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Why doesn't God heal amputees?
There's a question to ponder. Why doesn't God heal amputees?
It's the same reason that he lets dumb people remain dumb!
^ But, people say God is a healer, and hears and answers their prayers. Why don't he heal amputees?
One thing I've learned is. When a miracle is answered its God. When its not, it was just meant to be.
TheRealVille Wrote:There's a question to ponder. Why doesn't God heal amputees?

Still waiting on the other half of your brain to grow back?
I find it odd that the Christian God can "heal cancer", with a doctor's help, but can't grow a limb back.
zaga_fan Wrote:Still waiting on the other half of your brain to grow back?
My brain is one of the few on here that actually works on a reasonable, thinking basis, on this subject. Do you want to offer any explanations to the topic question, or just add smart alec remarks?
You talk about smart alec remarks, when you know by starting this thread thats what you were going to get. Dont be a hypocrite.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
You talk about smart alec remarks, when you know by starting this thread thats what you were going to get. Dont be a hypocrite.
I asked a question. If you are a Christian, try answering it. Why is this one of the only things your God won't heal? Are Christians supposed to offer smart alec responses when non christians ask hard questions?
TheRealVille Wrote:I asked a question. If you are a Christian, try answering it. Why is this one of the only things your God won't heal? Are Christians supposed to offer smart alec responses when non christians ask hard questions?

If asked from a legitimately pondering and yearning standpoint, I will answer. If it comes from an agnostic or atheistic hard-heart, I never will.

Knowledge about God comes from faith. If a heart is veiled, it will never understand.
TheRealVille Wrote:There's a question to ponder. Why doesn't God heal amputees?

Why don't the God's of other religions heal amputees? Or the God of the religion of your choice if you even have one? God is very capable of miracales but people like you look at God like you look at Santa. Could God heal an amputee?......well yes but that is just a drop in the bucket of what he is capable of. If you could just open your eyes you would see all the miracles that good does every day because us being here on this earth and the water and animals and the universe are greater miracles then growing bac an arm or leg. The problem I think that some people like you have is you think that God sits back on his throne and decides peoples lives every second of every day. When some people make coments like it was just Gods will I don't completely agree. I dont think God decides who is going to die today and who is going to get cancer today and who will have good luck today. I believe God to an extent lets life take it's course and that is why he said that we have no promise of tomorrow and all he wants from us is to believe in him and believe that he gave his only sun for us and to love him. If a man with no arm was on national tv and his arm grew back right before our eyes then we would have undeniable proof of God or some force out of this world but God wants us to believe on our own. God gave all of us from Birth an ability to feel his presence but some people just "can't see the forest for all of the trees".

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened" (Romans 1:18-21).
God says there that this world, this universe, is sufficient witness to every human being on this planet--even with the latest "we evolved from primordial slime" malarkey--to convict every human being who refuses that witness of active defiance of God's holy law.

I'm no bible scholar but I think the bolded part is talking about all the crazy stuff that the so called scientists and (i use this word loosley) experts have come up with and the people who are foolish enough to believe it like the big bang and evolution and all of that stuff. I'm not even going to say that the process that god used to create the universe wasn't something like the big bang because he don't get into specifics in the bible on how he did it but to not give him credit for it is wrong. It seems to me that people are to buisy trying to disprove God rather then trying to be open minded and that makes it look like they are scared of something? I believe that we have a lot of people who want to disprove God and want to say it's not real because they see what the Bible said on how to live and walk with God and they see that it's not easy and they love their lives and worldly things and vices to much so they think they will discredit God and all the things the bible teaches us in hopes that if they convince themself enough that it will just go away. Well I got news for ya it's not going away just because you don't believe. Some day soon all people on this earth living or dead will stand before God and be judged for the works that they did on this earth. He said that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall exceptions and yes that includes you wether you like it or not.
Do-double-gg Wrote:Why don't the God's of other religions heal amputees? Or the God of the religion of your choice if you even have one? God is very capable of miracales but people like you look at God like you look at Santa. Could God heal an amputee?......well yes but that is just a drop in the bucket of what he is capable of. If you could just open your eyes you would see all the miracles that good does every day because us being here on this earth and the water and animals and the universe are greater miracles then growing bac an arm or leg. The problem I think that some people like you have is you think that God sits back on his throne and decides peoples lives every second of every day. When some people make coments like it was just Gods will I don't completely agree. I dont think God decides who is going to die today and who is going to get cancer today and who will have good luck today. I believe God to an extent lets life take it's course and that is why he said that we have no promise of tomorrow and all he wants from us is to believe in him and believe that he gave his only sun for us and to love him. If a man with no arm was on national tv and his arm grew back right before our eyes then we would have undeniable proof of God or some force out of this world but God wants us to believe on our own. God gave all of us from Birth an ability to feel his presence but some people just "can't see the forest for all of the trees".

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened" (Romans 1:18-21).
God says there that this world, this universe, is sufficient witness to every human being on this planet--even with the latest "we evolved from primordial slime" malarkey--to convict every human being who refuses that witness of active defiance of God's holy law.

I'm no bible scholar but I think the bolded part is talking about all the crazy stuff that the so called scientists and (i use this word loosley) experts have come up with and the people who are foolish enough to believe it like the big bang and evolution and all of that stuff. I'm not even going to say that the process that god used to create the universe wasn't something like the big bang because he don't get into specifics in the bible on how he did it but to not give him credit for it is wrong. It seems to me that people are to buisy trying to disprove God rather then trying to be open minded and that makes it look like they are scared of something? I believe that we have a lot of people who want to disprove God and want to say it's not real because they see what the Bible said on how to live and walk with God and they see that it's not easy and they love their lives and worldly things and vices to much so they think they will discredit God and all the things the bible teaches us in hopes that if they convince themself enough that it will just go away. Well I got news for ya it's not going away just because you don't believe. Some day soon all people on this earth living or dead will stand before God and be judged for the works that they did on this earth. He said that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall exceptions and yes that includes you wether you like it or not.
You answered the question without knowing it. If he can, why hasn't he? If it's "just a drop in the bucket of what he's capable of", why doesn't he do it? Is it because of wonderers like me, like you say? So, wonderers like me cause believers, like you from getting healed of a lost limb? Do the ones that try to disprove God cause believers that pray for a lost limb to not receive it?
I would also like to say that I have seen a lot of people who in life were atheist who upon being in there deathbead found religion and were the most fearful people of dying that I have ever seen. Why is that??????????????
LWC Wrote:If asked from a legitimately pondering and yearning standpoint, I will answer. If it comes from an agnostic or atheistic hard-heart, I never will.

Knowledge about God comes from faith. If a heart is veiled, it will never understand.
Ok, answer it for a person that is reading this that might truly want to know. I am legitimately wondering why he don't heal people that are amputees that pray for healing. It has no bearing on whether the questioner has a veiled heart, if God has never healed an amputee, right? Whether or not I'm an atheist or agnostic has no bearing on whether your God has healed an amputee before, right? Are you copping out? You are a preacher, aren't you pretty much required to answer hard questions from atheists or agnostics to try to convert them?
One common Christian question, especially among new believers or non-believers, is why doesn't God just fix everything when there appears to be so much wrong in our world? We talk about how God is all-powerful, all-knowing. We talk about moving mountains and all the miracles of the Bible. So, if God can do anything, why doesn't' he just fix everything that is wrong with the world? Why doesn't he just heal the sick, feed the poor, create world peace? Well the answer is both simple and complex…just like God.

When people ask the common Christian question of why doesn't God fix everything, they are usually in some sort of dark place themselves. Usually something is happening in their lives, or in the lives of someone they know, that just doesn't seem right. And the idea that God can be the quick fix sounds appealing. Yet, fixing things isn't always about us. After all, Paul had a condition that he described as a thorn in his side. it never went away. It was there through his entire life, and no matter how much he prayed and asked for it to be removed, it stayed.

Sometimes God doesn't fix everything, because there are lessons to be learned from whatever is wrong around us. That sounds terrible, really, but if we think about how we've come out of other troubles, sometimes the lessons are profound. Sometimes the lessons aren't even for us. Sometimes the lessons are for others, or the goal is to allow another person to live up to their Godly purpose. We don't know God's plans, and we don't know God's timing. So sometimes we just need to look to God for comfort and mercy in tough times.

Some Things Don't Want to Be Fixed
God may not just fix everything, because some things don't want to be fixed. Mostly this applies to people. A lot of people out there don't believe in God. They aren't Christians, and they may never be Christians. Sometimes their hearts are so hardened that they do not understand faith as we do. Some of these people have no desire to allow God into their lives to fix what is wrong. They push him away.

In other circumstances, God may hold off on fixing a problem in order to allow someone to soften their hearts and become open to God. Sometimes God will wait to move in order for a person to realize He's been there all the time. It's hard to explain this one to people who want to see God work miracles to prove He exists. God isn't in the business of proving Himself. We have to want God to intervene out of love, not out of demands of proof.

Sometimes We Miss the Tools
Even as Christians we can miss the things God provides. Sometimes we get so caught up in asking God to fix everything that we miss the tools he provides to us. We'd all love for our problem to be solved by some grand miracle like the parting of the Red Sea or the feeding of the 5,000. Yet, most of the time God doesn't work that way. Most of the time God provides small opportunities or people to do His work in our lives. We can easily forget that God provides us with all that we need. We just get too clouded to see how He has worked in our lives.

It's Still About Free WillAllowing God to fix everything still comes down to our free will. We sometimes minimize this important aspect of God. He wants us to come to Him. He wants us to want Him. God understands that true love and respect is something offered, not something forced. We need to decide to ask God for assistance, and the choice to accept the help is ours. Even as Christians we can be stubborn in our quest to fix things on our own. It is our choices that sometimes determine how a problem ends up fixed. I wont take credit for any of this but here ya go TRV
TheRealVille Wrote:My brain is one of the few on here that actually works on a reasonable, thinking basis, on this subject. Do you want to offer any explanations to the topic question, or just add smart alec remarks?
In MANY cases he actually does heal them.

Because most of the time the limb needs to be removed, Just like a spot of cancer, to save that persons life.

Leave the cancer, they die. Remove the cancer and the healing begins.

Leave the limb, they die. Remove the limb and the healing begins.

If anyone knows this. It is I.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Ya know what TRV, I've had this same discussion with people time and time again and it is a never ending battle. I have got to the point that when this happens I juist ask the person this very simple thing. I can't prove to you that God is real and you can't prove to me that he isn't even though we have more proof of God and Jesus then most of the bull that the scientists try to tell us that we seem to just believe no matter what. If me and you both were to die tonight with me being a believer and you not, who would have the most to lose by being wrong??? That is a very simple question and I want you to seriously think about it. If I'm wrong who cares I die and fade into nothingness and wont even know that I was wrong but if you are wrong???
TheRealVille Wrote:I asked a question. If you are a Christian, try answering it. Why is this one of the only things your God won't heal? Are Christians supposed to offer smart alec responses when non christians ask hard questions?

No they are not. Its a double edge sword when it comes to being hypocritical.
Ive often had your back on here when it comes to someone being hypocritical in the religous sense. Its completely fine to ask questions, that the whole point of a discussion board IMO, but baiting a question to a response only God knows is something you and I both know is asking for it.

I know your an athiest, and i respect that. Never once have I tried to push my religion on someone or will i ever.

My only answer to the rest of your question is to look at the big picture from our standpoint. If God healed everything and everyone here on Earth, than why would there be a need for Earth? It all started when God found humans to be sinful in the garden of eden. From that point on, its pretty well been stated that we have free will, which also means we are living risk takers.
Why do people get cancer? Why do infants die? The questions go on and on, but from our standpoint we believe God has a bigger plan and when needed he calls us up. Everytime a new story comes out with somebody trying to "explain" our existence and where we come from, its always debunked because Christians can always answer by saying, "and where does that come from?"

The one thing thats held my belief in God true is one statement, and thats something cant come from nothing. A typical response when all else fails is "well, where did God come from?" and my response is "we'll have to wait until we get to heaven to find out." :biggrin:
TRV this may be very very hard for you to understand but people like me care about and worry about people like you. I know I don't know you or you me, heck we don't even know each other's real names but I don't need to. I care about all people and I want all people to be happy and close to God. I don't want to see anyone die without knowing God. How do I explain feeling this's God working inside of me....that is the only way I know to explain it and is just one of the many ways that I know God is real.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:No they are not. Its a double edge sword when it comes to being hypocritical.
Ive often had your back on here when it comes to someone being hypocritical in the religous sense. Its completely fine to ask questions, that the whole point of a discussion board IMO, but baiting a question to a response only God knows is something you and I both know is asking for it.

I know your an athiest, and i respect that. Never once have I tried to push my religion on someone or will i ever.

My only answer to the rest of your question is to look at the big picture from our standpoint. If God healed everything and everyone here on Earth, than why would there be a need for Earth? It all started when God found humans to be sinful in the garden of eden. From that point on, its pretty well been stated that we have free will, which also means we are living risk takers.
Why do people get cancer? Why do infants die? The questions go on and on, but from our standpoint we believe God has a bigger plan and when needed he calls us up. Everytime a new story comes out with somebody trying to "explain" our existence and where we come from, its always debunked because Christians can always answer by saying, "and where does that come from?"

The one thing thats held my belief in God true is one statement, and thats something cant come from nothing. A typical response when all else fails is "well, where did God come from?" and my response is "we'll have to wait until we get to heaven to find out." :biggrin:
No I'm not.
OffTheHook Wrote:In MANY cases he actually does heal them.

Because most of the time the limb needs to be removed, Just like a spot of cancer, to save that persons life.

Leave the cancer, they die. Remove the cancer and the healing begins.

Leave the limb, they die. Remove the limb and the healing begins.

If anyone knows this. It is I.
What about people that had them blown off in war, or a car wreck? Why won't he give their limb back, if they are praying for it?
No one ever get's healed with a missing limb, I'm just wondering why.
Do-double-gg Wrote:One common Christian question, especially among new believers or non-believers, is why doesn't God just fix everything when there appears to be so much wrong in our world? We talk about how God is all-powerful, all-knowing. We talk about moving mountains and all the miracles of the Bible. So, if God can do anything, why doesn't' he just fix everything that is wrong with the world? Why doesn't he just heal the sick, feed the poor, create world peace? Well the answer is both simple and complex…just like God.

When people ask the common Christian question of why doesn't God fix everything, they are usually in some sort of dark place themselves. Usually something is happening in their lives, or in the lives of someone they know, that just doesn't seem right. And the idea that God can be the quick fix sounds appealing. Yet, fixing things isn't always about us. After all, Paul had a condition that he described as a thorn in his side. it never went away. It was there through his entire life, and no matter how much he prayed and asked for it to be removed, it stayed.

Sometimes God doesn't fix everything, because there are lessons to be learned from whatever is wrong around us. That sounds terrible, really, but if we think about how we've come out of other troubles, sometimes the lessons are profound. Sometimes the lessons aren't even for us. Sometimes the lessons are for others, or the goal is to allow another person to live up to their Godly purpose. We don't know God's plans, and we don't know God's timing. So sometimes we just need to look to God for comfort and mercy in tough times.

Some Things Don't Want to Be Fixed
God may not just fix everything, because some things don't want to be fixed. Mostly this applies to people. A lot of people out there don't believe in God. They aren't Christians, and they may never be Christians. Sometimes their hearts are so hardened that they do not understand faith as we do. Some of these people have no desire to allow God into their lives to fix what is wrong. They push him away.

In other circumstances, God may hold off on fixing a problem in order to allow someone to soften their hearts and become open to God. Sometimes God will wait to move in order for a person to realize He's been there all the time. It's hard to explain this one to people who want to see God work miracles to prove He exists. God isn't in the business of proving Himself. We have to want God to intervene out of love, not out of demands of proof.

Sometimes We Miss the Tools
Even as Christians we can miss the things God provides. Sometimes we get so caught up in asking God to fix everything that we miss the tools he provides to us. We'd all love for our problem to be solved by some grand miracle like the parting of the Red Sea or the feeding of the 5,000. Yet, most of the time God doesn't work that way. Most of the time God provides small opportunities or people to do His work in our lives. We can easily forget that God provides us with all that we need. We just get too clouded to see how He has worked in our lives.

It's Still About Free WillAllowing God to fix everything still comes down to our free will. We sometimes minimize this important aspect of God. He wants us to come to Him. He wants us to want Him. God understands that true love and respect is something offered, not something forced. We need to decide to ask God for assistance, and the choice to accept the help is ours. Even as Christians we can be stubborn in our quest to fix things on our own. It is our choices that sometimes determine how a problem ends up fixed. I wont take credit for any of this but here ya go TRV
You are missing the point, and "free will" isn't an answer. If your God is a healing God, the bible says so, and so do Christians, why doesn't he heal amputees? Christians make no qualms about giving God credit for healing cancers, and other things that can't be proved that He actually healed. When it comes to healings that can be proved, He doesn't heal those people. The bible also says he is no respecter of persons, yet a sincere prayer from an amputated Christian for healing never get's answered. The free will argument doesn't fly. If that is the case, cancers can a lot of times be traced back to behavior that the person has done in the past, yet Christians still say it is God that healed the cancer patient when the cancer seems to leave, or goes into remission. Is he a healer, or not? If so, does he have more of an inclination to heal all different forms of sickness, yet leave the amputee out in the cold?
OffTheHook Wrote:In MANY cases he actually does heal them.

Because most of the time the limb needs to be removed, Just like a spot of cancer, to save that persons life.

Leave the cancer, they die. Remove the cancer and the healing begins.

Leave the limb, they die. Remove the limb and the healing begins.

If anyone knows this. It is I.
I fully understand your case, which is completely different than what my question is about. If the affected limb is taken off to rid someone of cancer, the removal did heal them, because the affected part would be gone. To be fair, to a person like me, the doctors that do the operation to remove the limb did the healing. At least, that's all that can said for sure.
Worst thread I have ever seen on this entire web site.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Worst thread I have ever seen on this entire web site.
Why, because someone has the nerve to ask a hard question to Christians? Hard questions don't go away just because you ignore them. That seems to me the way most Christians handle these types of things, "ignore it, and it will go away, then we can go back to saying we serve a healing God".
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Worst thread I have ever seen on this entire web site.
That is probably because you have missed some of the threads in the Politics and Current Events forum. This is at least the third thread that TRV has asked this same question. At least he finally created a thread on the topic instead of threadjacking.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That is probably because you have missed some of the threads in the Politics and Current Events forum. This is at least the third thread that TRV has asked this same question. At least he finally created a thread on the topic instead of threadjacking.
I know I asked the question in the "dow" thread yesterday, but I guess I'm not remembering the other two times.
Because if he did there would be undeniable proof of his existence. Which would remove faith out of the equation.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Because if he did there would be undeniable proof of his existence. Which would remove faith out of the equation.
Heal cancer victims, and forsake amputees to protect faith. :Thumbs: I got it. Why didn't he specify in the bible that amputees wouldn't get healed so as to protect the "faith" part of religion?

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