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Yahoo Sports' Pat Forde at Pikeville/East Ridge game
Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but hopefully Forde and others will do some type of expose' on the Canadian pipeline, condemn the KHSAA in the process so we can have a microscope on our governing body. Maybe this will force some oversight on the KHSAA and unilateral enforcement of the rules.

I'm sure there will be some Cordians who will say "they were approved by KHSAA, ruled eligible". Maybe they were, but who is really buying this bill of goods? And I can't blame the schools for taking the Canadians, especially when the KHSAA blanket policy to let them gain eligibility seems to be guaranteed. Southwestern, Pikeville, Cordia, East Ridge, Nelson County, and the list goes on as the influx if Canadians seems to grow with each year.
In the last two years Morgan County has gotten two Serbs and a Puerto Rican.
If they break this as a big story. The Canadian transfers are only gonna get worse. When you get exposed people are intrigued!!!
Mountain bball has always been about the 4 yr starter, 6 ft PG that is a much better player than any of the Canadian explosion. These guys like Rhodes and
Bender are making it comical and the KHSAA won't step up
and do their job. This will eventually have to be stopped. Transferring from Sheldon Clark to PCC or Scott County is a big enough issue. Tell the Owotooah's to go to "prep" and be phenoms. I've yet to see one close to a Phil Cox, Richie Farmer or Charles Thomas.
I don't think a lot of you realize how deep this goes.

Many politicians and judges have their hand in the KHSAA so their alma mater can be relevant again.

People like Forde will expose a lot, leave some out, and nothing will really ever come of it.

The last question is this - How to you fix the experience Kentucky kids missed out on because a Canadian took their place or was the reason another team beat them?
region Wrote:I don't think a lot of you realize how deep this goes.

Many politicians and judges have their hand in the KHSAA so their alma mater can be relevant again.

People like Forde will expose a lot, leave some out, and nothing will really ever come of it.

The last question is this - How to you fix the experience Kentucky kids missed out on because a Canadian took their place or was the reason another team beat them?

I have no doubt.
You all do realize that most of those kids were found INELIGIBLE by the KHSAA, right?

Very few of them were cleared right off the bat.

When the handlers have arranged for court orders/injunctions, there's little the KHSAA can do.
cksportsfan Wrote:You all do realize that most of those kids were found INELIGIBLE by the KHSAA, right?

Very few of them were cleared right off the bat.

When the handlers have arranged for court orders/injunctions, there's little the KHSAA can do.

A. I'd suggest you get your facts straight.
B. Read bylaw 6
C. court orders and injunctions only happen after the appeal process with the organization has been exhausted.
D. maybe you should do A,B,C before acting as if you're informed, and we are not.
I'm glad someone is investigating. Pat Forde is a good journalist. What is going on isn't in the spirit of high school basketball. Legally it may be right. But that doesn't make it right. If Brandon Bender (who I think wants to be another World Wide Wes) is involved it generally is not good. Just ask Central Florida fans. He has allegedly shopped around a few players. The KHSAA, in my opinion, just isn't that strong of an organization. But neither is the NCAA and it's transfer rules. If Forde is sniffing around...there is smoke. And he might just find the fire. I hope he does.
Official KHSAA transfer list (7/01-10/31):

Official KHSAA transfer list (11/30-to 12/31):

If the KHSAA entered it correctly, that's a list of EVERY transfer for the KHSAA from July 1st to December 31.

Found ineligible by KHSAA
- Cordia: Emmanuel Owootah (November 1); Found Ineligible AGAIN during appeal
- Cordia: Marlon Timothy King (November 2); Found Ineligible AGAIN during appeal
- Cordia: Felix Frimpong (November 20)
- Cordia: Fritz Hydly Lucien (December 3)
- Pikeville: Ray Kasongo (October 18)

- Cordia: Dondre Michael Warren (September 11)

So four of the Cordia five were found INELIGIBLE by the KHSAA, yet it is the FAULT of the KHSAA?

Other foreign "stars" found ineligible originally by KHSAA before being overruled (if they were indeed overturned) include
- Tyronn King (North Hardin, from Canada; found eligible on appeal)
- Kevin Nadhiro (Thomas Nelson, from Canada; found ineligible AGAIN during appeal)
- Niels Bunschoten (Scott County, from Europe)
- Lazerous Kong Teny (June Buchanan, Canada; found eligible on appeal)

All of the above are FACTS, straight from the KHSAA.

I'm not sure why the KHSAA is to blame. No state association (Kentucky, Florida, Ohio, California, whoever) can keep a kid from transferring because kids aren't locked into schools.

And if the KHSAA ruled them INELIGIBLE at first (and sometimes again a SECOND time on appeal), what more can it do?
[quote=cksportsfan]Official KHSAA transfer list (7/01-10/31):

Official KHSAA transfer list (11/30-to 12/31):

If the KHSAA entered it correctly, that's a list of EVERY transfer for the KHSAA from July 1st to December 31.

Found ineligible by KHSAA
- Cordia: Emmanuel Owootah (November 1); Found Ineligible AGAIN during appeal
- Cordia: Marlon Timothy King (November 2); Found Ineligible AGAIN during appeal
- Cordia: Felix Frimpong (November 20)
- Cordia: Fritz Hydly Lucien (December 3)
- Pikeville: Ray Kasongo (October 18)

- Cordia: Dondre Michael Warren (September 11)

So four of the Cordia five were found INELIGIBLE by the KHSAA, yet it is the FAULT of the KHSAA?

Other foreign "stars" found ineligible originally by KHSAA before being overruled (if they were indeed overturned) include
- Tyronn King (North Hardin, from Canada; found eligible on appeal)
- Kevin Nadhiro (Thomas Nelson, from Canada; found ineligible AGAIN during appeal)
- Niels Bunschoten (Scott County, from Europe)
- Lazerous Kong Teny (June Buchanan, Canada; found eligible on appeal)

All of the above are FACTS, straight from the KHSAA.

I'm not sure why the KHSAA is to blame. No state association (Kentucky, Florida, Ohio, California, whoever) can keep a kid from transferring because kids aren't locked into schools.

And if the KHSAA ruled them INELIGIBLE at first (and sometimes again a SECOND time on appeal), what more can it do?[/QUOTE]

And what is the process on these injuctions that are filed? Now that these that have been found ineligible twice and are playing on temporary injuctions, are they set for the season or can they find themselves ineligible to play again.
EKYBubbaWatson Wrote:Mountain bball has always been about the 4 yr starter, 6 ft PG that is a much better player than any of the Canadian explosion. These guys like Rhodes and
Bender are making it comical and the KHSAA won't step up
and do their job. This will eventually have to be stopped. Transferring from Sheldon Clark to PCC or Scott County is a big enough issue. Tell the Owotooah's to go to "prep" and be phenoms. I've yet to see one close to a Phil Cox, Richie Farmer or Charles Thomas.

It is no different than the private schools in Lexington and Louisville who provide financial aid to the best athletes from surrounding schools. The KHSAA will not do anything about that either.
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:[quote=cksportsfan]Official KHSAA transfer list (7/01-10/31):

Official KHSAA transfer list (11/30-to 12/31):

If the KHSAA entered it correctly, that's a list of EVERY transfer for the KHSAA from July 1st to December 31.

Found ineligible by KHSAA
- Cordia: Emmanuel Owootah (November 1); Found Ineligible AGAIN during appeal
- Cordia: Marlon Timothy King (November 2); Found Ineligible AGAIN during appeal
- Cordia: Felix Frimpong (November 20)
- Cordia: Fritz Hydly Lucien (December 3)
- Pikeville: Ray Kasongo (October 18)

- Cordia: Dondre Michael Warren (September 11)

So four of the Cordia five were found INELIGIBLE by the KHSAA, yet it is the FAULT of the KHSAA?

Other foreign "stars" found ineligible originally by KHSAA before being overruled (if they were indeed overturned) include
- Tyronn King (North Hardin, from Canada; found eligible on appeal)
- Kevin Nadhiro (Thomas Nelson, from Canada; found ineligible AGAIN during appeal)
- Niels Bunschoten (Scott County, from Europe)
- Lazerous Kong Teny (June Buchanan, Canada; found eligible on appeal)

All of the above are FACTS, straight from the KHSAA.

I'm not sure why the KHSAA is to blame. No state association (Kentucky, Florida, Ohio, California, whoever) can keep a kid from transferring because kids aren't locked into schools.

And if the KHSAA ruled them INELIGIBLE at first (and sometimes again a SECOND time on appeal), what more can it do?[/QUOTE]


Kasongo was ruled eligible on appeal.
Let all transfers play. Even if its 5 miles to 5,00 miles. If a kid transfers for athletic purposes they should be ineligible for one calendar year. They all transfer to play ball simple as that. Stop crying cause its happened for years and will continue. Does anyone think any kid that's good has had to transfer due to living situations, divorce, etc.? C'mon now
You all do realize that this isn't illegal don't you? No rules are being broken, lol. Now if you want a rule that says no foreigners aloud to play sports in Kentucky, then I'll drive ya to the KHSAA HQ myself so you can lobby for it...but until then, nothing will be done evaluate they're doing NOTHING wrong. Transferring to have a better chance at a future in basketball, same thing local kids have been doing for 30 years...but it's suddenly a violation when some foreigners and out of state kids come down? It's also not just happening in Kentucky...Canadians and Africans are coming to the United States in droves. Some are good enough to compete at the top level already, some aren't.

I agree with alot of you though in that Pat Forde is an idiot. We don't even know if that's actually the reason he was there though. Only bigger scum than Forde in this convo is Bender, hahaha.
While what you say may be true in some regard, if you believe they aren't recruited here you're about as naive as anyone I've ever met. What's more likely is that it benefits your school and you condone it. It's bullshit either way, call it what you like.
Let em play.
UPIKEFAN, The difference between me and most people in here is that I actually know what the heck I'm talking about...alot of people like to act like they know what they're talking about, I've seen it on here more times than I can remember, but they don't. No school in Pike County has recruited ANY player to come from anywhere to play for them in recent uears, really the last two since I've been home. Now their might be some under the table dirtiness going on, but it's just not recruiting in the traditional sense. I don't care what anyone says, it's just not.

Like I said, people use the excuse as to why they would come to EKY instead of Lexington or Louisville. The answer is simple...they stand out MUCH more here. Some are ready when they come to the U.S. to go to a top prep school, like Andrew Wiggins, Texas's Myck Kabongo and Louisville's Gorgui Dieng just to name a few. Those guys can and do/did stand out at any school in the country they go me one transfer that's come to EKY recently that could stand out at a top school. You'd be wrong, because the couldn't. Kasongo would be the closest but you can bet he wouldn't be receiving near the amount of interest if he were with top athletes.

That excuse just doesn't work. Everyone wants to see negativity were there is none. I've never seen so much hate thrown at players until these boys came's like everyone ignores the local boys going from one county school to another, but when we have outsiders come in, people scream "RECRUIT!" because it's just so unfathomable that any kid would come to EKY for any other reason. It's to stand out, it's as simple as that. The talent level in EKY doesn't really compare to the rest of the state. 95% of people who give their two cents on the subject have no idea what they're talking about, if they want to see recruiting or any other type of cheating, then that's what they'll see and defend it to their last breath.

I still have yet to hear an answer to this....what do the kids, the actual people this effects the most, get out of being "recruited" to a region as boring as EKY? Do you all think they just say "hey, I want to go to a place where it's a 100 mile drive to the closest mall!"? Lol, not a chance...they come here because they wouldn't get the opportunities at the next level that they're getting here. Most around here are making it 30x more complicated than if actually is.
They have done nothing illegal, not breaking any rules...why want to not let them play? I like the excuse about taking playing time away from local makes those same local boys better! I guarantee if it were another local kid, no one would be constantly whining about playing time being taken away from the kids that were already here. It's two faced, it's like no one gives a damn about the kids anymore. Starting to think alot of the people that hate on these boys do so because of all the attention they're getting...just tears them up so bad to see a more talented player come in and get offers from the top programs in the country. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. Let them play, if they break the rules, hand den the punishment. But until that actually happens, why condemn them in the court of public opinion?

Of course, if God himself came down and told these people that these boys aren't recruited, most still wouldn't believe it. I don't expect to change anyone's mind, and I don't care what they believe because if these boys have haters and people against them, which they do, they're obviously doing something right. These kids sure aren't getting anything for coming down here except a chance to play at the next level, and there is NO plus to this region besides's hell coming from the cities they come from to a place like EKY. It just makes zero sense that kids would come here for any other reason, not to mention the fact that their transfers get the upmost scrutinization from the school and KHSAA.

It's this simple. Take it or leave it, believe what ya want. It's not going to change anything though, no matter how bad some of you all wish for their downfall. Good luck to these boys, hopefully these boys will be playing on National TV in a couple years while all the people that hated on them brag about going to the same school they did or pout about it either way. It's a ton of bad karma that eventually just going to find it's say back to ya one day, hahahaha.

And the schools I root for definitely aren't benefitting from any of these kids. They're actually getting destroyed on the court by them. They're kids, they've broke no rules and actually have a chance to play at the next level, unlike 95% of local kids...let em play. Or at the very LEAST, don't turn a blind eye when these local kids go from school to school, treat it the same. That's something nearly none of you that don't want them here are doing. Some do, the overwhelming majority are two-faced and don't.
A pupil (domestic or foreign) at any grade level shall not be
recruited to a member school of the KHSAA for the purpose of
participating in athletics. It shall also be de[/SIZE][SIZE=1]fi[/SIZE][SIZE=1]ned as recruiting
to provide improper bene
[SIZE=1]fi [/SIZE][SIZE=1]ts to an already enrolled student to
[SIZE=1]fl[/SIZE][SIZE=1]uence that student to remain at a member school including
recruitment under the guise of academics. A pupil (foreign or
domestic) enrolled at any grade level shall not be given improper
[SIZE=1]fi[/SIZE][SIZE=1]ts not available to all members of the student body to
remain at a member school.
Sec. 2) De
Recruiting is de
[SIZE=1]fi[/SIZE][SIZE=1]ned as an act, on behalf of or for the bene[/SIZE][SIZE=1]fi[/SIZE][SIZE=1]t
of, a school, which attempts to in
[SIZE=1]fl[/SIZE][SIZE=1]uence a student to transfer to
a member school for the purpose of participating in athletics. A
school of
[SIZE=1]fi[/SIZE][SIZE=1]cial utilizing an intermediary including a peer, another
school employee, a student, a parent or a citizen, for the purpose
of recruiting a student athlete shall be in noncompliance.[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]
Hahahahaha, good luck getting the KHSAA to enforce that one, no matter where the transfer is from.
So high schools are now charged with the duty to teach kids if there is no way the man can enforce a rule it is OK to break it. I dread living in the world that is being built today.
The only way to permanantly correct the so called "transfer problem" is to do one of two things.

A. No matter the circumstance, a transfer must sit out one full year of eligibility. This start from the time that person graduates the 8th grade. This also includes "foreign exchange students".

B. No transfers play ever again no matter the reason unless they transfer back to there home school. This also means no "foreign exchange" student is ever allowed to play.

Choose one or the other. Problem solved.
You cant pick and choose for different kids. It has to be a hard line on every transfer that comes across the board.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The only way to permanantly correct the so called "transfer problem" is to do one of two things.

A. No matter the circumstance, a transfer must sit out one full year of eligibility. This start from the time that person graduates the 8th grade. This also includes "foreign exchange students".

B. No transfers play ever again no matter the reason unless they transfer back to there home school. This also means no "foreign exchange" student is ever allowed to play.

Choose one or the other. Problem solved.
You cant pick and choose for different kids. It has to be a hard line on every transfer that comes across the board.

This! Best post I've seen in a while. But I can agree 99%...not allowing a foreign student play is just crazy, haha. That is literally illegal. Being able to come to our country and make what you choose out of yourself, no matter your background or anything else, is one of the core ideas that helped create this country was an something we still live by, lol! If anything we should have a better foreign exchange program that is governed by a governing body, ala a better KHSAA. We could also only take kids that are excellent kind of ensure they're actually getting something out of it.

Other than that, I agree completely. Also would add a reformed KHSAA.
Vundy, Funny how you say you know what you are talking about, ....since you have been wrong on many occasions. You have claimed to know Kasongo and swear that he has nothing t do with Bender, yet Ray has been quoted(and said in a video) that Bender is his mentor.

You are right, foreigners should be allowed to play if they are found legitimately eligible. But if they are clearly being shopped around to different mountain schools than the entire system has become a joke. GOOGLE the name Ro Russell. He is the Canadian basketball coach behind all these transfers, along with Bender. There was a documentary about him a few years ago after he scammed a bunch of Canadian high schools athletes to a "fake high school" which led to their ineligibility in college. One was Braeden Anderson, who has a connection with Bender.

What ever is happening in the mountains, It is about to become national news. You better fasten you seatbelts!
It may be a bumpy ride!!!! Lmao!!!!
Ro Russell! Canada's pipeline to the NBA!!! Maybe Kentucky can get one of his guys? Andrew Wiggins???
UPike....I can assure you...recruiting is alive and well in Pike County.
I say keep bringing these boys in. It will get this state some more national expsoure in high school basketball

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