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02-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:Finished 3rd in the regional hundred meters as an 8th grader and Devin Turner was in the field. So you are wrong.
Wasn't he at Boyd County in the 8th grade.
02-08-2013, 03:41 PM
Tony Love it is huh? Good luck to the new head man at Ashland.
Off topic, but how is the remodel of Putnam Stadium coming along?
Off topic, but how is the remodel of Putnam Stadium coming along?
02-08-2013, 03:50 PM
Love deserves the Job. He's been there along time now and has done alot for the Tomkittens.
02-08-2013, 03:53 PM
FBALL Wrote:He will be back when football gets going. You two can resume the love fest then. Lol
Ah, but wouldn't it be just grand if we could entice him to be a four seasons type of guy

02-08-2013, 03:57 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:Finished 3rd in the regional hundred meters as an 8th grader and Devin Turner was in the field. So you are wrong.
That's kinda light years away from "currently" having SEC speed.:eyeroll:
02-08-2013, 03:58 PM
FBALL Wrote:Wasn't he at Boyd County in the 8th grade.
Not during track season. Moved to Ashland in the winter I believe. Even if he was he still finised 3rd.
02-08-2013, 04:00 PM
I hope Baker has broad shoulders to carry the load for Tomcat glory as much as people are expecting.
02-08-2013, 04:00 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:That's kinda light years away from "currently" having SEC speed.:eyeroll:
You added "currently"
02-08-2013, 04:02 PM
PaytoPlay Wrote:I hope Baker has broad shoulders to carry the load for Tomcat glory as much as people are expecting.
Obviously he can't do it all by himself but if he stays healthy he will be the best football player at Ashland since Juan Thomas.
02-08-2013, 04:05 PM
For the record Jo Jo Kemp recently signed with UK and is 5'10" 189 pounds and runs a 4.67 forty. If you think Baker can't become that you are delusional.
02-08-2013, 04:06 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:You added "currently"
Ok, well then we'll just use your quote. We certainly dont want to paraphrase anything here. So here it is, word for word:
"Baker will or already has SEC type speed".
02-08-2013, 04:08 PM
Has Baker grown? Put on any weight?
02-08-2013, 04:09 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:For the record Jo Jo Kemp recently signed with UK and is 5'10" 189 pounds and runs a 4.67 forty. If you think Baker can't become that you are delusional.
Oh, I get it , anybody that can run a sub 4.7 can play in the SEC. Gosh I didn't know it was that easy.
02-08-2013, 04:10 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I get it , anybody that can run a sub 4.7 can play in the SEC. Gosh I didn't know it was that easy.
Reading comprehension isn't a strong suit of yours, is it?
02-08-2013, 04:13 PM
PaytoPlay Wrote:Has Baker grown? Put on any weight?
I would say 5'9" 170. My guess is he will weigh close to 200 pounds in 3 years.
02-08-2013, 04:22 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:Reading comprehension isn't a strong suit of yours, is it?
Oh I can read it just fine. I read exactly what you said. Dont blame me for repeating word for word what you say, and then saying that's not what I said.. Apparently you're struggling just a tad today.
02-08-2013, 04:24 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Ok, well then we'll just use your quote. We certainly dont want to paraphrase anything here. So here it is, word for word:
"Baker will or already has SEC type speed".
How bout it Leroy???????
02-08-2013, 04:28 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:I would say 5'9" 170. My guess is he will weigh close to 200 pounds in 3 years.
OK, here we gooooo. So everything here is all just guessing on your part? In other words, you're just afartin in the wind, because you really dont have a clue. Just ramblin, huh?
02-08-2013, 04:36 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:How bout it Leroy???????
How about what? I said he will or alreay has, you left part of the statement out in your first post. It better suited your agenda.
02-08-2013, 04:38 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:OK, here we gooooo. So everything here is all just guessing on your part? In other words, you're just afartin in the wind, because you really dont have a clue. Just ramblin, huh?
He is a 15 year old kid, his dad played at UK and weighed about 225, so you think it's an unrealistic assumption to put him at 200 pounds when he is 18 years old. I think you are dumber than you sound.
02-08-2013, 04:39 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:How about what? I said he will or alreay has, you left part of the statement out in your first post. It better suited your agenda.
I didn't leave anything out.
Just a learnin lesson here for you. "Currently" and "already has" means the same thing.
02-08-2013, 04:41 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:He is a 15 year old kid, his dad played at UK and weighed about 225, so you think it's an unrealistic assumption to put him at 200 pounds when he is 18 years old. I think (there you are thinkin again. Up to this point, thats not worked out too well for you) you are dumber than you sound.
Since you are going to theorize with genetics, maybe he takes after his mom......JR VanHoose is 6'9" and his 18 year old brother is 5'9". Same mommy, same daddy.
Like I said, just a "GUESS" on your part.
02-08-2013, 04:43 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I get it , anybody that can run a sub 4.7 can play in the SEC. Gosh I didn't know it was that easy.
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh I can read it just fine. I read exactly what you said. Dont blame me for repeating word for word what you say, and then saying that's not what I said.. Apparently you're struggling just a tad today.
Please tell me where I said he would play in the SEC. Once again reading comprehension.
02-08-2013, 04:45 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:I didn't leave anything out.
Just a learnin lesson here for you. "Currently" and "already has" means the same thing.
Oh no, no, no, no, no you said you repeated me "word for word". Which you just contradicted from one post to the next.
02-08-2013, 04:47 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Since you are going to theorize with genetics, maybe he takes after his mom......JR VanHoose is 6'9" and his 18 year old brother is 5'9". Same mommy, same daddy.
Like I said, just a "GUESS" on your part.
So you expect Baker to shrink between now and his senior year? It's safe to assume he won't shrink or be as big as his father. Which would put him at about 200 pounds. The difference between our guesses is one is educated and the other is yours.
02-08-2013, 04:49 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:Oh no, no, no, no, no you said you repeated me "word for word". Which you just contradicted from one post to the next.
I said I paraphrased, and when you couldn't figure that part out, I then came back with your word for word quote, with the hope that it would make it easier for you to comprehend. Alas, another hope dashed by the reality that you still cant.. Keep up here Leroy.
02-08-2013, 04:56 PM
Leaping Lee Wrote:So you expect Baker to shrink between now and his senior year? It's safe to assume he won't shrink or be as big as his father. Which would put him at about 200 pounds. The difference between our guesses is one is educated and the other is yours.
I'm not guessing anything. You're the one taking the pot shots in the dark here. You're the one claiming to be the mother nature prognosticator. Are you sure you're not an illegitimate son of NotsoBADCAT? He suffers with understanding the same simple things that you do.
02-08-2013, 04:58 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:I said I paraphrased, and when you couldn't figure that part out, I then came back with your word for word quote, with the hope that it would make it easier for you to comprehend. Alas, another hope dashed by the reality that you still cant.. Keep up here Leroy.
Please show me where you said you paraphrased.
02-08-2013, 05:09 PM
Bob, out of curiousity have you ever seen Baker's mother?
02-08-2013, 05:17 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Ok, well then we'll just use your quote. We certainly dont want to paraphrase anything here. So here it is, word for word:
"Baker will or already has SEC type speed".
This certainly is getting monotonous Leroy. Please concentrate.
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