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Obama Releases Illegal Aliens Held in Custody
What happened to the "Even if we can save one life argument? Everything from repeat drunk drivers without a license, (some have actually been involved in wrecks in which folks were injured, and of course there was loss of property, for which we pay for through higher insurance premiums) to notorious gang members, are slated to be released. Teasing the public with the early release of 'some' of those he is threatening to release in an attempt to ignite public opinion in his favor, Obama is again determined to steamroll responsible minded republican leaders. Despite his stated "open door policy" he has no apetite whatever for anything remotely approaching "working together" with repbublican legislators. His zero tolerance policy to that end belies his claim, don't look for any sign of a thaw in the iceflow which now characterizes the Congress of the United States.

"Arizona officials — from the statehouse to Capitol Hill — were outraged on Tuesday at the Obama administration’s release of hundreds of illegal immigrants held in local jails to save money as huge budget cuts loom.

“I’m appalled to learn the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun to release hundreds of illegal aliens from custody, the first of potentially thousands to soon be freed under the guise of federal budget cuts,” said Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who has long battled the White House on immigration matters. “This is pure political posturing and the height of absurdity, given that the releases are being granted before the federal sequestration cuts have even gone into effect.”
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They will not be hard to identify

Stardust Wrote:They will not be hard to identify


LOL, more pix from the family photo album?
We are an equal oppertunity country under this great President, you dont even have to be a citizen to get equal oppertunity either.

So if a divorced my wife, denounced my citizenship, and fathered kids out of wedlock the government would pay my mortgage, utilities, and provide health care, and food/drink for the kids and I?

Or should I keep my citizenship Confusednicker:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
That's what I've been saying for YEARS.......

You would have to move to Mexico after your citizenship was denounced then swim the Rio before you could qualify for a free cell!!!
[YOUTUBE="Just remember people"]_61hzuGGJX0[/YOUTUBE]
Listen people, we got a sequester to engineer here. It's not the easiest thing in the world to make all this stuff happen in a way that substatially creates citizen dependency on the state and at the same time sufficiently blames the republicans for the whole mess. I mean, it's not Obama's fault he had to let all these thugs back out onto the street to ply their dubious crafts again.
^quit moonlighting as Obamas press secretary Confusednicker:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
The President, congress and media are playing the American people for a bunch of blithering fools. Unfortunately, it looks like around 51% of Americans are, well, you know.
TheRealThing Wrote:Listen people, we got a sequester to engineer here. It's not the easiest thing in the world to make all this stuff happen in a way that substatially creates citizen dependency on the state and at the same time sufficiently blames the republicans for the whole mess. I mean, it's not Obama's fault he had to let all these thugs back out onto the street to ply their dubious crafts again.

It's another voter drive. 99% of those set free will surely vote democrat in the 2014 midterms.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:It's another voter drive. 99% of those set free will surely vote democrat in the 2014 midterms.

Given the choice between Jesus or Barabbas, the people of Jerusalem chose to have Pilate release Barabbas unto them. And, when Pilate asked the mob what they would have him do with Jesus they said, crucify Him and let His blood be upon our heads and the heads of our children.

I can't help but feel that is the source of the saying, "be careful what you wish for". Israel has suffered mightily since that day.

Given a choice, the people of this country chose to sacrifice freedom for temporary safety in the last election. Obama evidently feels the dems need to pad their lead.

Ben Franklin --- "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
This is ridiculous...we couldn't find something else to cut to keep this from happening?!?

From what I read though, none of these illegals let go were high risk. But still, we already have too many to begin with!
vundy33 Wrote:This is ridiculous...we couldn't find something else to cut to keep this from happening?!?

From what I read though, none of these illegals let go were high risk. But still, we already have too many to begin with!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March, The Associated Press has learned.

Any other president in this century or the last who having done this, would certainly be facing swift and sure impeachment.

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