of Islam, dream of drawing a bead on him with their hood ornament for espousing homosexuality, which their religion teaches them to hate. When the likes of Ethiopia thumb their nose at us with impunity and no fear, even those aboard the ship of fools sailing the placid waters of Lake La-La, should be able to guess that something might be wrong here.
Keep in mind that the prosecution must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, to each and every juror that Zimmerman is guilty of each and every element of the crime for which he is being tried,

Zimmerman is not required to prove his innocence. Being found "not guilty" is not the same as being found "innocent". Our system does not require the proof of "innocence" but only that the accused not be found "guilty".

So far, the prosecution has offered proof of very little, if anything. And, you should keep in mind that all these witnesses so far are witnesses for the prosecution.

I believe the prosecution knows it has a weak case, at best, but is depending upon "outside influences" to get a verdict in its favor. I still feel that the prosecution will be successful. After all, burning buildings, looting, and general mayhem are the unspoken elements in this trial.

Justice vs. Coercion? Guess which wins in present day politically correct America? The answer should be obvious to all of us. Of course, I could be wrong.
I hope you ARE wrong; however, I do not believe that true justice exists anymore in our judicial system.

I apologize to you and all the other lawyers; this is just my opinion.
I find it odd....., not, that republicans here are taking up for someone that followed, and killed someone after the police told him not to follow him. I also don't find it odd that you don't allow Treyvon to "stand his ground" to defend himself against somone stalking him. Don't shout that justice bullshit, because everybody knows, your guy hearts included, that it's a race, or partisan thing. If it was the other way around, you would be calling for Treyvon's head.
I don't think he's guilty but that's just me . Just from everything I have put together .

I didn't hear Zimmerman call Martin any racist or derogatory words. While Martin called Zimmerman a cracker?

On a different side zimmermans injuries are hardly life threatening as he explained the fight. Who knows .
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I don't think he's guilty but that's just me . Just from everything I have put together .

I didn't hear Zimmerman call Martin any racist or derogatory words. While Martin called Zimmerman a cracker?

On a different side zimmermans injuries are hardly life threatening as he explained the fight. Who knows .

You don't think he's guilty of following and killing someone?
TheRealVille Wrote:I find it odd....., not, that republicans here are taking up for someone that followed, and killed someone after the police told him not to follow him. I also don't find it odd that you don't allow Treyvon to "stand his ground" to defend himself against somone stalking him. Don't shout that justice bullshit, because everybody knows, your guy hearts included, that it's a race, or partisan thing. If it was the other way around, you would be calling for Treyvon's head.

My opinion about justice stands with or without the Treyvon Martin case.

The police actually told Zimmerman that they didn't need him to follow Martin. They did not order Zimmerman down.

Whether you believe this or not, it's not a race thing with me. I am neither Hispanic or Black and I have no idea what happened.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I don't think he's guilty but that's just me . Just from everything I have put together .

I didn't hear Zimmerman call Martin any racist or derogatory words. While Martin called Zimmerman a cracker?

On a different side zimmermans injuries are hardly life threatening as he explained the fight. Who knows .

You don't think he's guilty of following and killing someone? It's fact that Zimmerman stalked him after police told him not to. Another thing i don't find odd in racist BGR is this thread wasn't named "Do you think justice will be done for Treyvon's death?"
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't think he's guilty of following and killing someone?

Yep, he followed and shot Martin.

Actions this serious are never this cut and dry.
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't think he's guilty of following and killing someone? It's fact that Zimmerman stalked him after police told him not to. Another thing i don't find odd in racist BGR is this thread wasn't named "Do you think justice will be done for Treyvon's death?"

The police never said that.
Granny Bear Wrote:Yep, he followed and shot Martin.

Actions this serious are never this cut and dry.

After the police told him not to. Zimmerman was caught in a lie, saying Martin jumped out of bushes and attacked him. There are no bushes there. He also said Martin raised up and said "you got me", after he was shot in the heart, which is unbelievable in it's self, not counting that Matin was found face down. Irregardless if Martin was beating him up, he was defending himself against a stalker,( while walking where he was allowed to,)that ended up killing him.
TheRealVille Wrote:I find it odd....., not, that republicans here are taking up for someone that followed, and killed someone after the police told him not to follow him. I also don't find it odd that you don't allow Treyvon to "stand his ground" to defend himself against somone stalking him. Don't shout that justice bullshit, because everybody knows, your guy hearts included, that it's a race, or partisan thing. If it was the other way around, you would be calling for Treyvon's head.

I find it odd, as I have since this thing happened, that you suppose yourself to be in a position to make judgments about guilt or innocence in this case. IN FLORIDA, lol. I also find it odd that you refuse to honor many of the facts, one of which glares through big time. The Seminole County Sheriff has jurisdiction in this matter. They initially found that Zimmerman had legally self defended himself under the provisions of the "Stand Your Ground" law. It was only when liberals inside and outside of the media and so-called preachers, started to butt their noses into the matter from as far away as California no less, that the Sheriff was somehow compelled to reopen the case. The pressure brought to bear on law enforcement ought to be unconstitutional of itself.

You really need to give your accusations of racial bias against everybody other than your liberal compatriots a rest. And come up with an argument that requires a little intellectual discipline for a change. Contrary to your overworked imagination, it is not a racial or a partisan thing and BTW is not Zimmerman Hispanic? His father called him a "Spanish speaking minority" with many black relatives and friends. Rather it is as I have already mentioned, and you even confirmed this in the early posts about it on the original thread, liberals and media were and are the one's calling for Zimmerman's head. Since when can the media make demands in legal proceedings, and that not even in their state?
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't think he's guilty of following and killing someone? It's fact that Zimmerman stalked him after police told him not to. Another thing i don't find odd in racist BGR is this thread wasn't named "Do you think justice will be done for Treyvon's death?"

Your "information" is not correct. Other than from the usual "cheering sections" there is no proof that Zimmerman stalked Martin. There is no evidence that the "police" told Zimmerman to not follow Martin. In fact, a dispatcher, not a police officer, told Zimmerman to not follow him. That is quite different. Zimmerman, a well known neighborhood observer with credibility with the police department, certainly was under no legal duty to back off because a minimum wage dispatcher with no police experience or actual ties, told him to do so. He/She is merely a telephone operator who screens calls. That is no more authoritative than if the police department janitor told Zimmerman to back off.

You are the one who has prejudged this case. We, on the other hand, are afraid that Zimmerman will be railroaded by the liberal politically correct express.

You are watching Nancy Grace and her hangmen too much.

And, as usual, anyone who doesn't agree with you and your group is a "racist".

Your positions are weak, uninformed, silly, and silly. However, they are typical of your liberal media. When reason, truth, and the facts don't back you up, play your card and cry "racist". It is, after all, quite fashionable and in season.
Granny Bear Wrote:The police never said that.

Yes they did. Listen to the tape. In that town, 911 calls go to the police. An officer on duty was instructing Zimmerman not to follow.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Your "information" is not correct. Other than from the usual "cheering sections" there is no proof that Zimmerman stalked Martin. There is no evidence that the "police" told Zimmerman to not follow Martin. In fact, a dispatcher, not a police officer, told Zimmerman to not follow him. That is quite different. Zimmerman, a well known neighborhood observer with credibility with the police department, certainly was under no legal duty to back off because a minimum wage dispatcher with no police experience or actual ties, told him to do so. He/She is merely a telephone operator who screens calls. That is no more authoritative than if the police department janitor told Zimmerman to back off.

You are the one who has prejudged this case. We, on the other hand, are afraid that Zimmerman will be railroaded by the liberal politically correct express.

You are watching Nancy Grace and her hangmen too much.

And, as usual, anyone who doesn't agree with you and your group is a "racist".

Your positions are weak, uninformed, silly, and silly. However, they are typical of your liberal media. When reason, truth, and the facts don't back you up, play your card and cry "racist". It is, after all, quite fashionable and in season.
The dispatcher in that 911 call was a police officer. That fact is already established. Look it up.
TheRealVille Wrote:The dispatcher in that 911 call was a police officer. That fact is already established. Look it up.

That would be unusual but I"ll defer to your information. Still, that, in and of itself, does not legally require Zimmerman to back off. And, by the way, did Zimmerman know for a fact that the dispatcher was a police officer? To assume that being told by a dispatcher to wait for the police is not as vitally relevant as you seem to think.

On the other hand, the prosecution's witnesses have done little or nothing to prove the prosecution's case. They have certainly been of benefit to the defense.

You, as HLN and MSNBC, are convinced that Zimmerman is guilty. Would you share with us the basis for your conclusion? Other than the liberal camp, no one else sees it that way.
Hes definitely guilty of killing someone.

Only thing is, it was most likely legal.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes they did. Listen to the tape. In that town, 911 calls go to the police. An officer on duty was instructing Zimmerman not to follow.

I did.

"We do not need you to follow him"

Quite different from the "order" that you are paraphrasing. I swear, RV, you bitch and complain about people slanting the facts to bolster their opinions and you are worse to do that than anybody I know.
Granny Bear Wrote:I did.

"We do not need you to follow him"

Quite different from the "order" that you are paraphrasing. I swear, RV, you bitch and complain about people slanting the facts to bolster their opinions and you are worse to do that than anybody I know.

You are the one that said it didn't go to the police. That order was a polite way to tell him not to follow.
Granny Bear Wrote:The police never said that.

Wrong again!!!

"A polite way of telling him"....is paraphrasing. If you expect everybody else to be verbatim, you need to follow your own rules.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are the one that said it didn't go to the police. That order was a polite way to tell him not to follow.

No. It was merely a statement that could only be interpreted as an order by someone who has judged the situation and is now seeking a way to justify that conclusion. It is the old adage of "don't confuse me with the facts since I have already made up my mind". Zimmerman was under absolutely no legal duty to back off.

Unfortunately, this trial is saturated with underlying race issues. What media sources and individuals are inserting race at every turn? The answer is obvious.

If Martin were white and Zimmerman were black and Zimmerman were on trial, the usual race baiters would be crying "racism" because Zimmerman was ever charged with anything. Obviously, they would whine, they are trying to hang an innocent man just because he is black.

Those who are not a part of the race program don't have a chance. We are "racists" regardless of what we say and do.

I don't and won't apologize for believing that all minorities, certainly including blacks, should quit looking for a free ride, make their own way, quit whining, and obey the law just as we Caucasians must do. If that makes me a "racist", I wear the badge without reservation.
Once Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him, Zimmerman had by FLA law every right to defend himself by any means. Everything leading to that point goes out the window
I didn't know the jury was all female until last week. Gotta wonder about that; also does that favor the prosecution or defense???
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't think he's guilty of following and killing someone? It's fact that Zimmerman stalked him after police told him not to. Another thing i don't find odd in racist BGR is this thread wasn't named "Do you think justice will be done for Treyvon's death?"

If I shoot someone for attacking me in guilty of killing them. Im not guilty of a crime.

All the witnesses that they have had goes with zimmermans story. The lead witness for the prosecutor keeps changing her story.

I know you think everyone is racist and this is a racist profiling case. But he's part of the neighborhood watch . If someone was outside of your house and you didn't recognize then would u confront them?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If I shoot someone for attacking me in guilty of killing them. Im not guilty of a crime.

All the witnesses that they have had goes with zimmermans story. The lead witness for the prosecutor keeps changing her story.

I know you think everyone is racist and this is a racist profiling case. But he's part of the neighborhood watch . If someone was outside of your house and you didn't recognize then would u confront them?
:Thumbs: Exactly right. Zimmerman's neighborhood had suffered a rash of burglaries, so he stepped forward to serve on neighborhood watch duty. Once Martin banged Zimmerman's head against the pavement, Zimmerman would have been a fool not to have used the gun to defend himself. Otherwise, Martin could have helped himself to the gun after beating Zimmerman to a pulp.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If I shoot someone for attacking me in guilty of killing them. Im not guilty of a crime.

All the witnesses that they have had goes with zimmermans story. The lead witness for the prosecutor keeps changing her story.

I know you think everyone is racist and this is a racist profiling case. But he's part of the neighborhood watch . If someone was outside of your house and you didn't recognize then would u confront them?

It is indeed material that Zimmerman was, in fact, a leader in the neighborhood watch. That was well known and gives Zimmerman a "cloak of authority and legitimacy" that he wouldn't have otherwise. It completely neutralizes any duty to back off because of the mere suggestion, in no way an order, of a dispatcher.

If this case is really decided on the merits, it is nearly impossible to see how Zimmerman can be convicted. However, I fear that coercion, not truth, will decide the matter.

If anyone disagrees with my analysis, rebut me but do so with actual facts and not with unsubstantiated liberal media spin.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If I shoot someone for attacking me in guilty of killing them. Im not guilty of a crime.

All the witnesses that they have had goes with zimmermans story. The lead witness for the prosecutor keeps changing her story.

I know you think everyone is racist and this is a racist profiling case. But he's part of the neighborhood watch . If someone was outside of your house and you didn't recognize then would u confront them?

:Clap: Good post 23. I still say the initial finding of the Seminole County Sheriff deserved to be respected in the first place. What right does any group have to doubt that their investigation was anything but professional?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If I shoot someone for attacking me in guilty of killing them. Im not guilty of a crime.

All the witnesses that they have had goes with zimmermans story. The lead witness for the prosecutor keeps changing her story.

I know you think everyone is racist and this is a racist profiling case. But he's part of the neighborhood watch . If someone was outside of your house and you didn't recognize then would u confront them?

We don't know who attacked who. Zimmerman was the mma guy. Would you feel the same if you kid was followed, and killed, where he was legally allowed to walk?
TheRealVille Wrote:We don't know who attacked who. Zimmerman was the mma guy. Would you feel the same if you kid was followed, and killed, where he was legally allowed to walk?

Your prejudice in this case is obvious, TheRealVille. You want Zimmerman guilty until proven innocent. It doesn't work that way.

Your only hope is for the jury to be coerced into finding Zimmerman guilty of manslaughter. It should bother you that the threat of destruction, looting, and mayhem is likely to decide this case.

So far, and all we are hearing are its witnesses, the prosecution has presented no effective case. You don't have to be an attorney to know that.

Our country is clearly in a state of rapid decline. If Zimmerman is found guilty because of a coerced jury, another block will be removed from the wall of freedom. But, then, I guess the trouble makers won't destroy any of our cities.
The liberal media is trying their best to win another case that is unwinnable, There is not a single shred of evidence for the prosecutors to go on, this is clearly a trial of race, not merit.
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