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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
vector Wrote:it's fox news

I don't get my news from Fox News.
I think you and I agree on most of what we both said Hoot. The main thing I don't like is the types in my party that think just because the opposition do something low, that they have to hit back with something just as low. That has worked against us soooo many times, and it's like they never learn that it just doesn't work, lol.
vundy33 Wrote:I think you and I agree on most of what we both said Hoot. The main thing I don't like is the types in my party that think just because the opposition do something low, that they have to hit back with something just as low. That has worked against us soooo many times, and it's like they never learn that it just doesn't work, lol.

There were many things that I disagreed with Bush on such as the illegal amnesty bill he supported, the $5 billion in other people's money that he spent fighting AIDS in Africa (pandering to black voters), and his talk of the "ownership society," which contributed to the collapse of the housing bubble. I think that most good people in Congress are Republicans but I also believe that they are a minority within their own party. I wish that RINOS like Boehner, McCain, Graham, and many others would lose their primaries, and I criticize them here frequently.

But I supported Bush on the war on terrorism, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I supported the Patriot Act at the time it was passed, along with almost every member of Congress. However, the failure of both parties to get a handle on illegal immigration has forced me to reconsider. IMO, we cannot have any real security as long as our southern border is a sieve.

The massive invasion of privacy that we are witnessing cannot provide any security in the absence of any control of out border. The need for PRISM arose out of our federal government's refusal to provide any real border security - and every terrorist incident is being used as an excuse to deprive us of more of our constitutional rights.
vector Wrote:The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 is an Act of the U.S. Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The title of the act is a ten letter acronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.[1]

why was it not wrong then but now it is?

who said this

IMO, you need to relax. Get yourself a nice drink, (not Kool Aid) and get yourself familiar with what really happened in 2007-2008. I went to the trouble to provide a link to that end. But first here's an appetizer; "The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis, is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in the threat of total collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment


The Bush administration and the American public were dealt a financial one-two punch which proved to be earth shaking in scope. First was 9/11 with over a 3 Trillion dollar price tag and the second was the global economic downturn referenced above. Neither of them were Bush's fault.

this was just a little of the mess your boy left not counting the 2 longest wars in our history which every time we went to war we either raised taxs or sold war bonds but what did your boy do? he cut taxs not once but twice

now i will agree with you and hoot about doing away wth the tax code and go to a flat tax but no deductions you could mail it in on a postcard but i don't believe either side would do it

What do global economic crash of 2007 and the war on terror have to do with the loss of our 1st and 2nd amendment rights?

You know, W's daddy had a lot to do with his having been elected governor of Texas. Then the dems ran weak candidates against him when he was elected to two terms as president. W wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but, he doesn't have an anti-colonial chip on his shoulder, or an ax to grind with traditional Americans either. And Hoot is right, all this apocalyptic personal information gathering is the result of letting the criminals of the world illegally immigrate to the US. So, instead of keeping them out of our country, where they would not be a threat to our families. We pay for them and their families to live here free and Uncle Sam monitors them Big Brother style. Only problem with that is the unfortunate side effect that the lives Americans are scrutinized just as closely.
TheRealVille Wrote:1) Exactly what they do now.

2) False.

1) Right, Tea Party organizations have ties to terror groups. :lame:

2) You're the type of guy that always has to have a rock fall on his head before he will look up. You'll see, I've heard too many talking about this on the news including the likes of mad dog dem defender Bob Beckel.
TheRealThing Wrote:1) Right, Tea Party organizations have ties to terror groups. :lame:

2) You're the type of guy that always has to have a rock fall on his head before he will look up. You'll see, I've heard too many talking about this on the news including the likes of mad dog dem defender Bob Beckel.
Are they wiretapping tea party groups? And, your #2 is still false, until you prove they are data mining everybody. They are only tagging people that are conversing with terrorists, nothing more. I have zero fear that the government is watching me, and don't care if they do. If you do, maybe you are into activities that you should not do.
the other guy Wrote:I have no insurance at the moment paid my cobra as long as i could, There's a 24 month waiting period on medicare so I still have a few months to go. Like it or not they are a lot of regulations in obamacare concerning health benefit reviews, in other words-is someone worth treating.
Now you seem to have some sort of chip on your shoulder about this stuff and just want to give some smarta-- remark instead of having a honest discussuin
I had private insurance but was still delayed treatment because of government regs. My insurance paid for the treatment once I made it past the required waiting period. I am giving simple facts about my place in all this nothing more.
I hope you are young and healthy and never have to deal with these things.
By your own admission, you are a "taker" that the people you support, hate. I work, and have no problem with my tax dollars helping provide medical help to people like you, that need the medical help, and are having trouble affording it. Maybe you should rethink the kind of people you support. The people you support could give a shit less what shape you are in, you are a "tax on society" in their eyes.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are they wiretapping tea party groups? And, your #2 is still false, until you prove they are data mining everybody. They are only tagging people that are conversing with terrorists, nothing more. I have zero fear that the government is watching me, and don't care if they do. If you do, maybe you are into activities that you should not do.

I admit it, you got me. I can't accept the mindless blather and DNC talking points as my reality. Did you watch the Matrix trilogy? All about make believe reality, and total acceptance that what the state/Smith program tells them is real. You go ahead, I think I'll continue to skirt the legal edges for a while longer.

TheRealVille Wrote:Are they wiretapping tea party groups? And, your #2 is still false, until you prove they are data mining everybody. They are only tagging people that are conversing with terrorists, nothing more. I have zero fear that the government is watching me, and don't care if they do. If you do, maybe you are into activities that you should not do.

After the revelations of the NSA leaker, I'd say the chances that Tea Party organizers were wire tapped are higher than astronomic. Yeah, I'd say they were alright. He backed me up on point #2 as well. Who you got to back you up? Chris Matthews? Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:I admit it, you got me. I can't accept the mindless blather and DNC talking points as my reality. Did you watch the Matrix trilogy? All about make believe reality, and total acceptance that what the state/Smith program tells them is real. You go ahead, I think I'll continue to skirt the legal edges for a while longer.

Thanks, but no thanks. I don't get my politics from fiction movies. I suspected that you did though, you remind me of my "conspiracy theorist" mother in law.
TheRealVille Wrote:By your own admission, you are a "taker" that the people you support, hate. I work, and have no problem with my tax dollars helping provide medical help to people like you, that need the medical help, and are having trouble affording it. Maybe you should rethink the kind of people you support. The people you support could give a shit less what shape you are in, you are a "tax on society" in their eyes.

There's a big difference between otherguy and drug smuggling welfare recipients, illegally living on this side of the border.
TheRealThing Wrote:After the revelations of the NSA leaker, I'd say the chances that Tea Party organizers were wire tapped are higher than astronomic. Yeah, I'd say they were alright. He backed me up on point #2 as well. Who you got to back you up? Chris Matthews? Confusednicker:
Prove they are data mining, or admit you lie, or :rage::gtfo:
TheRealVille Wrote:Thanks, but no thanks. I don't get my politics from fiction movies. I suspected that you did though, you remind me of my "conspiracy theorist" mother in law.

LOL, no you get your politics from liberal think tank talking points. None the less, you should at least use your own material for a comeback.
TheRealThing Wrote:There's a big difference between otherguy and drug smuggling welfare recipients, illegally living on this side of the border.
So, is it only "Mexicans and other deadbeat, non workers", you don't want to help support, or you are just ok with the ones that vote like you?
TheRealVille Wrote:Prove they are data mining, or admit you lie, or :rage::gtfo:

Better yet, you prove they don't data mine. I've heard everybody from Susan Estrich to Obama himself say they do it. You calling him a liar too.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, is it only "Mexicans and other deadbeat, non workers", you don't want to help support, or you are just ok with the ones that vote like you?

You actually think I would waste my time helping you get into that favorite briar patch of intolerance filibustering you love so much? That's a left loon's folly. Knock yourself out.
TheRealThing Wrote:You actually think I would waste my time helping you get into that favorite briar patch of intolerance filibustering you love so much? That's a left loon's folly. Knock yourself out.
You said it, it's in print.

Quote:illegally living on this side of the border
TheRealThing Wrote:Better yet, you prove they don't data mine. I've heard everybody from Susan Estrich to Obama himself say they do it. You calling him a liar too.
No, Obama said they don't wiretap anybody, but those that converse with terrorists. If you are a terrorist sympathizer, you should worry.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, no you get your politics from liberal think tank talking points. None the less, you should at least use your own material for a comeback.
You are the one that said your politics comes from fiction movies. You even posted a pic from one.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, Obama said they don't wiretap anybody, but those that converse with terrorists. If you are a terrorist sympathizer, you should worry.

LOL, yeah and Obama also said he heard about the IRS targeting scandal while reading the news paper. :biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:You said it, it's in print.

Sure did say it alright. I meant what I said.
If im going to continue feeding mexicans, i want one of those pictures you get when you sponsor a child in africa or something.
It should come with a complete packet of who my tax money is going directly to.
TheRealThing Wrote:After the revelations of the NSA leaker, I'd say the chances that Tea Party organizers were wire tapped are higher than astronomic. Yeah, I'd say they were alright. He backed me up on point #2 as well. Who you got to back you up? Chris Matthews? Confusednicker:

just 1 ? why wasn't you crying about this 7 or 8 years ago did you and the tea party just read the law
CNN) – Lawmakers who are now expressing outrage over the government’s surveillance of phone records and Internet activity should have paid closer attention when they were voting to reauthorize provisions in the Patriot Act, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said Sunday.
Reacting particularly to fellow Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s assertion this week the programs amount to an “assault on the Constitution,” McCain told CNN chief political correspondent Candy Crowley that members of Congress had not been left in the dark on what powers to government has in monitoring Americans.
vector Wrote:just 1 ? why wasn't you crying about this 7 or 8 years ago did you and the tea party just read the law

Fill us all in there vector. How does the law read? I thought the Patriot Act gave authorities the power to go after terror suspects and to keep tabs on them. The Tea Party was allegedly profiled and targeted by the IRS because of their political views according to sworn testimony by Lois Lerner.

For the record, I'm all for close scrutiny of the type we've been talking about here for anybody living in the US who is not a citizen, or possibly those who have recently been granted citizenship, and especially those of ethnic origins known to have publicly sworn to overthrow the United States. The right to privacy as directed by the US constitution should still be a guarantee that the feds feel compelled to provide for US citizens IMO.

But, reluctantly, to address what seems to be your point. If they're mining over 3 billion calls a day for clues to track down and/or ID terror suspects, why would they necessarily need to 'store' all of these records after supposedly they've already served their 'data mining' purpose?
TheRealVille Wrote:Prove they are data mining, or admit you lie, or :rage::gtfo:
You obviously do not have a clue about what data mining is. The whole purpose of gathering this data is to mine it. Whoever has a proper security clearance can enter whatever criteria they want. As long as the people mining the data are honest, patriotic Americans looking for terrorists, there is no problem. Notice that my description excludes Obama and most of his inner circle, all of whom have whatever security clearances that Obama wants them to have.

Your challenge to prove that the administration is data mining is idiotic. How can anybody do that without a top secret security clearance and access to the PRISM network? All we can do is judge this administration on its record and right now they are up to their eyeballs in scandals. They cannot be trusted.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If im going to continue feeding mexicans, i want one of those pictures you get when you sponsor a child in africa or something.
It should come with a complete packet of who my tax money is going directly to.

Lol, I laughed pretty hard...
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