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Paintsville 2013
Who is precce fron ohio.
Word from the coaching front is that McCoy is expected to make a decision this weekend and inform the admin before or on Monday
How tough is Paintsville schedule this year?
would be a great hire!!
dns Wrote:Who is precce fron ohio.

I'll go out on a limb & say it's Blake?? Preece who is originally from Lawrence County & was on staff there a couple of times as well as a few other schools down state, in Lexington I believe. If I'm not mistaken he is also Les Trimble's brother in law. As far as his coaching resume, for a head coaching position I'm unsure of it. But to my knowledge he was currently an assistant at Cabell Midland under former Lawrence Co. head coach Luke Salmons.
The Blue Blur Wrote:I'll go out on a limb & say it's Blake?? Preece who is originally from Lawrence County & was on staff there a couple of times as well as a few other schools down state, in Lexington I believe. If I'm not mistaken he is also Les Trimble's brother in law. As far as his coaching resume, for a head coaching position I'm unsure of it. But to my knowledge he was currently an assistant at Cabell Midland under former Lawrence Co. head coach Luke Salmons.

Thanks for that Blur, I didn't know who he was but sounds like he has experience which is great.
TigerBlues Wrote:Thanks for that Blur, I didn't know who he was but sounds like he has experience which is great.

That was not inside information or a rumor, just a logical guess. His name is Blake Preece & is Les Trimble's brother in law. He also played at Lawrence Co. & has been on staff there a couple of times as well as currently being an assistant at Cabell Midland (WV). Which obviously is not an Ohio school, so it may not be him. I also know he was on a staff at one time, down in Lexington but unsure of the school. To my knowledge though, he has no head coaching experience.

If they were going to go with someone with no head coaching experience, I'd go with a younger coach. I know there is a set of twins, coaching across the creek that now have some experience & played for Paintsville. With Chirico committed as a paid assistant, he could help fill in the blanks with a coach that is wet behind the ears. He also coached those boys while they were at Paintsville. That's not a knock on Preece, just saying a close knit bond amongst the staff could be beneficial for a program that's trying to rebuild. Just my honest opinion.
whom ever next hire if from outside school system better bring some players with them as
there are not many playing within. Agree with Blue blur best choice may be close by as maybe some looking for playing time may follow.
Blake's got a heck of a resume. Won state at Lex Cath. Just went to state at Midland. Part of turning Lawrence from 0-11 to 12-1 in a season. Coached at LC in 90's when they were dominant final 4 team. Coordinated on both sides of ball and all star game. Kids love him and want to play for him.
Either way I think you've got 2 great guys/coaches that are both close with Cherrico which is good!
As far as the twins go I don't see that happening. One of them had the chance to come back and decided to stay with the Eagles!! He made his own bed. Other than that who knows who will get the job.
Hong Kong Phooey Wrote:As far as the twins go I don't see that happening. One of them had the chance to come back and decided to stay with the Eagles!! He made his own bed. Other than that who knows who will get the job.

I believe you have to apply to even be considered. I've been with him in Knoxville all weekend and I can assure you he hasn't put his name in to contention. Paintsville hasn't even reached out to him. For your first assertion, I don't see that happening, well you are probably right. Someone earlier said Coach McCoy was offered the job, I think the world of him and if he accepts it or whomever accepts the job I wish them and their players well.

I don't coach, I design various aspects for underground coal mines for a living. This past November I was asked to be in charge of JC's Strength and Conditioning program and I enjoy that way more than I would coaching. The only reason I do that is because many of the kids have asked to lift with me when I hit the gym after work and I enjoy it. I spend a lot of my free time going to clinics, researching articles and talking to other coaches about strength and conditioning. In the past I have trained athletes on an individual basis, this is my first whirl at being over a group of players and it has been a success up to this point. I have no desire to be a game plan coach because I just don't have the time.

For him making his own bed, you have to look at his situation from a family stand point. He has a wife and a new born son to provide for. Job stability and one's family are more important than what an employer's colors are. For most people the rivalry ends after they walk across the stage with a diploma in hand and for a few others, apparently like you, it never ends. I'll be sure to tell him though that Hong Kong Phooey said he made his own bed after making a logical decision based on his family's needs.
The day has come and gone, no word yet on McCoys's decision but typically this stuff drags out like a jury. The quicker it is the worse it can be, the longer it is who knows. Fingers crossed again for these very young men to have some guidance and hopefully someone can get them as a team to prepare now and in the weight room as a team and let them know they need each other to work towards a common goal. Time is important and has a clear objective, commit now or settle for mediocrity as a program and the blame falls solely on the administration and their vision of the future for football at Paintsville.
I'm sorry to go on like this but it really hurts to watch this go down the drain.
who do you think he would bring from Magoffin County if he took the position? They are rebuilding themselves.
^They only posted it for 10 days. If they hire someone in 10 days, it must be from within the system. If they hire someone outside the system. They have to post it for 30 days. So if no one isn't named in the next couple of days. It will be another month before hearing anything.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I will be sad to see McCoy go if he does decide that. Plus they only lose 3 players from this past season. Chester is a good guy and has always been a good friend of mine since he got here.
The lunchtime rumor is that McCoy has agreed in principle to be the next head football coach.
Anything confirmed?
Any news or are the going to wait until may!!
Chester notified his assistants that he has accepted the Paintsville job.
Sad to hear this.
I am happy for Coach McCoy. He is a good man and this move makes a lot of sense to me for him. It should make the MC people a little sad. If it didnt that would speak of a job that he didnt do. That is why we do this for a living to build relationships and watch boys become young men.
Good hire!!!
I can't confirm this but I heard that lineman John LeMaster is transferring to Ashland Paul Blazer. Does anybody have any more info on this?
Footballcrazy33 Wrote:who do you think he would bring from Magoffin County if he took the position? They are rebuilding themselves.

No One.
According to post on Facebook today. Chester McCoy is the new Coach at Paintsville.

Remember now. I saw this on Facebook. Haven't talked to anyone else just yet.

If true. Congrats to Coach McCoy. I know he is excited!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Saw an official letter from the school today that Chester McCoy is the new Head Coach and Chirico is Assistant Coach
TigerBlues Wrote:I can't confirm this but I heard that lineman John LeMaster is transferring to Ashland Paul Blazer. Does anybody have any more info on this?
When did you hear that TB?
When did you hear that TB?
TigerFan3 Wrote:When did you hear that TB?

I heard that a couple days ago having lunch at the Carriage House. Also while there yesterday he had already visited the Ashland campus and had informed some Paintsville teammates that he was transferring. That's all I got but one thing for sure that will hurt losing a lineman. I didn't know he was the center on offense
Good kid but cant play there. I watched Ashland play on film.
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