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obama adds more fuel 2 his fire
look at this

"As drops fell on the two world leaders, President Barack Obama asked for some protection from the elements. "Why don't we get a couple of Marines," he said. "They're gonna look good next to us. Just 'cuz I've got a change of suits, but I don't know about our prime minister. There we go. [Gestures to press.] You guys, I'm sorry about.'"
That arrogant pose comes so naturally to Obama. The military exists to "serve and protect," but Obama takes the serve part of that phrase literally and very personally.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That arrogant pose comes so naturally to Obama. The military exists to "serve and protect," but Obama takes the serve part of that phrase literally and very personally.
Do you realize that ALL Presidents have marines hold umbrellas over them when they are speaking in the rain?
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you realize that ALL Presidents have marines hold umbrellas over them when they are speaking in the rain?
Show me a photo of Bush and Reagan standing under an umbrella held by a Marine.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Show me a photo of Bush and Reagan standing under an umbrella held by a Marine.
I don't have one, but you know they do it. I've saw it on TV before.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't have one, but you know they do it. I've saw it on TV before.
I don't believe you. I do believe that if you go to those socialist websites that you frequent that you will be able to find some Photoshopped images to support your claim. But I assume that you are either mistaken or lying again.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't believe you. I do believe that if you go to those socialist websites that you frequent that you will be able to find some Photoshopped images to support your claim. But I assume that you are either mistaken or lying again.
I don't give a damn if you believe me or not.

There are 4 marines stationed at the white house at all times while the President is awake. They leave when he goes to bed.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't give a damn if you believe me or not.

There are 4 marines stationed at the white house at all times while the President is awake. They leave when he goes to bed.
Those Corpse-men (as Obama calls them) are not his personal servants and should not be treated as such. As for your claim, it just sounds like another Obama talking point to me. No evidence, just a talking point. I believe that you made up some convenient memories because of the man crush that you obviously have on President Obama.
^ Just like all the other republicans that come up with the "umbrellagate" scandal. Bo has probably shit on the WH lawn, I'm surprised you guys haven't brought that up.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Just like all the other republicans that come up with the "umbrellagate" scandal. Bo has probably shit on the WH lawn, I'm surprised you guys haven't brought that up.
Can't find any evidence to support your claim, huh? :biglmao:

No, this isn't a scandal, just another rookie mistake by a man who is in his fifth year on the job. What strikes me is the arrogant expression on Obama's face in so many photos.
For when you come up with the "Bo shit" scandal, remember this, Obama picks it up himself. Confusednicker:
Quote: Barack Obama scoops Bo's poop

He may be leader of the free world, but when he takes his dog for a walk, President Barack Obama says he bends down to do the nasty work of cleaning up like anyone else.
Answering questions on Friday from youngsters at an elementary school, Mr Obama described going for night-time walks with first dog Bo on the White House South Lawn. "Sometimes I have to scoop up his poop, because I don't want to just leave it in the lawn," the president explained.
The response from the kids: "Eeeewww!"
Mr Obama admonished them: "If you guys have a dog, you've got to walk your dog, too – and clean up after him."
vector Wrote:[Image:]

FAUX they got them brain wash :biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:For when you come up with the "Bo shit" scandal, remember this, Obama picks it up himself. Confusednicker:
Does Obama assign the "Corpse-men" to scooping duty too? If not, what does this have to do with you making facts up as you go or the thread topic? Just another dodge.
vector Wrote:FAUX they got them brain wash :biglmao:
Look, everyone, it's RV's toadie!Confusednicker:
Not a marine, but Reagen did have an umbrella holder


Nixon also had an umbrella holder.

TheRealVille Wrote:Not a marine, but Reagen did have an umbrella holder


Nixon also had an umbrella holder.

Like you said, not a Marine. There is nothing wrong with staff holding an umbrella for a president delivering a speech. Marines are prohibited by regulations from doing so.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Can't find any evidence to support your claim, huh? :biglmao:

^ Confusednicker::biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Confusednicker::biggrin:
Where's the evidence? I assume that you read the article from which you posted these photos (not really, but I am giving you the benefit of doubt). If not, then I suggest that you do so before answering my question.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Can't find any evidence to support your claim, huh? :biglmao:

No, this isn't a scandal, just another rookie mistake by a man who is in his fifth year on the job. What strikes me is the arrogant expression on Obama's face in so many photos.

you just made a ass out of yourself :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Like you said, not a Marine. There is nothing wrong with staff holding an umbrella for a president delivering a speech. Marines are prohibited by regulations from doing so.
Who's the Commander in Chief? Who is the final authority?

According to Marine Corps regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, a male Marine is not allowed to carry an umbrella while in uniform. There is no provision in the Marine Corps uniform regulation guidelines that allows a male Marine to carry an umbrella.

Nevertheless, during a press conference under a light drizzle with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this morning, President Obama allowed the First Head to be protected from the elements by an umbrella held by a male Marine corporal.

The relevant portion of the regulation reads, “3035. UMBRELLAS (Female Marines). Female Marines may carry an all-black, plain standard or collapsible umbrella at their option during inclement weather with the service and dress uniforms. It will be carried in the left hand so that the hand salute can be properly rendered. Umbrellas may not be used/carried in formation nor will they be carried with the utility uniform.”

Items not expressly delineated as authorized components of the Marine Corps uniform are prohibited. Male Marines are informed never to carry an umbrella from the earliest phases of training.

Not even the President of the United States can request a Marine to carry an umbrella without the express consent of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, according to the Marine Corps Manual.

The Marine Corps Manual, the guidebook that defines protocol for officers and enlisted Marines, in section 2806 paragraph 2, specifically states: “The Marine Corps Uniform Regulations, published by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, shall be binding on all Marines. No officer or official shall issue instructions which conflict with, alter, or amend any provision without the approval of the Commandant of the Marine Corps.”
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Where's the evidence? I assume that you read the article from which you posted these photos (not really, but I am giving you the benefit of doubt). If not, then I suggest that you do so before answering my question.
They weren't from an article, they were from a page of images.

Looks like military holding George Herbert Walker's umbrella.
Who has final authority on the Marine Corp at the present time?
TheRealVille Wrote:Who has final authority on the Marine Corp at the present time?

tict tot tict tot tict tot tict tot :biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:They weren't from an article, they were from a page of images.

Looks like military holding George Herbert Walker's umbrella.
Whose military? Where is your link?
TheRealVille Wrote:Who has final authority on the Marine Corp at the present time?
Nobody is above the law and nobody who has any respect for the military would ask a Marine to disobey a regulation to keep his own hair dry.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Whose military? Where is your link?
I said once that it came from a google page of images.

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