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Ryback Turning Heel
What's everybody think about Ryback turning Heel? I was hoping Mark Henry was going to get a push but it looks like it's going to be Ryback.
Ryback didn't really turn heel tho.
^ Correctomundo! Ryback is still a face. Smart booking is giving the WWE fans what they want. Ryback can work with Cena, who can actually make Ryback look good in a match for a change. Ryback keeps his fan base. Cena keeps his fanbase, plus allows those who love to boo him a reason to boo him. I like the "GRAY" booking of characters.
I told someone about this on a wrestling fan/group page last night on facebook....WWE has been sitting up a Cena/Ryback feud for the Title since Ryback has been screwed out of it twice (unless I'm miscounting) and Cena eliminating him at the Rumble...So no Ryback is not a heel..
Ryback didn't turn heel ,, it be a 3way with Henry back n cena
Would anybody else on BGR's like to correct my ignorance? One person was not enough. Where's LWC at? He's the only one who hasn't done so yet. Anyway, I'm glad Mark Henry may still be in the mix.
According to Ryback could indeed be a heel now. WWE is making a match for Raw next week. Ryback & Ziggler vs. Cena & Del Rio
Strikeout King Wrote:According to Ryback could indeed be a heel now. WWE is making a match for Raw next week. Ryback & Ziggler vs. Cena & Del Rio

THANK YOU SK!!!! Let that be a lesson to you all. The next time you all want to jump on ole Westie, he may just lay the smack down. Confusedinglepar
I think the WWE was planning on having him turn heel at that moment...but with that crowd, yeah not a chance they would turn on him.
I don't think he's a heel either just WWE trying to keep people guessing.
Ryback Says He’s The Villain Against Cena, Mentions Cena’s Ex-Wife

Ever since Ryback attacked John Cena on last week’s post-WrestleMania edition of WWE RAW, there’s been a lot of speculation as to whether he’s now a heel or simply gunning for the WWE Champion. Ryback’s promo from RAW and his failure to aid John Cena when he was getting beat down by The Shield indicated that Ryback does in fact have a dark side.

With the following tweet he made after RAW, it appears Ryback is in fact embracing the role of villain against WWE hero John Cena:

Quote:[INDENT]Every story needs a hero and a villain. Looks like I picked the right one. Doomsday has risen and is very hungry.#RybackRules
— Ryback (@Ryback22) April 16, 2013

Ryback also tweeted this on Tuesday afternoon, referencing Cena’s ex-wife Elizabeth:

Quote:[INDENT]Watching the pain on Cena’s face was worth standing back for. Funny the 2 things he says I lack his ex wife seems to love. #RybackRules
— Ryback (@Ryback22) April 16, 2013

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