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Clay County 15 Madison Southern 9
Shout out to those Tigers on the diamond straight flexin'.
That comment is a little bit before my time, but have at it Bobby.
In all seriousness, the Tigers have shown me that they play hard nosed, aggressive baseball. Swing the bat well (so far) and the pitching has been great. Defense needs work, but that comes with time during the season. They faced horrible calls at Madison Southern tonight and pulled off a W even while committing 7 errors. Which is bad. Really bad. Can't wait to see this team when they start clicking on everything. Good game tomorrow at home around 1 against Pulaski SW who is always solid. Hope to see a good sized crowd!
Clay will have a difficult year. They have one of the best young coaches in Jason Smith but there just isn't much talent at the plate or in the field. Tanner Hoskins is a nice pitcher, but the Tigers will need more than him to make any push as being one of the top teams in the 13th.
EKYBubbaWatson Wrote:Clay will have a difficult year. They have one of the best young coaches in Jason Smith but there just isn't much talent at the plate or in the field. Tanner Hoskins is a nice pitcher, but the Tigers will need more than him to make any push as being one of the top teams in the 13th.

Agreed, but luckily for Clay nobody is really good outside of South. The Tigers have enough pitching. If their defense starts making plays behind them they will be fine and will have a very good shot at winning the 49th.
Hit and Run, can anyone beat South?? I don't think there is a pitcher or defense in the region that will shut them out and there pitching has quite a bit of good, solid depth.
EKYBubbaWatson Wrote:Hit and Run, can anyone beat South?? I don't think there is a pitcher or defense in the region that will shut them out and there pitching has quite a bit of good, solid depth.

South depends on the long ball quite a bit so realistically there could be some games they could struggle, but with Knox hosting the region I think they'll be quite a bit ahead of everyone, but it is incredible early.
Sad that a former Tiger (EKYBubbaWatson) would go with South over his Tigers. Even when he put them out of the region two years ago. He almost got into it with Mackenzie Hicks. Maybe he says that South is better because they hit like 3 consecutive home runs on him..and he had to be pulled from that game. Sad to see from the fans perspective, but true. C'mon now little McDaniel, big Todd would be ripping his notebook up in the stands if he saw you on here saying anything besides the Tigers being no. 1 in the region.
Bobby, unlike the real Bobby you are a fool. I'll always be a Clay fan and supporter, unfortunately there isn't much talent on this team. Luckily, as Hit and Run said the region is down and Coach Smith is one of the best coaches out there. I believe if I were you I'd leave the message boards to the fans, and focus on trying to win. Go Clay!
Haha, I'm focused on speaking the truth! Make the golf team up there, leave the posting to people who matter. I know who everyone on here is, 2 in the post are former players. (South African Honey Badger, 2nd basemen) and you Todd. You and Sump love posting about fantastic Chip is. You go get better than your lil bro, and leave the posting to big daddy Bobby. Have fun with Asantee, I mean Hallie. I'll be cheering the Tigers on while you do that.
Focused on speaking the truth? Son, you and ol Iceman focus on winning some games. If you "boys" got some issues with someone I'd suggest you say it to that person's face rather than hide behind a screen name. I'm pretty sure you both are 18, last time I checked that is the definition of an adult. It appears that you boys have an extreme jealousy problem. The most pathetic thing is you're a player and pumping yourself up on a message board. I'm sure "Todd" would love for you to come clean about you're identity.
I'm pretty sure you just want us to be jealous of you. What is there to be jealous of? A guy who fantasizes of being better than his younger brother? WOOOHOOO!! If I had a sibling i'd make D**n sure i'm better than him. He's better than you at all sports. Not just golf. No one is jealous of you, we simply find it fun to make you mad on here and get you all pissed saying stupid stuff. No one even cares lol. Everyone in the crowd at games just laughs at how you react when Chip makes a friggin' layup in warmups even, "YEAH BEST PLAYER IN THE STATE!!!" When Fox could simply..well, cross him lol. You and you're buddies keep having orgasms over the "chipster" and i'll be watching from afar laughing my hind end off.
Jealous of me?? I don't think I've ever posted anything about how good EkyBubbaWatson is? There isn't anything you say on here that would ever make me
"pissed". I'm not sure I've ever,
ever seen anyone that would be
on a message board to brag about themselves. Boys, just listen to Coach Smith, he's going to do a fine job. Hopefully iceman's bat gets a little less icy, and like I gave you credit earlier, "Bobby" lets hope you have a little help in the field and that your slurve is slurving. This thread isn't about basketball, there was absolutely no doubt who the best team and best player was in the region. You boys are jokes, bottomline. Try to play with a little pride, like the basketball team did. You guys had your chance to watch from and ride the pine at Rupp, and well chose not to. Jealousy boys, won't get you very far. Regardless of who has a CC uniform on, I will cheer for that team, but I must say we sometimes have some sorry excuses to cheer for.

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