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Muslim Socialist Terrible at Destroying America
the other guy Wrote:Forget it Hoot I have never seen a union member understand anything about business. They really do believe in the money tree thing.
vector Wrote:
your post proves my point. You may or may not be union but you do not understand business. Companies have learned to produce more with less it just a fact. What Hoot was talking about is total what a company spends on an employee. Business plans allow for X amount of money for expenses, if they pay more in taxes or benefits wages will be lower or prices will be higher. The point is
it has all got to balance somewhere. Now that profits have improved I believe hiring will slowly start to increase, at least I hope so.
the other guy Wrote:your post proves my point. You may or may not be union but you do not understand business. Companies have learned to produce more with less it just a fact. What Hoot was talking about is total what a company spends on an employee. Business plans allow for X amount of money for expenses, if they pay more in taxes or benefits wages will be lower or prices will be higher. The point is
it has all got to balance somewhere. Now that profits have improved I believe hiring will slowly start to increase, at least I hope so.
So, companies that hire union, and post record profits, should get rid of union, and make even more profit for themselves and pay the worker that makes them money, less? You have arrived, you are a true republican. Did you own stock in that clothing company in Bangladesh?
the other guy Wrote:your post proves my point. You may or may not be union but you do not understand business. Companies have learned to produce more with less it just a fact. What Hoot was talking about is total what a company spends on an employee. Business plans allow for X amount of money for expenses, if they pay more in taxes or benefits wages will be lower or prices will be higher. The point is
it has all got to balance somewhere. Now that profits have improved I believe hiring will slowly start to increase, at least I hope so.

in the private sector if you are not union you take what they give you if you are union you get to negotiate your wage and benefits instead of the corporations getting 75% of the pie in a union they get 50% that's why they don't like a third party
It's always entertaining when liberals :biggrin: pontificate on business and economics.

The overwhelming majority of union members in this country work in the government sector. Without political hacks like Obama, most unions would just disappear because they can no longer compete with non-union labor on a level playing field.

Unfortunately for Obama and the union bosses who support him, his so-called "recess appointments" of cronies to the National Labor Board have already been ruled unconstitutional in two different federal district courts. The politicization of unions in this country is destroying unions in the private sector. Democrats have been far more successful in producing welfare loafers than legitimate opportunities for union labor in this country.

I will never understand why union members support Democrats' efforts to flood this country with "undocumented workers," who have helped destroy job opportunities for American union members and non-union members alike.
If it wasn't for hurting a lot of other American workers, I would like to see some of the things that republicans want to dismantle, to get their wish, just for them. I would laugh my ass off if people are that registered republican, that think like some of you guys, lose your NLRB protection, Davis Bacon, all red states go "right to work", and all of the things that you guys fight so hard against. It would be funny as hell listening to you guys bitch and whine about how you were treated in a pre 1900 type of work setting.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's always entertaining when liberals :biggrin: pontificate on business and economics.

The overwhelming majority of union members in this country work in the government sector. Without political hacks like Obama, most unions would just disappear because they can no longer compete with non-union labor on a level playing field.

Unfortunately for Obama and the union bosses who support him, his so-called "recess appointments" of cronies to the National Labor Board have already been ruled unconstitutional in two different federal district courts. The politicization of unions in this country is destroying unions in the private sector. Democrats have been far more successful in producing welfare loafers than legitimate opportunities for union labor in this country.

I will never understand why union members support Democrats' efforts to flood this country with "undocumented workers," who have helped destroy job opportunities for American union members and non-union members alike.
Union coal run you off, I can understand you being mad. But, I sincerely wish all the things I posted above, that you support, would happen to you.
^ Being an employee on federal work, I know that union backed stuff helps you, namely Davis Bacon prevailing wage protections. I would love to see your wage slip if DB was lifted.
vector Wrote:in the private sector if you are not union you take what they give you if you are union you get to negotiate your wage and benefits instead of the corporations getting 75% of the pie in a union they get 50% that's why they don't like a third party
What kind of wages and benefits have you ever personally negotiated for yourself? If your answer is something other than "never," then I doubt that you have done anything but cast an up or down vote for a contract that somebody else negotiated on your behalf. I believe that you have claimed to be a former UMWA miner, so putting all your eggs in a union basket seems to have failed in your case. Mining companies that employ union labor in eastern Kentucky cannot compete. The profit margins and most of the coal seams are simply too thin.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Being an employee on federal work, I know that union backed stuff helps you, namely Davis Bacon prevailing wage protections. I would love to see your wage slip if DB was lifted.
You don't know anything about my line of work. Davis Bacon does not apply to people working in my profession. Competition keeps our salaries high, which is the way it should be.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's always entertaining when liberals :biggrin: pontificate on business and economics.

The overwhelming majority of union members in this country work in the government sector. Without political hacks like Obama, most unions would just disappear because they can no longer compete with non-union labor on a level playing field.

Unfortunately for Obama and the union bosses who support him, his so-called "recess appointments" of cronies to the National Labor Board have already been ruled unconstitutional in two different federal district courts. The politicization of unions in this country is destroying unions in the private sector. Democrats have been far more successful in producing welfare loafers than legitimate opportunities for union labor in this country.

I will never understand why union members support Democrats' efforts to flood this country with "undocumented workers," who have helped destroy job opportunities for American union members and non-union members alike.

if they every do away with all the unions in this country the middle class is gone you better watch what you wish for because I believe it's around the corner
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What kind of wages and benefits have you ever personally negotiated for yourself? If your answer is something other than "never," then I doubt that you have done anything but cast an up or down vote for a contract that somebody else negotiated on your behalf. I believe that you have claimed to be a former UMWA miner, so putting all your eggs in a union basket seems to have failed in your case. Mining companies that employ union labor in eastern Kentucky cannot compete. The profit margins and most of the coal seams are simply too thin.

work for island creek and wolf creek both union but when they are all gone it's going to be tough
vector Wrote:if they every do away with all the unions in this country the middle class is gone you better watch what you wish for because I believe it's around the corner
Unions in the private sector have such a small piece of the labor market, they are no longer really a factor in setting wages in this country. You are living in the past.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You don't know anything about my line of work. Davis Bacon does not apply to people working in my profession. Competition keeps our salaries high, which is the way it should be.
If you work on federal projects, DB definitely applies. If your employer tries to pay you less than prevailing wage, DB comes into play.
vector Wrote:work for island creek and wolf creek both union but when they are all gone it's going to be tough
Island Creek has been gone for years. In eastern Kentucky, Island Creek became non-competitive with their UMWA company mines in the early to mid-70s. They tried to operate the Big Creek mines with union labor, and they finally had to throw in the towel and close them. Companies like Massey and James River ate their lunch because Island Creen was saddled with UMWA obligations.
TheRealVille Wrote:Compared to your healthcare, that is basically useless to you, being 29 years old? I'm very ok with the insurance your company provides you, if you are. Let's see, the companies I work for are posting record profits the last few years, I guess if that's going broke, they will be closing the doors any day.

I'm not saying you are fibbing, but I've never in my life heard of 32.00 dollars a month health insurance premium. Or, even a 45.00 one for that matter.

Im not lying. It was what that company prided itself on. I worked there while i was in college. I hated working there, but i never had to worry about affording healthcare.
I even had my wisdom teeth cut out while i worked there, (all four of them at the same time) and my dental insurance was so good it only costed me $105.

Im not lying to you. Im telling you now what my health insurance cost, and im being truthful about all of it. $1.63 a week, and then a small copay and small percentage.
If i had a 1000 doctor bill, it would run me around 45-50 bucks.

It was amazing insurance. The best part was the owner of that company also owned an insurance company and we didnt have that, he went with a better insruance company. That company also employed over 250 people.

It was really good insurance and now instead of that, workers are stuck with a 2500 deductible before the insurance would pay anything.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm union. The companies I work for post record profits. How are they doing that, with hiring union help and all. "Doing it right the first time" really does mean something to companies that hire union. We also hold a much better safety record, which also save companies money. To be sure, you guys that don't have a clue about how unions help companies, shouldn't even comment on the subject.

From my understanding, the company i work for voted in a union back in the 80's.
It last 3 months when the employees seen how much dues were costing them when they never got one single thing in return. It was quickly vacated.

Unions are not used what they were meant for. I think we all know that.
Nowhere should a broom pusher make 20 bucks an hour, and no where should someone make ridicolous money for a job that shouldnt pay it.

Thats the problem. Doesnt effect me any. We employ 1500 at my company and not a single soul there wants a union.

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