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Get Ready for Another G.O.P. Choke
The hearings in the House on Benghazi begin tomorrow. Past history of such matters has taught us that the Republicans will botch the whole process.

The Republicans are using their usual boneheaded approach. Issa, Chaffetz, and the usual group of suspects have been all over television blowing about what will be proven by the testimony of the "whistle blowers". They should remind us of the team that blew about how bad they would defeat their opponent and proceeded to get their butts kicked when the marbles were on the table.

In matters such as this, the element of surprise is your best weapon. These morons have, again, blown this advantage. The Democrats know exactly what to expect and, being smarter and more devious than the inept Republicans, will have answers for everything. As they said on MSNBC this morning, the true facts are just "really muddy". The mud will be thrown and the GOP will get suffocated by it. They will fold their tents and slink away looking about as competent as the airhead, Sean Hannity.

Both Barry and Hillary will come out of it completely protected from any harm. The media, another element the Republicans seem to forget about, will spin the web. Poor dumb Republicans.

Why don't they ever learn?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The hearings in the House on Benghazi begin tomorrow. Past history of such matters has taught us that the Republicans will botch the whole process.

The Republicans are using their usual boneheaded approach. Issa, Chaffetz, and the usual group of suspects have been all over television blowing about what will be proven by the testimony of the "whistle blowers". They should remind us of the team that blew about how bad they would defeat their opponent and proceeded to get their butts kicked when the marbles were on the table.

In matters such as this, the element of surprise is your best weapon. These morons have, again, blown this advantage. The Democrats know exactly what to expect and, being smarter and more devious than the inept Republicans, will have answers for everything. As they said on MSNBC this morning, the true facts are just "really muddy". The mud will be thrown and the GOP will get suffocated by it. They will fold their tents and slink away looking about as competent as the airhead, Sean Hannity.

Both Barry and Hillary will come out of it completely protected from any harm. The media, another element the Republicans seem to forget about, will spin the web. Poor dumb Republicans.

Why don't they ever learn?

you're right
sad and true
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The hearings in the House on Benghazi begin tomorrow. Past history of such matters has taught us that the Republicans will botch the whole process.

The Republicans are using their usual boneheaded approach. Issa, Chaffetz, and the usual group of suspects have been all over television blowing about what will be proven by the testimony of the "whistle blowers". They should remind us of the team that blew about how bad they would defeat their opponent and proceeded to get their butts kicked when the marbles were on the table.

In matters such as this, the element of surprise is your best weapon. These morons have, again, blown this advantage. The Democrats know exactly what to expect and, being smarter and more devious than the inept Republicans, will have answers for everything. As they said on MSNBC this morning, the true facts are just "really muddy". The mud will be thrown and the GOP will get suffocated by it. They will fold their tents and slink away looking about as competent as the airhead, Sean Hannity.

Both Barry and Hillary will come out of it completely protected from any harm. The media, another element the Republicans seem to forget about, will spin the web. Poor dumb Republicans.

Why don't they ever learn?

Statesmanship is sadly lacking in federal government circles in our day. John McCain is a good example, never knows when to be quiet. They believe the Thrill and the Hill's testimony of record will be enough to hang them. I'd say your point is well taken.
TheRealThing Wrote:Statesmanship is sadly lacking in federal government circles in our day. John McCain is a good example, never knows when to be quiet. They believe the Thrill and the Hill's testimony of record will be enough to hang them. I'd say your point is well taken.

Quote of the day!:Thumbs:
Id love to see someone with some actual balls with a strong voice.
Sadly, neither party will allow that.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Id love to see someone with some actual balls with a strong voice.
Sadly, neither party will allow that.

Ted Cruz seems fearless at the moment. Starting to like his style.
Watching politicians hold public hearings makes me sick. Most of them use up most of their time making speeches and cutting off the people who are testifying in mid sentence so that they can do more pontificating.

People in Congress need to be better questioners and much better listeners, or holding hearings is just a big waste of time and money. They need to approach hearings as a good lawyer approaches a deposition. You ask good questions and then listen to the answers. When the person being questions stops talking, you patiently wait awhile longer to let the pressure of silence encourage the witness to ramble. The only time that a witness should be interrupted is when they are themselves delivering a speech, trying to change the subject, etc.

Witnesses are coached to answer only the questions that are asked and to volunteer nothing else. But when politicians are interviewing politicians, not much good comes from the process.

The worst offenders are Democrats like Schumer and Durbin, but most Republicans (especially Graham and McCain) in Congress are also windbags when a camera is present and the clock is running. I am always amazed at how much Congressmen speak and how little time witnesses spend answering questions. I hope things will be different this time but there is no reason to be optimistic.

Issa is actually pretty good. If Republicans really wanted answers, then they would assign their time to people like Ted Cruz, who had stellar legal careers before running for public office. At the very least, they should swallow their pride and get some good coaching.
Unfortunately this is a hearing in the House and not the Senate so Cruz won't be a participant. Of course, there would never be a hearing in the Senate since it is controlled by the Democrats. No Republicans, including Issa, will accomplish anything tomorrow.

Republicans in the House all remind me of Sean Hannity in that they blow a lot of air but have little intelligence. Hannity has been blowing about the hearing both on his radio and television programs. I know many like him. However, I have always considered him to be a lightweight lacking in smarts and knowledge.

It will be the Republicans against the Democrats and the media. The Republicans will be destroyed. Bucky and Hillary will come out of it stronger than ever.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Unfortunately this is a hearing in the House and not the Senate so Cruz won't be a participant. Of course, there would never be a hearing in the Senate since it is controlled by the Democrats. No Republicans, including Issa, will accomplish anything tomorrow.

Republicans in the House all remind me of Sean Hannity in that they blow a lot of air but have little intelligence. Hannity has been blowing about the hearing both on his radio and television programs. I know many like him. However, I have always considered him to be a lightweight lacking in smarts and knowledge.

It will be the Republicans against the Democrats and the media. The Republicans will be destroyed. Bucky and Hillary will come out of it stronger than ever.
I agree with what you said about Hannity and would add that he repeats himself so much that I hardly ever watch him or listen to his show. OTOH, I love listening to Mark Levin when I get the chance.

However, I disagree with your view of Congress. Ted Cruz is an exception, but in IMO, the biggest blowhards and the most corrupt people in Congress are in the Senate. The longer people serve and raise money in Washington, the more homogenized and corrupt they become. I only used Senators as examples of grandstanding because they are the worst offenders and are better known. There are very few good people serving in the Senate of either party. Almost all of the principled people in Congress are fresh faces in the House.
If I were republicans, I would hang my hat on Benghazi, as you have for months. It's already been ironed out, and nothing will come of these Fox News allegations.
TheRealVille Wrote:If I were republicans, I would hang my hat on Benghazi, as you have for months. It's already been ironed out, and nothing will come of these Fox News allegations.

there playing for 2016
vector Wrote:there playing for 2016
Absolutely. Or even 2014.
Mother of Benghazi victim: I blame Hillary

One woman still looking for answers about the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is Pat Smith. Her son Sean Smith, a State Department information officer, was one of four Americans killed during the attack.

"I blame her," said Smith, referring to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"That's her department, she's supposed to be on top of it, and yet she claims that she knows nothing, it wasn't told to her," said Smith. "Who's running the place?"

Clinton said in October that she is responsible for the attack. In January she testified before Congress, and in a heated exchange with Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said the focus should be on preventing another such tragedy.

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided they'd go kill some Americans?" she said. "What difference, at this point, does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again."

Smith traveled to Washington to attend the American Foreign Service Association's memorial plaque ceremony at the State Department on Friday. She is staying to attend Wednesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the events before, during and after the Benghazi attack.

Smith said she doubts the testimonies at Wednesday's hearing will provide her with the closure she said she needs.

"I'm going to listen to them, I don't know if they can give me answers," said Smith. "I don't know if they'll be able to tell me anything."

"I cry every night, I don't sleep at night," said Smith. "I need answers."

Specifically, Smith wants to know why the Benghazi consulate was left so vulnerable that night.

"Why was there no security for him, when they're supposed to have security? And the security that they did have was called back?" asked Smith. "Things do not add up and I'm just told lies."

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said last week that Benghazi happened a long time ago. Eight months ago, in fact. Which begs the question, for Smith, "Why don't they have answers by now?"

Shortly after the attack, President Obama, then-Secretary of State Clinton, and then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta reached out to Smith. She said a clerk also called her to give her the timeline of events in Benghazi. But Smith said she has had no further contact from the administration.

"Since then all they have told me is I am not part of the immediate family so they don't want to tell me anything," said Smith. Sean Smith is survived by his wife, Heather, and two young children.

Smith said the administration is afraid to speak with her because of her blunt line of questioning.

"I might say something like, 'Who is at fault, and why are they covering it up?' And they are covering it up because I haven't heard any answers," said Smith.

She said she asked administration officials, in person, to tell her what happened.

"Whisper in my ear if it's classified, and I won't tell anybody," said Smith. "But at least it will put things to rest for me."

I am wondering why as many conservatives that are talking about the Benghazi deaths, didn't say anything when 4,488 soldiers were killed in Iraq, looking for WMD's?
It looks like Fox News now has plenty of company among the mainstream media who have finally been shamed into covering the Obama administration's lies about Benghazi.

If they had been doing there job all along, Hillary Clinton would not even be mentioned as a potential 2016 candidate. The phone rang well before 3 AM and she did not answer. Obama went to bed even earlier to make sure that he was rested for a campaign fundraiser in Las Vegas the following day.
TheRealVille Wrote:I am wondering why as many conservatives that are talking about the Benghazi deaths, didn't say anything when 4,488 soldiers were killed in Iraq, looking for Mud's?
how is this related? Didn't democrats support regime change also?
nky Wrote:how is this related? Didn't democrats support regime change also?
Who voted for what in congress is irrelevant. I hate that democrats voted to go to Iraq the same as I do republicans for it. But, it doesn't change the fact that you guys talk over, and over about Benghazi deaths, and fully supported actions to go to go to Iraq, when nothing was ever found. I don't remember conservatives calling for the President's head over those 4,488 soldiers deaths. You do what every single conservative I have ever asked the question to, refer back to democrats that also voted to go. It doesn't change the fact that you all are silent over those deaths.
With the evidence at hand a decision was made and carried out. Saddam Hussein was an evil person and was dealt with. I don't like the Monday morning Quarterbacking that some like. Yea it's easy to make a decision after the fact.

There was warning on issues leading up to Benghazi and the administration ignored them. Then after the fact they covered up and tried to blame other unrelated things.
American Citizens died including an Ambassador - That should not be acceptable
nky Wrote:With the evidence at hand a decision was made and carried out. Saddam Hussein was an evil person and was dealt with. I don't like the Monday morning Quarterbacking that some like. Yea it's easy to make a decision after the fact.

There was warning on issues leading up to Benghazi and the administration ignored them. Then after the fact they covered up and tried to blame other unrelated things.
American Citizens died including an Ambassador - That should not be acceptable
And yet, republican voted cut funds to security to embassies, and even admitted to it.

TheRealVille Wrote:And yet, republican voted cut funds to security to embassies, and even admitted to it.


We all know the decrease in funds have nothing to do with this coverup. Be like a republican and admit it.
I have been too busy with work to follow the Benghazi hearings very closely, but it looks like maybe the GOP did not choke on this opportunity. After 8 months of pretending that nothing newsworthy happened in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks, even MSNBC has been forced to cover the story. Not good news for Obama, Hillary, and Democratic candidates who will be running for reelection next year.

MSNBC is covering it by using Obama talking points. They will never say anything negative about their boy.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:MSNBC is covering it by using Obama talking points. They will never say anything negative about their boy.
Did you watch the video clip? If so, then I don't see how you could say that the exchange was anything but negative. Republicans deserve credit for forcing reporters who do not work for Fox to finally demand some better answers from Jake Carney.
I saw the clip. The "negatives" toward Obama and Clinton were weak, at best. However, it was groundbreaking since it came from MSNBC. Of course, that was Alex Wagner's program. I would guess that, other than her relatives, less than 100 people even watch the program. Thus, it was a safe venue for the highly buffered "criticism".

I actually thought the piece contained far more veiled shots taken at the Republicans than anything else.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I saw the clip. The "negatives" toward Obama and Clinton were weak, at best. However, it was groundbreaking since it came from MSNBC. Of course, that was Alex Wagner's program. I would guess that, other than her relatives, less than 100 people even watch the program. Thus, it was a safe venue for the highly buffered "criticism".

I actually thought the piece contained far more veiled shots taken at the Republicans than anything else.
Ratings obviously do not drive MSNBC like they drive every other "for profit" cable and OTA station. "Veiled" shots at Republicans, along with an acknowledgement that the Obama administration has a a real problem on its hands over its mishandling of the Benghazi attacks is one large step for MSNBC and its hundreds of dedicated viewers. This change in course may hurt the network's ratings, if that is possible. MSNBC viewers do not tune in to watch real news.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Ratings obviously do not drive MSNBC like they drive every other "for profit" cable and OTA station. "Veiled" shots at Republicans, along with an acknowledgement that the Obama administration has a a real problem on its hands over its mishandling of the Benghazi attacks is one large step for MSNBC and its hundreds of dedicated viewers. This change in course may hurt the network's ratings, if that is possible. MSNBC viewers do not tune in to watch real news.

Ultimately the will of the people is what drives how forcefully an investigation will be pursued. Lately however, we just sit on our hands about everything. Thugs from all over world are pouring across the southern border, the Canadian Pipeline won't be built as long as a liberal sits the captain's chair, Fast and Furious turned out to be neither, we have rampant organized voter fraud, a woefully eroded military, the end of NASA, personal deals between our pres and the Russian President to do what? with our defense, the Benghazi Scandals, ObamaCare, gun control foisted upon the citizens through ObamaCare, groups such as Tea Party chapters being run out of business by the IRS, nightmare abortion clinics which more aptly fit a script from "SAW" than everyday American life. And, as Rex has mentioned, an apathetic church.

In fact, apathy is our biggest downfall IMO and with the federal government insisting on policies of appeasement, apathy has become a self perpetuating engine as voters lulled into a life of security, accept government handouts and self motivation is strongly discouraged. I really wonder if folks care about anything these days.
TheRealThing Wrote:Ultimately the will of the people is what drives how forcefully an investigation will be pursued. Lately however, we just sit on our hands about everything. Thugs from all over world are pouring across the southern border, the Canadian Pipeline won't be built as long as a liberal sits the captain's chair, Fast and Furious turned out to be neither, we have rampant organized voter fraud, a woefully eroded military, the end of NASA, personal deals between our pres and the Russian President to do what? with our defense, the Benghazi Scandals, ObamaCare, gun control foisted upon the citizens through ObamaCare, groups such as Tea Party chapters being run out of business by the IRS, nightmare abortion clinics which more aptly fit a script from "SAW" than everyday American life. And, as Rex has mentioned, an apathetic church.

In fact, apathy is our biggest downfall IMO and with the federal government insisting on policies of appeasement, apathy has become a self perpetuating engine as voters lulled into a life of security, accept government handouts and self motivation is strongly discouraged. I really wonder if folks care about anything these days.

It's also my Opinion that apathy is our biggest downfall. Sometimes I wonder if it is purposely induced upon gullible Americans. Induced by education, media and government.

Talk to as many people you can under the age of thirty about the things you mentioned and it will blow your mind, on not only the ignorance they display, but how little they care.
Well, they aren't apathetic about Jodi Arias. They know all about her. And, that is the problem with most of our uninformed minions. They don't want to be educated. They want to be entertained. They had Scott Peterson. Then, Jodi Arias. Now, they are waiting on the next event to continue their intellectual coma.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Well, they aren't apathetic about Jodi Arias. They know all about her. And, that is the problem with most of our uninformed minions. They don't want to be educated. They want to be entertained. They had Scott Peterson. Then, Jodi Arias. Now, they are waiting on the next event to continue their intellectual coma.

Or perhaps more to the point. Due to their own insecurities or the inability to understand basic civics, they would rather parrot party line rhetoric in lieu of having to develop their own opinion. There is safety in numbers and birds of a feather really do flock together.
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