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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Only idiots and propagandists cite the Obama administration's websites as sources of unbiased "facts." Nobody with any sense is buying Obama's lies these days. Neither Obama nor his socialist allies in Congress read the Obamacare bill before signing it into law or voting in support of it. For you to repeatedly post links to the law and suggest than anybody read it is plain silly.
Post just one lie from the law at that site. That's the actual site for the ACA. To say otherwise shows that you are nothing more than a hack. It has the full text of the ACA right there for you to read.
TheRealVille Wrote:Post just one lie from the law at that site. That's the actual site for the ACA. To say otherwise shows that you are nothing more than a hack. It has the full text of the ACA right there for you to read.
I suggest that you write to Obama and demand that he read the law, along with the thousands of pages of regulations that have been written to implement it and enforce it. The law is deliberately written to be obscure. The lies are what people like Obama and his minions are claiming that it will do for them. You know, the lies such as Obamacare will cut the deficit, improve the quality and affordability of healthcare, and let you keep your own doctor. Max Baucus knows that Obama and his accomplices are liars and he should know. He used to be one of you.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like you two were accomplices to the two crooks formally known as President Bush and VP Cheney?

You never did answer my question in the other thread. Where did you study law? You insinuated that you were "law" savvy to HRV. Did you go back to school to study law after your carpentry career?

Why would I even entertain the notion of answering a guy who has yet to show any interest in discussing the truth? When you are outdebated, which is every time you try, you post something from Mother Jones, Obama's website, or just lay low for a while until things cool down a little bit for you.

Like all liberals, if you can't win a debate you just pretend you did anyway and start with your schoolyard insults. As I have mentioned, self deception is requisite for the modern liberal. I know you were shot down in embarrassing flames but, I can assure you I don't view you in a light more favorable than Harry Rex does.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I'm not wasting my time on Obama's propaganda. You waste enough on it for all of us.

Ha, isn't that the truth. :flame:
TheRealVille Wrote:Post just one lie from the law at that site. That's the actual site for the ACA. To say otherwise shows that you are nothing more than a hack. It has the full text of the ACA right there for you to read.

Yeah, and like Dr Manny Alvarez and Dr Ben Carson has said. The law is full of lies and distortions. ObamaCare architect, Max Baucus says, "it's a train wreck" getting ready to happen. Your own union brothers even see the hand writing on the wall. The Cadillac health insurance policies that labor has negotiated for themselves will soon be a thing of the past, as more and more of the labor force are pushed into the exchanges kicking and screaming. And, contrary to the outright lies spoken to us by our president going in, folks won't get to keep their doctor or their insurance. I'm telling you, if full implementation is achieved, the good health care we all have grown accustomed to is gone. In it's place will be cattle call style, impersonal and substandard, let's get this over with, health care. Knowing you, you'll still be on here defending that too.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, and like Dr Manny Alvarez and Dr Ben Carson has said. The law is full of lies and distortions. ObamaCare architect, Max Baucus says, "it's a train wreck" getting ready to happen. Your own union brothers even see the hand writing on the wall. The Cadillac health insurance policies that labor has negotiated for themselves will soon be a thing of the past, as more and more of the labor force are pushed into the exchanges kicking and screaming. And, contrary to the outright lies spoken to us by our president going in, folks won't get to keep their doctor or their insurance. I'm telling you, if full implementation is achieved, the good health care we all have grown accustomed to is gone. In it's place will be cattle call style, impersonal and substandard, let's get this over with, health care. Knowing you, you'll still be on here defending that too.
You do exactly as Hoot does, when faced with the truth you shout propaganda. I notice neither of you care to go to the ACTUAL ACA website and post the lies found on it.
TheRealThing Wrote:Why would I even entertain the notion of answering a guy who has yet to show any interest in discussing the truth? When you are outdebated, which is every time you try, you post something from Mother Jones, Obama's website, or just lay low for a while until things cool down a little bit for you.

Like all liberals, if you can't win a debate you just pretend you did anyway and start with your schoolyard insults. As I have mentioned, self deception is requisite for the modern liberal. I know you were shot down in embarrassing flames but, I can assure you I don't view you in a light more favorable than Harry Rex does.
I'll concede that you guys are pros at what you do. If winning debates is out talking someone, posting lies from conservative websites from lying fellow Obama haters, you guys are the debate kings. When faced with the truth, you both shout "Obama propaganda machine". You keep saying you find out the truth about subjects for yourselves, why not stroll through the actual ACA site and come up with your own conclusions, instead of relying on Fox, Redstate, or the Conservative voice people. Every time you post any PROOF that the ACA is bad, it is always somebody else's opinion. I'll tell you why, then you wouldn't be able to hold up the lies, without lying yourself.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll concede that you guys are pros at what you do. If winning debates is out talking someone, posting lies from conservative websites from lying fellow Obama haters, you guys are the debate kings. When faced with the truth, you both shout "Obama propaganda machine". You keep saying you find out the truth about subjects for yourselves, why not stroll through the actual ACA site and come up with your own conclusions, instead of relying on Fox, Redstate, or the Conservative voice people. Every time you post any PROOF that the ACA is bad, it is always somebody else's opinion. I'll tell you why, then you wouldn't be able to hold up the lies, without lying yourself.
:biglmao: Obamabots calling anybody a liar is always entertaining. Here is a simple question for you, RV. Have you read the entire Obamacare law? I have not done so. I have no intention of doing so and I do not personally know anybody who has done so.

Obama lied about the law to get it passed and that fact is indisputable. You continue to lose credibility here with your childish antics, and I did not even think that was possible.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::biglmao: Obamabots calling anybody a liar is always entertaining. Here is a simple question for you, RV. Have you read the entire Obamacare law? I have not done so. I have no intention of doing so and I do not personally know anybody who has done so.

Obama lied about the law to get it passed and that fact is indisputable. You continue to lose credibility here with your childish antics, and I did not even think that was possible.
I haven't read through the law either, but I have glanced through the ACA website. So, if you have read it, how do you know Obama lied. The truth is, anything that someone says that fits with your preconceived hate of Obama, you buy it. If it doesn't fit that mold, it's liberal propaganda, and lies. Lose creditability to who? You and your cohort, the carpenter? Do you think there is one iota of care on my part on that? Really? You two keep talking about wining debates. If you winning a debate means pushing me to the point where I call you two the moron hacks that you really are, so be it, you win. You say you form opinions on your own, but it is always tied to some right wing website.
TheRealVille Wrote:I haven't read through the law either, but I have glanced through the ACA website. So, if you have read it, how do you know Obama lied. The truth is, anything that someone says that fits with your preconceived hate of Obama, you buy it. If it doesn't fit that mold, it's liberal propaganda, and lies. Lose creditability to who? You and your cohort, the carpenter? Do you think there is one iota of care on my part on that? Really? You two keep talking about wining debates. If you winning a debate means pushing me to the point where I call you two the moron hacks that you really are, so be it, you win. You say you form opinions on your own, but it is always tied to some right wing website.
You have glanced through Obama's website? :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You have glanced through Obama's website? :biglmao:
The ACA website. To hacks, one could call it "Obama's website". Make no mistake, you are nothing more than a hack.
TheRealVille Wrote:The ACA website. To hacks, one could call it "Obama's website". Make no mistake, you are nothing more than a hack.
To most people, it is the Obamacare website. There seems to be no action that this administration takes, no abuse of constitutional rights, that you are not prepared to defend with your lies. You are the prototypical left wing drone. You cite the Obama websites as sources of "facts," and label Fox News, which has been one of many victims of this administration's assault on First Amendment rights, as a source of lies. A hack? Look in the mirror.
^ Like I said, when you use the "idiot" nick you don't have to have any accountability.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll concede that you guys are pros at what you do. If winning debates is out talking someone, posting lies from conservative websites from lying fellow Obama haters, you guys are the debate kings. When faced with the truth, you both shout "Obama propaganda machine". You keep saying you find out the truth about subjects for yourselves, why not stroll through the actual ACA site and come up with your own conclusions, instead of relying on Fox, Redstate, or the Conservative voice people. Every time you post any PROOF that the ACA is bad, it is always somebody else's opinion. I'll tell you why, then you wouldn't be able to hold up the lies, without lying yourself.

Dr's Alvarez and Carson are not websites the last time I checked. I learned a long time ago who to listen to. Liberals have been busy trying to justify and defend the forced passage of ObamaCare or tying to put out the subsequent fires that leap up every time the law is scrutinized in truth. Like I said, call it willfully ignorant, or the art of self deception, you've made a choice to cast your lot with liberals. Reality doesn't lend you much of a hand in so doing and therefore you must resort to the Pee Wee Herman strategy, "I know you are but, what am I?"

I like the eyes open approach myself, but that's me.
TheRealThing Wrote:Dr's Alvarez and Carson are not websites the last time I checked. I learned a long time ago who to listen to. Liberals have been busy trying to justify and defend the forced passage of ObamaCare or tying to put out the subsequent fires that leap up every time the law is scrutinized in truth. Like I said, call it willfully ignorant, or the art of self deception, you've made a choice to cast your lot with liberals. Reality doesn't lend you much of a hand in so doing and therefore you must resort to the Pee Wee Herman strategy, "I know you are but, what am I?"

I like the eyes open approach myself, but that's me.
The Pee Wee Herman Strategy! Brilliant observation! Confusednicker:

Honest liberals, though few in number, have begun distancing themselves from Obama. Like Senator Baucus, they see a major train wreck rolling down the rails and they want no part of it - at least not while an election is looming next year. It is going to be interesting to see how Obama will try to suppress Republican turnout for the 2014 election now that their efforts at the IRS and Department of Justice are receiving sunlight.
TheRealThing Wrote:Dr's Alvarez and Carson are not websites the last time I checked. I learned a long time ago who to listen to. Liberals have been busy trying to justify and defend the forced passage of ObamaCare or tying to put out the subsequent fires that leap up every time the law is scrutinized in truth. Like I said, call it willfully ignorant, or the art of self deception, you've made a choice to cast your lot with liberals. Reality doesn't lend you much of a hand in so doing and therefore you must resort to the Pee Wee Herman strategy, "I know you are but, what am I?"

I like the eyes open approach myself, but that's me.
You can bet your ass you got that part right.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Pee Wee Herman Strategy! Brilliant observation! Confusednicker:

Honest liberals, though few in number, have begun distancing themselves from Obama. Like Senator Baucus, they see a major train wreck rolling down the rails and they want no part of it - at least not while an election is looming next year. It is going to be interesting to see how Obama will try to suppress Republican turnout for the 2014 election now that their efforts at the IRS and Department of Justice are receiving sunlight.

He has had the wind at his back, getting by with the denigrating rhetoric when it comes to his political foes. I guess it's because he was brazen enough to declare his contempt for conservatives in such grand fashion and, in any venue, that he was able to manipulate and charm those with their hands stuck out or those that are looking for pay back.

Progressives and liberals like to call this administration's social agenda the state of 'moving forward', but I know it is really nothing more than getting even. All manner of minority see this administration as their inroad to erasing the social stigma they feel they have faced their whole lives. This long awaited social reckoning afoot as we speak therefore, has some pretty long legs. Those who voted for him will be back in his corner, long before they will allow those inroads to falter. So, the Sheila Jackson Lee's, John Conyers, Nancy Pelosi's and the James Clyburn's, will never abandon their leader. We had a pretty good run-n-go at William Jefferson Clinton which led almost nowhere, as he is still the liberal god. And yet, I believe the avalanche of dishonorable dealings coming to light these days, as the timid finally are gaining the courage to expose the illegal activities going on in nearly every branch and agency, including the state department, has even longer legs. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:He has had the wind at his back, getting by with the denigrating rhetoric when it comes to his political foes. I guess it's because he was brazen enough to declare his contempt for conservatives in such grand fashion and, in any venue, that he was able to manipulate and charm those with their hands stuck out or those that are looking for pay back.

Progressives and liberals like to call this administration's social agenda the state of 'moving forward', but I know it is really nothing more than getting even. All manner of minority see this administration as their inroad to erasing the social stigma they feel they have faced their whole lives. This long awaited social reckoning afoot as we speak therefore, has some pretty long legs. Those who voted for him will be back in his corner, long before they will allow those inroads to falter. So, the Sheila Jackson Lee's, John Conyers, Nancy Pelosi's and the James Clyburn's, will never abandon their leader. We had a pretty good run-n-go at William Jefferson Clinton which led almost nowhere, as he is still the liberal god. And yet, I believe the avalanche of dishonorable dealings coming to light these days, as the timid finally are gaining the courage to expose the illegal activities going on in nearly every branch and agency, including the state department, has even longer legs. :biggrin:
How much has been proven to be linked back to Obama? I'll give you guys umbrellagate. That was definitely Obama's doing.
TheRealVille Wrote:You can bet your ass you got that part right.

It wasn't intended as a compliment since, rather than on a sense of logic, the choice seems more likely based on what I would describe as an emotionally charged feeling of sorts. Kind of soap opera-esque. When you think about it, it's really easy to see how it is that women like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Lois Lerner and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have all played such a big part in the daily workings of the present administration.
TheRealVille Wrote:How much has been proven to be linked back to Obama? I'll give you guys umbrellagate. That was definitely Obama's doing.
Take your choice. Obama is either the biggest crook to hold the presidency during our lifetime or he is the most incompetent fool to hold the distinction. Proof comes after investigations and trials. Legally, a confession is not necessarily proof before a verdict because confessions may be coerced from innocent defendants. So, as long as a politician can hold onto the support of lemmings like you and dodge investigations, no amount of evidence will prove guilt to a legal standard.

Fortunately, politicians are accountable in the court of public opinion and Obama is currently losing that trial.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Take your choice. Obama is either the biggest crook to hold the presidency during our lifetime or he is the most incompetent fool to hold the distinction. Proof comes after investigations and trials. Legally, a confession is not necessarily proof before a verdict because confessions may be coerced from innocent defendants. So, as long as a politician can hold onto the support of lemmings like you and dodge investigations, no amount of evidence will prove guilt to a legal standard.

Fortunately, politicians are accountable in the court of public opinion and Obama is currently losing that trial.
Who won their second election? Who's approval rating is holding fairly steady around 50%?
TheRealVille Wrote:Who won their second election? Who's approval rating is holding fairly steady around 50%?
Obama won his second term by covering up the scandals that are finally boiling over. Be patient, Obama's approval rating is trending down and he will drag Congressional Democrats with him. Daily scandal coverage does that to a president's job approval ratings, especially when honest liberals begin to report the news.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obama won his second term by covering up the scandals that are finally boiling over. Be patient, Obama's approval rating is trending down and he will drag Congressional Democrats with him. Daily scandal coverage does that to a president's job approval ratings, especially when honest liberals begin to report the news.
No, it isn't. It's been trending up, and has only just in the last week or so, dropped a couple of points. I watch it every day.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, it isn't. It's been trending up, and has only just in the last week or so, dropped a couple of points. I watch it every day.
Stay tuned. The only thing that will limit the magnitude of Obama's plummeting popularity is his 90 percent support among blacks in the Democratic Party. As women begin dealing with Obamacare, you will see the drop accelerate. Max Baucus knows that it will happen, I know it, and eventually even you will realize what has happened.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obama won his second term by covering up the scandals that are finally boiling over. Be patient, Obama's approval rating is trending down and he will drag Congressional Democrats with him. Daily scandal coverage does that to a president's job approval ratings, especially when honest liberals begin to report the news.

Why did you lie? Look at the trend for yourself, from your favorite pollster.

TheRealVille Wrote:^ Why did you lie then?
You are confused. I said that Obama's poll numbers are declining. You said that they were holding steady. Let's leave it to others to decide who the liar is, shall we? Confusednicker:

Quote:Poll: President Obama job approval rating down (from Politico 30 May, 2013)

President Barack Obama’s approval rating took a hit amid three controversies surrounding his administration, including an investigation into the Internal Revenue Service unfairly targeting conservative groups seeking nonprofit status, a new poll Thursday showed.

Obama has a 45 percent approval rating and a 49 percent disapproval rating — compared with a 48 percent approval, 45 percent disapproval rating from May 1, according to the Quinnipiac University poll.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are confused. I said that Obama's poll numbers are declining. You said that they were holding steady. Let's leave it to others to decide who the liar is, shall we? Confusednicker:

You said "Obama's approval rating is trending down", which is a bald faced lie. Your words are in black and white. As trends go, they are basically flat, with an upward swing over the last couple of months, then going down a couple of notches in the last few days. In your "trending", if you are going by 2 days at a time, I guess they are trending down. :biglmao: Look at the trend you speak of. Post #54 & #56 shows your exact words.

My words. Nowhere did I say they were holding steady. I said, fairly steady, and they were trending up, which they are. Look at the charts, my statement is a lot closer than yours. A graph of several months actually shows his numbers are fairly steady around 50%, like I said.You are getting proven the liar that you really are.
Quote:No, it isn't. It's been trending up, and has only just in the last week or so, dropped a couple of points. I watch it every day.

Quote:Obama has a 45 percent approval rating and a 49 percent disapproval rating — compared with a 48 percent approval, 45 percent disapproval rating from May 1, according to the Quinnipiac University poll.

Are we looking at approval rating trends, or a mixture of approval and disapproval ratings mixed up in a twisting fashion? :biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:You said "Obama's approval rating is trending down", which is a bald faced lie. Your words are in black and white. As trends go, they are basically flat, with an upward swing over the last couple of months, then going down a couple of notches in the last few days. In your "trending", if you are going by 2 days at a time, I guess they are trending down. :biglmao: Look at the trend you speak of.

You have got to be the lowest class character that I have ever encountered online. I said that Obama's approval ratings have been trending down and you called me a liar. I then posted a poll that shows that Obama's approval ratings declined during the month of May. Then you post a reference to the Rasmussen poll that clearly shows that Obama's approval ratings have been trending downward and you call me a liar again. How pathetic is that?

Stupidity and dishonesty is a dangerous combination. Scandals are a drag on presidential popularity - they always have been and they always will be.

[Image: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/var/plai...1_2013.jpg]
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