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Gun control
I have heard people and politicians talking about gun control. We shouldn't have guns that have the ability to fire shells so fast they say, just sporting arms are all we should have.

Outlaw all guns that can fire say ten rounds per second, that sounds reasonable doesn't it. Well look at the items below and figure out what guns would be left.

Jerry Miculek is a speed shooter and competition shooting instructor.[1] He is renowned as one of the fastest revolver shooters in the world, emptying a five-shot revolver in 0.57 seconds in a group the size of a playing card.[citation needed] Miculek currently holds five world records in exhibition revolver shooting.[citation needed] He is married to Kay Clark Miculek, herself an accomplished shooter, holding numerous national and world titles.
World Record No. 1
Tom joined Benelli in 1993 when he set his first World record with his Benelli M1 Super 90 by throwing nine standard clay targets (using no assistance) and breaking them with individual shots in less than 2 seconds!

World Record No. 2
On July 19, 2000 Tom Knapp, with his pump Shotgun in one hand, threw eight clay targets in the air with his other hand and broke every one of them with individual shots in an amazing 1.87 seconds creating a Manually Operated Pump-Gun classification.

World Record No. 3
In Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on October 20th, 2004 Tom Knapp set out to make history again. With his 12-ga. Semi-Auto Shotgun and extended magazine tube, Tom launched ten clay targets into the air with one hand and shot all ten with individual shots in an unbelievable 2.2 seconds flat. The listed timing for each of these unbelievable records have been digitally recorded for accuracy.

So when some of the posters on here call for this band on assault weapons be careful what you are for. With just the right wording about all guns could be outlawed. I can't fire a revolver at rate of 10 shots per second but Jerry Miculek can the revolver would be illegal.

This piece of s--- that killed those kids could have done just as much damage with a 870 pump and a box of shells.

And if he had carried in a couple revolvers against unarmed children it would have not turned out much better.

Just like everyone else this makes me sick beyond belief. But it is society that has failed and outlawing anything is not going to fix it.

If he had not had a car he would not have been able to,get to the school, so we must get rid of cars.
Any gun control legislation by congress will be nothing more than a waste of time and taxpayer money. No reasonal person can see the logic in banning the weapons metioned. Evil cannot be legislated away.

When will Americans stop letting politicians/government make fools of them?
Columbine happened 5 years after the last AWB, It sure helped them right?

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I just posted that to fb OTH.
The more I think about this the sicker I get.

A week hasn't passed and our politicians and media are blaming a type of gun for these senseless murders (of our precious, lovely children and their teachers) instead of the gutless coward that did it.

Please excuse my frankness and language...I can't specifically name each and every person that has been spewing the garbage of banning weapons. With every fiber in my being I believe our President and congress damn well have enough logic in their brains to fully know that banning these types of weapons will NOT lessen the chance of this happening again. I firmly they will use the blood of these children, along with the sorrow of their families and this country, to stand, pose and push their personal agendas. They will push a ban through then strut like chickens. They sicken me.

How dare the biggest lot of them idly stand by while nearly 4 million unborn babies a year are ripped to shreds in this country and do nothing. Have we heard any of them talk about banning the instruments (assault weapons, weapons of mass destruction) that reach into wombs to crush and suck the life out of the unborn children? I haven't.

In no way am I making light of the children and adults that lost their lives in Newtown. I pray for the healing of their families, the healing of this country.

Evil will always exist on this earth, and we need to do what we can to protect each other, all of us.

We failed in protecting those in Newtown and don't forget it. We also fail in protecting millions of precious babies a year. Don't forget that either.

Think of the millions we fail when these moronic politicians and media twits want to spew their semi automatic weapons ban. Think deeply about it, because it won't stop on single human from losing their life.

It sickens me...I hope it sickens you.
Im all for banning the media.
IMPO....They should have drug that killer outside dismembered him with knives and what ever was available and then place him in a pile and set his remains on fire. This while the media and country watched.

Then when the media asked who it was.....The only reply they should have said is:

Does it really matter!

These people's names should NEVER be mentioned! That way when people are thinking of doing something this evil and stupid, to just get their names remembered through out history...They will know that there is no shot at it. Because when they are caught or found dead. They will be destroyed for the whole world to see and no one will even know who it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
What kills me is how they try to blame everything but ther person that did it. First it was columbine thn Paducah both cases I think they tried to blame the music they listened to, to some degree. Now they are blaming assault rifles and video games.

IMO the truth is that kids and young adults are just screwed up. Thanks to social media people are losing personal contact with people. They develop a persona and hide behind a screen. On top of that a lot of parents are trying to live vicariously through their kids just adding more pressure. And thanks to all this a total asshole can shoot up a school and be more famous than anything going for a moment. While people who actually do good in this world never receive an ounce of recognition. It saddens me terribly to see what's happening.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Please excuse the typos. My phone rarely wants to cooperate with my fingers
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
OffTheHook Wrote:IMPO....They should have drug that killer outside dismembered him with knives and what ever was available and then place him in a pile and set his remains on fire. This while the media and country watched.

Then when the media asked who it was.....The only reply they should have said is:

Does it really matter!

These people's names should NEVER be mentioned! That way when people are thinking of doing something this evil and stupid, to just get their names remembered through out history...They will know that there is no shot at it. Because when they are caught or found dead. They will be destroyed for the whole world to see and no one will even know who it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should this (God forbid!!) terrible atrocity ever happen in my county, this could possibly be the ending.

But it's not the solution. I wish I had a solution, but I don't. I do think that I have identified one main component of the problem, though.

Sort of simple, but I see people who own up to their mistakes, and learning from them going forward to be a dying breed. This day and time, it appears to me that everyone wants "instant gratification". Working for your reward is outdated and used by fewer and fewer young adults. This terrifies me as it lends itself to folks who depend on others for their living and think they have a right to do so. This will end tragically...mark an old woman's words.

Work ethic, honesty, integrity and dependibility....these are characteristics that are becoming extinct. They are also the characteristics that were taught to my generation as corner stones, and prompted the time period that produced the blue collar donations to this country that currently funds the programs and entitlements to the parasites of society.

So, if we want the atmosphere of this country to change, WE have to get back to the basics. WE have to define our morality, and stay true to it. WE must teach this to our children and grandchildren. WE must take responsibility.
1. mental health services need to be expanded- be it in schools, communities, at the work place, where ever. I bet there isn't a school in your area, the state or the nation that couldn't use a full line of mental health services and social services.

2. Arming school personnel is not a good idea. How many accidental schooling/death would we see across the country?

3. Prohibition of any kind really doesn't work. Do the gun laws need to be enforced- yes, could they be unified across the country- maybe, how do you stop Billy Bob from selling a gun to Joe Bob? How do you stop Bubba from just stealing a gun to do evil?

Big issue is how do you fund any new laws or programs?
I would first levy a larger tax on guns and ammunition themselves. Not only on the sales side but on the manufacturing/import side. This money could fund some if not all the new mental health services provided in schools.

School safety is an issue but how far do you want to go? Do we really want to turn our schools into quasi prisons in the name of keeping kids safe?

But line people with evil in their hearts will do evil. There is little we can do to stop their malice. We need to try and help them before they get to that point.
Evil doers do evil
It reverts straight back to each and everyone of us...

How do we teach our children? And do we lead by mouth or by example?
"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." - Ronald Reagan
I don't know if there is a right answer here.

Here is what I would personally like to happen...

1. Strangle hold on the media. I am not a fan of censorship but I think it may be time to start incorporating some of it.

2. I believe it is time to have armed guards at schools. We have armed guards protecting gold and money, shouldn't they be protecting our children? This will happen again, whether it is a student or a crazed father distraught over a child custody dispute, there isn't anyway for schools to defend themselves.

Gun control isn't the answer.
judgementday Wrote:I don't know if there is a right answer here.

Here is what I would personally like to happen...

1. Strangle hold on the media. I am not a fan of censorship but I think it may be time to start incorporating some of it.

2. I believe it is time to have armed guards at schools. We have armed guards protecting gold and money, shouldn't they be protecting our children? This will happen again, whether it is a student or a crazed father distraught over a child custody dispute, there isn't anyway for schools to defend themselves.

Gun control isn't the answer.

:Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs:
Mental health and media restrictions should be the focal points. Hats off to you NKY for proposing a solution and a way to fund it ( not sure if your suggestion would work ), however, this is the sort of dialogue and problem solving our country needs. Sad to know what we can do in a forum in a few days, would take the knuckleheads in DC weeks. :Thumbs: The mental health system in our country is a disaster. Throwing money and resources at it yes is needed...but it's going to require a lot of due diligence and restructuring. Privatization is and can be a good thing.

The media needs to reform it's ways in reporting tragedies. In less than 24 hrs. we knew everything except height and weight of perp and victims. Two days later we find out the perp was bullied, resulting in the Mom, home schooling him for much of his school career.

It was previously reported he killed both parents. Not true, the Dad is alive and well. Haven't heard much from him have we? Trying to gag the media would be comparable to root canal on a bull. It needs to happen, but isn't!

The media censorship is our own our homes comes in the form of a mute button and a power on/off button. As well as open ended discussion with our kids. This is what we do have control over.

I agree with Judgement Day on the police details while school is in session. And having a select group of teachers trained and with access to a weapon in different areas throughout a school...I'm ok with as well!

Moral decay is an understatement. When a system rewards having kids out of wedlock entire generations are lost. When parents try on marriages like pairs of shoes, a society is going to have issues. Immediate gratification is rampant. God hasn't left the building. Too many people have left and stopped honoring God.

Thanks to two good parents with outstanding moral compasses, and a good supporting cast of teachers, mentors, and friends I'm working my hind off to provide my own family and friends a similar path. I'm confident you all are doing the same.

A lot more Mayberry and whole lot less CSI!

And hats off to all of you and your moral compasses. Solution driven dialogue is helping us heal...I share your anger and frustration, I also know it needs to subside into grief and peace eventually. To get there though we need to know steps have been taken to work towards this not happening again.

Zaga shared a good post on Friday which ended in and I'm paraphrasing...I wonder what I could have done to have prevented it from happening in the first place. We all need to be asking ourselves that same question. We're beginning to find our answers.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
I don't know how to post pictures on here from my phone, but, I just saw a headline that's said "Who is to blame" in regards to sandy hook.

This should be a simple question. The kid did it. He's to blame. The question should be what can we as a society do to change the mindset of people.

Bullying is different now than it was just 15 years ago. I was bullied for a while but that stopped when I stopped allowing it. And I didn't do this by fighting. I just changed the way confronted it.

I completely agree with spirit about the moral decay. The one thing that could fix so many problems in this country is the one thing that nobody in this country wants to do. And that is take responsibility for their actions and take the consequences. We need to step back out judge ourselves before judging everyone else
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Technology has ruined society. Point blank period.

The right to bare arms, be it any arms, should be very sacred to every American.
I forget to mention good judgement and common sense left the building when Mom took her known "troubled child" to the shooting range to bond.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:I forget to mention good judgement and common sense left the building when Mom took her known "troubled child" to the shooting range to bond.

Ehh. I can't totally agree with this. A lot of bonds can be made at a shooting range. And not many people with asbergers have a history of violence, if any. Gun owners need to be able to teach their kids what kind of damage a bullet can produce. I shot my first gun at the age of 4. I've been shooting ever since. Safety was ALWAYS the first priority. I was taught how to properly hold and carry a gun. Whether it was loaded or not. Even at that young age I knew where the were stores and where the key wasting get in.

I'm not going to blame the mother or the father as far as gun safety goes because I don't know what was taught. According to one story I read the kid didn't snap. He was on a mission. So gun safety or not, he knew what he was doing and had even set up security measures to keep anyone from stopping him
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
It is difficult to give the liberals any credibility when they call for gun control but are silent in regard to what was likely a far more contributing cause of the tragedy in Newtown- violent video games.

It makes one wonder if their outrage is more political than sincere.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Ehh. I can't totally agree with this. A lot of bonds can be made at a shooting range. And not many people with asbergers have a history of violence, if any. Gun owners need to be able to teach their kids what kind of damage a bullet can produce. I shot my first gun at the age of 4. I've been shooting ever since. Safety was ALWAYS the first priority. I was taught how to properly hold and carry a gun. Whether it was loaded or not. Even at that young age I knew where the were stores and where the key wasting get in.

I'm not going to blame the mother or the father as far as gun safety goes because I don't know what was taught. According to one story I read the kid didn't snap. He was on a mission. So gun safety or not, he knew what he was doing and had even set up security measures to keep anyone from stopping him

Agreed...the difference between us and this troubled young man was that our parents weren't ever concerned with committing us to a pychiatric home because we never gave reason to do so (some on bgr may disagree)....joking aside, he was about to be committed to a facility per the investigation details being released.

My point is the same quality of bonding could have taken place at the bowling alley or on a golf course and may have been a better fit. Clearly there was more than the non-violent aspergers occuring with this young man. I've attached a link which sheds more light on aspergers syndrome.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
As I said on another thread, I am sick inside about this tragedy and I pray for the people who are going through this. I don't own any assault rifels or any weapon with a high rate of fire and have no need for any. If they banned those and would leave the other guns alone I would have no problem with it personally but this is a very slippery slope. Even if they could get all those guns off the street "BIG IF" then what. The next time a crazy person wanted to go on a shooting spree, if they can't get the good stuff they will just use the guns that are still legal like shotguns, hunting rifles or handguns and then we would have people calling for a ban of those also.
Do-double-gg Wrote:As I said on another thread, I am sick inside about this tragedy and I pray for the people who are going through this. I don't own any assault rifels or any weapon with a high rate of fire and have no need for any. If they banned those and would leave the other guns alone I would have no problem with it personally but this is a very slippery slope. Even if they could get all those guns off the street "BIG IF" then what. The next time a crazy person wanted to go on a shooting spree, if they can't get the good stuff they will just use the guns that are still legal like shotguns, hunting rifles or handguns and then we would have people calling for a ban of those also.

Letting our government tell us what we need and dont need sounds alot like facsism. Just saying.
nky Wrote:1. mental health services need to be expanded- be it in schools, communities, at the work place, where ever. I bet there isn't a school in your area, the state or the nation that couldn't use a full line of mental health services and social services.

2. Arming school personnel is not a good idea. How many accidental schooling/death would we see across the country?

3. Prohibition of any kind really doesn't work. Do the gun laws need to be enforced- yes, could they be unified across the country- maybe, how do you stop Billy Bob from selling a gun to Joe Bob? How do you stop Bubba from just stealing a gun to do evil?

Big issue is how do you fund any new laws or programs?
I would first levy a larger tax on guns and ammunition themselves. Not only on the sales side but on the manufacturing/import side. This money could fund some if not all the new mental health services provided in schools.

School safety is an issue but how far do you want to go? Do we really want to turn our schools into quasi prisons in the name of keeping kids safe?

But line people with evil in their hearts will do evil. There is little we can do to stop their malice. We need to try and help them before they get to that point.
Evil doers do evil

Not sure about any other counties across the Bluegrass but I do know that Pulaski County And Somerset Independent School have an SRO at every school in their districts (school resource officer) Yes these are uniformed and armed officers from the Sheriff's office and the City Police force. I think this is a great idea for all school districts to use.
Whitley County has an SRO as well, and i read in the paper, Wburg was looking to get the budget to add one next year.
I've destroyed more enemies without killing them than a gun has, and I always will.

The problem isn't guns itself, it's this world of hate and distress we live in.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Whitley County has an SRO as well, and i read in the paper, Wburg was looking to get the budget to add one next year.

The local school districts here have a SRO at every school in the county and city.

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