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Same Sex Marriage
I agree with CTD. Its an abomination
anyone remember sodom and gamorrah???????No I dont think it is alright it is against christian beliefs and just grosses me srry to sy that but truth it truth. This country is based on christianity we the ppl of the US do not need to forge that
ba11er_05 Wrote:anyone remember sodom and gamorrah???????No I dont think it is alright it is against christian beliefs and just grosses me srry to sy that but truth it truth. This country is based on christianity we the ppl of the US do not need to forge that

This country USED to be based on Christianity, but the athiests are getting rid of that really quick. There is no sacred marriage anymore, I do not care if it is 2 homosexuals, or celebs, or your everyday average joe. It is not what it used to be and it does not last anymore. I do not want to get married,b/c if I ever had children, the Female automatically gets custody, that would not float with me. The Father has the same rights to them as the mother, but she will be the one who gets them.
BelfryPride Wrote:
ba11er_05 Wrote:anyone remember sodom and gamorrah???????No I dont think it is alright it is against christian beliefs and just grosses me srry to sy that but truth it truth. This country is based on christianity we the ppl of the US do not need to forge that

This country USED to be based on Christianity, but the athiests are getting rid of that really quick. There is no sacred marriage anymore, I do not care if it is 2 homosexuals, or celebs, or your everyday average joe. It is not what it used to be and it does not last anymore. I do not want to get married,b/c if I ever had children, the Female automatically gets custody, that would not float with me. The Father has the same rights to them as the mother, but she will be the one who gets them.

I agree.. 100%
I agree with ComfortEagle.

Homosexuals should be able to marry. All of you state no, because its my personal beliefs which it goes against the bible. What you all think should not have any kind of effect on them. It is their personal lives. They are going to make love either way, which is also against the bible before marriage. WHy not let it be one less sin?

I don't think a gay marriage should be a Holy Ceremony under the Bible, because that would be hypocritical, but all of you should see, that no matter what your beliefs are, they are entitled to their own beliefs. And their union has NOTHING to do with you personal life.
DangerousMind Wrote:I agree with ComfortEagle.

Homosexuals should be able to marry. All of you state no, because its my personal beliefs which it goes against the bible. What you all think should not have any kind of effect on them. It is their personal lives. They are going to make love either way, which is also against the bible before marriage. WHy not let it be one less sin?

I don't think a &^(& marriage should be a Holy Ceremony under the Bible, because that would be hypocritical, but all of you should see, that no matter what your beliefs are, they are entitled to their own beliefs. And their union has NOTHING to do with you personal life.
ComfortEagle Wrote:That is so feeble though. Everyone sins EVERYDAY. And, every sin is the same in God's eyes. This means in God's eyes speeding, eating too many french fries, and cussing carry the same weight as being a homosexual.

Posted 23 Jan 2005 04:05 am:

You may going against your religion by cussing but that doesn't mean your rights to talk should be taken away.

I don't care what you think. Homosexualality is wrong, the bible says that it is wrong. Marraige is between a man and a woman. I am a believer of Christ and his word. I know that I sin everyday and so do you, we are humans. But it is supposed to be man and woman. Thats the only true way.
The stupidity and ignorance is so thick in here..I don't even know where to begin. FIRST of all...the Church and the State are SEPERATE. So, therefore, what your Bible says should have NO impact on law. Christianity has no right to force it's beliefs on all the people in the U.S.
Our country...our reputation, as a "beacon of hope", depends on the equality and freedom ALL people should be given here. If homosexuals are denyed the right to equality then America isn't the country it is supposed to be.
I had more to say..but CE said it all..hehe..way to go buddy! :wink:
i have to say no to &^(& marriage.. our country is founded on the Christian belief. Read the US dollar "In GOD we trust" and the constitution all make refrences to God. people have pushed the meaning of the seperation of the Church and State to a different meaning. i believe from history when the king of England made the Church of England England's church, and forced EVERYONE to go there, thats what the founders of this counrty were afraid of.

But marriage is an institution founded on religion, and religion is against homosexuality.. therefore &^(& marriage shouldnt be allowed!!

as far as it being discriminatory.. in the sixties African Americans didnt choose to have darker skin color they were born that waythey couldnt help it. we were in the wrong of judging them based on something they couldnt help, but homosexuals make the decsion to be homosexuals they can help it!!
Look at all this...what you people have to say about homosexuals and at how much hell they go through everyday. And you think they CHOOSE to be the way they are? Do you CHOOSE to be straight? If you say you do...then you're also admitting that you also have a sexual attraction for the same sex..which you are are trying to repress. Just like homosexuals HAVE to repress thier like for the opposite sex by going for the same sex right?? :roll: And don't they teach you religious tolerance?
Nice points APftWaHKiC
umm.. first off ur not born a homosexual. there are no traits that they have found that make people attracted to the same sex. so therefore it is a choice. everyone is tempted (in my opinion by the devil) to commit sin such as homosexuality.. yes, i am saying that everyone has homosexual tendencies, (some experience it more strong than others) its just how you fight the temptation. IMO homosexuals give in to that temptation and live out a sinful life because they think they have no choice. the thing is they have a choice.

You're still not answering WHY they would choose. I'll agree that it hasn't been proven..yet...that there is such thing as a "gay gene." But, if we all are forced to choose which gender we will be attracted to, knowing what we do about the acceptance of seems to me that straight people would be the ones who felt they have no choice. Hell..if I was given a choice of being respected or ridiculed my whole life depending on who I slept with..I know which one I'd choose. If gay peopel had a choice..."IMO" they'd go for the opposite sex everytime.
I personally feel that the love between two women is a beautiful thing!
As far as this topic, rights of Amercians and freedoms is the backbone of democracy.
Does the sum of the part equal that of the whole.
When it comes to popular vote same sex Marriage. will fail in our nation, that is democracy in action.
i love this nation, but no one is totally free.
As far as divorce not everone who has one wants one.
Ky is a fault free divorce state, you can have one for no reason with little thought.
APftWaHKiC Wrote:You're still not answering WHY they would choose. I'll agree that it hasn't been proven..yet...that there is such thing as a "gay gene." But, if we all are forced to choose which gender we will be attracted to, knowing what we do about the acceptance of seems to me that straight people would be the ones who felt they have no choice. Hell..if I was given a choice of being respected or ridiculed my whole life depending on who I slept with..I know which one I'd choose. If gay peopel had a choice..."IMO" they'd go for the opposite sex everytime.

Personally I don't think it's a choice they choose, althought I don't think its something they are born with. Granted some people are born with more estrogen or more testosterone.. Thus making the stereotypical homosexuals. However with the others, it's a choice they choose because they could be confused about it, or they could be broke down mentally, or just craving to be loved. Think about it. If you put two guys or two girls in an by themselves for a long period of time, they are goin to need some kind of comfort. That's human. Human's all have a subconscience fear of being alone. So if they see this person of the same sex, who is also feeling this way, then they are goin to be attracted to each other, because they have one common want. and that is to be loved.

Some people will do whatever it takes to find their "soulmate" and if they think that their soulmate is someone of the same sex then they will go for them on the basis that this other person wants the same thing they want. People these days aren't willing to have faith in God to give them the person they are meant to be with. And some people aren't meant to be with anyone. Life is strange and no one can comprehend it, or totally figure it out.

There are many scenarios that could influence someone to live that lifestyle. You say that if the gay community knew that it was going to be hard then they wouldn't do it.. Well Christianity, or any other type of religion that requires missionary, or goin out and talking about their faith, isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world, but they do it because they have faith in something greater than anything in this world.

The whole purpose of why we are allowed to have sexual intercourse is due to the fact that we were put here to reproduce. That's why when a man and a woman do the forbidden dance, without protection, a baby can be made. Now if a woman and woman try to do that, what's goin to come of it? Same thing with two dudes? Sex wasn't made for two people of the same sex. It was made for a man and a woman, and since we are supposed to wait until marriage to have sex, that just makes more sense.

Marriage was meant for a man and woman to come together to recreate.
I didn't mean that they wouldn't do it because it's hard, I meant that if it is as easy to "choose" to be gay as they were suggesting THEN why would they do it? I was trying to point out that it's not just a CAN be...but there are so many other factors involved. And I agree with you on those "scenarios." People do need companionship, it's part of human nature to need someone and some just take it where they can find it. What's so wrong with that? Besides what's in your Bible of course...
That example follow your faith despite the hardships because you have "faith in something greater than anything in this world"...most people consider love greater than anything in this world when they're lonely.
I guess its something we will never know for sure, as to why people are like that. I mean I'm not against it just because the mainstream is against it. I have my own beliefs. But if you notice, the past decade more and more people have came out so to speak. So it's almost like its a fad now. Granted there are people out there who really are gay. But I just can't bring myself to believe that they were born that way. I really believe that something has caused them to be that way, whether it be abusive parents, too much of the wrong hormone, or just a freaky sex drive lol.
Yes I believe many factors contribute, and maybe they're born with it, maybe they're not.(Maybe it's maybelline) The thing's not a casual, easy choice like everyone is trying to make it out to be. And you can't just choose to be un-gay either. Maybe they can force themselves to commit the sex act with a person of the opposite gender..but they'll never be truly happy and they'll be repressing thier real selves. And that my the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Its obvious its not an easy choice, due to the ridicule they get from it, however, I still believe its unnatural, and I personally don't know the truth as to why someone would be gay. But through it all I think it is a want. Not a have to.

For instance, people who start doing drugs do them because they WANT to, the next thing you know they NEED to. And even if they do get cleaned up, they are always goin to have a taste for it.
should be allowed its there right
i dont think it should be allowed what so ever it is digusting and is against the bible this country will be like soddam and gammohria if this was ever legal and we all know that story
You obviously don't know it enough to spell it right. And why do you consider one sin to be worse than another?? The bible says God sees all sins as being equal. The only sin worse than any other is blasphemy. So everytime you cuss, everytime you break the law, everytime you think dirty thoughts about women....that's just as bad as someone committing homosexuality, whether you like it or not.

And you like living in this "free" country where you can have all the rights you want as long as you're not, that's not how it works. Everyone deserves equal treatment and equal rights.
i dont think they should b able to get married thats just wrong dont mean to offend anyone
Even if they are "in love" it should not be legalized for them to get married. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
15th regionslammabamma....just cuz u think its wrong doesnt mean it people have a right to get married..its their lifestyle, their own belief, and who are we to say that they are wrong for the way they are living....
I recently read an article about Reform Judaism. It's one of the few religions that allow homosexuality.

As for the Bible saying it's wrong. This is the same Bible that teaches that killing your son and selling your children is okay. Do you think that still applies to this world today???

I think we have to take into account the time period in which it was written and the social situations of that time. You will see not everything could possibly still apply in todays world.
right on :!:

let face it times change and society adapts to the changing world
The Godfather Wrote:I recently read an article about Reform Judaism. It's one of the few religions that allow homosexuality.

As for the Bible saying it's wrong. This is the same Bible that teaches that killing your son and selling your children is okay. Do you think that still applies to this world today???

I think we have to take into account the time period in which it was written and the social situations of that time. You will see not everything could possibly still apply in todays world.

I think you are talking about old testament things now. And the old testament was the old law, that the Jews still follow. There were over 200 laws that one must abide by in order to make it to heaven, along with giving sacrifices. It was much more strict then. If something caused you to sin then you had to get rid of it. But when Jesus came that started the New Testament, which is what christians live by today. They no longer have to give burnt offerings. Now to get in heaven you have to accept the ultimate sacrifice which was Jesus the son of God. Meaning we don't live by the old law in which, if your son or whatever disobeyed God's will you had to kill or disown him. Times were different from the change of the old testament to the new testament. and times are different now than they were during the new testament. But the principle still remains, and that is if you accept Jesus in your life then you will want to worship him in the best way you know how, and one way to do that is to read the bible and learn more about what is right and what is wrong.

Times are different now than they were then, but look at it this way, murder was a sin then and it still is. Stealing was a sin and it still is. Homosexuality was a sin, and it still is also.
How do you know murder and stealing is a sin? Because of Moses' 10 Commandments right? Well, that was in the old testament.

You basically just said things changed when Jesus came to Earth, so where in the new testament is there a new set of commandments?

The new testament is more about Jesus and less about the laws we must follow to live by, the whole point it's trying to get across is that you should love and follow Jesus.

So who's to say what is and isn't a sin now? The new testament defines it as "anything that seperates you from God."

So, you spending more time on BGR and less time praying can be considered a sin.

What I'm trying to say is that there is no sin greater than another. So why are we persecuting homosexuals and pushing them away from Christianity when they are sinners just like everyone else.?!
personally i dont think marriages should be allowed for homosexuals. since the meaning of marriage is a legal union between man and woman as husband and wife.
cival unions though i see no problem with.

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