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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The original Trayvon Martin Death thread. Anybody who is interested in browsing the earlier thread will notice RV calling everybody who disagreed with his rush to judgment racists in that thread too. The things that he pushed as "facts" that have since been disproved are numerous. One would think that a person would learn to exercise some restraint after being proven so wrong, so often, but not our resident Energizer Bunny of Obamabots.

Every word exactly true. In that thread RV went on and on, outlining the facts, as given to him by Chris Matthews. It never occurs to him that the poisonous liberal news channels he frequents, all generate a product that is little more than political theater. If memory serves, Trayvon wasn't home in school like the rest of his class because he was suspended at the time.

The idea that Zimmerman stalked and executed Trayvon after having spent some amount of time on the phone with a police dispatcher is ludacris. The Sheriff's department had already investigated the incident and declined to investigate further until Al Sharpton and Jessie Confusednicker: Jackson got involved. That plus the liberal news sites were going spastic calling for Zimmerman's head and somebody very high up the DOJ flagpole forced them to reopen the case.

And as to what I have upsized, this has to be the funniest thing I have ever read on here. Self delusion, erases all shortfalls.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have no desire to meet you, RV. You gave PM'ed me what you claimed was your address because I pointed out one of your lies. You said that I posted that PM publicly. Prove it. It never happened. If it did, then you should be able to find it by searching for your own address. Do it, or admit that you lied again or were mistaken. If you don't like being called a liar, then stop lying. It is really that simple. :biglmao:

I'd kind of like to see that myself. From where I sit, Hoot consistently posts was much integrity as anybody on here.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'd kind of like to see that myself. From where I sit, Hoot consistently posts was much integrity as anybody on here.
It happened TRT, and I remind him of it at least once a year. There are a few that were here back in that day that saw it. He posted a PM I sent him, in open forum. If you claim Hoot Gibson has integrity, you don't know the meaning, or you just agree with his actions. Is posting private PM's, or telling their contents, in open forum integrity? If you will notice above, he alluded to the fact that he did it.
TheRealVille Wrote:^But, it's no biggie, just doing my yearly reminding you of posting the PM in public.

TheRealVille Wrote:It happened TRT, and I remind him of it at least once a year. There are a few that were here back in that day that saw it. He posted a PM I sent him, in open forum. If you claim Hoot Gibson has integrity, you don't know the meaning, or you just agree with his actions. Is posting private PM's, or telling their contents, in open forum integrity? If you will notice above, he alluded to the fact that he did it.
Liar. I have never posted personal information about anybody in a public forum. You claimed that I posted a PM that contained the address that you sent to me. It never happened, which explains why - once again, you cannot back up your claims with facts. My recollection is that after exchanging server PMs with you, I told you that I would simply delete any more that you sent without reading them, which I have done and will continue to do. I also recall telling you that if you wanted to insult or threaten me, then you should do it in an open forum. Now, either put up or shut up.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liar. I have never posted personal information about anybody in a public forum. You claimed that I posted a PM that contained the address that you sent to me. It never happened, which explains why - once again, you cannot back up your claims with facts. My recollection is that after exchanging server PMs with you, I told you that I would simply delete any more that you sent without reading them, which I have done and will continue to do. I also recall telling you that if you wanted to insult or threaten me, then you should do it in an open forum. Now, either put up or shut up.
I didn't claim you posted the address, just a PM. There were more PM's than the address one. The only thing I claimed about the address, is that I gave it to you. You absolutely posted a PM in public, and know it.
^ You don't have the authority, nor the power(either here, or face to face) to shut me up.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't claim you posted the address, just a PM. There were more PM's than the address one. The only thing I claimed about the address, is that I gave it to you.
Put up or shut up. This is another case of you making a claim and then failing to back it up. I did not read many of your PMs before concluding that you had a screw loose, after which I started deleting them without even opening them. I posted a link to the original Zimmerman thread because you started implying that those of us who disagree with your are racists. You did the same thing in the original thread, so it is certainly relevant to this discussion. In response, you brought up a PM from years ago in which you made a fool of yourself. Not much of a rebuttal, in my humble opinion. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Put up or shut up. This is another case of you making a claim and then failing to back it up. I did not read many of your PMs before concluding that you had a screw loose, after which I started deleting them without even opening them. I posted a link to the original Zimmerman thread because you started implying that those of us who disagree with your are racists. You did the same thing in the original thread, so it is certainly relevant to this discussion. In response, you brought up a PM from years ago in which you made a fool of yourself. Not much of a rebuttal, in my humble opinion. Confusednicker:
The search only lets me go through 500 of your posts. But, the offer still stands, and I'm sure you remember the address. Feel free to bring your "big boy" talk to that address anytime. Until then, keep hiding behind that keyboard, acting like a grade school kid. You know you posted a PM in open forum, and word twisting confirms it. There are a couple here that remember it.
TheRealVille Wrote:The search only lets me go through 500 of your posts. But, the offer still stands, and I'm sure you remember the address. Feel free to bring your "big boy" talk to that address anytime. Until then, keep hiding behind that keyboard, acting like a grade school kid. You know you posted a PM in open forum, and word twisting confirms it. There are a couple here that remember it.
Ooh, I am shaking in my boots, RV. I have no idea where you live, nor do I want to know. You lied then and you are lying now. Some things never change.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:As I said, you are a liar. You searched and could not find the post that you claimed that I made because it does not exist. If it did, then all you have to do is search for your address, unless you lied about that too. Now you are not man enough to admit that you were wrong.

You should re-read the posts that you made in the original Zimmerman thread and start learning from your mistakes. It is never too late to redeem yourself.
I didn't say you posted my address. I said you posted a PM, and you did, and know it. I've never claimed you posted the PM where I gave my address. You even admitted that you didn't recall whether you did or not. Why deny it?
TheRealThing Wrote:Every word exactly true. In that thread RV went on and on, outlining the facts, as given to him by Chris Matthews. It never occurs to him that the poisonous liberal news channels he frequents, all generate a product that is little more than political theater. If memory serves, Trayvon wasn't home in school like the rest of his class because he was suspended at the time.

The idea that Zimmerman stalked and executed Trayvon after having spent some amount of time on the phone with a police dispatcher is ludacris. The Sheriff's department had already investigated the incident and declined to investigate further until Al Sharpton and Jessie Confusednicker: Jackson got involved. That plus the liberal news sites were going spastic calling for Zimmerman's head and somebody very high up the DOJ flagpole forced them to reopen the case.

And as to what I have upsized, this has to be the funniest thing I have ever read on here. Self delusion, erases all shortfalls.
Those facts are indisputable, it's on record, and heard by millions.

After reading your thoughts on blacks, and mexicans in different threads, it's hard to get a feel of your thoughts on this case. LOL Is Zimmerman "whiter".
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't say you posted my address. I said you posted a PM, and you did, and know it. I've never claimed you posted the PM where I gave my address. You even admitted that you didn't recall whether you did or not. Why deny it?
I suggest that you learn how to use the "Search" feature and stop climbing out onto limbs. Keep in mind that I make a comfortable living with my computer skills. I am sitting here with a saw but I am just going to leave you dangling out there. You are Wile E. Coyote. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I suggest that you learn how to use the "Search" feature and stop climbing out onto limbs. Keep in mind that I make a comfortable living with my computer skills. I am sitting here with a saw but I am just going to leave you dangling out there. You are Wile E. Coyote. :biglmao:
I could care less about you computer skills. I rember the post of the PM, or the paraphrase of it. I have even brought it up regularly since that time.
TheRealVille Wrote:I could care less about you computer skills. I rember the post of the PM, or the paraphrase of it.
You are either mistaken or you are lying. Either way, you are wrong. I see from the bold type that you are already beginning to weasel your way away from your claim that I reposted the PM. What a shocker! :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are either mistaken or you are lying. Either way, you are wrong. I see from the bold type that you are already beginning to try to weasel your way away from your claim that I reposted the PM. What a shocker! :biglmao:

Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't recall whether I did or not. If not, then I certainly paraphrased your thinly veiled threat in an open forum and have no regrets for doing so. Feel free to repost the post here if you want and I will see if it rings any bells. An apology for once again painting people who disagree with you racists would be a better use of your time, IMO, but one of the few skills that you have mastered is wasting people's time by derailing threads to talk about yourself.
TheRealVille Wrote::biglmao:
Unlike you - and pay attention to this - I thoroughly understand how to search this forum. I reviewed my posts before challenging you to put up or shut up. You chose to do neither, so once again you find yourself playing the role of the fool and once again you are trying to back out of your claim to avoid admitting that you were wrong. The outcome of these debates is truly as predictable as an episode of The Roadrunner.
^ Does it really matter if it was a direct copy job, or a paraphrase, if you were posting words from a private PM? The bottom line is still the same though, you don't have the nuts to say to my face, what you post behind that screen. That's fact.
Like I said, I never claimed you posted my address, so your searching for that will prove nothing.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I said, I never claimed you posted my address, so your searching for that will prove nothing.
You lied, RV. Man up and admit it. Like I said, I had no trouble finding the thread that you claim that you could not find. Why should anybody believe that you did not simply find it, read it, realize that you were wrong, and then start your childish trash talking again. The "Search" system works just fine. Your explanation just does not pass the smell test.
^Tell us the thread you found, and the PM criteria you used to find it. You must realize the PM I am talking about, if you knew what to search for.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Tell us the thread you found, and the PM criteria you used to find it. You must realize the PM I am talking about, if you knew what to search for.
Find it yourself. You are the one who made the claim. Prove it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Find it yourself. You are the one who made the claim. Prove it.
You know the PM if you are searching for it, since I stated it wasn't the address one. Searching my address won't tell you squat, that wasn't the PM. You must realize something, if you are searching, rather than going through all your posts. The truth is, you don't know the exact post, and words, no more than I do. If I remembered the exact words, I would post the post. But, I have a pretty good memory that I called you out as soon as you posted the words from my PM.
TheRealVille Wrote:You know the PM if you are searching for it, since I stated it wasn't the address one. Searching my address won't tell you squat, that wasn't the PM. You must realize something, if you are searching, rather than going through all your posts. The truth is, you don't know the exact post, and words, no more than I do. If I remembered the exact words, I would post the post. But, I have a pretty good memory that I called you out as soon as you posted the words from my PM.
As I have pointed out often, you are a liar. As you often do, you have proven me correct. You should stop making disparaging claims that you cannot substantiate.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:As I have pointed out often, you are a liar. As you often do, you have proven me correct. You should stop making disparaging claims that you cannot substantiate.
As I have pointed out, you don't have the nuts to call me that, face to face. You might want to quit posting before all of KY figures you out. You know, and I know, that you posted our private conversation in open forum.
TheRealVille Wrote:As I have pointed out, you don't have the nuts to call me that, face to face. You might want to quit posting before all of KY figures you out.
You know, it would not matter whether I called you a liar or not. It is obvious to everybody who spends much time reading these threads. Unlike you, I can back up my claims with facts. You get so frustrated in these political threads, you resort to name calling. I am sure that you are as much a liar in person as you are on the screen, but that is not my problem.

You would do much better here if you would simply tell the truth and stick to the topic. You still might not win any debates, but at least people would respect you.
TheRealVille Wrote:Those facts are indisputable, it's on record, and heard by millions.

After reading your thoughts on blacks, and mexicans in different threads, it's hard to get a feel of your thoughts on this case. LOL Is Zimmerman "whiter".

Let's see what is this again, option five?

Option 1 - Parrot DNC talking points.

Option 2 - Change the subject or apply misdirective tactics if points don't
work out.

Option 3 - Insult anyone with the temerity to disagree with you.

Option 4 - If all else fails get mad and turn up the heat with more intense
personal affronteries.

Option 5 - (The nuclear option) Accuse your debate/political foe of being a,
dare I even say it, RACIST.

By comparing the news casts I've heard against your posts on the matter, the only thing that I find indisputable is your confusion about what is factual.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You know, it would not matter whether I called you a liar or not. It is obvious to everybody who spends much time reading these threads. Unlike you, I can back up my claims with facts. You get so frustrated in these political threads, you resort to name calling. I am sure that you are as much a liar in person as you are on the screen, but that is not my problem.

You would do much better here if you would simply tell the truth and stick to the topic. You still might not win any debates, but at least people would respect you.
Like I suspected, you didn't have a clue what you were searching for, and tried to pass off that you did. Again, I say you don't have the nuts to say face to face what you say here, behind a screen, and people see it now.
TheRealThing Wrote:Let's see what is this again, option five?

Option 1 - Parrot DNC talking points.

Option 2 - Change the subject or apply misdirective tactics if points don't
work out.

Option 3 - Insult anyone with the temerity to disagree with you.

Option 4 - If all else fails get mad and turn up the heat with more intense
personal affronteries.

Option 5 - (The nuclear option) Accuse your debate/political foe of being a,
dare I even say it, RACIST.

By comparing the news casts I've heard against your posts on the matter, the only thing that I find indisputable is your confusion about what is factual.
Your posts show that what I said was fact. It's easy to look up.

Facts: Zimmerman profiled, followed, after police said not to, and killed a kid heading home from getting pop and candy. Maybe the kid felt threatened, thought, "stand your ground", beat the hell out of the follower, then got shot defending himself from a stalker.
This military judge is showing some real courage by making this ruling. I wonder how many more JAGs will argue that the "Accused" (the proper term for defendants in military courts-martial), who would have been subject to Bad Conduct discharges had they been found guilty will manage to stay in the service because of Obama's poor judgment or even receive Honorable discharges.

Obama should learn when to keep his mouth shut and stop trying to influence lawful investigations and trials.

Quote:Judge: Obama sex assault comments 'unlawful command influence'

Two defendants in military sexual assault cases cannot be punitively discharged, if found guilty, because of “unlawful command influence” derived from comments made by President Barack Obama, a judge ruled in a Hawaii military court this week.

Navy Judge Cmdr. Marcus Fulton ruled during pretrial hearings in two sexual assault cases — U.S. vs. Johnson and U.S. vs. Fuentes — that comments made by Obama as commander in chief would unduly influence any potential sentencing, according to a court documents obtained by Stars and Stripes.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Fulton approved the pretrial defense motions, which used as evidence comments that Obama made about sexual assault at a May 7 news conference.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This military judge is showing some real courage by making this ruling. I wonder how many more JAGs will argue that the "Accused" (the proper term for defendants in military courts-martial), who would have been subject to Bad Conduct discharges had they been found guilty will manage to stay in the service because of Obama's poor judgment or even receive Honorable discharges.

Is the Martin/Zimmerman trial a military trial? Are you defending all the sexual assaults that are being brought to life in the military?
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