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while gay marriage was the focus the media slipped these articles through
Tis the American way, Distract em with social issues when there is much more important stuff to worry about.
The so-called Affordable Care Act is going to make a lot of people south of the border very wealthy. Watch as some of this nation's top doctor's and hospital companies set up shop in the Caribbean and in Central American countries like Belize and Costa Rica. Patients wanting good care will be able to afford a round trip ticket to first class medical facilities that will not be affordable here at any price in a few years. I would not be surprised to see floating hospitals with helipads to become popular as well.

Everytime that the government sticks its nose where it is not needed, costs go up, quality goes down, rationing and black markets soon follow.
Skyrocketing medical costs including exploding health insurance premiums, are upon us. "The disparities are striking. By 2017, the estimated increase would be 62% for California, about 80% for Ohio, more than 20% for Florida and 67% for Maryland. Much of the reason for the higher claims costs is that sicker people are expected to join the pool, the report said (3/26)."

All this would be hilarious if not for the dire consequences we will all suffer as the result of having ObamaCare foisted upon us. As more and more bad economic news surfaces due to new revelations associated with the ACA, so do desperate defenders of the plan. The GAO now says ObamaCare will add 6.2 TRILLION to our nation's long term debt; Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), who requested the report, revealed the findings this morning at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. The report, he said, “confirms everything critics and Republicans were saying about the faults of this bill,” and “dramatically proves that the promises made assuring the nation that the largest new entitlement program in history would not add one dime to the deficit were false.” LINK ---

The reality is total breakdown of the world's finest system of medicine. A far cry from the starry-eyed liberal vision of free universal health care. Well, maybe not free but, according to our self proclaimed political savior it was to cost under 900 billion (with a B) over the coming decade.

As I have said in the past, we can't just legislate ourselves into some kind of responsibility free, John Lennonesque liberal utopia. Where "every one of us, has all we need", and people are free to copulate free from fear of social stigma, with all manner of flora and fauna, and where ne'er floats by the teensiest bit of unwanted pollutant.
were you at liberals
My uncle was a big fan of the idea of government healthcare until two days ago whenever we were discussing it. He is a disabled veteran and as such gets healthcare at the VA. But 5 years ago when he had a widowmaker massive heart attack he wanted us to drive him straight to kings daughters. When I brought this up to him he suddenly realised what I had been saying all along, although he had to pay a huge bill at kings daughters he conceded that there is no way he would of trusted the VA with something like that. The moral of the story is that I know of very few veterans that trust the VA with anything major. My father as a few of you know has severe mental health problems, and I pay out of pocket for his mental health because quite frankly I have yet to see a doctor in the VA's mental health department that isn't a quack. And to me its worth every penny to get him the best health possible. The way the VA works is how a government health care system will work. It will suck because quite frankly is there anything the government can do better then the private sector?
were you at liberals
WideMiddle03 Wrote:were you at liberals
They seem to swim as a school but they could hold class in a phone booth.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:They seem to swim as a school but they could hold class in a phone booth.

you would be surprised at the amount of liberals you can get in a phone booth
throw in a well fair check you will get a lot
if it gets too crowded throw in a job application and that will get rid of them
WideMiddle03 Wrote:you would be surprised at the amount of liberals you can get in a phone booth
throw in a well fair check you will get a lot
if it gets too crowded throw in a job application and that will get rid of them
WideMiddle03 Wrote:you would be surprised at the amount of liberals you can get in a phone booth
throw in a well fair check you will get a lot
if it gets too crowded throw in a job application and that will get rid of them

WideMiddle03 Wrote:you would be surprised at the amount of liberals you can get in a phone booth
throw in a well fair check you will get a lot
if it gets too crowded throw in a job application and that will get rid of them


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