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KHSAA over Middle Schools
KY board of education has approved the KHSAA to over see middle school sports. I am guessing major changes to come.
Not really, in the grand scheme this closes alot of insurance and legality gaps that there were for school districts.
I look we see number of games reduced for all sports.
number of games will be regulated as well as no more participation during hold back year. Goes for all sports not just football. Also Title IX will be in place for all middle school sports.
When does this start 2013-14 or 14-15?

No. 13-037 April 10, 2013

MEDIA CONTACT: Nancy Rodriguez
Office: (502) 564-2000 Cell: (502) 330-5063 E-mail: [email][/email]


(FRANKFORT, Ky.) – At its meeting today, the Kentucky Board of Education gave final approval to a regulation designating the Kentucky High School Athletics Association (KHSAA ) as the agent to manage both high school and middle school athletics in the state. The regulation, 702 KAR 7:065 now includes requirements for coaches, medical training and policies, limits on games and competitions, and the requirement for sports physicals for middle schools. The regulation also implements revisions to the KHSAA Bylaws and Constitution.

Education Cabinet 1
Kentucky Board of Education 2
Department of Education 3
(Amendment) 4
702 KAR 7:065. Designation of agent to manage middle and high school interscholastic 5 athletics. 6
RELATES TO: KRS 156.070(2) 7
NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 156.070(2) requires the Kentucky 9 Board of Education (KBE) to manage and control the common schools, including interscholastic 10 athletics in the schools, and authorizes the KBE to designate an agency to manage athletics. This 11 administrative regulation designates an agent for middle and high school athletics; establishes the 12 financial planning and review processes for the agent; and incorporates by reference the bylaws, 13 procedures and rules of the agent. 14
Section 1. The Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) shall be the Kentucky 15 Board of Education's agent to manage interscholastic athletics at the middle and high school 16 level in the common schools, including a private school desiring to associate with KHSAA or 17 [and] to compete with a common school. 18
Section 2. To remain eligible to maintain the designation as the agent to manage interscholastic 19 high school athletics, the KHSAA shall: 20
(1) Accept four (4) at-large members appointed by the Kentucky Board of Education to its high 21 school Board of Control [governing body]; 22
(2) Sponsor an annual meeting of its member high schools; 1
(3) Provide for each member high school to have a vote on KHSAA constitution and bylaw 2 changes submitted for consideration; 3
(4) Provide for high school regional postseason tournament net revenues to be distributed to the 4 member high schools in that region participating in that sport, utilizing a share approach 5 determined by the high schools within that region playing that sport; 6
(5) Provide, following a grandfathering period for prior participants, for students desiring to 7 participate at the high school level (regardless of level of play) to be enrolled in at least grade 8 seven (7); 9
(6) [(5)] Require its governing body to annually establish goals and objectives for its 10 commissioner and perform a self-assessment and submit the results annually to the KBE by 11 December [October] 31; 12
(7) [(6)] Advise the Department of Education of all legal action brought against the KHSAA[ by 13 October 31]; 14
(8) [(7)] Permit a board of control member to serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive four (4) 15 year terms with no region represented for more than eight (8) consecutive years; 16
(9) [(8)] Employ a commissioner and evaluate that person's performance annually by October 31, 17 and establish all staff positions upon recommendation of the commissioner; 18
(10) [(9)] Permit the commissioner to employ other personnel necessary to perform the staff 19 responsibilities; 20
(11) [(10)] Permit the Board of Control to assess fines on a member high school; 21
(12) [(11)] Utilize a trained independent hearing officer instead of an eligibility committee for an 1 athletic eligibility appeal; 2
(13) [(12)] Establish a philosophical statement of principles to use as a guide in an eligibility 3 case; 4
(14) [(13)] Conduct continual cycles of field audits of the association’s entire high school 5 membership such that each high school is audited over a five (5) year period regarding each 6 school’s compliance with 20 U.S.C. Section 1681 (Title IX) and submit annual summary reports 7 including the highlighting of any potential deficiencies in OCR compliance [on a regular (not 8 less than three (3) times annually) basis] to the Kentucky Board of Education [as requested]; 9
(15) [(14)] As a condition precedent to high school membership, require each member high 10 school and superintendent to annually submit a written certification of compliance with 20 11 U.S.C. Section 1681 (Title IX); 12
(16) [(15)] Conduct all meetings related to high school athletics in accordance with KRS 61.805 13 through 61.850; 14
(17) [(16)] Provide written reports of any investigations into possible violations of statute, 15 administrative regulation, KHSAA Constitution, bylaws, and other rules governing the conduct 16 of high school interscholastic athletics conducted by KHSAA or their designees to the 17 superintendent and principal of the involved school district and school prior to being made 18 public: and 19
(18) [(17)] Not punish or sanction, in any manner, a school, student, coach, or administrator for 20 allowing a student to play in an athletic contest or practice with the team during a time when an 21
order of a court of competent jurisdiction permits the student to participate or otherwise stays or 1 enjoins enforcement of a KHSAA final decision on eligibility. 2
Section 3. To remain eligible to maintain the designation as the agent to manage interscholastic 3 athletics at the middle school level, the KHSAA shall: 4
(1) Implement the following requirements for all participants in middle school athletics and 5 distribute these requirements to all middle schools and publish via the KHSAA website: 6
(a) Require that any coach (head or assistant, paid or unpaid) desiring to coach interscholastic 7 athletics at the middle school level meet the following requirements: 8
1) Shall be 21 years of age; 9
2) Shall not be a violent offender or convicted of a sex crime as defined by KRS 17.165 that is 10 classified as a felony; 11
3) Shall submit to a criminal record check under KRS 160.380; and 12
4) Shall have graduated from a public or accredited high school. 13
(b) Require the adherence to the following items regarding Safety, Sports Medicine and Risk 14 Minimization for all interscholastic athletics at the middle school level: 15
1. Each student, prior to trying for a place on a middle school athletic team shall provide an 16 annual medical examination performed and signed by a physician, physician assistant, advanced 17 practice registered nurse, or chiropractor (if performed within the professional's scope of 18 practice), for each student seeking eligibility to participate in any school athletic activity or sport 19 using the form approved for use at the high school level. 20
2. All participants at the middle school level shall adhere to all Sports Medicine policies in use at 21 the high school level including: 22
a. Heat Index and Heat Illness programs; 1
b. Wrestling Weight Management programs; and 2
c. Concussion and other head injury policies. 3
© Create a permanent Middle School Athletics Advisory Committee. This committee shall: 4
1. Be autonomous with respect to the Board of Control of the KHSAA; 5
2. Be composed of regionally distributed middle school administrators from throughout the state; 6
3. Provide an opportunity for nonprofit athletic groups, parents, and others to participate and 7 provide input on the sport, athletic event, or athletes involved in interscholastic activities through 8 local school districts; 9
4. Meet not less than twice annually to review current programs and policies; make 10 recommendations for changes in statute, regulation or policy related to middle school 11 interscholastic athletics, and assist in the development of model guidelines for school, districts, 12 conferences and associations to be used in implementing a middle school athletic program; and 13
5. Report regularly to the Commissioner of the KHSAA and issue, in conjunction with the 14 Commissioner, a formal written report annually to the Kentucky Board of Education with 15 recommendations for changes in statute, regulation or policy; 16
(d) Require any organization conducting a school based event at the middle school level to 17 submit the following which shall be published on the KHSAA website: 18
1. Financial reports of all sanctioned and approved events sponsored by the organization; and 19
2. Documentation of financial accountability including verification of federal status and tax 20 documents including an annual IRS Form 990; 21
(e) Provide notice to the middle schools related to any program conducted by KHSAA related to 1 educating school administrators about the provisions of Title IX; 2
(f) Provide a mechanism to facilitate the monitoring and tracking capabilities for the middle 3 schools to ensure compliance with the provisions of KRS 160.445, and other requirements for 4 coaches at the middle school level; 5
(g) Require that no student be able to compete in middle school competition that is repeating a 6 grade for any reason; 7
(h) Require each school/school district/conference or association of schools to develop rules and 8 limitations regarding student participation to include: 9
1. A defined age limitation for participating students; 10
2. A policy regarding the participation of students below grade six (6); 11
3. A limitation on practice time prior to the season in any sport or sport activity, such limit not to 12 exceed the practice time adopted for play at the high school level; 13
4. A limitation on the number of scrimmages and regular contests in each sport or sport-activity, 14 such limit not to exceed the allowable number of contests for that sports or sport-activity at the 15 high school level; and 16
5. A limitation on the length of the competitive season in each sport or sport-activity, including 17 any invitational activity following the season, such limit not to exceed the allowable number of 18 contests for that sports or sport-activity at the high school level; 19
(i) Conduct all meetings related to middle school athletics in accordance with KRS 61.805 20 through 61.850; 21
(j) Require that the common schools at the middle school level may only compete in contests 1 against schools that adhere to these provisions; 2
(k) Issue an annual report to the Kentucky Board of Education on the status of interscholastic 3 athletics at the middle school level, including any recommendations for changes in statute, 4 regulation or policy. 5
Section 4[3]. Financial Planning and Review Requirements. 6
(1) KHSAA shall annually submit the following documents to the KBE by October 31: 7
(a) Draft budget for the next two (2) fiscal years, including the current year; 8
(b) End-of-year budget status report for the previous fiscal year; 9
© Revisions to the KHSAA Strategic Plan as a result of an annual review of the plan by the 10 KHSAA governing body; 11
(d) A summary report of operations including summaries of financial, legal, and administrative 12 actions taken and other items ongoing within KHSAA. This report shall also include a summary 13 of items affecting: 14
1. Athletic appeals and their disposition including the name of the individual, grade, school, and 15 the action taken by KHSAA; 16
2. Eligibility rules; 17
3. Duties of school officials; 18
4. Contests and contest limitations; 19
5. Requirements for officials and coaches; and 20
6. Results of a biennial review of its bylaws that results in a recommendation for a change, 1 directing any proposals for change in association rules to be considered for vote by the member 2 schools at the next legislative opportunity; and 3
(e) A review of all items which have been submitted to the membership for approval through the 4 processes established in the KHSAA Constitution and the result of the voting on those issues. 5
(2) The KHSAA shall annually submit at the next meeting of the Kentucky Board of Education 6 following receipt and adoption by the Board of Control, [by December 31], audited financial 7 statements with the KHSAA Commissioner's letter addressing exceptions or notes contained in 8 management correspondence, if any. 9
Section 5[4]. The materials incorporated by reference in Section 5 shall apply to middle and high 10 school interscholastic athletics in Kentucky. 11
Section 6[5]. Incorporation by Reference. (1) The following material is incorporated by 12 reference: 13
(a) “KHSAA Constitution”, 4/2013 [4/2009]; 14
(b) “KHSAA Bylaws”, 4/2013 [5/2012]; 15
© “KHSAA Due Process Procedure”, 4/2013 [5/2012]; 16
(d) “KHSAA Board of Control Policies”, 4/2013 [5/2012]; 17
(e) “KHSAA Officials Division Guidebook”, 4/2013 [5/2012]; 18
(f) “KHSAA Form BA101- Baseball Pitching Limitation”, 4/2009; 19
(g) “KHSAA Form FB102- Football Financial Report”, 9/7/2009; 20
(h) “KHSAA Form FB103- Football Spring Football Practice”, 4/2011; 21
(i) “KHSAA Form FB109- Football Scrimmage Report”, 7/2009; 22
(j) “KHSAA Form FB122- Football Contact Practice Log”, 6/2009; 1
(k) “KHSAA Form GE1- Membership Renewal”, 4/2013 [3/2012]; 2
(l) “KHSAA Form GE2- New Membership Application”, 4/2013 [3/2012]; 3
(m) “KHSAA Form GE3- Participation List”, 4/2009; 4
(n) “KHSAA Form GE4- Physician & Parental Permission Form”, 4/2013; 5
(o) “KHSAA Form GE6- Domestic Transfer”, 4/2013 [3/2012]; 6
(p) “KHSAA Form GE7- Non Domestic Eligibility “,4/2013 [3/2012]; 7
(q) “KHSAA Form GE14- Contract for Athletic Contests”, 4/2009; 8
® “KHSAA Form GE16- Statutory Waiver of Bylaw 3”, 3/2012; 9
(s) “KHSAA Form GE18- Survey for Sports Offerings”, 3/2012; 10
(t) “KHSAA Form GE19-Title IX Procedures Verification”, 5/2011; 11
(u) “KHSAA Form GE20- Heat Index Record”, 4/2009; 12
(v) “KHSAA Form GE26- Financial Aid Report”, 5/2011; 13
(w) “KHSAA Form GE35- Waiver - 20 Day Notice”, 5/2011; 14
(x) “KHSAA Form GE36- Add. Info for Appeal”, 5/2011; 15
(y) “KHSAA Form GE39- Report of Need Based Financial Aid Awarded”, 5/2011; 16
(z) “KHSAA Form GE40- Request for a Statutory Waiver of Bylaw 27”, 2/2012; 17
(aa) “KHSAA Form GE52- District Tournament Financial Report”, 5/2011; 18
(bb) “KHSAA Form GE53- Region Tournament Financial Report”, 3/2012; 19
(cc) “KHSAA Form GE69- Waiver – 15 Day Exceptions”, 5/2011; 20
(dd) “KHSAA Form SO103- Soccer Section/SubSection Financial Report”, 5/2011; 21
(ee) “KHSAA Form T1- Title IX Accom. Of Interests & Abilities”, 5/2011; 22
(ff) “KHSAA Form T2- Title IX Accom. Of Interests & Abilities”, 5/2011; 1
(gg) “KHSAA Form T3- Title IX Accom. Of Interests & Abilities”, 5/2011; 2
(hh) “KHSAA Form T35- Title IX Actual Expenditures Comparison 1 + Booster Club”, 4/2013 3 [5/2011]; 4
(ii) “KHSAA Form T36- Title IX Actual Expenditures Comparison 2 + Booster Club”, 5/2011; 5
(jj) “KHSAA Form T4- Title IX Accom. Of Interests & Abilities”, 5/2011; 6
(kk) “KHSAA Form T41- Title IX Athletics Audit Checklist”, 5/2011; 7
(ll) “KHSAA Form T50- [Title IX] Title IX Re-Visit “, 5/2011; 8
(mm) “KHSAA Form T60- Title IX Corrective Action”, 5/2011; 9
(nn) “KHSAA Form T61- Title IX Interscholastic Athletics Student Survey”, 5/2011; 10
(oo) “KHSAA Form T63- Title IX Interscholastic Athletics Survey”, 5/2011; 11
(pp) “KHSAA Form T70- Title IX Participation Opportunities”, 5/2011; 12
(qq) “KHSAA Form T71- Title IX Benefits - Summary 1”, 5/2011; 13
(rr) “KHSAA Form T72- Title IX Benefits - Summary 2”, 5/2011; 14
(ss) “KHSAA Form T73- Title IX Re-Visit - Publicity Support Group”, 5/2011; 15
(tt) “KHSAA Form T74- Title IX Re-Visit – Corrective Action Summary Chart”, 5/2011; 16
(uu) “KHSAA Form WR101- Wrestling Permission Form”, 12/2009; 17
(vv) “KHSAA Form WR111- Wrestling Skin Condition & Unconscious”, 5/2011; and 18
(ww) “KHSAA Form WR126- Wrestling Weight Certif. Program Assessor”, 3/2012. 19
Somewhere in that it says a report presented by October 31st so I'm guessing this will take affect in 2014.
So we can assume:
1. We will soon see the classification of middle school football like high school?
2. We will see a playoff system in place for a middle school athletics to match high school? Sweet 16? Regional tournaments? Districts?
3. We will see seasons realign to match high school, such as girls basketball moving from fall to winter and soccer moving from spring to fall?

I think I may put in an application to work for the KHSAA because we all know they do not have the personnel to manage this. Middle school athletic in the majority of schools just took a huge step backwards.
RichBrooks Wrote:number of games will be regulated as well as no more participation during hold back year. Goes for all sports not just football. Also Title IX will be in place for all middle school sports.

They'll just hold them back in grade school.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
WILDCAT NATION Wrote:So we can assume:
1. We will soon see the classification of middle school football like high school?
2. We will see a playoff system in place for a middle school athletics to match high school? Sweet 16? Regional tournaments? Districts?
3. We will see seasons realign to match high school, such as girls basketball moving from fall to winter and soccer moving from spring to fall?

I think I may put in an application to work for the KHSAA because we all know they do not have the personnel to manage this. Middle school athletic in the majority of schools just took a huge step backwards.

I agree completely. They can't even manage the HS side. It seems that this is driven by the fact that the Middle School football has been dominated from teams that are not from the great metropolis of Louisville or Lexington.
Will be effective for the 2013-14 season?
OffTheHook Wrote:They'll just hold them back in grade school.

Keeping kids from playing that get held back in middle school is ridicolous.
They'll end up getting held back in elementary school and it will solve nothing.

No way the KHSAA can manage this. They have a hard enough time with high school.
Schools CHOOSE to be a part of this. If i were the schools i just wouldnt joing the KHSAA in middle school sports. My theory is, the KHSAA seen how much money the middle school football playoffs were bringing in and how well it was doing so they just had to stick there hand in it.

Some schools, like Corbin for example consider 6th grade to be a part of there middle school while schools like Whitley only have a middle schools for 7th and 8th grades. Will they only consider 7th and 8th grade middle school?

They are really starting to screw things up in this state.
What constitutes middle school with so many different schools. Some are K-8, 5-8, 6-8, 7-8. Don't see how this could take effect for 13-14. Little late notice. Will there be eligibility rulings when kids move?
I am glad Trace will finish middle school next year. This has potential to be a mess for a few years to come.
This doesn't go in effect until 2014 2015 school year.
The KHSAA is a giant group of screw ups, and it's going to be a mess with them trying to put their heads into Middle School. Find me a single post on this site where anyone has a good thing to say about the KHSAA... please lol
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:This doesn't go in effect until 2014 2015 school year.

I've been trying to find out this information and no one at KHSAA or KDE can tell me anything about when these rules go into effect. Who told you this if you don't mind me asking?
Wildcat18 Wrote:I've been trying to find out this information and no one at KHSAA or KDE can tell me anything about when these rules go into effect. Who told you this if you don't mind me asking?

The principle at our middle school.
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:The principle at our middle school.

I'd like to know who their contact is. I've talked to one from KDE and three from KHSAA (none named Tackett because he apparently doesn't respond to phone calls and only replies to emails).
Here is a press release by the KHSAA on MS Sports from this morning.
Belfry0304 Wrote:The KHSAA is a giant group of screw ups, and it's going to be a mess with them trying to put their heads into Middle School. Find me a single post on this site where anyone has a good thing to say about the KHSAA... please lol

From what I have been able to gather, the KHSAA is not interested in overseeing MS Sports. The big push has been from the KDE and the Kentucky Legislature.
Belfry0304 you are correct, the KHSAA was directed by KDE and legislature to oversee SOME aspects of middle school sports. There is no plan for playoff or classes in particular sports. The main concern was safety of middle school athletes. Heat index, coaching certification in CPR and first aid, physicals, and crime checks for coaches. Kepping our children safe was the number one concern. There is concern of who tracks and requires this documentation at the local level. Therefore, the KKSAA will now do this. Everyone can access this information on the KHSAA website in the blog. Today, Julian Tackett sent out information to all Superintendents, high school AD, and high school principals asking them to relay this information to people at the milddle school level. The KHSAA does not have a contact data base for middle school administration yet and is asking the high schools to help until that data base can be established.
Blackwater Wrote:Belfry0304 you are correct, the KHSAA was directed by KDE and legislature to oversee SOME aspects of middle school sports. There is no plan for playoff or classes in particular sports. The main concern was safety of middle school athletes. Heat index, coaching certification in CPR and first aid, physicals, and crime checks for coaches. Kepping our children safe was the number one concern. There is concern of who tracks and requires this documentation at the local level. Therefore, the KKSAA will now do this. Everyone can access this information on the KHSAA website in the blog. Today, Julian Tackett sent out information to all Superintendents, high school AD, and high school principals asking them to relay this information to people at the milddle school level. The KHSAA does not have a contact data base for middle school administration yet and is asking the high schools to help until that data base can be established.

I call BS, I think they want to dip into the cash that KYMSFA is making. The no holdback rule, to put it how I really feel is utter bullshit. I understand at the high school level it's an unfair advantage as you're competing for state championships, but at the middle school level it's unfair. Now, those kids will have to decide to hold back before they turn 10, and what 10 year old is going to volunteer to hold back? Whereas at 13 or 14 they're a little more serious about sports and academics alike. So now, more kids will have to graduate and play their senior year of football as well as prepare for the college process at 17 whereas it could be 18 or 19, and every year of maturation helps. It would be different if only some schools had the option of hold backs in middle school, but ALL schools do. Like I said I can justify at the high school level, but not the middle school level. I can't find a valid argument on why the holdbacks hurt anything. Keep in mind, I'm not a holdback nor a parent of one, I'm just 19... AND A SOPHOMORE IN COLLEGE.

Sure wish someone would've held me back. 4.0 GPA this year, since turnng 19. 2.5 GPA as an 18 year old in college.
KHSAA is not making money. They are not collecting dues from middle school. Some middle school programs were not recording heat index, player injury, reconditioning football equipment, let every Tom-Dick-and Harry coach without CPR, FIRST AID, and crime checks. The KYBOE was given no choice but to try to do something to protect the students. There were concerns from all over the state about student safety. That is why it has came to this. One day you might have children and understand why this came about.
Blackwater Wrote:KHSAA is not making money. They are not collecting dues from middle school. Some middle school programs were not recording heat index, player injury, reconditioning football equipment, let every Tom-Dick-and Harry coach without CPR, FIRST AID, and crime checks. The KYBOE was given no choice but to try to do something to protect the students. There were concerns from all over the state about student safety. That is why it has came to this. One day you might have children and understand why this came about.

Then the KYMSFA should have punished those particular schools who were not following the rules required. I know that our team dotted every "i" and crossed every "t" as far as the heat index, CPR, first aid, crime checks, physicals, etc. To me, the ones who followed these guidelines are the ones being punished by these newly implemented rules. The 6th and 7th graders right now who's parents were planning on retaining their children in the 7th and 8th grade respectively are screwed now because the rules will be implemented for the 2014-15 school year. The deadline for them to be retained this next year has already passed (based on our school district) and thanks to the KHSAA, those families are screwed out of having that opportunity at all. These rules should not have affected anyone currently in middle school and should have been implemented 3 years from the date they were passed, giving time for the current 6th grade class to get through middle school. I'm not against the new rules as people will hold their kids back in 5th grade like most do anyway...I'm against the timing that they will be implemented.
Blackwater Wrote:KHSAA is not making money. They are not collecting dues from middle school. Some middle school programs were not recording heat index, player injury, reconditioning football equipment, let every Tom-Dick-and Harry coach without CPR, FIRST AID, and crime checks. The KYBOE was given no choice but to try to do something to protect the students. There were concerns from all over the state about student safety. That is why it has came to this. One day you might have children and understand why this came about.

Okay, so this is about player safety... if there's an AD out there who doesn't follow those regulations without the KHSAA "rules" in place, he or she is begging for a negligence law suit and I'm pretty sure anyone in that position has enough sense to follow the "CYA" rule. If there is a problem, why can't the KYBOE solve it by issuing that warning through District BOE's? Hard time believing money is not involved knowing the KH$AA... and furthermore what do holdbacks have to do with protecting students?

And thank you, but I think I have a good understanding of why player safety is important... in case you don't realize this most middle schools cannot have student-managers or official trainers as high school programs so guess who gets to check the heat, fill the water coolers, time water breaks, fix equipment malfunctions, tape kids up, wrap up bloody elbows, and make sure the kids are healthy and well hydrated? You guessed it, assistant coaches! And you know who gets to do the most of it? The younger guys, like myself. So perhaps if my passing of a crime check and certification in first aid isn't good enough for you, my sports management and sports law college education will be. Why is my school and district getting punished because we do things right? And better yet what does holding a kid back have to do with that? Just not seeing why the KHSAA's oversight is necessary. Actually I'd like to see some cases of complaint over negligence across the state and athletic director/district responses. Jeez! Save your arrogant comments for someone who is uninformed.
Wildcat18 Wrote:Then the KYMSFA should have punished those particular schools who were not following the rules required. I know that our team dotted every "i" and crossed every "t" as far as the heat index, CPR, first aid, crime checks, physicals, etc. To me, the ones who followed these guidelines are the ones being punished by these newly implemented rules. The 6th and 7th graders right now who's parents were planning on retaining their children in the 7th and 8th grade respectively are screwed now because the rules will be implemented for the 2014-15 school year. The deadline for them to be retained this next year has already passed (based on our school district) and thanks to the KHSAA, those families are screwed out of having that opportunity at all. These rules should not have affected anyone currently in middle school and should have been implemented 3 years from the date they were passed, giving time for the current 6th grade class to get through middle school. I'm not against the new rules as people will hold their kids back in 5th grade like most do anyway...I'm against the timing that they will be implemented.

Do you understand that there are twice as many school districts not in the KYMSFA as there are in it? The main issue here was school districts were not following requirements that KDE already had in place at the lower levels before this was put through, the issue was KDE didnt have any way to enforce schools to follow these requirements. Now they do. You would be surprised at how many school districts I have met with that have said, we cant/choose not to do these things to save $$$ or just the hassell.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Okay, so this is about player safety... if there's an AD out there who doesn't follow those regulations without the KHSAA "rules" in place, he or she is begging for a negligence law suit and I'm pretty sure anyone in that position has enough sense to follow the "CYA" rule. If there is a problem, why can't the KYBOE solve it by issuing that warning through District BOE's? Hard time believing money is not involved knowing the KH$AA... and furthermore what do holdbacks have to do with protecting students?

And thank you, but I think I have a good understanding of why player safety is important... in case you don't realize this most middle schools cannot have student-managers or official trainers as high school programs so guess who gets to check the heat, fill the water coolers, time water breaks, fix equipment malfunctions, tape kids up, wrap up bloody elbows, and make sure the kids are healthy and well hydrated? You guessed it, assistant coaches! And you know who gets to do the most of it? The younger guys, like myself. So perhaps if my passing of a crime check and certification in first aid isn't good enough for you, my sports management and sports law college education will be. Why is my school and district getting punished because we do things right? And better yet what does holding a kid back have to do with that? Just not seeing why the KHSAA's oversight is necessary. Actually I'd like to see some cases of complaint over negligence across the state and athletic director/district responses. Jeez! Save your arrogant comments for someone who is uninformed.

Why do you feel your school is getting punished? If your district is already following all of the safety standards, than you have nothing to worry about.
Wow!! I think this is a great move!! Now everyone gets the opportunity to be part of the KHSAA! Middle school people, athletes, parents, principals,players, coaches are under the wing of the most professional, well oiled organization in sports today. You have no idea how fortunate you are. Only if your child makes it to an NCAAA school will you see a better organization. The KHSAA is the only organization I can think of that can take on 300-400 more schools, thousands of more athletes and coaches and do it as well as they do with our high schools today. Get on board. Sit back and enjoy..... :biglmao:

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