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A day of peace
This is supposed to be a worldwide day of peace, so I guess that even goes for us on the BGR political forum. Merry Christmas everybody!

Great idea WideRight05!! Hope you're having a peaceful day!!
As you say, I hope this day will be one of peace. I know Christmas eve was just another day of atrocity--- "WEBSTER, N.Y. (AP) — The ex-con who lured firefighters to their deaths in a blaze of gunfire left a rambling typewritten note saying he wanted to burn down the neighborhood and "do what I like doing best, killing people," police said Tuesday."

The gun control advocates are busy making their case for restricting citizens rights to own guns again in all this---- "One of the guns recovered was a military-style .223-caliber semiautomatic Bushmaster rifle with flash suppression, the same make and caliber weapon used in the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., Pickering said."

When we turned our back on God, taking any mention of Him out of our schools, and as was demonstrated by the recent attempt by the dems to remove any mention of Him from their platform language during the democratic convention, we began to lose our way as a people. We're suffering from moral depravity, not gun ownership.

Here's hoping Christ will be honored today as the 'Light' of the world. And man's only hope to gain eternal life thanks to His shed blood on the cross. Peace and goodwill to all men, including everyone on BGR!
I read yesterday where several first responders from six different states, went to CT to cover those shifts for them. That way they could spend last night and today with their families.

There are still good guys out there; even some left who believe in God!

Last night a couple that attended high school with me, left for Lexington to pick up their daughter and son in law. They were returning last night to Harlan to celebrate today, when another car lost control, became airborne and hit them head on. All five were killed. This happened around Flatlick; near Barbourville.

Bad things happen; good things happen. I believe it's our job to pray, support and love those who are in need at any given time. To me, that is the RESULT from obeying greatest comandment.
^You are exactly right about that. I have heard a lot of pundits on FOX News questioning how God could allow those little kids to be murdered up there in CT. Admittedly that is a hard question, however, I choose to look at it like this. After the Lord was born in Bethlehem, an angel appeared unto Joseph in a dream, warning him to flee with the baby Jesus and Mary that very night into Egypt, because King Herod would try to murder Jesus. Jesus was referred to as the "King of the Jews", King Herod in an attempt to remove any competition to the throne, murdered all the little boys in that region from the age of two years and younger. How horrific an act was that?

God has given us free will. Therefore, monsterous deeds are perpetrated by monsterous men. Like I said, it's hard to understand but, they will pay for their atrocities at the judgement. It's ironic to me to consider that we grieve and ache for those slain little ones in Newport, and rightly so. But, we turn a blind eye to the tens of millions of innocents, who have been murdered in their mother's womb. I don't get it, really. I am convinced of one thing though, those who vote for candidates who promise to stoke the furnace for abortion rights and support that continued practice with zeal, as is spelled out in clear language in the democrat party platform, will share in the misery at God's judgement bar. I hear all this talk about jobs and stuff, and how working folks must vote for the dems to protect their jobs. I say it's hogwash, and those who vote for abortion rights candidates will rue the day. There is zero difference between killing the innocents while they are in elementary school with a gun, or the womb with surgical instruments, saws, cutters, pliers and the like.

Just because man has decreed abortion (and other social crimes against God) legal, doesn't mean we can get by with doing them. We will suffer, and our country will suffer. God's people need to stand up for what is right, politically correct or no. Work while there is yet time.

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