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Michigan right to work

Pay back is a bitch sometimes!!
From the looks of the union demonstrators, it is obvious that none of them, male or female, have ever missed a meal and none of them were valedictorian of their remedial high school class.
Quote:"This is about freedom, fairness and equality," House Speaker Jase Bolger said. "These are basic American rights – rights that should unite us."

Amen brother!
So what does this mean exactly? In layman's terms
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
^ It means that the Michigan Union's led the charge to vote Obama because Obama did NOT support this state legislature. Well, it didn't matter, the measure passed in their state anyhow....
So if there is a right to work does that mean that businesses can no longer turn anyone away??

On a side note did anyone hear about the people at Chrysler keeping there job even though they got drunk on their lunch break
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
So if there is a right to work does that mean that businesses can no longer turn anyone away??

On a side note did anyone hear about the people at Chrysler keeping there job even though they got drunk on their lunch break
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Stardust Wrote:^ It means that the Michigan Union's led the charge to vote Obama because Obama did NOT support this state legislature. Well, it didn't matter, the measure passed in their state anyhow....

Obama has been running his mouth about the Michigan legislature----

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama weighed in on the contentious labor battle playing out in Michigan, condemning the Republican push to make Michigan a so-called "right-to-work" state as nothing more than a partisan maneuver that will hurt the working class.

"We should do everything we can to keep creating good middle-class jobs that help folks rebuild security for their families,"

The way I see it there are two possibilities here, either a fundamental understanding of the workings of state and federal governance has escaped our Indonesian/Kenyan president or, he is diliberately trying to bring on anarchy and possibly civil war in this nation. Somebody needs to explain to the big dummy, that the states are sovereign entities here in this country. The federal government has no say in workings of state goverment.
Today unions exist for the sole purpose of electing democrats and protecting a bunch of bums and thugs. Any real worker worth anything in today's market will make it just fine without unions.

If any of you remember when the Chrysler workers were filmed drinking and smoking pot during their lunch right after the bailout. Well they were fired then but with the help of the UAW they now have their jobs and it is believed they received complete back pay.

I have been watching the coverage in Michigan where a bunch of union thugs attacked some right to work supporters cutting down their tent and yelling threats.

I believe anyone caught on tape attracting any of the right to work supporters should be in jail.

If someone needs a union to keep their job it's because they couldn't keep one on their own.

Like I said on here before I seen a bunch of bums with union support close down three good mining operations.

The faster the governor of michigan signs these bills the better.

I wish our state had the guts to do the same thing.
Obama's butting in was the natural action of a socialist community organizer (agitator). That is what he was raised to be, That is what he has always been. And that is what he will continue to be now and in the future.

He is the most serious threat to the American way of life in the history of this country.
the other guy Wrote:Today unions exist for the sole purpose of electing democrats and protecting a bunch of bums and thugs. Any real worker worth anything in today's market will make it just fine without unions.

If any of you remember when the Chrysler workers were filmed drinking and smoking pot during their lunch right after the bailout. Well they were fired then but with the help of the UAW they now have their jobs and it is believed they received complete back pay.

I have been watching the coverage in Michigan where a bunch of union thugs attacked some right to work supporters cutting down their tent and yelling threats.

I believe anyone caught on tape attracting any of the right to work supporters should be in jail.

If someone needs a union to keep their job it's because they couldn't keep one on their own.

Like I said on here before I seen a bunch of bums with union support close down three good mining operations.

The faster the governor of michigan signs these bills the better.

I wish our state had the guts to do the same thing.

if they do away with all the unions you will find how good these company's will treat you
vector Wrote:if they do away with all the unions you will find how good these company's will treat you

I didn't work on a union job for the past 25 years I did just fine. 98% of companies out there will treat good workers good. Because it would be stupid not to.
Democrats are pro-choice when it comes to abortion but no choice on joining a union.
the other guy Wrote:Democrats are pro-choice when it comes to abortion but no choice on joining a union.

Not all Democrat are union. Are all Republicans Greedy ?
vector Wrote:if they do away with all the unions you will find how good these company's will treat you

If unions are worth their weight, they should have nothing to fear.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not all Democrat are union. Are all Republicans Greedy ?

You do realize the notion of republicans being greedy is a made up slander the dems came up with, right? Obama is a milionaire, so is Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and most other democrats. Likewise the notion that republicans are in any way anti-union, is another made up slander by the dems. I was paying attention when they started the whole smear campaign.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not all Democrat are union. Are all Republicans Greedy ?

While not all Democrats are union, all unions are Democrat.
Now they know what it feels like.
Im sure these same union workers didnt care when Obama declared his war on coal.

It might look like a lot of people, but these who are protesting are a very small amount of the population in that state. How do we know? The GOP is the elected party there Confusednicker:

Maybe people who are willing to work can go get a job without having to worry about paying union dues or being in one.
Good for Michigan. Free choice for their workers now that's a good thing.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not all Democrat are union. Are all Republicans Greedy ?

We are all greedy. I bet you want more money yourself.
TheRealThing Wrote:You do realize the notion of republicans being greedy is a made up slander the dems came up with, right? Obama is a milionaire, so is Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and most other democrats. Likewise the notion that republicans are in any way anti-union, is another made up slander by the dems. I was paying attention when they started the whole smear campaign.

Thanks for proving my point.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:While not all Democrats are union, all unions are Democrat.

Republican union who opposes the law.

Once again thank you for proving my point.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:

Republican union who opposes the law.

Once again thank you for proving my point.

One remote example does not change an accepted general rule. Your point is pointless.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:One remote example does not change an accepted general rule. Your point is pointless.

My point was proven. None the less.

I am a democrat. And support the right to work.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:My point was proven. None the less.

I am a democrat. And support the right to work.

You better not tell the pygmy in the White House. He wouldn't approve.
vector Wrote:if they do away with all the unions you will find how good these company's will treat you

This bill will allow people to opt out of the union if they choose, it may cost the unions a little money in lost dues, but it will not do away with the unions.
Old School Wrote:This bill will allow people to opt out of the union if they choose, it may cost the unions a little money in lost dues, but it will not do away with the unions.

My wife works union. Not by choice but because basically its mandatory. When they go on strike over a new agreement she has no control over her work. Which is a load of crap.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Thanks for proving my point.

:igiveup: OK 23, I saw the whole process occur. From the days not so long ago when both parties had respect for each other and they worked together to govern the US because they felt honored to reperesent their district and and the United States. That respect I saw, turned into a propaganda driven smear campaign coming out of the dems camp, 24/7. I know you're young and therefore don't remember a time when respect ruled the votes and mouths of those on both sides of the aisle but, surely you can see for yourself that what we have now isn't working. Unless you really do believe the crap the dems keep spewing about republicans being the cause of all America's ills. If that's the case just tell me and I won't bother to respond to your posts anymore.
I find it ironic that the unions want workers to join the unions and pay dues because they are receiving the benefits. However, these are the same people that voted for a president that wants those that pay the dues, taxes, to pay for benefits of those that are not paying the dues, or into the tax system.
I've been a union employee for round 15 years. I know what right to work really means. The pay an the median income in right to' work states is lower i believe by around 8,000 a year. Thats a fact. I've seen workers from down south up here working because they cant get a job at home. A company wont pay a living wage when they can hire mexicans or anyone off the street and pay them 8.00 a hour with no benifits then fire them at will with no just cause. With this right to' work the prevaling wage is gone at all goverment facilities also. As a union member I want a living wage not a working wage. I've seen the craftsmanship of non Union workers in my trade. I would rather pay a little more an have the job done right with quality. Unions gave us 40 hour work week, OT after 40, sick days ,holiday pay, and vacations. These companys gave us none of these they were fought for.

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