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Football betting Daily Picks 2013
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Mallorca vs Levante
Game Match: 5/5/2013
Score Prediction: 2-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-D-W-L-L-L
Last Home Matches - D-W-L-W-L-D
Last Away Matches - L-L-L-W-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-L-L-L-W-D
Last Home Matches - L-L-W-D-D-L
Last Away Matches - L-L-D-L-D-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 54.7% - 25.0% - 20.3% (1.83 - 4.00 - 4.93)
Moneyline 72.9% - 27.1% (1.37 - 3.70)
Double Chance 1x 79.7% (1.25)
Double Chance x2 45.3% (2.21)
Double Chance 12 75.0% (1.33)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.620 - 0.880

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Real Zaragoza vs Rayo Vallecano
Game Match: 5/5/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-L-L-L-D-L
Last Home Matches - W-L-D-D-D-L
Last Away Matches - L-L-L-L-L-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-D-L-W-L-L
Last Home Matches - D-L-L-W-L-W
Last Away Matches - D-W-L-D-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 45.2% - 28.5% - 26.3% (2.21 - 3.51 - 3.80)
Moneyline 63.2% - 36.8% (1.58 - 2.71)
Double Chance 1x 73.7% (1.36)
Double Chance x2 54.9% (1.82)
Double Chance 12 71.5% (1.40)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.280 - 1.720
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Sevilla vs RCD Espanyol
Game Match: 5/5/2013
Score Prediction: 2-0

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-L-D-W-L-W
Last Home Matches - L-W-W-W-D-W
Last Away Matches - D-D-L-L-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-D-W-D-W
Last Home Matches - L-D-D-D-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-W-W-L-L-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 63.0% - 23.6% - 13.3% (1.59 - 4.23 - 7.52)
Moneyline 82.6% - 17.4% (1.21 - 5.74)
Double Chance 1x 86.7% (1.15)
Double Chance x2 37.0% (2.71)
Double Chance 12 76.3% (1.31)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.000 - 0.400
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Barcelona vs Real Betis
Game Match: 5/5/2013
Score Prediction: 3-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-D-L-W-W-D
Last Home Matches - L-W-D-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - D-L-W-D-D-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-L-D-W-D-L
Last Home Matches - D-D-D-W-W-D
Last Away Matches - L-W-L-D-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 78.9% - 14.3% - 6.7% (1.27 - 6.99 - 14.84)
Moneyline 92.1% - 7.9% (1.09 - 12.71)
Double Chance 1x 93.3% (1.07)
Double Chance x2 21.0% (4.75)
Double Chance 12 85.7% (1.17)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 3.000 - 1.000
Match Game: Sunderland vs Stoke City
Game Match: 5/6/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-W-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - W-L-D-D-L-D
Last Away Matches - L-W-L-L-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-L-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - W-L-L-D-L-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-L-L-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 44.4% - 28.9% - 26.7% (2.25 - 3.46 - 3.75)
Moneyline 62.5% - 37.5% (1.60 - 2.67)
Double Chance 1x 73.3% (1.36)
Double Chance x2 55.6% (1.80)
Double Chance 12 71.1% (1.41)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.260 - 1.740

Watch latest and live sports here
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Getafe vs Real Sociedad
Game Match: 5/6/2013
Score Prediction: 1-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-L-L-D-D-W
Last Home Matches - L-D-W-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-L-D-D-W-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-W-W-D-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-D-D-W
Last Away Matches - D-W-D-W-W-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 25.8% - 27.5% - 46.7% (3.87 - 3.64 - 2.14)
Moneyline 35.6% - 64.4% (2.81 - 1.55)
Double Chance 1x 53.3% (1.88)
Double Chance x2 74.2% (1.35)
Double Chance 12 72.5% (1.38)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.250 - 1.750

Check out our live sports here
Match Game: Manchester City vs W.B.A
Game Match: 5/7/2013
Score Prediction: 3-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-L-W-W-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - D-L-W-W-L-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-D-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - L-D-L-W-W-L
Last Away Matches - W-L-D-L-W-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 70.6% - 19.3% - 10.1% (1.42 - 5.18 - 9.91)
Moneyline 87.5% - 12.5% (1.14 - 8.00)
Double Chance 1x 89.9% (1.11)
Double Chance x2 29.4% (3.40)
Double Chance 12 80.7% (1.24)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.270 - 0.730

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Match Game: Wigan Athletic vs Swansea City
Game Match: 5/7/2013
Score Prediction: 2-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-L-L-W-D
Last Home Matches - D-W-W-L-D-L
Last Away Matches - W-L-L-W-D-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-L-D-D-L-L
Last Home Matches - D-D-L-L-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-D-L-W-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 53.9% - 26.7% - 19.4% (1.86 - 3.75 - 5.15)
Moneyline 73.5% - 26.5% (1.36 - 3.77)
Double Chance 1x 80.5% (1.24)
Double Chance x2 46.1% (2.17)
Double Chance 12 73.3% (1.36)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.630 - 0.870

Enhance your betting strategy and watch your favorite teams @Sbobet
Match Game: Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur
Game Match: 5/8/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-W-W-D-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-L-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-W-D-W-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-W-L-D-D
Last Home Matches - W-W-D-D-L-W
Last Away Matches - D-L-W-L-L-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 48.5% - 27.5% - 24.0% (2.06 - 3.63 - 4.17)
Moneyline 66.9% - 33.1% (1.50 - 3.02)
Double Chance 1x 76.0% (1.32)
Double Chance x2 51.5% (1.94)
Double Chance 12 72.5% (1.38)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.360 - 1.640

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Celta Vigo vs Atletico Madrid
Game Match: 5/8/2013
Score Prediction: 1-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-W-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - D-W-L-D-L-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-L-L-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-L-W-W-D-D
Last Home Matches - L-W-D-L-W-L
Last Away Matches - D-W-D-W-D-D

Home - Away

1x2 % 29.0% - 29.0% - 42.0% (3.45 - 3.45 - 2.38)
Moneyline 40.9% - 59.1% (2.45 - 1.69)
Double Chance 1x 58.0% (1.72)
Double Chance x2 71.0% (1.41)
Double Chance 12 71.0% (1.41)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.110 - 1.390
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Real Madrid vs Malaga
Game Match: 5/8/2013
Score Prediction: 2-0

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-W-L-W-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-W-L-D-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-L-W-L-L
Last Home Matches - W-W-D-L-W-D
Last Away Matches - L-L-L-L-W-D

Home - Away

1x2 % 79.0% - 14.9% - 6.0% (1.27 - 6.69 - 16.56)
Moneyline 92.9% - 7.1% (1.08 - 14.08)
Double Chance 1x 94.0% (1.06)
Double Chance x2 21.0% (4.76)
Double Chance 12 85.0% (1.18)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.100 - 0.400
Match Game: Leicester City vs Watford
Game Match: 5/9/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-L-D-W-D-D
Last Home Matches - L-W-D-L-L-D
Last Away Matches - W-D-D-L-L-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-W-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - L-W-D-D-L-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-L-W-L-D

Home - Away

1x2 % 47.3% - 27.2% - 25.5% (2.11 - 3.68 - 3.92)
Moneyline 65.0% - 35.0% (1.54 - 2.86)
Double Chance 1x 74.5% (1.34)
Double Chance x2 52.7% (1.90)
Double Chance 12 72.8% (1.37)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.480 - 1.020

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Levante vs Real Zaragoza
Game Match: 5/10/2013
Score Prediction: 2-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-L-L-L-L-W
Last Home Matches - L-L-W-D-D-L
Last Away Matches - D-L-L-D-L-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-L-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - W-W-L-D-D-D
Last Away Matches - L-L-L-L-L-D

Home - Away

1x2 % 33.9% - 28.5% - 37.6% (2.95 - 3.51 - 2.66)
Moneyline 47.4% - 52.6% (2.11 - 1.90)
Double Chance 1x 62.4% (1.60)
Double Chance x2 66.1% (1.51)
Double Chance 12 71.5% (1.40)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.460 - 1.540

In-Play Betting
Match Game: Crystal Palace vs Brighton & Hove Albion
Game Match: 5/10/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-D-D-L-D
Last Home Matches - W-D-D-L-D-W
Last Away Matches - D-D-L-L-L-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-W-D-W-D
Last Home Matches - W-W-D-D-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-D-W-D-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 38.4% - 29.0% - 32.6% (2.60 - 3.45 - 3.07)
Moneyline 54.1% - 45.9% (1.85 - 2.18)
Double Chance 1x 67.4% (1.48)
Double Chance x2 61.6% (1.62)
Double Chance 12 71.0% (1.41)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.080 - 1.920

In-Play Betting
Match Game: Aston Villa vs Chelsea
Game Match: 5/11/2013
Score Prediction: 1-3

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-L-D-W-L
Last Home Matches - W-D-L-W-L-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-W-W-L-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-W-W-W-D
Last Home Matches - D-W-W-L-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-W-D-W-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 24.0% - 27.1% - 48.9% (4.17 - 3.69 - 2.04)
Moneyline 32.9% - 67.1% (3.04 - 1.49)
Double Chance 1x 51.0% (1.96)
Double Chance x2 76.0% (1.32)
Double Chance 12 72.9% (1.37)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.000 - 3.000

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Athletic Bilbao vs Mallorca
Game Match: 5/11/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-D-D-L-L-W
Last Home Matches - D-L-W-W-L-L
Last Away Matches - D-D-L-L-W-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-L-D-W-L-L
Last Home Matches - D-D-W-L-W-L
Last Away Matches - L-L-L-W-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 50.4% - 25.5% - 24.1% (1.98 - 3.92 - 4.15)
Moneyline 67.7% - 32.3% (1.48 - 3.09)
Double Chance 1x 75.9% (1.32)
Double Chance x2 49.6% (2.02)
Double Chance 12 74.5% (1.34)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.380 - 1.620

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Real Valladolid vs Deportivo La Coruna
Game Match: 5/11/2013
Score Prediction: 1-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-D-D-W-L-L
Last Home Matches - D-W-L-D-L-D
Last Away Matches - L-D-L-L-D-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-D-D-W-W-W
Last Home Matches - D-D-W-W-D-L
Last Away Matches - D-W-W-L-L-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 38.3% - 28.9% - 32.8% (2.61 - 3.46 - 3.05)
Moneyline 53.8% - 46.2% (1.86 - 2.17)
Double Chance 1x 67.2% (1.49)
Double Chance x2 61.7% (1.62)
Double Chance 12 71.1% (1.41)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 0.530 - 0.470

In-Play Betting
Where ya from mario?
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Osasuna vs Getafe
Game Match: 5/11/2013
Score Prediction: 2-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-D-D-L-L-W
Last Home Matches - D-L-L-L-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-D-L-W-L-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-L-L-L-D-D
Last Home Matches - W-L-D-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-L-D-D-W-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 51.4% - 25.9% - 22.7% (1.94 - 3.87 - 4.41)
Moneyline 69.4% - 30.6% (1.44 - 3.27)
Double Chance 1x 77.3% (1.29)
Double Chance x2 48.5% (2.06)
Double Chance 12 74.1% (1.35)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.260 - 0.740

In-Play Betting
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Where ya from mario?

Good day sir

Im from philippines sir
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: RCD Espanyol vs Real Madrid
Game Match: 5/11/2013
Score Prediction: 0-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-L-W-D-W-D
Last Home Matches - L-D-D-D-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-W-W-W-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-W-W-L-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-W-L-D-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 14.9% - 22.1% - 63.0% (6.71 - 4.53 - 1.59)
Moneyline 19.1% - 80.9% (5.23 - 1.24)
Double Chance 1x 37.0% (2.70)
Double Chance x2 85.1% (1.18)
Double Chance 12 77.9% (1.28)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 0.400 - 2.000

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Real Sociedad vs Granada
Game Match: 5/13/2013
Score Prediction: 2-0

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-D-W-W-D
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-D-D-W
Last Away Matches - L-D-W-D-W-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-D-L-L-L
Last Home Matches - W-D-L-D-L-L
Last Away Matches - W-L-L-D-L-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 67.1% - 20.4% - 12.4% (1.49 - 4.89 - 8.06)
Moneyline 84.4% - 15.6% (1.18 - 6.41)
Double Chance 1x 87.6% (1.14)
Double Chance x2 32.8% (3.05)
Double Chance 12 79.6% (1.26)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.000 - 0.400

In-Play Betting
Match Game: Brighton & Hove Albion vs Crystal Palace
Game Match: 5/13/2013
Score Prediction: 2-1

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-W-W-D-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-D-D-W-W
Last Away Matches - D-W-D-W-D-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-D-D-D-L
Last Home Matches - D-W-D-D-L-D
Last Away Matches - D-D-L-L-L-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 48.1% - 28.6% - 23.3% (2.08 - 3.50 - 4.29)
Moneyline 67.4% - 32.6% (1.48 - 3.06)
Double Chance 1x 76.7% (1.30)
Double Chance x2 51.9% (1.93)
Double Chance 12 71.4% (1.40)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.800 - 1.200

In-Play Betting
Football League: ITALY SERIE B
Match Game: Varese vs Crotone
Game Match: 5/13/2013
Score Prediction: 3-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-W-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - W-L-W-L-L-W
Last Away Matches - D-W-L-D-D-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-D-L-W-D
Last Home Matches - W-D-W-L-W-W
Last Away Matches - D-L-D-L-L-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 67.4% - 20.8% - 11.8% (1.48 - 4.82 - 8.48)
Moneyline 85.1% - 14.9% (1.17 - 6.72)
Double Chance 1x 88.2% (1.13)
Double Chance x2 32.5% (3.07)
Double Chance 12 79.2% (1.26)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.840 - 1.160

In-Play Betting
Football League: FRANCE LIGUE 2
Match Game: Caen vs Nantes
Game Match: 5/13/2013
Score Prediction: 2-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-D-D-D-D
Last Home Matches - D-D-D-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-D-D-L-D-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-D-W-L-D
Last Home Matches - L-D-D-W-W-D
Last Away Matches - W-W-L-L-W-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 38.9% - 30.5% - 30.6% (2.57 - 3.27 - 3.27)
Moneyline 56.0% - 44.0% (1.79 - 2.27)
Double Chance 1x 69.4% (1.44)
Double Chance x2 61.1% (1.64)
Double Chance 12 69.4% (1.44)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.120 - 1.880

In-Play Betting
Match Game: Arsenal vs Wigan Athletic
Game Match: 5/14/2013
Score Prediction: 2-0

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-W-D-W-W
Last Home Matches - D-D-W-W-W-L
Last Away Matches - W-W-W-W-W-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-L-W-D-L-L
Last Home Matches - L-D-W-W-L-D
Last Away Matches - W-W-L-L-W-D

Home - Away

1x2 % 72.8% - 18.1% - 9.1% (1.37 - 5.54 - 11.01)
Moneyline 88.9% - 11.1% (1.12 - 9.02)
Double Chance 1x 90.9% (1.10)
Double Chance x2 27.1% (3.68)
Double Chance 12 81.9% (1.22)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.000 - 0.400

In-Play Betting
Match Game: Reading vs Manchester United
Game Match: 5/14/2013
Score Prediction: 1-3

Home Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-L-D-L-L
Last Home Matches - D-D-L-L-L-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-L-L-L-L

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-D-W-L-W
Last Home Matches - L-W-W-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - D-L-W-W-L-W

Home - Away

1x2 % 14.4% - 22.1% - 63.5% (6.95 - 4.52 - 1.57)
Moneyline 18.5% - 81.5% (5.42 - 1.23)
Double Chance 1x 36.5% (2.74)
Double Chance x2 85.6% (1.17)
Double Chance 12 77.9% (1.28)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.000 - 3.000

In-Play Betting
Match Game: Chelsea (n) vs Benfica
Game Match: 5/15/2013
Score Prediction: 2-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-D-W-W-L-W
Last Home Matches - D-W-W-D-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-W-L-D-W-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-D-W-W-W-W
Last Home Matches - D-W-W-L-W-W
Last Away Matches - W-W-W-D-W-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 37.6% - 29.2% - 33.3% (2.66 - 3.43 - 3.01)
Moneyline 53.0% - 47.0% (1.89 - 2.13)
Double Chance 1x 66.7% (1.50)
Double Chance x2 62.4% (1.60)
Double Chance 12 70.8% (1.41)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 1.550 - 1.450

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN CUP
Match Game: Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid
Game Match: 5/17/2013
Score Prediction: 2-0

Home Match Data

Last Matches - D-W-W-W-W-L
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - D-W-L-W-L-D

Away Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-D-L-W-W
Last Home Matches - L-L-W-D-L-W
Last Away Matches - W-D-W-D-W-D

Home - Away

1x2 % 63.0% - 23.2% - 13.9% (1.59 - 4.32 - 7.22)
Moneyline 82.0% - 18.0% (1.22 - 5.55)
Double Chance 1x 86.1% (1.16)
Double Chance x2 37.0% (2.70)
Double Chance 12 76.8% (1.30)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 2.000 - 0.400

In-Play Betting
Football League: SPAIN LA LIGA
Match Game: Getafe vs Valencia
Game Match: 5/18/2013
Score Prediction: 1-2

Home Match Data

Last Matches - L-W-L-L-L-D
Last Home Matches - W-L-D-W-W-W
Last Away Matches - L-L-L-D-D-W

Away Match Data

Last Matches - W-W-L-W-D-W
Last Home Matches - W-W-W-W-D-W
Last Away Matches - W-L-D-D-W-L

Home - Away

1x2 % 22.1% - 26.7% - 51.2% (4.52 - 3.75 - 1.95)
Moneyline 30.2% - 69.8% (3.32 - 1.43)
Double Chance 1x 48.8% (2.05)
Double Chance x2 77.9% (1.28)
Double Chance 12 73.3% (1.36)
Goal Average (Home - Away) 0.730 - 1.270

In-Play Betting
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