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TNA Genesis PPV Results
I will try and keep everyone updated on the PPV tonight.

Opening match, TNA World Tag Team Titles. Hernandez/Chavo © vs. Morgan/Joey Ryan
Joey Ryan/Matt Morgan out first
Chavo and Hernandez are taking over
taking control I should say
Joey Ryan taking control now
Matt Morgan is just absolutely taking control over Hernandez
Chavo and Hernandez retain the tag team titles by a powerbomb.
JB with Mr. Anderson in the back.
Samoa Joe and Mr. Anderson are up next.

Joe is the first one out followed by Mr. Anderson
Joe is just demolishing Mr. Anderson.

Gotta feeling that Aces and Eights will interfere in this match
Anderson is taking it to Joe.
nut buster to Anderson. Joe is taking it to anderson

Anderson before the match that the same thing would happen to him that happened to Kurt Angle.
Anderson drop kick to Joe
Aces and Eights member comes out to distract Joe allowing Anderson to pick up the win

JB in the back with Kenny King...

Up next: Kenny King vs. Christian York
Christian York defeated Kenny King. York will face/is facing RVD for the X-Division championship
RVD is telling Christian York to stay down but York isn't giving up.
RVD hits the 5 star frog splash, get's the 1-2-3 to retain the X-Division championship. After the match, RVD helps Christian York to his feet and applauds him. RVD leaves the ring.
JB in the back with Joseph Park. Park says he's ready to do battle and that he's coming not as a lawyer but as a fighter.

Up Next:

Joseph Park vs. D-Von
D-Von out first followed by Park.
Guys I got a feeling we're gonna see something out of Park tonight
Start of this match is boring. Trash talk and this and that.
D-Von get's on his hands and knees and lets Park have the first hit/move. Park hits a belly to back suplex whatever their' called
D-Von, Park fighting on outside
Park is fighting back but D-Von keeps hitting Park in the head, maybe gonna bust open Park and make him transform into Abyss mode?
Park gets to the 2nd rope and hits a splash, D-Von kicks out at 2
Park is busted open and is transformed
Park goes for the choke slam but transforms back to his normal self. D-Von defeats Park.
D-Von sneaking back into the ring
D-Von sneaks attack on Park then gets his title and leaves the ring. That's a surprise, D-Von wins without the help of Aces and Eights and doesn't cheat to win
JB in the back with Austin Aries. Blah Blah Blah

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