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U.S. says it suspects Assad used chemical weapons
Quote:WASHINGTON — The White House said on Thursday that American intelligence agencies now believed, with “varying degrees of confidence,” that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons, but it said it needed conclusive proof before President Obama would take action.

The disclosure, in letters to Congressional leaders, takes the administration a step closer to acknowledging that President Bashar al-Assad has crossed a red line established by Mr. Obama last summer, when he said the United States would take unspecified action against Syria if there was evidence that chemical weapons had been used in the civil war.
Does this surprise anyone?
Not was only a matter of time I think.
I wonder if these are the ones that were in Iraq?
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:I wonder if these are the ones that were in Iraq?
Until someone proves otherwise, no.
^He can categorically make that statement. LOL.
What surprises me the most is that we have a President that's a big enough dumb ass to make the "red line" statement in the first place. Not surprised at all that he's now wiggling/slithering all over the place, he put himself in his current position. ZERO leadership skills.

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