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Where did they all go???
Is it just me or have just about all the die hard Obama supporters that we had during the election disappeared from BGR??? I think they drank the kool aid so long and hard that now they are in shock at all the things Obama is doing now that he is free from worrying about being elected that we all said would happen. What say you???
we are still here
you we're never here vector
btw - that has 2 be the 2nd most intellagent post youve made
other then you're blank posts
They all lost their job when the companies eliminated staff due to Obamacare. They can't pay their Internet Fees.....
Do-double-gg Wrote:Is it just me or have just about all the die hard Obama supporters that we had during the election disappeared from BGR??? I think they drank the kool aid so long and hard that now they are in shock at all the things Obama is doing now that he is free from worrying about being elected that we all said would happen. What say you???
They are not in shock. They are who we thought they were, just as Obama is who we knew he was. Liberals would be perfectly content living in a fascist dictatorship as long as the man at the top portrayed himself as somebody who cares about people like them and ironically claims to be a "democrat." They are a plague on our society and a blight on American history.

If anybody expected liberals to see the light as Obama continued dismantling what is left of our constitutional rights, then they are in for a disappointing four years - unless Obama decides to stay in power beyond the end of his second term.

Think about it - Americans allowed FDR to run for reelection four times. Would it not be racist to limit Obama to only two terms? I can already imagine the arguments that Obama supporters will be using to justify the extension of the current reign of tyranny.
you guys are going to have to get over Obama being YOUR president
rember we had a election about 2 months ago and he WON with an
overwhelming majority

vector Wrote:you guys are going to have to get over Obama being YOUR president
rember we had a election about 2 months ago and he WON with an
overwhelming majority

Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Chamberlain were all popular politicians at some point of their careers. When you confuse popularity with a sense of right and wrong, you grease the skids into a dictatorship. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it and your ignorance is a perfect illustration of that principle at work.
vector Wrote:you guys are going to have to get over Obama being YOUR president
rember we had a election about 2 months ago and he WON with an
overwhelming majority


:biglmao: winning an election is all that you can brag about DA
but then again that is a pretty incredable acomplishment
being so obviously fool of dung and but yet being able to exploit the stupid ppl of our society to win reelection
vector Wrote:you guys are going to have to get over Obama being YOUR president
rember we had a election about 2 months ago and he WON with an
overwhelming majority


Yep, and that majority lost their jobs for their efforts!
Stardust Wrote:Yep, and that majority lost their jobs for their efforts!

How ironic that you mention that, Stardust. One of my former college professors - a huge liberal - vented their frustration with the Obama administration on Facebook this week and announced that they were switching to the libertarian party due to the increase on their taxes. I would have said that there is a better chance of me liking the Miami Heat than to see this professor turn against Obama.

Elections have consequences! Confusednicker:
vector Wrote:you guys are going to have to get over Obama being YOUR president
rember we had a election about 2 months ago and he WON with an
overwhelming majority


This response answers the question of this thread. They haven't gone anywhere, still stuck somewhere between a thick billow of smoke and some mirrors. Confusednicker:
SKINNYPIG Wrote:This response answers the question of this thread. They haven't gone anywhere, still stuck somewhere between a thick billow of smoke and some mirrors. Confusednicker:

Either that or la-la land is busting at the seams.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:They are not in shock. They are who we thought they were, just as Obama is who we knew he was. Liberals would be perfectly content living in a fascist dictatorship as long as the man at the top portrayed himself as somebody who cares about people like them and ironically claims to be a "democrat." They are a plague on our society and a blight on American history.

If anybody expected liberals to see the light as Obama continued dismantling what is left of our constitutional rights, then they are in for a disappointing four years - unless Obama decides to stay in power beyond the end of his second term.
Think about it - Americans allowed FDR to run for reelection four times. Would it not be racist to limit Obama to only two terms? I can already imagine the arguments that Obama supporters will be using to justify the extension of the current reign of tyranny.

I didn't want to bring that up in my recent post about Obama trying to be the reincarnation of FDR. We are at a decided disadvantage in our day should history repeat itself in that manner, however. Back when FDR was president the checks and balances of the federal government actually worked and FDR could take no for an answer. FDR did not suffer from the rampant narcissistic personality disorder by which Obama is beset and therefore was not so willing to run over anybody who got in his way, ala Mr Obama. The SCOTUS of the day, kept FDR's far out fiscal notions of a wide open welfare state, along with his predilection for overregulation at bay. Had present day Chief Justice Roberts had the personal fortitude to stand up for his own convictions and voted against the socialistic ObamaCare measure, Obama would have likely slid quietly into the backwaters of political and national history in the last election, taking his socio fascist ideas with him.

The way I see it, history will judge whether Justice Roberts did more to harm this country than say, a 9/11. I know what I think.

BTW check this out--- "Crazy as it is, however, it’s not a joke: Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) on Friday re-introduced as H.J. 15 the same bill he offered last year, “Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment” — i.e., to end the two-term limit on the presidency, enabling Obama to be “President fo Life.”
vector Wrote:we are still here

"Holy crap" I stand corrected, We still have #1 [Image:]
their mommy's must have made them get out of the basement for some fresh air

Rush said it best the other day.

"The Dems are now scratching there head thinking, EVERYBODY got higher taxes? I thought it was just the rich"

People that are not informed need not vote.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Confusednicker:

Rush said it best the other day.

"The Dems are now scratching there head thinking, EVERYBODY got higher taxes? I thought it was just the rich"

People that are not informed need not vote.

LOL, and for the ones who want to defend Obama all the time. It makes one wonder how many more lies he has to get caught up in before they'll admit he lied to them, and it's the republicans who have been telling the truth.
Well I think that Obamas first term was a disaster and all we heard from the man was "four more years of George Bush" and "it was George Bushe's fault". Now that we see what kind of America Obama wants, I think by the end of the second term the Obama supporters with any brains at all left will be in shock then. After Obamas 2nd term is just as bad if not worse then the first and we are in even more debt and the economy is still bad and Obama care blows up in all our faces and he goes down as the worst president in US history to get two terms then the next republican nominee can steal a page from the Obama book and can go around ranting about "four more years of Obama" and "it was Obamas fault"Confusednicker:

I'm makeing signs as we speak for the 2016 election [Image:] [img]\'s Obamas fault!!!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]
There are two types of people that amuse me, and make me laugh. One group are comedians. And then there are those that defended Obama right up to the point to where they lost their job. That humors me, and I am not ashamed to say that I hope this is 4 long and hard years for them.
Do-double-gg Wrote:Well I think that Obamas first term was a disaster and all we heard from the man was "four more years of George Bush" and "it was George Bushe's fault". Now that we see what kind of America Obama wants, I think by the end of the second term the Obama supporters with any brains at all left will be in shock then. After Obamas 2nd term is just as bad if not worse then the first and we are in even more debt and the economy is still bad and Obama care blows up in all our faces and he goes down as the worst president in US history to get two terms then the next republican nominee can steal a page from the Obama book and can go around ranting about "four more years of Obama" and "it was Obamas fault"Confusednicker:

I'm makeing signs as we speak for the 2016 election [Image:] [IMG]\'s Obamas fault!!!%5E_%5E.gif[/IMG]
And you got some brainwashed liberals comparing him to Lincoln! LINCOLN!

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