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Weight Lifting Programs!!??
Hey guys, I have a new question for this week;
What type of weight lifting program does your school do and you don't have to name names AND what type of program is better and why?

Our program is largely ran with Olympic lifts in a circuit training with aux work.
Our core lifts are:
  • Cleans
  • Front squat
  • snatch
  • hang cleans
  • deadlift
  • straight bar lounges
  • incline
  • bench--- very minimal for various reasons
  • clean and press from floor and hanging on thighs.
We have more but thats a good look !
I am a huge Olympic lift guy and think its directly reflects football. I also love to incorp band resistance. How bout everyone else.
Weight lifting programs are like offensive and defensive schemes on the field. They all win if taught properly, everyone is bought in and most importantly, having some athletic bodies involved.

I know of some schools that got 4 days a week, some 3 and heck, even some that only go 2 days a week (2-3 hr sessions); and, all of them using a variety of training methods that equal success on the field.

With that said, what you have listed is pretty common, and proven practice.
Our school I believe does Olympic lifts. I am old school and like the powerlifting better but only because it's what I know. Olympic lifting is better for football because it helps with explosiveness in my opinion. I see good in both and have fused them together for my son. I think anything is good as long as the kids are off the couch playing Xbox. Lol
I would agree that any lifting works if taught well and if you have the players working hard. Middlesboro has players who power lift and players that do the new CrossFit lifting. I like both and think both can be successful but I think CrossFit allows players the most room for growth. They may lose a few pounds off the top of their max lifts but the overall gains in recovery time and does make you a better overall athlete. For football explosion is VERY important and nothing makes a player more explosive than CrossFit work outs
Powerlifting is ok but as you get older, it usually comes back in bites you in the rump. Hernias, injuries, arthiritis, you name it. I think everyone needs a good weightlifting program but Maxing out can be very very dangersous. I dont see the point in trying to deadlift 700 pounds and then messing up discs in your back. Trying to bench 500 and ripping your peck. Everything hunky dory until you get injured. Work out the smart way. Cross fit may be the best thing to do.
Johnny_Ringo Wrote:Powerlifting is ok but as you get older, it usually comes back in bites you in the rump. Hernias, injuries, arthiritis, you name it. I think everyone needs a good weightlifting program but Maxing out can be very very dangersous. I dont see the point in trying to deadlift 700 pounds and then messing up discs in your back. Trying to bench 500 and ripping your peck. Everything hunky dory until you get injured. Work out the smart way. Cross fit may be the best thing to do.

I'd say the same thing about doing something for reps of 25 or even 50 as some of your crossfitters do. Maxing out is no more dangerous than jumping over a wall and messing your knee up. Stop drinking the coolaid. Crossfit is no more safe than any other system.
teampaul Wrote:I would agree that any lifting works if taught well and if you have the players working hard. Middlesboro has players who power lift and players that do the new CrossFit lifting. I like both and think both can be successful but I think CrossFit allows players the most room for growth. They may lose a few pounds off the top of their max lifts but the overall gains in recovery time and does make you a better overall athlete. For football explosion is VERY important and nothing makes a player more explosive than CrossFit work outs

I'd beware of this fad of Crossfit. It's just like HIT training, or workouts with nothing but machines as were advocated in the 80's and 90's (Nautilus). When it comes down to it the player who can apply the most force to the ground the fastest and who can use their upper body to control their opponent will win. If your not building on those principles then you arent helping yourself one bit.
Call Alabama they will give you their workout program. It seems to be working for them. Point being, look at what these programs are doing. It is not crossfit.

You can get any program you want with a phone call or email
I stand is free, just google it. Stack Mag has a free copy of their program. Published by their strength coach.
Didnt see any Machines on those Crossfit Challenges on ESPN. Looked like weights to me. Them guys were juiced up.
Crossfit is good but it's not as safe as you would think it would be. The key is to just be smart about it all. Know your body and limitations. What's good for some kids may not be good for all. I have seen just as many injuries from kettle balls as I have from other powerlifting exercises.
Alabama athletes don't even need weights call somebody who is doing something with nothing.
All workouts could be considered dangrous. Powerlifting, CrossFit, or Olympic Cycle. I just like cross fit because overall having explosion and the ability to recover fast is more important in football. CrossFit does all the same lifts as power lifting they just dont stress the heavey weight. A lot is done with 85% of you max 2 reps by 10. So you get your power lift, a work load drill, and endurance/ explosion drills. CrossFit would especially work for teams that have lineman who are 190 NOT 250
teampaul Wrote:All workouts could be considered dangrous. Powerlifting, CrossFit, or Olympic Cycle. I just like cross fit because overall having explosion and the ability to recover fast is more important in football. CrossFit does all the same lifts as power lifting they just dont stress the heavey weight. A lot is done with 85% of you max 2 reps by 10. So you get your power lift, a work load drill, and endurance/ explosion drills. CrossFit would especially work for teams that have lineman who are 190 NOT 250

Its amazing how many so called strength coaches dont have a clue what they are doing. You keep tryin to get power, whatever workload is, endurance and explosion all at the same time. I hate to tell you but your wasting an awful lot of time.
johnnyd Wrote:Its amazing how many so called strength coaches dont have a clue what they are doing. You keep tryin to get power, whatever workload is, endurance and explosion all at the same time. I hate to tell you but your wasting an awful lot of time.

I'm not quite sure what the argument youre trying to make is? Are you trying to say that lifting in general is a waste of time or CrossFit is a waste?
Great programs
teampaul Wrote:I'm not quite sure what the argument youre trying to make is? Are you trying to say that lifting in general is a waste of time or CrossFit is a waste?

trying to do all those things at one time is a waste of time. The body doesn't work that way. Well it does but its not optimal.
its best to alternate different types of workouts. for example uppers one day, lowers the next, then cardio. doing the same is not going to help you any at all.

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