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Paintsville 2013
Tiger Fever Wrote:I don't want the kid that you're hinting at back at Paintsville. He left us when we were going through some tough times and now that things are looking up here he wants to come crawling back. I know you can't blame the kid from leaving us. That one rests on the shoulders of his daddy and I sure don't want him back because he's a cancer any where he's at. Go Tigers!

Which one are you referring to as a cancer, the player or the dad?
I can't believe this. Things are looking up? Left when things got tough?
We need every able football body we can get and this kid has never had any issues with teammates or coaches that I've ever heard of and is an all around good kid. Never in trouble, does not cause problems and works hard. I don't get the cancer claim but maybe it's me cause I never heard anything bad about the kid. You have to remember last year when we had 5 kids that could have played and contributed they stood on the sidelines in their jerseys and flip flops while the rest of the 15 on the team tried to play as beat and as hard as they could and had their brains beat out by Raceland, Fairview, and Pikeville. If you really think we can compete against them this year then I would like to know how since we will dress around the same amount. This kid would be a huge difference maker not only in the backfield but on defense as well as we had maybe thre of four that would bring the wood on every play. I've seen on here "there are 30 kids signed up to play" of those 30 how many will be there on opening night and how may can actually play and have impact? For those that watch this team and know the game, they know less than half of the 30 can. If you are trying to convince me we don't need this kid, man I would sure like to hear it.
THOMCAT Wrote:Which one are you referring to as a cancer, the player or the dad?

Thats whats wrong with the program now. The kids are the ones who want him back not u. Maybe you can dress up and play. Its all about little Johnny!! If this kid comes back , the it knocks someones kid out. I cant believe the school i Loved so much has come to comments like this. OH about the cancer, his dad was born in JUNE HA HA!!. Can wait to see the kid and his dad when they come up north to a camp next month.
I meant cant wait to see them.
dns Wrote:Thats whats wrong with the program now. The kids are the ones who want him back not u. Maybe you can dress up and play. Its all about little Johnny!! If this kid comes back , the it knocks someones kid out. I cant believe the school i Loved so much has come to comments like this. OH about the cancer, his dad was born in JUNE HA HA!!. Can wait to see the kid and his dad when they come up north to a camp next month.

My comment was a question to Tiger Fever about his post. His wording had me questioning which one he was calling a cancer. This kids dad is a friend of mine and has been since he was in grade school and the kid has played for me at an earlier level as was a joy to coach. I was hoping that Tiger Fever was not referring to the kid. To get on here and refer to a kid as a cancer would be terrible if that was intended to be his reference.
THOMCAT Wrote:Which one are you referring to as a cancer, the player or the dad?

Sorry I was referring to the Dad,Mr know it all himself. I actually like the kid but all his daddy does is stir up trouble everywhere he goes.
TigerBlues Wrote:I can't believe this. Things are looking up? Left when things got tough?
We need every able football body we can get and this kid has never had any issues with teammates or coaches that I've ever heard of and is an all around good kid. Never in trouble, does not cause problems and works hard. I don't get the cancer claim but maybe it's me cause I never heard anything bad about the kid. You have to remember last year when we had 5 kids that could have played and contributed they stood on the sidelines in their jerseys and flip flops while the rest of the 15 on the team tried to play as beat and as hard as they could and had their brains beat out by Raceland, Fairview, and Pikeville. If you really think we can compete against them this year then I would like to know how since we will dress around the same amount. This kid would be a huge difference maker not only in the backfield but on defense as well as we had maybe thre of four that would bring the wood on every play. I've seen on here "there are 30 kids signed up to play" of those 30 how many will be there on opening night and how may can actually play and have impact? For those that watch this team and know the game, they know less than half of the 30 can. If you are trying to convince me we don't need this kid, man I would sure like to hear it.
There's no doubt that we need this kid but we don't need the drama that his dad brings with him. I personally love the way the kid plays. We don't need anymore drama from parents in this program. We already have enough of it with rail threatening to take his son to Pikeville or Hazard every time he doesn't get his way.
THOMCAT Wrote:My comment was a question to Tiger Fever about his post. His wording had me questioning which one he was calling a cancer. This kids dad is a friend of mine and has been since he was in grade school and the kid has played for me at an earlier level as was a joy to coach. I was hoping that Tiger Fever was not referring to the kid. To get on here and refer to a kid as a cancer would be terrible if that was intended to be his reference.
Thomcat I wasn't talking about the kid.
Tiger Fever Wrote:There's no doubt that we need this kid but we don't need the drama that his dad brings with him. I personally love the way the kid plays. We don't need anymore drama from parents in this program. We already have enough of it with rail threatening to take his son to Pikeville or Hazard every time he doesn't get his way.

This truly funny. Who did rail threaten? I've never heard Hazard but Pikeville I have if Paintsville dressed less than 20 players and as far as drama that is the last guy I would think of as the daddy in the locker room type or calling the coach or waiting for an assistant. I've never seen or heard of it and the kids would know and they have never mentioned it. Read the earlier posts, Kash isn't going anywhere I don't think but Tiger talk to his dad and inform us I would like to hear that one too.
THOMCAT Wrote:Which one are you referring to as a cancer, the player or the dad?

If this the same person I think you're talking about. Where has he been a cancer at. He's only been at one school!!
I hope Paintsvill is as good to coach Mccoy as Magoffin county was you would have thought he was from magoffin with all they done for him and his boy. Hope he does well .
Kash going to Pikeville would be awesome for basketball and baseball...football Pikeville is already loaded so don't know where he would fit in there but I'm sure he would be a great addition. Excellent family though best of luck to the young man and I'm sure he will be great. Don't have a clue about the inside info but my guess he will be at Paintsville throughout his high school career.
I think McCoy will get this program going. Great guy, great coach. Works hard and demands same from his kids. May take him a little while to get the numbers up but rest assured that will be his #1 priority. If he gets the support he needs form the school system he can do some great things at Paintsville.
dns Wrote:If this the same person I think you're talking about. Where has he been a cancer at. He's only been at one school!!

DNS Thomcat wasnt the one saying the that player or his father was a cancer. Thomcat actually took up for both of them. Tiger Fever was the one that was running his mouth about the two.
I don't think either the father, or especially the kid are even close to being a CANCER. I do, however, think that the father is shrewd enough to be playing this "transfer" talk to possibly leverage some more touches for the kid at JC. Not that there is any thing wrong with that, I know he cares dearly for the boy, and wants the best opportunity for him. But, I certainly don't expect to see the kid in blue and white next season. Although, I DO believe that if they let the kid pick his school, he goes blue.
I knoe Coach Booth. Hope i didn't saw anything out of the way to Thomcat. If I did Im sorry. Look at tiger fever join date, They are just trying to start trouble!!
dns Wrote:I knoe Coach Booth. Hope i didn't saw anything out of the way to Thomcat. If I did Im sorry. Look at tiger fever join date, They are just trying to start trouble!!

I'm not trying to start trouble DNS just stating the obvious about daddy being a distraction.
Tiger Fever Wrote:I'm not trying to start trouble DNS just stating the obvious about daddy being a distraction.

My perception is your a troubled parent trying to stir the pot with these ridiculous posts but that's only my opinion. Your better off going to Topix and rant about this crap.
Does anyone know when we will start the seven on seven?
Tiger Fever Wrote:I'm not trying to start trouble DNS just stating the obvious about daddy being a distraction.

What did he do. I know he coached basketball for about 15 years for Pville until you guys got rid of him because his boy was sent to a better football program. Just wonder!!
TigerBlues, for you to insinuate that 5 players could have played and chose not to while standing on the sidelines in their flipflops and jerseys (according to you), maybe you should consider what their doctors said before throwing off on them like that. Do you really think that this group of boys would stand by and do that? Just goes to show that you really don't know them. Pitiful to talk about kids like this and pretend to be the adult.
You two morons point the finger and ask if those kids could have played, its obvious you have no clue about what was going on. Are you serious? Doctors? Dude you just exposed yourself as not knowing anything about what the program is was doing at that time. hell the doctors clears them weeks before but you guys act like its a surprise. Nice.
Again, you're wrong, TB (surprise, surprise!!!). I actually AM around those kids and their parents and KNOW that all of those kids were NOT released to play. Check your facts, dude.
At any rate and for those of us who support the program, the boys are excited! More kids are out already than was expected which is always nice so early in the year. Parents are involved, there have been several football parent meetings for the new boosters club. Things are happening. Most importantly, this is a very good bunch of kids. Good grades, good attitudes, and coachable. Baseball is over and it's time for some football, Tiger fans!
I hope it all works out, everybody thought last season was going to be great. I guess we will find out what kind of coach McCoy is. When he must win. not just get through the season.
Mountain Boy Wrote:I don't think either the father, or especially the kid are even close to being a CANCER. I do, however, think that the father is shrewd enough to be playing this "transfer" talk to possibly leverage some more touches for the kid at JC. Not that there is any thing wrong with that, I know he cares dearly for the boy, and wants the best opportunity for him. But, I certainly don't expect to see the kid in blue and white next season. Although, I DO believe that if they let the kid pick his school, he goes blue.

Coach Mtney is going to spread the around like he did last year. They're no more JJ's. No matter what daddy wants. I think the transfer stuff started over educational stuff. Dont know for sure but will know more after K DAy!! can't wait!!
Tigers pick up a solid freshman to be transfer last week and will be a tremendous addition to the team, from what I understand he is a north south runner and likes contact. Just as aggressive on defense as well. Welcome to TigerTown young man!
TigerBlues Wrote:Tigers pick up a solid freshman to be transfer last week and will be a tremendous addition to the team, from what I understand he is a north south runner and likes contact. Just as aggressive on defense as well. Welcome to TigerTown young man!
Maybe im not seeing things right.But Pville has maybe the best tailback in the state as a freshman this year.Is this new transfer going to be happy playing behind him for 4 years.Or he is going to be happy being a defensive player for 4 years.Pville should have a good kid at the fullback position too.So knowing that you are the third option for 4 years is going to be tough to keep him happy.Good luck young man.
TigerBlues Wrote:Tigers pick up a solid freshman to be transfer last week and will be a tremendous addition to the team, from what I understand he is a north south runner and likes contact. Just as aggressive on defense as well. Welcome to TigerTown young man!

Good news! I've heard nothing but positives about this young man. I love a north/south runner in the backfield and not a back that's always running around the ends and looking for the sidelines to keep from getting hit. Football is a game that is won between the tackles. Tiger fans we're in for a treat with this kid. Has anyone heard for sure what kind of offense will Coach McCoy be running?
With a solid fullback, and three good tailbacks if the transfer rumors are true it would seem a wishbone might be a solid option. Either that or go with a triple option attack out of the flex, with a solid dual threat qb.
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