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Unaffordable care act
If everyone remembers the quote from the Madam Speaker of The House at the time bill was going thru congress "We need to pass this Bill so we can read whats in it".
Most people still does not know what is in the new Healthcare Law but will soon get to pay the piper. Hard to imagine these people getting re-elected.
Beetle01 Wrote:That's great you have close friends who practice medicine, but generally most MD's have no idea how the billing and financial side of things work in the hospital. Some may know more than others, but most don't have time to deal with or be involved with it. I don't work in a nursing home, so not sure where that comes from, I work in an emergency dept.

Also, an insurance company is far more than a group of people who pool money to help covers everyone's expenses. It may have started that way, but they have turned into some of the most profitable corporations in the world, and determine what type of treatments, medicines, and procedures their customers can get.

The bottom line is you are ALREADY paying for the uninsured, it seems like you hardcore guys about this ACA can not seem to grasp that concept. You are paying for when more taxes are going to Medicare/Medicaid, along with other programs, and you are paying for it when it comes to the cost of your own health insurance, and the quality of care you are getting, due to limitations placed on your treatment by your insurance companies.

I start NP school in the summer of 14, so I have done quite a bit of research and talking to those involved in the actual financial side of running these hospitals, outreaches, and so on. I'm not going to go into 80k worth of debt if the new healthcare laws are going to reduce my pay to 50k a year. I can make double that as a nurse anyways, or get into device sales and make way more. Every person I have talked to who is involved with dealing in the financial mess that is going on with healthcare, is that the ACA, why not perfect, appears that it will improve all aspects of the healthcare experience. Hospitals will see increased profits, growth, and maybe KDMC can hire back some of the 2,000+ people they have laid off in the past 2 years. Healthcare workers should see pay increases, as well as staffing increases (e.g. MD's, NPs, PA's, RN's) which will improve your overall health care experience and quality.

TRT, you mention adding 30 million freeloaders to the mix, but do you not understand that those 30 million freeloaders are already in the mix. Once you can admit that to yourself, it really puts a hole in every single lame argument you present.

I disagree on where the bottom line actually lies. To me the bottom line is you have no clue what you're talking about on this matter. As I have already mentioned, I have decided to reach a little higher than to a nursing home staffer for advice and understanding about the effects ObamaCare will bring down upon all of us.
vector Wrote:you can't talk to TRT it's like pissing in the wind he's got his screw everybody else

Get your check book out vector. If you want to pay for everybody else, go for it. I worked hard and long for what I have, I take care of my own family, and I would bet the ranch that my charitable contributions eclipse your's and beetle's put together. Have you got your hand out to give a check, or get a check?
judgementday Wrote:I agree with this, however, the problem then arises that these people abuse the local ERs and must be treated, especially if they have been in a trauma. So paying for their care ultimately comes out of tax payers money because private hospitals will not accept them so state funded hospital will care for them.

My thought, if you cannot afford health insurance, you get insurance, but it only offers mediocore care by mediocore physicians. If you want better care, get a job. It shouldn't be like my brother in law in which his family doesn't have health insurance but has flat screen tv's, every video game console you can think of, the newest of smart phones, DVR, digital cable, etc... and gets assistance because his wife got fired from her job for being a horrible employee.

I agree totally with your thought. People just want to play and have fun these days. They all vote democrat because the dems want to stay in power and, the gamers want to be able to live the carefree lifestyle you have described in your post. Nobody has ever been turned away in this country when they needed health care. But, as you mention, and as I have said earlier in this thread, they should not get the top-flight health care as those who have insurance or who can afford to pay for their care out of their pocket.

They already get free care at the ER but, according to Beetle and vector and their ilk, that isn't good enough. Why? Because of the stigma of waiting with the masses of other freeloaders in the cattle call-like setting for which the ER is known. It's degrading and humiliating for them to go through that ordeal to get their free care. That my friend is really what is behind this whole thing. It is a social reckoning, in which those who don't pay for anything, will be hereafter elevated to the same level of dignity productive citizens enjoy. No more ER's for them, from now on they're exactly like the ones who pay, because the ones who pay must now pay for them too. ER care doesn't cost as much but, it is very effective. The bleeding heart liberals want to be the gift that keeps on giving and I don't have a problem with that. What I don't like is the way my federal and state government is extorting money from my household so they can give it to slugs who stay up till 4 or 5 in the morning playing video games, downing twinkies and moutain dew, and sleeping till late in the afternoon every day.
doubledown Wrote:If everyone remembers the quote from the Madam Speaker of The House at the time bill was going thru congress "We need to pass this Bill so we can read whats in it".
Most people still does not know what is in the new Healthcare Law but will soon get to pay the piper. Hard to imagine these people getting re-elected.

Like the Dodd-Frank legislation, the Affordable Care Act is full of as yet unwritten rules and regulations. The reason nobody completely knows the endgame is because like little kids who want to make sure they win, they keep changing the rules as the game goes on.
My brother in law's g/f stated Hester that when she got finished opening gifts she was going to the ER cause her stomach hurt. I told her that the after hours clinic was open and would cost the tax payers less if she just went there. Plus it's good care and they give the same prescriptions as the hospital.

It went over real well.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
TheRealThing Wrote:Get your check book out vector. If you want to pay for everybody else, go for it. I worked hard and long for what I have, I take care of my own family, and I would bet the ranch that my charitable contributions eclipse your's and beetle's put together. Have you got your hand out to give a check, or get a check?

i don't believe you would want to take that bet
crazytaxidriver Wrote:My brother in law's g/f stated Hester that when she got finished opening gifts she was going to the ER cause her stomach hurt. I told her that the after hours clinic was open and would cost the tax payers less if she just went there. Plus it's good care and they give the same prescriptions as the hospital.

It went over real well.

Friend of mine is an EMT....he states that they will get calls all the time from people who have severe headaches, a stomach virus, and even a severe cold....they cannot refuse to take someone so one day he asked one of these people why they just don't drive them self to the hospital or take a cab.....their response and this is not a joke, "that would cost me money"...
vector Wrote:i don't believe you would want to take that bet

Yes I would. People who already do their part and more, aren't the one's demanding we do more. If you feel morally compelled to do more get your check book out.
judgementday Wrote:Friend of mine is an EMT....he states that they will get calls all the time from people who have severe headaches, a stomach virus, and even a severe cold....they cannot refuse to take someone so one day he asked one of these people why they just don't drive them self to the hospital or take a cab.....their response and this is not a joke, "that would cost me money"...

Unbelievable, and what a waste of money. "On average, an ambulance company is going to charge anywhere from $350 to as much as $2,000 for the trip. Depending on the company, some may charge additional fees for each mile driven." RE LINK---

And to think, the bleeding hearts are out there demanding for these goofs to get upgraded health care. As to the bolded, this is the true attitude of those born into the welfare system. They don't know any better because this is what they have been taught, they think they deserve it, and they are Obama supporters. :igiveup: BTW, ObamaCare will change nothing about what we have been discussing except for who will be saddled with the tab. Right now, taxpayers do pay for the health care of those who don't work, that's true. The difference ObamaCare makes is that the burden for those care costs are now forcibly placed directly upon the shoulders of those who pay. Under ObamaCare, instead of coming out of the national treasury, charities, and other help organizations, the cost is broken out and is now part of our personal medical costs. That's the reason for the huge increase in premium costs. It's just a clever way for the fed to duck the medical bills for these folks and bill the cost directly to those who actually work among the nation's medical insurance holders/contributors through sky high premiums.This represents an increase in taxes and is why the SCOTUS ruled the way they did.
vector Wrote:[Image:]

Your most intelligent post yet! :Thumbs:
I have always worked I am now 58 years old with heart failure caused by an attack of A-fib. I was awarded social security at the first of the year. I have paid my on insurance for about 15 months now at a cost of $783 per month. I have also paid co-pays and deductibles of about $200 to $300 a month. My insurance goes up to $972 jan 1st. I simply can no longer afford it.

I had some 401k money but when you spend over $1000 a month on medical expenses it does not last long. Now I will be able to get Medicare after being on social serurity for 24 months, if I'm still alive.

So some of the posters suggestion that if you can't afford it you don't deserve it. Well I hope you never get sick. I paid a lot of money into Medicare which i will more than likely never use. My insurance which I paid for paid for my implanted heart device. Hopefully it won't go off untill Medicare kicks in.
the other guy Wrote:I have always worked I am now 58 years old with heart failure caused by an attack of A-fib. I was awarded social security at the first of the year. I have paid my on insurance for about 15 months now at a cost of $783 per month. I have also paid co-pays and deductibles of about $200 to $300 a month. My insurance goes up to $972 jan 1st. I simply can no longer afford it.

I had some 401k money but when you spend over $1000 a month on medical expenses it does not last long. Now I will be able to get Medicare after being on social serurity for 24 months, if I'm still alive.

So some of the posters suggestion that if you can't afford it you don't deserve it. Well I hope you never get sick. I paid a lot of money into Medicare which i will more than likely never use. My insurance which I paid for paid for my implanted heart device. Hopefully it won't go off untill Medicare kicks in.

Your case is entirely different other guy. You worked and contributed and deserve to be taken care of now that you have fallen ill. Your premiums are on the rise because of the ramifications of ObamaCare. You don't deserve for it to happen, but, none of us who have spent their whole lives working and making a difference do. I am sorry for your situation, and I support you 100%. People that choose to loaf and be taken care of by the 'system' are who I was talking about.
vector Wrote:[Image:]

By far the most sense you have ever made on here.:Thumbs:
Bob Seger Wrote:By far the most sense you have ever made on here.:Thumbs:

Can't will till you do it Smile

Still waiting Smile
TRT, I hope you are just trolling, and not actually believing any of the hog wash you post on here.

Premiums have been skyrocketing long before ACA was ever brought up. I feel many of you are attacking the wrong aspects of the ACA, because that is what your corporate masters from Fox and other media aspects have told you is wrong.

Premiums, Healtcare costs, and debt have all been rising uncontrollably for a solid decade now. It has reached a point that it can no longer be maintained. As the middle class continues to shrink as the manufacturing jobs that built the middle class continue to disappear to the far east, more and more people are becoming dependent on help from the govt and other sources. These people still get sick, their kids still get sick, they come to the ED. Hospitals, MD's, and so on make no money, and lose tons of money on these patients. That cost is shoved on to TRT, Bob Seger, Beetle, and the rest of us.

It's hard to stand against a complete overhaul of healthcare system in this country when over the last decade costs have skyrocketed so high, that hardly anyone can afford to get sick, hospitals are completely understaffed due to lay offs and financial problems. Premiums are skyrocketing that companies can no longer afford to offer their employees quality health coverage. All the while, Insurance companies are seeing records profits, and their profits have more than tripled in the last decade.
Beetle01 Wrote:TRT, I hope you are just trolling, and not actually believing any of the hog wash you post on here.

[B]Premiums have been skyrocketing long before ACA was ever brought up. I feel many of you are attacking the wrong aspects of the ACA, because that is what your corporate masters from Fox and other media aspects have told you is wrong.[B]

Premiums, Healtcare costs, and debt have all been rising uncontrollably for a solid decade now. It has reached a point that it can no longer be maintained. As the middle class continues to shrink as the manufacturing jobs that built the middle class continue to disappear to the far east, more and more people are becoming dependent on help from the govt and other sources. These people still get sick, their kids still get sick, they come to the ED. Hospitals, MD's, and so on make no money, and lose tons of money on these patients. That cost is shoved on to TRT, Bob Seger, Beetle, and the rest of us.

It's hard to stand against a complete overhaul of healthcare system in this country when over the last decade costs have skyrocketed so high, that hardly anyone can afford to get sick, hospitals are completely understaffed due to lay offs and financial problems. Premiums are skyrocketing that companies can no longer afford to offer their employees quality health coverage. All the while, Insurance companies are seeing records profits, and their profits have more than tripled in the last decade.

So you're saying that had the current system remained in place and/or some minor changes were made, that premiums would rise just as fast? I have audited healthcare entities. Every single one of them I have worked with, hospitals and other providers, find the ACA bill to be a nightmare to be accounted for. Several companies, small and large, are scrapping up to be able to cover the cost of this. Anybody with half a brain doesn't need a "corporate master" to be able to see that this bill is something that we simply cannot afford without a huge spike in taxes. Where did you get your info? See BS? MesSNBC? Certainly your bruised sensibilities to the thrashing you have taken in this thread could afford a better slam than that.

You said that "more and more people are dependent on getting help from the gov't and other sources." You are correct on that, but don't you think it's pathetic that we have about one out of every six Americans receiving government assistance? Someone I had on Facebook the other day complained about their lack of money, and made a big rant about how they were on food stamps and that everyone should quit putting down people on welfare, etc. I look at that disgusting piece of garbage with all the tattoos, drinking beer pictures, etc. that is being posted and that this person is raising a child as well. Welfare is good for people who really need it, but a good majority of situations are like the one I just mentioned. These are the people that are going to benefit majorly from this bill. And who gets screwed over? Of course, the middle class.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Can't will till you do it Smile

Still waiting Smile

lol....It's like you really know anything about anything. That is of course except for Xboxes and sand boxes..:popcorn:
Bob Seger Wrote:lol....It's like you really know anything about anything. That is of course except for Xboxes and sand boxes..:popcorn:

Bot much on sand boxes, but I do make a fair amount of extra cash fixing red ring xboxes.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Bot much on sand boxes, but I do make a fair amount of extra cash fixing red ring xboxes.
Uh, huh....I'll bet.

Must be where they came up with the term "Chump" change.
Bob Seger Wrote:Must be where they came up with the term "Chump" change.

Still change none the less.

How was the Christmas?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Still change none the less.

How was the Christmas?

Really good. The grandbaby turned 1 a couple of weeks ago, and he was a blast this year.
Bob Seger Wrote:Really good. The grandbaby turned 1 a couple of weeks ago, and he was a blast this year.

I have a 2 year old nephew and a year old niece. The face he had was priceless when opening his iPod.
Beetle01 Wrote:TRT, I hope you are just trolling, and not actually believing any of the hog wash you post on here.

Premiums have been skyrocketing long before ACA was ever brought up. I feel many of you are attacking the wrong aspects of the ACA, because that is what your corporate masters from Fox and other media aspects have told you is wrong.

Premiums, Healtcare costs, and debt have all been rising uncontrollably for a solid decade now. It has reached a point that it can no longer be maintained. As the middle class continues to shrink as the manufacturing jobs that built the middle class continue to disappear to the far east, more and more people are becoming dependent on help from the govt and other sources. These people still get sick, their kids still get sick, they come to the ED. Hospitals, MD's, and so on make no money, and lose tons of money on these patients. That cost is shoved on to TRT, Bob Seger, Beetle, and the rest of us.

It's hard to stand against a complete overhaul of healthcare system in this country when over the last decade costs have skyrocketed so high, that hardly anyone can afford to get sick, hospitals are completely understaffed due to lay offs and financial problems. Premiums are skyrocketing that companies can no longer afford to offer their employees quality health coverage. All the while, Insurance companies are seeing records profits, and their profits have more than tripled in the last decade.

LOL, like you would be able to tell the difference. "Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jonathan Gruber — one of the architects of Obamacare — has studied the law’s effect on premiums in the individual market in three states. In each, he found substantial increases in premiums — a 30-percent hike in Wisconsin, 29 percent in Minnesota, and 19 percent in Colorado.

Since Obamacare’s passage, the cost of health care has continued its upward march unabated. Only by repealing this monstrosity and replacing it with patient-centered reforms — with proven cost-control track records — can we make the American healthcare system work for everyone."

Rate increases were relatively modest since Y2K, up until March of 2010. ObamaCare is already wrecking the health care system. I have been predicting rates would go up exponentially and, since then, they have. Rates are much higher and they're only going to go up from here. Who do you think will pick up the tab for the 30 million party crashers coming on line in 2014, the insurance fairy? 2+2 still equals 4, right? Insurance premiums are much higher, they will only pay for 60% of paying folks care costs, (the same one's who don't pay now will not be paying then, not for their health insurance and not the 40% insurance shortfall) add the costs for the 30 million to the mix, and try to tell me all about how things will be better. As the article I have sourced mentions, Obama promised my insurance would already be $2,500 dollars cheaper per year. Instead, me, other guy, and every other paying customer's insurance has gone UP more than $2,500. That's over a $5,000 dollar turnaround from what Obama promised when he was campaigning to keep the white house. Matter of fact, other guy is losing his insurance because the increases are so high he can no longer afford to have it. You need to get on over to his house and staighten this mess up.

this might explain why your insurance is going up GREED
TRT just maybe your insurance plan was grandfather in that would explain why your premium has went up so high i do rember getting a letter from my insurance saying something about that
the other guy Wrote:I have always worked I am now 58 years old with heart failure caused by an attack of A-fib. I was awarded social security at the first of the year. I have paid my on insurance for about 15 months now at a cost of $783 per month. I have also paid co-pays and deductibles of about $200 to $300 a month. My insurance goes up to $972 jan 1st. I simply can no longer afford it.

I had some 401k money but when you spend over $1000 a month on medical expenses it does not last long. Now I will be able to get Medicare after being on social serurity for 24 months, if I'm still alive.

So some of the posters suggestion that if you can't afford it you don't deserve it. Well I hope you never get sick. I paid a lot of money into Medicare which i will more than likely never use. My insurance which I paid for paid for my implanted heart device. Hopefully it won't go off untill Medicare kicks in.

as of right now you are at the mercy of the insurance company they control your health care just try to hang in there till 2014 it will get cheaper for you
hope you get better

Who will pay for the massive Medicade ( entitlement ) expansion?
Walleye Wrote:[COLOR="Black"]

Who will pay for the massive Medicade ( entitlement ) expansion?

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