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Get Ready for Another G.O.P. Choke
^ From a guy that welcomes gridlock in America, just to make Obama look bad. You have shown your hand Hoot, you are no better than the pricks in Washington trying to hold America hostage.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ From a guy that welcomes gridlock in America, just to make Obama look bad. You have shown your hand Hoot, you are no better than the pricks in Washington trying to hold America hostage.
No legislation is better than bad legislation. There is no shortage of federal laws and regulations. Let Obama start enforcing the laws on the books. That will keep him busy for the next three years. He has created a large backlog of unenforced laws that he swore to uphold.

I have not done anything to make Obama look bad. He and his supporters have done a fine job of self-destructing through their own actions. Supporting the criminal actions of this administration only makes you look ignorant.
Good night, RV. I am proud to say that I want and need to work fulltime and tomorrow is a work day. I will be taking a 30 minute lunch tomorrow, sometime between 11 AM and 1 PM. Maybe you can work on your game and post something that I can like from my phone. Confusednicker:.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There you go again, RV. Yes, I often speak derisively of "ambulance chasers" because I despise what certain types of lawyers have done to this country. There are far more bad lawyers in this country than good ones, but there will always be a need for good lawyers in this country to protect good people and companies from bad people. For example, people who if left unchecked would use the IRS to harass and intimidate their political opponents and violate their First, Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights, among others. In other words, we need an army of good lawyers to protect us from Obama and others of his ilk who walk among decent people.
What makes you know HRV isn't an ambulance chaser? Agreeing with you?
TheRealVille Wrote:.

i agree trv
very intelligent post
your best yet
other than your completely blank ones
TheRealVille Wrote:What makes you know HRV isn't an ambulance chaser? Agreeing with you?
I don't speculate about who posters are in real life or what they do for a living. I am not a gossip. As far as I can tell, you have done nothing today but insult other members. I know that yesterday was a rough day for you, but try to contribute something positive for a change.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't speculate about who posters are in real life or what they do for a living. I am not a gossip. As far as I can tell, you have done nothing today but insult other members. I know that yesterday was a rough day for you, but try to contribute something positive for a change.
I just bash morons. I'll post as I please. You aren't the poster child for positive contributions, unless someone agrees with your "know it all posts". Have you ever in your life even admitted being wrong? Do you realize you "too", argue like a high school kid? Hell, you are 6-7 years my senior. :lmao: When are you going to realize I play you, just like the moron you are?
TheRealVille Wrote:I just bash morons. I'll post as I please. You aren't the poster child for positive contributions, unless someone agrees with your "know it all posts". Have you ever in your life even admitted being wrong? Do you realize you "too", argue like a high school kid? Hell, you are 6-7 years my senior. :lmao: When are you going to realize I play you, just like the moron you are?
If you are a smart man posing as a moron, then you are delivering an Oscar worthy performance. Bravo! Encore! Such genius is so rare. Tom Hanks, eat your heart out. :hilarious:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you are a smart man posing as a moron, then you are delivering an Oscar worthy performance. Bravo! Encore! Such genius is so rare. Tom Hanks, eat your heart out. :hilarious:
I'm smart enough to get a 54-55 year old college educated man to argue and act like a 6 year old girl. Confusednicker:
Quote:The Republican Party’s obsession with Obama scandals is backfiring in a big way, as the party’s disapproval rating has shot up to 59%.

The latest CNN/ORC poll contained some great news for Democrats, and very troubling developments for Republicans. Over the past two months, disapproval of the Republican Party has risen from 54% to 59%. The Republican Party’s favorability rating has fallen from 38% in March to 35% today. This a net (-8) point swing over the past two months.

The exact opposite has occurred for the Democratic Party. Not only has President Obama’s job approval rating climbed, but his party is also on the upswing. The Democratic Party’s unfavorable rating has fallen from 48% to 43%. The favorability rating of President Obama’s party has grown from 46% to 52%. This is a net (+11) point swing for the Democrats.

The CNN poll focused heavily on the trumped up trifecta of Republican pushed Obama scandals. Judging by the numbers it appears that many Americans are viewing these scandals as more partisan bickering, which is not what Republicans wanted. Instead of being blamed for the scandals, President Obama’s masterful handling of the GOP’s partisan political maneuvers is resulting in a bounce in the polls.

An improving economy is also helping to give people a positive view of the president and his party, but two moments turned the Obama scandals into Obama windfalls. The president benefited from the fact that the Benghazi emails were edited by Republicans and leaked to the media. His strong and immediate action on the IRS scandal also appears to have helped him in the public eye.

Republicans would be best served by dropping these scandals and moving on, but that is not how the GOP rolls. Republicans have become the small tent, self destructive extremist party, so they will ignore all the warning signs in order to chase a political advantage that doesn’t exist. By misjudging President Obama and the American people, Republicans have set themselves up for another fall.

More: http://www.politicususa.com/scandal-back...party.html
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No legislation is better than bad legislation. There is no shortage of federal laws and regulations. Let Obama start enforcing the laws on the books. That will keep him busy for the next three years. He has created a large backlog of unenforced laws that he swore to uphold.

I have not done anything to make Obama look bad. He and his supporters have done a fine job of self-destructing through their own actions. Supporting the criminal actions of this administration only makes you look ignorant.

name 1
^name 1 what? do u type all posts on an old cell ph?
TheRealVille Wrote:More: http://www.politicususa.com/scandal-back...party.html

You must expand your reading list. There is a world of factual information outside the usual liberal propaganda machines.:biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:^name 1 what? do u type all posts on an old cell ph?

that's what I thought :biglmao:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You must expand your reading list. There is a world of factual information outside the usual liberal propaganda machines.:biglmao:
I guess you'll see in 2014. You might be the one that looks into other sources, you media isn't telling you everything. As attested to the polls and news sources you guys were watching in 2012, and the ones I was, it is obvious who's head is in the sand. Your news sources had you guys convinced Romney had it won, right up until the concession speech.
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess you'll see in 2014. You might be the one that looks into other sources, you media isn't telling you everything. As attested to the polls and news sources you guys were watching in 2012, and the ones I was, it is obvious who's head is in the sand. Your news sources had you guys convinced Romney had it won, right up until the concession speech.

Wrong again. I am a realist. I never remotely predicted that Romney would win. Obama had the media, the entertainment industry, all the various and sundry minority groups, the homosexuals, the radical feminists, the unemployed, the remaining underbelly of humanity, the illegals, and the freeloaders.

Romney supported self reliance, freedom, and opportunity to better one's self. Obama supported a nanny state.

Obviously, Obama was going to win. Those Republicans who believed otherwise were and are fools.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Wrong again. I am a realist. I never remotely predicted that Romney would win. Obama had the media, the entertainment industry, all the various and sundry minority groups, the homosexuals, the radical feminists, the unemployed, the remaining underbelly of humanity, the illegals, and the freeloaders.

Romney supported self reliance, freedom, and opportunity to better one's self. Obama supported a nanny state.

Obviously, Obama was going to win. Those Republicans who believed otherwise were and are fools.
Be careful, you are stepping on BGR toes. We had a couple, or five, on here that held out hope, and argued that Romney was winning, until the speech. They were believing that one Fox guy that wouldn't give up.
TheRealVille Wrote:More: http://www.politicususa.com/scandal-back...party.html

I seem to think the media has started pushing this an is strongly biased when it comes to these ratings.
Any person with a brain would realise its the democratic party who would be falling at this time. I just dont understand why the media and pollsters put out that republican disaproval ratings are rising when its the democratic party who finds itself in scandal after scandal.
Ofcourse they could have done the usual and only polled in San Fransisco and New York....
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I seem to think the media has started pushing this an is strongly biased when it comes to these ratings.
Any person with a brain would realise its the democratic party who would be falling at this time. I just dont understand why the media and pollsters put out that republican disaproval ratings are rising when its the democratic party who finds itself in scandal after scandal.
Ofcourse they could have done the usual and only polled in San Fransisco and New York....
It's just as predicted. The republicans are overplaying their hand, and America knows Obama isn't involved in the scandals. The democrats, according to all the polls, are getting stronger, and republicans are sinking.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I seem to think the media has started pushing this an is strongly biased when it comes to these ratings.
Any person with a brain would realise its the democratic party who would be falling at this time. I just dont understand why the media and pollsters put out that republican disaproval ratings are rising when its the democratic party who finds itself in scandal after scandal.
Ofcourse they could have done the usual and only polled in San Fransisco and New York....

its another biased source trv uses 2 think 4 him
your spot on with this post
ppl who say the republican party is dying needs 2 look at not just the house elections but the state elections of 2010
some of the strictest abortion laws passed since b4 row vs wade
if u want 2 see when the republicans were a dying cause, 1936 they had about 1/5 of the senate and 1/4 of the house
dems still found a way 2 screw up their huge advantage :lmao:
WideMiddle03 Wrote:its another biased source trv uses 2 think 4 him
your spot on with this post
ppl who say the republican party is dying needs 2 look at not just the house elections but the state elections of 2010
some of the strictest abortion laws passed since b4 row vs wade
if u want 2 see when the republicans were a dying cause, 1936 they had about 1/5 of the senate and 1/4 of the house
dems still found a way 2 screw up their huge advantage :lmao:
Keep your head in the sand, Chester. 2014 and 2016 will tell the tale. You lost seats in both Houses, and the big seat, (which a total moron should have been able to win according to you guys), to Obama.

That will get turned over as soon as people's lawyers get hold of them. Abortion is legal. Laws made that go against it, are against the law, and will be overturned.

I can't post the words to this link below, but it kind of fitting, and though exaggerated, mostly the truth about the republican party.

TheRealVille Wrote:It's just as predicted. The republicans are overplaying their hand, and America knows Obama isn't involved in the scandals. The democrats, according to all the polls, are getting stronger, and republicans are sinking.

Obama is never involved in anything. One must wonder if he fathered his daughters.
TheRealVille Wrote:Keep your head in the sand, Chester. 2014 and 2016 will tell the tale. You lost seats in both Houses, and the big seat, (which a total moron should have been able to win according to you guys), to Obama.

That will get turned over as soon as people's lawyers get hold of them. Abortion is legal. Laws made that go against it, are against the law, and will be overturned.

I can't post the words to this link below, but it kind of fitting, and though exaggerated, mostly the truth about the republican party.


what a joke
another liberal source, figures
heres all about the author who wrote that hate-filled column
and you actually list this as a source :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao:

About the Author

James Schlarmann James is in his thirties and gets really passionately angry about politics. Sometimes that anger foments into diatribes, and sometimes those diatribes are comical. Other times, they are not.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:what a joke
another liberal source, figures
heres all about the author who wrote that hate-filled column
and you actually list this as a source :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao:

About the Author

James Schlarmann James is in his thirties and gets really passionately angry about politics. Sometimes that anger foments into diatribes, and sometimes those diatribes are comical. Other times, they are not.
Eloquent or not, he pretty much hit the nail on the head in describing the republican mindset, and how they deal with the topics he named. Immigrants, Mexicans, gays, rape victims, middle class, and government. I don't think anybody is denying that this guy is a liberal, or over the top. But, his points are still valid.
^ All one has to do is look at a couple, or three, here's posts, to find almost the same attitude he expressed as the republican mindset.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ All one has to do is look at a couple, or three, here's posts, to find almost the same attitude he expressed as the republican mindset.

you are so narrow-minded...
that guy has some deep-seeded mental issues
and if you actually believe him you probably do 2
none of these politicians are worth getting emotionally worked up over

and just what is the liberal mindset?

killing living babies?
ballooning the deficit 2 23 trillion?
"controlling" the media through the doj?
having the irs spy on ppl who disagree with the philosophy?
encouraging people 2 take from the govt?
I started this thread and I stick by its title. Why Issa allowed Lois Lerner to defend her "innocence", make a general statement that she wouldn't ansswer any questions, and leave is unbelievable.

The obviuous approach was to ask her the questions and force her to claim her rights under the Fifth Amendment over and over again. That is how it is done. Political? Of course. Everything is political. Nonetheless, you create a negative sequence that can be played over and over. The average (typical) low information citizen of this country needs these dramatic sequences in order to get their attention. What was allowed to occur will never sink into their brains as they prepare for another Dancing with the Stars rerun.

I immediately wondered what law school Issa attended and whether or not he passed Trial Procedure I. The truth is, he never attended law school. His performance sure backed that up. He blew the opportunity. Oh, some will say he was fair. We aren't playing "butt kiss" here. Fairness isn't a consideration.

Trey Gowdy, the congressman from the Palmetto State, should be running these hearings. He, a former federal prosecutor, is far more capable than Issa. Issa failed Teddy Roosevelt's rule. Issa speaks loud but apparently lost his stick.

Issa dealt a blow to the cause of truth.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I started this thread and I stick by its title. Why Issa allowed Lois Lerner to defend her "innocence", make a general statement that she wouldn't asnswer any questions, and leave is unbeloievable.

The obviuous approach was to ask her the questions and force her to claim her rights under the Fifth Amendment over and over again. That is how it is done. Political? Of course. Everything is political. Nonetheless, you create a negative sequence that can be played over and over. The average (typical) low information citizen of this country needs these dramatic sequences in order to get their attention. What was allowed to occur will never sink into their brains as they prepare for another Dancing with the Stars rerun.

I immediately wondered what law school Issa attended and whether or not he passed Trial Procedure I. The truth is, ne never attended law school. His performance sure backed that up. He blew the opportunity. Oh, some will say he was fair. We aren't playing "butt kiss" here. Fairness isn't a consideration.

Trey Gowdy, the congressman from the Palmetto State, should be running tese hearings. He, a former federal prosecutor, is far more capable than Issa.

Issa dealt a blow to the cause of truth.
Like the guy said, it wasn't a trial, and not subject to trial rules.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like the guy said, it wasn't a trial, and not subject to trial rules.

Like I have said before, you have no clue.
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