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7th Grade Middle School State Tournament
Warrior Grandpa Wrote:It must mean something or you would not be complaining about the players we have. If it ever translates to a better high school, no one knows as of yet. But i'm sure that want matter to some of the haters.

No hate here.

We beat you in the 2011-2012 basketball season at the varsity level and we will beat you again in 4-5 years, too.

fly by nite I just don't get the smack talk you are giving when your high school team is 7-16 and lost to south laurel this year.
I have never seen a thread where SW was crying about losing to GRC last year either like you are now. Sw lost and kept working to get better
I see u are frustrated, but Southwestern is no different then the majority of schools, holding kids back now is the norm not the exception. As far as your son catching up, if he great he may just do that, he their on same talent level probably will struggle against older kids all the way through High School. Fact is physical maturity of boys is slow, the older they are the stronger they are likely to be, therefore older kids who work hard have and generally keep advantage.
ky playmaker Wrote:fly by nite I just don't get the smack talk you are giving when your high school team is 7-16 and lost to south laurel this year.

No smack here.

Refer back to Willie Turnover's comment.

Thats what they said about the last group of Southern holdbacks. You know, the ones that went to the final four in the state tournament last year. So unless you are Trinity, you didn't catch up with that group, and I doubt you will catch up with this group either. Time will tell.
ky playmaker Wrote:I have never seen a thread where SW was crying about losing to GRC last year either like you are now. Sw lost and kept working to get better

Refer back to Willie Turnover's comment.

Thats what they said about the last group of Southern holdbacks. You know, the ones that went to the final four in the state tournament last year. So unless you are Trinity, you didn't catch up with that group, and I doubt you will catch up with this group either. Time will tell.
kai Wrote:I see u are frustrated, but Southwestern is no different then the majority of schools, holding kids back now is the norm not the exception. As far as your son catching up, if he great he may just do that, he their on same talent level probably will struggle against older kids all the way through High School. Fact is physical maturity of boys is slow, the older they are the stronger they are likely to be, therefore older kids who work hard have and generally keep advantage.

It is not the norm to hold kids back. It is the exception.

He is already competing against kids 2-3 years older than him. He comes from a family of Division 1 athletes in football, basketball, and baseball. He will be fine.

Just wanted to know the players' ages from Southern Pulaski.

That is all.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I do recall, GRC has had their share of holdbacks as well. They held back at Clark Middle and Conkwright Middle.
eku23 Wrote:I don't have a dog in this fight, but I do recall, GRC has had their share of holdbacks as well. They held back at Clark Middle and Conkwright Middle.

I do not know either way.

I just know in general that holdbacks are the exception and not the rule.

My son will not be held back.
6th grade state tourny the top 4 teams all had holdbacks but you never hear anybody complain about them. corbin 6th is just about all hold backs. I don't know a single kid on corbin that isnt held back.Lebannon has 2 holdbacks that I know of. north laurel has 4 starters I know are holdbacks. scott co has atleast 3 that I know for sure. 7th grade southern has 4 that are holdbacks meece has atleast 4, wayne is full of holdbacks dont know exact number and whitley has alot. south laurel has 5 or 6 in 6th grade. My point is its always southern people are complaining about but alot of teams have them and have alot of them
I am in no way knocking holdbacks. All my kids have held back or started late even my little girl. Its a parent and kids choice imo and I respect each parents decision
Fly By Night Wrote:I do not know either way.

I just know in general that holdbacks are the exception and not the rule.

My son will not be held back.

Good. Don't hold him back. Then we can listen to you piss and moan on here until he's out of high school about how it's not right to hold kids back, as the hold back kids are playing over him. LoL. We get it. You don't agree with it. Now move on. On a serious note. What's the over/under on the number of hold back kids on the state champion 8th grade team? I'm going to say 4.
raisedseams Wrote:Good. Don't hold him back. Then we can listen to you piss and moan on here until he's out of high school about how it's not right to hold kids back, as the hold back kids are playing over him. LoL. We get it. You don't agree with it. Now move on. On a serious note. What's the over/under on the number of hold back kids on the state champion 8th grade team? I'm going to say 4.

Please refer back to my original post when I asked their ages. I did not complain that they were in the tournament.

I am not upset about my son playing against older competition.

My son has always played up 1-2 years of age as he will play Division 1 ball in either basketball or baseball someday. This will only allow him to mature at a quicker pace.

I have not pi$$ed and moan on here as you put it. I have asked questions.

We will catch up to all of you.

We will surpass your abilities as well. To think otherwise would not be good sportsmanship, would it?

Good luck to all.
Fly By Night Wrote:Please refer back to my original post when I asked their ages. I did not complain that they were in the tournament.

I am not upset about my son playing against older competition.

My son has always played up 1-2 years of age as he will play Division 1 ball in either basketball or baseball someday. This will only allow him to mature at a quicker pace.

I have not pi$$ed and moan on here as you put it. I have asked questions.

We will catch up to all of you.

We will surpass your abilities as well. To think otherwise would not be good sportsmanship, would it?

Good luck to all.
Wow in middle school and already saying he will play D 1-BOLD STATEMENT.
Too bad billy G ain't at UK he'd be recruiting him.
Fly By Night Wrote:Willie Turnover,

Upon further review I found that Southwestern had 9 losses in the 2011-2012 basketball season.

My team gave you one of those 9.


That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. So if you beat us, let me say thanks for making us stronger. The Trinity loss in the final four is the only loss that killed us.

Southern 7th grade has a nice team but teams are getting close right now. The last three games at KBA showed that teams are closing in on us. Wayne County came out and took it to us. I was impressed with their heart and determination. Same could be said about Meece.
KarnivalKat Wrote:LOL. Is that a joke? Will this group recruit a Canadian PG to lead them to the promise land as well?! Don't kid yourself, Southwestern would have been lucky to make the State, nevertheless the final four! And that right there is a joke. :biglmao:

Sad truth is, that if Taylor Gover played at the school his sister attended and the one that is less than a half mile from his house, Southwestern might have won it all last year.
meat loaf Wrote:Wow in middle school and already saying he will play D 1-BOLD STATEMENT.

Like father and grandfather...

...except he will probably not play 2 D-1 sports in college like dad and papa did...

Cardfan1 Wrote:Too bad billy G ain't at UK he'd be recruiting him.

No thanks.

He is a Tarheel fan.

Fly By Night Wrote:Like father and grandfather...

...except he will probably not play 2 D-1 sports in college like dad and papa did...

Yea right!
meat loaf Wrote:Yea right!

Papa did it at the same time (basketball and baseball) at Ohio University.

Dad did it at 2 different schools in 2 different sports (football) at Army and (baseball) at Cincinnati.
I have no doubt what you saying is true and I hope your boy gets and achieves what he wants in life but things are not even close to the same as they was when I played college in early 90's. Alot more kids working alot harder for basically the same number of spots and kids coming from canada and other places for those spots more and more everyday
ky playmaker Wrote:I have no doubt what you saying is true and I hope your boy gets and achieves what he wants in life but things are not even close to the same as they was when I played college in early 90's. Alot more kids working alot harder for basically the same number of spots and kids coming from canada and other places for those spots more and more everyday

Considering the pedigree, he will run a 4.5 or better 40 and have a vertical of at least 36 inches. He already runs just over a 5.0 40 as a 12 year old and he can throw a baseball at least 200 feet.

I guess it doesn't matter that Papa guarded Jerry Lucas in high school and Jerry West in college or that Dad had several baseball records broken by Kevin Youkilis.

He will go D1.
Quote:12 year old and he can throw a baseball at least 200 feet.

I would hate to think at 12 he couldnt throw a baseball 200 ft. I have seen 12yr olds throw it 300+ feet. They most likely wont go D-1.
Hitters_Count Wrote:I would hate to think at 12 he couldnt throw a baseball 200 ft. I have seen 12yr olds throw it 300+ feet. They most likely wont go D-1.

Glad you fell into my trap.


I am talking from deep center to home on a rope.

There aren't too many 12 year olds who can do that.

He can long toss a football field easily.
If he is for sure that good whats his name will be listing in future to hear it again.To say a 12 year old going d1 is just crazy.
Yea whats his name? You sure dont care to put other kids names on here
fence jumper Wrote:If he is for sure that good whats his name will be listing in future to hear it again.To say a 12 year old going d1 is just crazy.

Why is that crazy?

If he doesn't, then he doesn't.

No big deal.

His name is Joshua Johnson. He goes by J.J.
blackunis71 Wrote:Our 14 year olds are freshmen in high school. And i have no problem with holdbacks per say. What i think is wrong is purposely holding back a group of kids for the purpose of sports. You push the rules to the limit for the purpose of winning.You forget pikeville got kicked out last year for an illegal player.

Don't confuse the Pikeville situation last year with all the hold back talk. Pikeville was DQ'd because the player in question moved from John's Creek to Pikeville just prior to the state tourney and didn't complete the minimum games played limit to qualify for participation in the tourney. It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the kid's age or being held back at all. I know because I was the single person who sniffed it out to begin with and talked/led our head coach to even approach KBA officials on the issue. We had played John's Creek about 2 weeks prior to KBA with the player in question on that team.

He is the scorer.

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