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Russell 2013
This is the year Russell hits bottom but also the year that they start to bounce back. IMO most of the starters will be underclassmen. At least 3 sophomores starting on the offensive line. Sophomore QB is probable and maybe a freshman at RB.

They will take their lumps this year but after that things look very bright. :devilflam
IMO there will be alot of sophmores and juniors starting and playing on bothsides of the ball. The future does look bright.
Is anyone concerned about this coaching staffs ability to utilize the talent coming up. I've noticed over the last 5-6 years they haven't done a very good job of coaching up what talent they did have. Seems like kids that had some talent didn't get much better by the time their senior season ended. These kids won't be able to win on talent alone
I see the Russell win column increase this year. Not sure who will be starting and where but I do like their depth a lot better than previous seasons. I would like to see our overall speed increase.
I believe that Russell will have a hard time replacing all the talent they have lost. Britt not sure if you have anyone that can match his over all speed. Williams there is no way you could have anyone with the leg that that kid had. Then there is Mann he will be the hardest to replace he did so much on defense as well as offense. Plus how much of the line will have to be replaced?
panther nation Wrote:I believe that Russell will have a hard time replacing all the talent they have lost. Britt not sure if you have anyone that can match his over all speed. Williams there is no way you could have anyone with the leg that that kid had. Then there is Mann he will be the hardest to replace he did so much on defense as well as offense. Plus how much of the line will have to be replaced?

Not Russell County.
Russell/Russell Co. Mix up #327 and counting lol
Sorry that you meant Russell co. My bad
Do you think they will be able to beat Raceland this year? :lame::1:
I'm sure our game against Pikeville will gauge how we would have done against Raceland. Lol
Going to be a rough year for the Devils. Pikeville will name the score against Russell.
I won't argue that Pikeville will win this year. I was using the Pikeville game as a lil dig against Raceland but I do believe Pikeville will lose the following years.
Statmaster Wrote:Do you think they will be able to beat Raceland this year? :lame::1:

Maybe if Wasteland would stop measuring themselves by what Russell does they could actually do something in the playoffs for once. That is why they are and will always be the Ams. Confusednicker:
Other than Pikeville is their any new additions to Russell's schedule that anyone might know of?
Pikeville won't blow Russell out.

Someone should post the returning starters and such.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Pikeville won't blow Russell out.

Someone should post the returning starters and such.

Russell will be in a very similar situation to what Pikeville was in last year. There will be a bunch of young kids in starting positions. Early season I think they will struggle a bit to find out who goes where. Toward the end of the year that young talent should be greatly improved.

Returning starters for Russell is a short list and some may not start next year but here goes.

Offensive line
Landon Arnold - soph

Defensive backs
Bronson Korzep - soph
Jackson McKnight - junior

That's about it.
FBALL Wrote:Maybe if Wasteland would stop measuring themselves by what Russell does they could actually do something in the playoffs for once. That is why they are and will always be the Ams. Confusednicker:

Raceland has more problems than comparing themselves to Russell. The coaching staff spends the entire offseason harping on the need to beat Fairview, and when that doesn't happen, the kids give up.

Besides that, I don't think the current coaching staff has won a "big" game yet.
FBALL Wrote:Russell will be in a very similar situation to what Pikeville was in last year. There will be a bunch of young kids in starting positions. Early season I think they will struggle a bit to find out who goes where. Toward the end of the year that young talent should be greatly improved.

Returning starters for Russell is a short list and some may not start next year but here goes.

Offensive line
Landon Arnold - soph

Defensive backs
Bronson Korzep - soph
Jackson McKnight - junior

That's about it.
Bobby May and Joesph Jenkins were also part time starters. Who do you think may not start? Arnold is the only one I can see because the freshman line was so good, but it's highly doubtful any of those 3 don't start. Who were you talking about though?
I'd say he probably forgot about Joseph because he was injured a few games. I think with a healthy team there is alot of potential next season. Other than Sammy and Mitch The rest of the freshman line from this season will just be great contributors. Running in plays and giving breaks because you have to admit our line year in and year out gets gassed. Lol
I didnt forget Jenkins or May. They weren't starters last year. Both could start this year. Or not.

I think Mell will be in there with Smith and Redden.

Landon Arnold will be a starter. Maybe a two way starter.
Fbal,l I continually wonder why you have so much bad to say about this years senior class. It makes me wonder if it is due to the fact your son couldn't even play for this class himself. So it makes sense that you continually degrate this class and the players in it. This isn't a great class, but there is no reason to disrespect this class just because your son was never good enough to play in it. So take your negativity elsewhere because a true red devil fan would never wish bad on them.
I usually just read and never post, but I agree it probably will be a down year, but I think they will win 6 games maybe 7. 606 is an idiot. Also Howell was a starter at TE that was never mentioned. A good blocker who made a couple of nice catches.
Yes didn't Joseph have a really bad should issue his 10 th grade year so I think may and Joseph will help that team out good talent
Russellfan606 Wrote:Fbal,l I continually wonder why you have so much bad to say about this years senior class. It makes me wonder if it is due to the fact your son couldn't even play for this class himself. So it makes sense that you continually degrate this class and the players in it. This isn't a great class, but there is no reason to disrespect this class just because your son was never good enough to play in it. So take your negativity elsewhere because a true red devil fan would never wish bad on them.

I'm not being negative nor did I wish bad on anyone. My kid quit football to play golf. That was his choice but you're entitled to your opinion. May the best players play. No matter which class. My opinion is the sophomore and junior classes are better. There will be a few in this senior class that start but not many. Sorry I hurt your feelings.
RHS1981 Wrote:I usually just read and never post, but I agree it probably will be a down year, but I think they will win 6 games maybe 7. 606 is an idiot. Also Howell was a starter at TE that was never mentioned. A good blocker who made a couple of nice catches.

I forgot about JT. My bad.

606 will be alright. Just let him get it out of his system.
russellfairviewfan Wrote:Yes didn't Joseph have a really bad should issue his 10 th grade year so I think may and Joseph will help that team out good talent

Yes Joseph injured his shoulder his freshman year and never really has played healthy. If he gets in shape he could be a two way starter and a real leader for this team.
:biglmao:I think then boys will be fine may and Joseph. Joseph he'd a really bad should issue that takes even the pros a year to get over it
Help? Is that a Russell fan crying for help for his program or what? Wink
Russell will be a little down but not that

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