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Muslim Socialist Terrible at Destroying America
Quote:We can of course take it on faith that Barack Obama is a Muslim socialist bent on destroying America. That faith rests, after all, on the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, who couldn't possibly be rich con men selling made-up hysteria, because really, what evidence is there for that?

So, given that any reasonable person can plainly see that our president is in fact trying to lead us to ruin, here's the good news: he's really, really bad at it.

Just consider Exhibit A: despite his every effort to bring down capitalism, Obama has presided over a doubling of the stock market, with the Dow hitting an all-time record of 15,000 on Tuesday. Meanwhile corporate profits have risen at the fastest rate since World War II.

It's quite possible, of course, that he timed that Dow record deliberately to embarrass the right wing Capitol Hill Daily, which sent out an email the same day calling for Obama's impeachment for, um, wrecking the stock market.

Yes, that's probably it.

But then there's Exhibit B: more evidence of the sheer incompetence of our America-hater. As the Wall Street Journal reported Friday, the deficit is falling so fast that it's throwing the next round of debt-ceiling brinksmanship off-schedule, because the debt ceiling won't be hit soon enough.

What a screw-up by Obama! As the Journal's editorialists have warned us for years -- and let's remember, they're never wrong -- his goal has been to spend us into bankruptcy. But after inheriting a minus 1.4 trillion dollar running start from George W Bush, Obama has been haplessly shrinking it ever since.

Exhibit C: the financial crisis bailouts, which we know, thanks to Fox News' commitment to the highest journalistic standards, were designed for the government to take over banks and car companies while throwing away taxpayers' money as fast as possible.

Well, Mr. President Lefty Pants, it turns out that your scheme has ended up costing taxpayers far, far less than projected, and in some cases is making us big profits.

Meanwhile your minions have been selling the government's shares in bailed out corporations -- again, often at a profit! -- and soon the government will own none of them. Hah! Some takeover!

Of course, this is all just the Socialist side of destroying America. What about the terrorist-loving Muslim side? After all, no less an authority than Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert knows for a fact that Obama's administration is under the sway of the Muslim Brotherhood. And Beck is all over the government conspiracy to help the Real Boston Bomber escape, which, as Beck fans well know, is made only more credible by the mysterious absence of evidence.

And so to Exhibit D. Somehow, in the course of helping his fellow jihadists, Obama has killed not only Osama Bin Laden, but so many other senior Al Qaeda leaders that we're almost all out of them. And they say Gerald Ford was clumsy?

I could go on (and believe me, the remaining 22 letters of the alphabet tempt me to). But for now, suffice it to say that our great country can rest easy.

Because if Barack Obama keeps bungling his efforts to destroy America like this, who knows what heights we might reach?
huffington post :lmao:
WideMiddle03 Wrote:huffington post :lmao:
The points are still valid, no matter the source. You operate as expected. If it doesn't suit you, shout liberal media.
And yet my healthcare has raised and my company as well as many others have laid people off.

I still dont understand how Obama has done anything to help the working people of this country.
Ive never called him a muslim socialist, only a socialist, because, well, thats very true.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:And yet my healthcare has raised and my company as well as many others have laid people off.

I still dont understand how Obama has done anything to help the working people of this country.
Ive never called him a muslim socialist, only a socialist, because, well, thats very true.
Healthcare was skyrocketing before ACA. Ask the one guy on this board that knows, Beetle. If you're a coal miner, maybe your company is one of those that isn't like Jim Booth, safe, and doing it right.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:And yet my healthcare has raised and my company as well as many others have laid people off.

I still dont understand how Obama has done anything to help the working people of this country.
Ive never called him a muslim socialist, only a socialist, because, well, thats very true.

TheRealVille Wrote:Healthcare was skyrocketing before ACA. Ask the one guy on this board that knows, Beetle. If you're a coal miner, maybe your company is one of those that isn't like Jim Booth, safe, and doing it right.

Thats not my point.
Obamacare, which will go down as one of the biggest failures ever thought of, has not "helped" middle class people whatsoever, it has however gave free health care to people to sorry to work.

Secondly, im not a miner. I work for a global company. I do however work with coal miners quite often, and its not fair to see what Obama and his EPA has done to them. I like Mcconnells news proposed bill that would make the EPA either accept or deny permits instead of letting them sit in limbo and do nothing. If they do that, they are automatically accepted.
Until the coal industry gets out of the sranglehold Obama and the EPA has on it, EKY will continue to fall further and further into poverty.
Almost 5,000 coal miners laid off now.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Thats not my point.
Obamacare, which will go down as one of the biggest failures ever thought of, has not "helped" middle class people whatsoever, it has however gave free health care to people to sorry to work.

Secondly, im not a miner. I work for a global company. I do however work with coal miners quite often, and its not fair to see what Obama and his EPA has done to them. I like Mcconnells news proposed bill that would make the EPA either accept or deny permits instead of letting them sit in limbo and do nothing. If they do that, they are automatically accepted.
Until the coal industry gets out of the sranglehold Obama and the EPA has on it, EKY will continue to fall further and further into poverty.
Almost 5,000 coal miners laid off now.
Wrong. Like I said, ask Beetle. Your "opinion" is 100% republican politics. Not fact.
^ Give us a complete rundown of what the ACA does to the middle class, with no outside help. Your words. Bottom line, you are just like me, and everybody else here, you don't have a damn clue on a lot about the ACA. Anything you know is republican talking points.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Give us a complete rundown of what the ACA does to the middle class, with no outside help. Your words. Bottom line, you are just like me, and everybody else here, you don't have a damn clue on a lot about the ACA. Anything you know is republican talking points.

y should he have to since you never give an account with your words
just google links
38 separate votes to try to repeal the ACA, all shot down. Wink
TheRealVille Wrote:38 separate votes to try to repeal the ACA, all shot down. Wink

and while the votes are being shot down, the premiums are being shot UP
it's funny u dont mention anything except something being voted down :lmao:
cant think for yourself :biglmao:
WideMiddle03 Wrote:and while the votes are being shot down, the premiums are being shot UP
it's funny u dont mention anything except something being voted down :lmao:
cant think for yourself :biglmao:
Talk to Beetle01 about healthcare prices rising, and if they are attributable to the ACA. He is the only one on this board that has a real clue on anything about the ACA. How much taxpayer money is being spent to have those 38 votes? Is it somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 million dollars?
TheRealVille Wrote:Talk to Beetle01 about healthcare prices rising, and if they are attributable to the ACA. He is the only one on this board that has a real clue on anything about the ACA. How much taxpayer money is being spent to have those 38 votes? Is it somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 million dollars?

duck dip dive and dodge
u said for runitiupthegut to give a complete account of the ACA
something u never would come close to doing
WideMiddle03 Wrote:duck dip dive and dodge
u said for runitiupthegut to give a complete account of the ACA
something u never would come close to doing
He was the one saying how bad it was for America. He needs to backup his allegations with what he knows that makes it bad. I didn't say it, he did. His silence showed that he didn't really have a clue what he was talking about. Not unlike you.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:and while the votes are being shot down, the premiums are being shot UP
it's funny u dont mention anything except something being voted down :lmao:
cant think for yourself :biglmao:

TheRealVille Wrote:^ Give us a complete rundown of what the ACA does to the middle class, with no outside help. Your words. Bottom line, you are just like me, and everybody else here, you don't have a damn clue on a lot about the ACA. Anything you know is republican talking points.

It's very simple to me.
The biggest thing that hurts me is the fact that it ends tax free money that your company can reimburse you after you meet your deductible.
My deductible is 2400. Thats 2400 out of pocket i have to pay every year until it met. My company was giving us 600 cash back on it tax free when we met that deductible and i dont know about you, but thats a lot of money to me. The ACA prevents companies from giving back at all.

The ACA provides "affordable" coverage to low income employees while costing me a fortune. Its like they want everybody to be equal....hmm....socialism?

And if my company opts out of providing insurance and ever pays the fee and im more or less forced into a state exchange, my insurance will triple.

Is that good enough? The ACA hasnt helped me. It hurts me. It hurts people that work.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It's very simple to me.
The biggest thing that hurts me is the fact that it ends tax free money that your company can reimburse you after you meet your deductible.
My deductible is 2400. Thats 2400 out of pocket i have to pay every year until it met. My company was giving us 600 cash back on it tax free when we met that deductible and i dont know about you, but thats a lot of money to me. The ACA prevents companies from giving back at all.

The ACA provides "affordable" coverage to low income employees while costing me a fortune. Its like they want everybody to be equal....hmm....socialism?

And if my company opts out of providing insurance and ever pays the fee and im more or less forced into a state exchange, my insurance will triple.

Is that good enough? The ACA hasnt helped me. It hurts me. It hurts people that work.
No, your company, or the insurace they provide are costing you a fortune. Normal deductibles are 500 dollars. Mine is 350 a year. Your boss is the one screwing you. I've never heard of a yearly deductible that high. I don't know what lie your boss is telling you, but they can give you any amount of money they want, to help meet your deductible.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, your company, or the insurace they provide are costing you a fortune. Normal deductibles are 500 dollars. Mine is 350 a year. Your boss is the one screwing you. I've never heard of a yearly deductible that high. I don't know what lie your boss is telling you, but they can give you any amount of money they want, to help meet your deductible.

u r making that up
sadly riutgs situation is common it's happening to a lot of ppl
ur love 4 obama is blinding u 2 it
Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who was an enthusiastic supporter of Obamacare, decided to retire because he sees an Obamacare train wreck coming. He must be wrong, because RV says that under Obama, everything is just peachy keen. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who was an enthusiastic supporter of Obamacare, decided to retire because he sees an Obamacare train wreck coming. He must be wrong, because RV says that under Obama, everything is just peachy keen. :biglmao:

Now that you mention it, I'd just about bet the Kentucky State Insurance Commissioner calls RV every little whip stitch to get straightened out. :biglmao:
WideMiddle03 Wrote:u r making that up
sadly riutgs situation is common it's happening to a lot of ppl
ur love 4 obama is blinding u 2 it
My deductible is 350 dollars a year. That's fact.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Give us a complete rundown of what the ACA does to the middle class, with no outside help. Your words. Bottom line, you are just like me, and everybody else here, you don't have a damn clue on a lot about the ACA. Anything you know is republican talking points.
My daughter-in-law just got cut to 29hrs a week along with several others. But I guess that is just a republican talking point. I am sure the lost of over 25% of her income won't hurt, after all Obama is in charge its all good.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, your company, or the insurace they provide are costing you a fortune. Normal deductibles are 500 dollars. Mine is 350 a year. Your boss is the one screwing you. I've never heard of a yearly deductible that high. I don't know what lie your boss is telling you, but they can give you any amount of money they want, to help meet your deductible.

Have you been living under a rock, I know plenty of folks who have deductibles higher than $500. If yours is $350 good for you but you've got to get out more.
Unless an employee or employers are paying high rates, it is my opinion that $350 a year deductible is very low. Good policies for those that have it but, the majority of those paying for their own insurance have much higher deductibles. I don't have proof, just my opinion/guess.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, your company, or the insurace they provide are costing you a fortune. Normal deductibles are 500 dollars. Mine is 350 a year. Your boss is the one screwing you. I've never heard of a yearly deductible that high. I don't know what lie your boss is telling you, but they can give you any amount of money they want, to help meet your deductible.

You have got to be kidding me.....

Mine is 2500 than 100% free after that.
If your only paying 350 dollars a year then 100% free health care after that deductible then you better be looking for a new insurance because that one will notlast long.
There is no possible way you only play 350 a year and the rest is provided 100%. Its impossible for an insurance company to do that.

I had to different jobs when i was younger, and one had a deductible of 2400 and 2200.
Its all moved to HSA's. My boss isnt lying to me. Look it up. I gave you facts and you just disregard them. Companies are no longer allowed to give employees money after meeting there deductible.

You told me to give reasons and when i do you ignore them.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You have got to be kidding me.....

Mine is 2500 than 100% free after that.
If your only paying 350 dollars a year then 100% free health care after that deductible then you better be looking for a new insurance because that one will notlast long.
There is no possible way you only play 350 a year and the rest is provided 100%. Its impossible for an insurance company to do that.

I had to different jobs when i was younger, and one had a deductible of 2400 and 2200.
Its all moved to HSA's. My boss isnt lying to me. Look it up. I gave you facts and you just disregard them. Companies are no longer allowed to give employees money after meeting there deductible.

You told me to give reasons and when i do you ignore them.
I never said that. I said my deductible is 350/year. Other than that, it pays at 80%/20%(my part, and pretty much standard for most policies) up to 10,000, then 100% after $10,000. My local is self insured. BTW, show me anywhere where your company can't give you extra money to help pay your doctor bills. Hell, I could give you money to help with your medical bills if I wanted to, but I don't. That's where your insurance is screwing you. I'd say you very seldom ever get up to the 2500 per year deductible, if you are pretty young, and fairly healthy. At least after 350 bucks, my insurance pays 80% of my bill.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Unless an employee or employers are paying high rates, it is my opinion that $350 a year deductible is very low. Good policies for those that have it but, the majority of those paying for their own insurance have much higher deductibles. I don't have proof, just my opinion/guess.

do you pay for all your health insurance and if you do how much can you write off on your taxs
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You have got to be kidding me.....

Mine is 2500 than 100% free after that.
If your only paying 350 dollars a year then 100% free health care after that deductible then you better be looking for a new insurance because that one will notlast long.
There is no possible way you only play 350 a year and the rest is provided 100%. Its impossible for an insurance company to do that.

I had to different jobs when i was younger, and one had a deductible of 2400 and 2200.
Its all moved to HSA's. My boss isnt lying to me. Look it up. I gave you facts and you just disregard them. Companies are no longer allowed to give employees money after meeting there deductible.

You told me to give reasons and when i do you ignore them.

he works in the union that's why last time I worked for the umwa didn't have to pay for nothing don't know what it is now but i'm sure it's very little maybe nothing
vector Wrote:he works in the union that's why last time I worked for the umwa didn't have to pay for nothing don't know what it is now but i'm sure it's very little maybe nothing
At 2500.00 a year, he might as well not have insurance. If he is young, and pretty healthy, he isn't even getting close to that 2500.00. I hope his employer isn't taking insurance money out of his check. It's free money for someone, but not insurance for RIUTG. Somebody down the line is getting screwed royally.

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