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irs targets conservative voting groups
TheRealVille Wrote:I wouldn't call citing two news sources "exonerating" you. They appear to know no more about diplomats than you do. It doesn't make a damn what Granville was doing. He was an American diplomat, with diplomatic protection of all diplomats, killed in "less than 30 years prior to Benghazi".

Wrong, no protection.
Suits me. No amount of evidence is ever going to sway you anyway and, that was never my intention. Meantime, you need to get in touch with the Times and the AP and straighten them out. Cause when somebody quotes them and you don't agree with it, it cause you all kinds of mental issues.
TheRealThing Wrote:Wrong, no protection.
Suits me. No amount of evidence is ever going to sway you anyway and, that was never my intention. Meantime, you need to get in touch with the Times and the AP and straighten them out. Cause when somebody quotes them and you don't agree with it, it cause you all kinds of mental issues.
He had "diplomatic protections" that all diplomats have. He might not have had protection that kept him from being killed, but my reference was to the same "diplomatic protections" as other diplomats, quoted in my previous post.

This publication contains the names of the members of the diplomatic staffs of all missions and their spouses. Members of the diplomatic staff are the members of the staff of the mission having diplomatic rank. These persons, with the exception of those identified by asterisks, enjoy full immunity under provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Pertinent provisions of the Convention include the following:

Article 29
The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. The receiving State shall treat him with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on his person, freedom or dignity.

Article 31
A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State. He shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction, except in the case of:

(a) a real action relating to private immovable property situated in the territory of the receiving State, unless he holds it on behalf of the sending State for the purposes of the mission;

(b) an action relating to succession in which the diplomatic agent is involved as executor, administrator, heir or legatee as a private person and not on behalf of the sending State;

© an action relating to any professional or commercial activity exercised by the diplomatic agent in the receiving State outside of his official functions.
TheRealVille Wrote:He had "diplomatic protections" that all diplomats have. He might not have had protection that kept him from being killed, but my reference was to the same "diplomatic protections" as other diplomats, quoted in my previous post.

Oh, I see how it works now. You decide if it's okay to give yourself a little room on these posts. And you decide when I don't deserve any. Got it.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh, I see how it works now. You decide if it's okay to give yourself a little room on these posts. And you decide when I don't deserve any. Got it.
No, I posted what I meant, the first time. It's not my fault you don't read the whole post.

TheRealVille Wrote:I wouldn't call citing two news sources "exonerating" you. They appear to know no more about diplomats than you do. It doesn't make a damn what Granville was doing. He was an American diplomat, with diplomatic protection of all diplomats, killed in "less than 30 years prior to Benghazi".

Bob Beckel of "The Five" just stated he thought the presidential address to give his take on the IRS scandal would be a "good time to apologize to Tea Party groups"

This is the effect a viable free press has on our country.
Just weeks after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, I was notified by the IRS that the Catholic League was under investigation for violating the IRS Code on political activities as it relates to 501©(3) organizations. What the IRS did not know was that I had proof who contacted them to launch the investigation: Catholics United, a George Soros-funded Catholic organization.

TheRealThing Wrote:Just weeks after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, I was notified by the IRS that the Catholic League was under investigation for violating the IRS Code on political activities as it relates to 501©(3) organizations. What the IRS did not know was that I had proof who contacted them to launch the investigation: Catholics United, a George Soros-funded Catholic organization.


Catholics United is a subversive organization. All associated with it should be shunned by the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, the Church, in my opinion, takes too soft a line in regard to those who openly defy its teachings.
The IRS was targeting more than the Tea Party. They also put Jewish and pro-life organizations in their cross hairs. In contrast, Obama's brother illegally raised funds for two years before he applied for tax-free non-profit status. His application was approved within 30 days and made retroactive to make sure that he would face no charges.

Also, the allegation that only part of the country was impacted by the criminality in which Obama's IRS engaged in Cincinnati has been shown to be a lie. The Internal Revenue Service's Exempt Organizations Determinations department is located in Cincinnati but it processes applications from the entire U.S. I think that one of our local Obama experts made that assertion.
Obama's reaction to the scandal has been his typical form over substance approach. The acting commissioner of the IRS resigns. Keep in mind, he was a temporary appointee anyway and was never considered a cxandidate for permanent commissioner. Now, the person overseeing the tax exempt organizations announced he will retire early next month. Of course, he has only been on the job for a little over a week and had nothing to do with the conservative purge.

The woman (Ingram) who oversaw the tax exempt organization reviews during the whole purge period is now in charge of implementing Obamacare.

If that doesn't cause a fire storm, nothing will do so.
Sarah Hall Ingram was paid $103,390 in bonuses alone from 2009 through 2012. Her department was doing exactly what Obama wanted her to do.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The woman (Ingram) who oversaw the tax exempt organization reviews during the whole purge period is now in charge of implementing Obamacare.

If that doesn't cause a fire storm, nothing will do so.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:Sarah Hall Ingram was paid $103,390 in bonuses alone from 2009 through 2012. Her department was doing exactly what Obama wanted her to do.

ObamaCare may well be the perfect intrusive tool. Mandated by the federal government, they will oversee everybody's health that isn't rich but, it won't nearly end there. The system will become the depository of vast, even unimaginable amounts of personal information about everybody in America. At the fingertips of any bureaucrat will be your physical and psychological profile, employment and financial data, gun ownership data, your educational data, your criminal record, your tax data, military status and applicable service records, no doubt your political beliefs and alignment, and by 2016 thanks to that neat little plug-in under dash gizmo 'Flo' is pushing on TV right now, you driving habits, in incredible detail. What they won't know about you literally won't be worth mentioning.
Quote:IRS targeted tea party but ignored most influential political groups

WASHINGTON — There’s an irony in the Internal Revenue Service’s crackdown on conservative groups.

The nation’s tax agency has admitted to inappropriately scrutinizing smaller tea party organizations that applied for tax-exempt status. But the IRS largely maintained a hands-off policy with the much larger, big-budget organizations on the left and right that were most influential in the 2012 elections and are organized under a section of the tax code that allows them to hide their donors.

“The IRS goes AWOL when wealthy and powerful forces want to break the law in order to hide their wrongful efforts and secret political influence,” said Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat who is among a small Senate group pushing campaign finance reform measures that would force these big outside groups to disclose their donors. “Picking on the little guy is a pretty lousy thing to do.”

Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS and the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity were among those that spent tens of millions of dollars on TV ads and get-out-the-vote efforts to help Republicans. Democrats were aided in similar fashion by Priorities USA, made up of former Barack Obama campaign aides, and American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, an opposition research group led by a former adviser to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

And yet those groups so far have escaped investigations into whether they have crossed the blurry line under the law between what constitutes a tax-exempt “social welfare” organization that is free from donor reporting requirements and a political committee subject to taxes and disclosures.

Watchdog groups and lawmakers who have sought more disclosure and restrictions on such groups claim an injustice. They say the IRS saga over the targeting of smaller groups shines a bright light onto the agency’s failure to guard against the flood of secret money into the political system through the creation of the deep-pocketed groups.

Yet other advocates of reform worry that, in light of the IRS disclosure of targeting small groups, government regulators will be less likely to scrutinize the tax-exempt status of the bigger, more powerful groups out of fear that they will appear to be targeting groups for political reasons.

“We expect that opponents of disclosure will try to use the recent developments to allow the groups that are misusing the tax laws to hide donors to continue misusing them. But that’s a battle that we will engage in,” said Fred Wertheimer, founder and president of watchdog group Democracy 21.

Since a series of court decisions including the Supreme Court’s ruling in the 2010 Citizens United case, the IRS has seen an influx of applications — from 1,735 in 2010 to 3,357 in 2012 — by so-called social welfare groups wanting to form under section 501©(4) of the federal tax code. That section grants tax-exempt status as long as the primary mission of these organizations is not politics and influencing elections. The IRS makes that determination. Such nonprofits can keep secret the names of their donors, which are not subject to traditional campaign finance limits.

^This is just further proof that the Obama administration and its lapdog IRS are bullies. They preyed on small, grassroots organizations that lacked the resources to fight back. Thank God for people like Mark Levin and his Landmark Legal Foundation for helping to bring these tyrannical criminal acts to the general public's attention. They need to be jailed along with their accomplices in Congress and the White House.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:^This is just further proof that the Obama administration and its lapdog IRS are bullies. They preyed on small, grassroots organizations that lacked the resources to fight back. Thank God for people like Mark Levin and his Landmark Legal Foundation for helping to bring these tyrannical criminal acts to the general public's attention. They need to be jailed along with their accomplices in Congress and the White House.
Maybe you guys should check how many "denials" that IRS handed out over the last few years when going over 501c4 applications.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe you guys should check how many "denials" that IRS handed out over the last few years when going over 501c4 applications.
Maybe the liars who are defending the IRS should check the length of the approval process for conservative organizations versus liberal organizations such as the one created by Obama's best man, his brother, after illegally soliciting donations. The Obama administration knew what was going on at the IRS and swept it under the rug until after the election. Honest Americans do not defend criminal acts such as these.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Maybe the liars who are defending the IRS should check the length of the approval process for conservative organizations versus liberal organizations such as the one created by Obama's best man, his brother, after illegally soliciting donations. The Obama administration knew what was going on at the IRS and swept it under the rug until after the election. Honest Americans do not defend criminal acts such as these.
Honest "social welfare" organizations don't deal in politics. I'm very fine with the IRS scrutinizing ANY of these organizations for misusing this tax exempt status. Neither me, or Obama are defending these acts. I have said as much, and so has he. Where was your bitching when the IRS was going after the NAACP?
TheRealVille Wrote:Honest "social welfare" organizations don't deal in politics. I'm very fine with the IRS scrutinizing ANY of these organizations for misusing this tax exempt status. Neither me, or Obama are defending these acts. I have said as much, and so has he. Where was your bitching when the IRS was going after the NAACP?
FYI, I favor dismantling the IRS and replacing the tax code with one simple enough that it will not require an army of armed thugs to enforce. That's where I have been on the IRS and it is where I have been for many years.
Quote:The Internal Revenue Service, under pressure after admitting it targeted anti-tax Tea Party groups for scrutiny in recent years, also had its eye on at least three Democratic-leaning organizations seeking nonprofit status.

One of those groups, Emerge America, saw its tax-exempt status denied, forcing it to disclose its donors and pay some taxes. None of the Republican groups have said their applications were rejected.
Progress Texas, another of the organizations, faced the same lines of questioning as the Tea Party groups from the same IRS office that issued letters to the Republican-friendly applicants. A third group, Clean Elections Texas, which supports public funding of campaigns, also received IRS inquiries.

In a statement late yesterday, the tax agency said it had pooled together the politically active nonpartisan applicants -- including a “minority” that were identified because of their names. “It is also important to understand that the group of centralized cases included organizations of all political views,” the IRS said in its statement.
Phase I of the cover-up: leak the news of the IRS criminal acts before the Department of Treasury's Inspector General publicly announced the results of his investigation. I wonder how detailed the plans for a cover-up are and who has copies the the action plan.

There are more foxes in this administration than there are henhouses.

Quote:Question that revealed IRS scandal was planted, chief admits

Steven Miller, the acting IRS commissioner, said Friday that last week’s revelation that the IRS gave special scrutiny to Tea Party groups came from a planted question.

Lois Lerner, an IRS official with oversight of tax-exempt groups, disclosed the scrutiny at an American Bankers Association conference last Friday after a question from a lawyer who has served on IRS advisory boards.

Questioned by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), Miller acknowledged that IRS officials were aware that the question would be coming.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/do...z2TgGkqbmz
The Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23, 2010. It contains some tax provisions that are in effect and more that will be implemented during the next several years. The following is a list of provisions for which the IRS has issued proposed and/or final guidance; additional information will be added to this page as it becomes available.
This comes from the IRS website. It then list more than 30 areas where the IRS will be envolved. And the IRS doesn't know where it will end, at least be honest you know the IRS will control a large part of obamacare.

and now we find out that the doj has been tracking a reporter
WideMiddle03 Wrote:http://tv.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-outrag...27020.html

and now we find out that the doj has been tracking a reporter

James Rosen better shut the hell up, huh?

This admin is falling apart...who's in charge?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:James Rosen better shut the hell up, huh?

This admin is falling apart...who's in charge?
That's the message from the White House. All it will take is this millenium's deep throat and Obama will not be getting in more of his agenda passed. Even Boehner, McConnell and Priebus should be able to maintain gridlock under the circumstances. This should go down as the least effective second term of any U.S. president, with the possible exception of Nixon.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That's the message from the White House. All it will take is this millenium's deep throat and Obama will not be getting in more of his agenda passed. Even Boehner, McConnell and Priebus should be able to maintain gridlock under the circumstances. This should go down as the least effective second term of any U.S. president, with the possible exception of Nixon.
And that my friends, is how you guys roll. Screw America, as long as you hurt Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:And that my friends, is how you guys roll. Screw America, as long as you hurt Obama.

Don't you think Obama should shoulder at least a little bit of the "hurt"? He has yet to man-up on knowing or doing anything. If we were to believe him, he hears about all this when we do...after it come out in the news. Really?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Don't you think Obama should shoulder at least a little bit of the "hurt"? He has yet to man-up on knowing or doing anything. If we were to believe him, he hears about all this when we do...after it come out in the news. Really?
Does that make gridlock ok? Hoot wants Washington gridlock. Is that American, or treasonous? That little statement verified he is the POS I always knew he was.
^Gridlock to hurt Obama, and America, then claim christianity, that's original.
TheRealVille Wrote:And that my friends, is how you guys roll. Screw America, as long as you hurt Obama.
Anybody who still supports Obama and his Gestapo tactics has the screw America attitude. You and you sidekick are the most anti-American posters here. You are just following orders but most of us know that is no excuse.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Gridlock to hurt Obama, and America, then claim christianity, that's original.

I know this may come as a shock but, to "gridlock" Obama and his policies might be seen as American as baseball and apple pie to some Americans.
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