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Baseball writers reject Bonds, Sosa, Clemens, elect no one to Hall of Fame.
good for them:foreveralone:
And I don't have a problem with it either. Good to see the writers grow a pair. Just saw this story on the evening news and have enjoyed talking with my teen son about this topic.

The sad thing is Sosa, Clemens, and Bonds coud have eventually made it in on talent alone if they had never touched roids or growth hormone to begin with. Valuable lesson to teach todays youth.

Cheaters never prosper!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
1st time this has happened in 40 years
Surprised that Craig Biggio (sp?) didn't get voted in.
I also don't have a problem with what the voters decided this year at all.
Well. I have a problem with it. The writers are two faced! They and the owners knew exactly what was going on back in the day. They just looked the other way. They only wanted to see the stands full of fans! Now they are turning their backs on the guys who made them all their money!

The Hall is FULL of cheaters! Phil Niekro cheated every chance he got and got caught more than once and he is in the Hall! PEDs were being used as early as the late 50s and early 60s! Baseball NEVER tested for them. So to say that these guys are the only ones to use is absurd! I remember when Barry was chasing the record and people gave me hell when I said that A-Rod was a user and also Ripken was (Because of how long he played and stayed in the shape he did). Well, guess what, come to find out A-Rod DID use and there still isn't a doubt in my mind that Ripken did also!

HELL, George Steinbrenner a convicted FELON from Watergate! He was on the Veterans Committee at Cooperstown!

If they didn't test for it. How could it be agaisnt the rules? Once they implemented the testing. Then OK!

But, for them to deny guys who never tested positive for it and did the things they did on the field. I see it as Two Faced to deny them!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
OffTheHook Wrote:Well. I have a problem with it. The writers are two faced! They and the owners knew exactly what was going on back in the day. They just looked the other way. They only wanted to see the stands full of fans! Now they are turning their backs on the guys who made them all their money!

The Hall is FULL of cheaters! Phil Niekro cheated every chance he got and got caught more than once and he is in the Hall! PEDs were being used as early as the late 50s and early 60s! Baseball NEVER tested for them. So to say that these guys are the only ones to use is absurd! I remember when Barry was chasing the record and people gave me hell when I said that A-Rod was a user and also Ripken was (Because of how long he played and stayed in the shape he did). Well, guess what, come to find out A-Rod DID use and there still isn't a doubt in my mind that Ripken did also!

HELL, George Steinbrenner a convicted FELON from Watergate! He was on the Veterans Committee at Cooperstown!

If they didn't test for it. How could it be agaisnt the rules? Once they implemented the testing. Then OK!

But, for them to deny guys who never tested positive for it and did the things they did on the field. I see it as Two Faced to deny them!

1. Phil Niekro was never accused of cheating other than by you.
2. It is difficult for Steinbrenner to serve on the Vererans Committee since he died a couple of years ago. Also, he had no connection whatsoever with Watergate.
3. PEDs were not available in the 1959s and 1960s.
4. No one on the ballot deserved election this year. [B]iggio will get in eventually. However, since Joe DiMaggio was not elected until the fourth ballot and Jimmie Fox on the seventh ballot, I find it hard to believe that Biggio deserves election on the first ballot. Even the great Denton True Young had to wait until the second ballot for election.
5. Next year, Maddux, one of the top five pitchers of all time, and Glavine will be elected on the first ballot. My personal opinion is that Glavine should wait a year but Maddux should be near unanimous.
6. The Hall of Fame is far too watered down now by the election of cronies by the Veterens Committee and by merely good players by the BBWAA. It needs to be a Hall of Fame and not a Hall of Good Players.
7. Although it obviously cannot be done, the Hall woulde be truer to its mission by removing about one-third of those who are already there.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:1. Phil Niekro was never accused of cheating other than by you.
2. It is difficult for Steinbrenner to serve on the Vererans Committee since he died a couple of years ago. Also, he had no connection whatsoever with Watergate.
3. PEDs were not available in the 1959s and 1960s.

What world do you live in?

1. I don't know how I got Phil and Joe Confused. I stand corrected.
BUT, Gaylord Perry is in the Hall and he was caught on August 23,1982.
2. EVERYONE knows Steibrenner is dead! But he was a convicted FELON from Watergate. (Look it up) and He DID serve on the Committee.
3. Amphetamines were used in those days like candy! They were used for energy so the players would be more alert and play better. These ARE PEDs.

During the 1940’s the Soviet Union was the dominating force in athletics thanks to anabolic steroid use but this dominance was short lived as Dr. John Ziegler, the U.S. Olympic team physician found a way to soon develop methandrostenolone[/url]; you know it as Dianabol or Dbol[url=]. Ciba Pharmaceuticals was first to market the drug and by 1958 Dianabol was approved by the FDA for human use. Ciba would not stop there, in-fact this would open the door for thousands of experiments in synthesizing anabolic steroids and derivatives.

I just think it's a crock. That just because a player played in this era or they were never proven to use (Even though it wasn't a banned substance), it is being held against them. Ruth was a drunk during prohibition and that was illegal.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:1. Phil Niekro was never accused of cheating other than by you.
2. It is difficult for Steinbrenner to serve on the Vererans Committee since he died a couple of years ago. Also, he had no connection whatsoever with Watergate.
3. PEDs were not available in the 1959s and 1960s.
4. No one on the ballot deserved election this year. iggio will get in eventually. However, since Joe DiMaggio was not elected until the fourth ballot and Jimmie Fox on the seventh ballot, [B]I find it hard to believe that Biggio deserves election on the first ballot. Even the great Denton True Young had to wait until the second ballot for election.
5. Next year, Maddux, one of the top five pitchers of all time, and Glavine will be elected on the first ballot. My personal opinion is that Glavine should wait a year but Maddux should be near unanimous.
6. The Hall of Fame is far too watered down now by the election of cronies by the Veterens Committee and by merely good players by the BBWAA. It needs to be a Hall of Fame and not a Hall of Good Players.
7. Although it obviously cannot be done, the Hall woulde be truer to its mission by removing about one-third of those who are already there.
I thought Biggio had been on the ballot 2 or 3 years
I was dead set against them getting in but I changed my mind. Let them in. Let Pete Rose in too.

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