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Colorado votes to legalize Marijuana?
TheRealVille Wrote:Voters that don't abide by that book, which btw, is growing more and more all the time. If you are afraid of god's wrath, I'd suggest you find a place to live that goes by the bible as it's rule of law. I know I would, if I were that afraid of his wrath. But, I totally agree with your right to worship whoever you want. I also agree with my right not to.

You want to make suggestions, Really? If I decide to seek you're advice about anything I'll ask outright, LOL.
TheRealThing Wrote:Lemmings.
You want to make suggestions, Really? If I decide to seek you're advice about anything I'll ask outright, LOL.
It's a known fact that your religion is losing numbers by the scores. It's only a matter of time.
^ LOL, Christianity as a whole is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Face it TRV - "our kind" is not going anywhere. I can think of plenty of people in my age category (and no, not just in this area) that were raised on good conservative values and will not give them up just because somebody says they should. The exact same thing was said in 1936 when the democrats had the president position, and a HUGE lead in the house and senate to the point where it looked like the republicans might really be a dying party. That sure lasted long, didn't it? Realistically, the advantage is going to swing back and forth between parties over the years. Your disdain for religion and conservatives shows in that post.
WideRight05 Wrote:^ LOL, Christianity as a whole is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Face it TRV - "our kind" is not going anywhere. I can think of plenty of people in my age category (and no, not just in this area) that were raised on good conservative values and will not give them up just because somebody says they should. The exact same thing was said in 1936 when the democrats had the president position, and a HUGE lead in the house and senate to the point where it looked like the republicans might really be a dying party. That sure lasted long, didn't it? Realistically, the advantage is going to swing back and forth between parties over the years. Your disdain for religion and conservatives shows in that post.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's a known fact that your religion is losing numbers by the scores. It's only a matter of time.

Lemmings. If I wound up being the last one, I'm still not going over the cliff, you go ahead. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:What if someone interjected their opinion that they "didn't care if you wanted to be a drunk/alcoholic, but it was lame? If you want to lay around drunk,and be an alcoholic, that's your business." Even though you say that you don't drive drunk, and don't drink a whole lot. You did exactly that above with the weed smokers. BTW, it being legal or not should have no bearing on whether you think it's ok for someone to smoke in the privacy of their home, if you think you should be allowed to drink.

I haven't smoked in quite awhile, and I never get "stoned" as you say, when I do. Contrary to what people on here, that don't have clure btw, most pot only smokers don't stay high all the time, and don't get stoned when they do smoke. You all have been told this time and again.

This post is going to be based on experience rather that stats:

I know a lot of people who smoke pot. I know a lot of people who drink. And I know a lot of people who do both. Based on what I know I can agree that not everyone smokes to get high. And not everyone who drink gets plastered. But in both cases the state of mind is altered. For those of us who choose to believe the bible we know that there are passages that speak of not entering altered states of consciousness. So there is that. If you don't believe the bible then I guess you don have to worry about that.

But everybody that I know who chooses to smoke usually does so on a daily basis. It's how they get the ability to not get high when they do smoke. And to "level out" as you say. I have smoked a lot of pot. But I can't take one toke now without wigging out.

I don't think it's a good idea to legalize marijuana. But I'm not naive enough to think that people are going to stop smoking. The government can't stop it so they figure they should make some money on it. It's going to go the same way as the legal moonshine business, more expensive for weaker product.

I have seen the long term effects of daily usage. And I can tell u that it does not make u smarter. It might make you momentarily creative. But taking ten minutes to tie a shoe isn't exactly a good trade off.

And since people want the right to smoke in their own homes then what's stopping them from doing coke and heroin in that privacy also?? After all what's good for the goose is good for the gander right?

I think we the people should have rights but I also believe that without laws we will revert to cavemen. Or total anarchists. The problem I have with the far left liberals is that they want total freedom with no responsibility for the consequences.

So far what I have seen is that pot limits motor function and drive to succeed. But if you are going to create art or music the stuff is a miracle worker.

All this is my opinion based on first hand experience. So no number or news reports can change that.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:This post is going to be based on experience rather that stats:

I know a lot of people who smoke pot. I know a lot of people who drink. And I know a lot of people who do both. Based on what I know I can agree that not everyone smokes to get high. And not everyone who drink gets plastered. But in both cases the state of mind is altered. For those of us who choose to believe the bible we know that there are passages that speak of not entering altered states of consciousness. So there is that. If you don't believe the bible then I guess you don have to worry about that.

But everybody that I know who chooses to smoke usually does so on a daily basis. It's how they get the ability to not get high when they do smoke. And to "level out" as you say. I have smoked a lot of pot. But I can't take one toke now without wigging out.

I don't think it's a good idea to legalize marijuana. But I'm not naive enough to think that people are going to stop smoking. The government can't stop it so they figure they should make some money on it. It's going to go the same way as the legal moonshine business, more expensive for weaker product.

I have seen the long term effects of daily usage. And I can tell u that it does not make u smarter. It might make you momentarily creative. But taking ten minutes to tie a shoe isn't exactly a good trade off.

And since people want the right to smoke in their own homes then what's stopping them from doing coke and heroin in that privacy also?? After all what's good for the goose is good for the gander right?

I think we the people should have rights but I also believe that without laws we will revert to cavemen. Or total anarchists. The problem I have with the far left liberals is that they want total freedom with no responsibility for the consequences.

So far what I have seen is that pot limits motor function and drive to succeed. But if you are going to create art or music the stuff is a miracle worker.

All this is my opinion based on first hand experience. So no number or news reports can change that.
Just to address this one point for now, because cocaine and heroin can kill. There is not one single case of a weed overdose, nor is there a single case of weed only smokers getting lung cancer, not one. BTW, weed is falsely scheduled with heroin.
I know the differences in all three of those drugs also. And trust me when I say I wasn't trying to compare the three. Just wanted to throw that out there. I'll wait for u to respond on the rest.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:I know the differences in all three of those drugs also. And trust me when I say I wasn't trying to compare the three. Just wanted to throw that out there. I'll wait for u to respond on the rest.
There's not much left to address, really. Nobody has ever said weed makes you smarter. But, I know for a fact it doesn't make you any dumber. It might slow your reflexes for a bit while you are buzzed, or high, but nothing permanent. Alcohol does the same thing. Alcohol and tobacco kills. Are you willing to make them illegal? As to the daily use part to keep it to where you don't get wasted? Hogwash. I smoke occasionally, and have went years in between, and it all relies on how much you smoke at one sitting.
It reacts to ppl differently I guess. I know I tried it for a long time. But I was a lightweight with the stuff.

So are u saying that there are no long term effects related to smoking??

About the alcohol and tobacco I would actually like to know if there is a difference in homegrown compared to mass produced stuff in the long term. On tobacco anyway. And if they prohibited alcohol tomorrow it probably wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. And I social drink
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:It reacts to ppl differently I guess. I know I tried it for a long time. But I was a lightweight with the stuff.

So are u saying that there are no long term effects related to smoking??

About the alcohol and tobacco I would actually like to know if there is a difference in homegrown compared to mass produced stuff in the long term. On tobacco anyway. And if they prohibited alcohol tomorrow it probably wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. And I social drink
I wasn't.

Not pot. There is not one single case of cancer, or "brown lung" caused by weed only use.

You will get plenty here to agree with your stance, but not anybody that actually really knows what they are talking about.
Disclaimer: ^ The above is not meant to be a slight to you, or anybody that dislikes the pot movement, it's just facts. Most anti-pot people just don't really have a real clue on their view. It mostly, only comes from what they hear, or think they see, from a small sampling of people.
People obviously smoke pot to gain a "high" or why else would anyone spend the money to do it?

There are facts that continued marijuana use can cause neurological deficiencies among other affects. I am currently working on a research paper for a totally different subject but thought I would look up some actual research on the subject....here are the links to the papers...




I included an example of long term effects, the possibility that it causes cancer, and it's addictive nature.

This is actual research and not assumptions.

Now, one can make the same comparison with tobacco and alcohol products. However, as I stated in a earlier post, people do not see cannibas in the same light as tobacco and alcohol. With alcohol these same people would never drink and drive, they would never drink and then go to work, or they would never drink prior to family events. But, they have no problem with lighting up a joint prior to these events and studies have shown that some impairments caused by being high mimic those of being drunk.
It might not have li g term affects right now according to whoever studies this. Like I said though I haven't read on any studies. But it's usually pure type that they smoke now. After it starts getting mass produced what are the chances of getting something that hasn't been tampered with. Unless u buy it illegally.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
All this is assuming that it gets completely legalized and with Super Bowl commercials. Lol
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
judgementday Wrote:People obviously smoke pot to gain a "high" or why else would anyone spend the money to do it?

There are facts that continued marijuana use can cause neurological deficiencies among other affects. I am currently working on a research paper for a totally different subject but thought I would look up some actual research on the subject....here are the links to the papers...




I included an example of long term effects, the possibility that it causes cancer, and it's addictive nature.

This is actual research and not assumptions.

Now, one can make the same comparison with tobacco and alcohol products. However, as I stated in a earlier post, people do not see cannibas in the same light as tobacco and alcohol. With alcohol these same people would never drink and drive, they would never drink and then go to work, or they would never drink prior to family events. But, they have no problem with lighting up a joint prior to these events and studies have shown that some impairments caused by being high mimic those of being drunk.
No, it's not. You can find many crackpot links on the net, all from people that don't want pot legal, or have some kind of moral issue with it. The biggest percentage made from people that don't have a clue. No disrespect, but they are people like you, that don't know. There isn't a case of cancer ruled that weed is the cause. I can tell you for fact it's not addictive. I don't need research for that. There is plenty of research that says it's not addictive. The proof lies in the withdrawal symptoms. There are none. Tell us about all the addictive and health effects of alcohol, and tobacco. They also drink alcohol to gain a high.

2nd bold: BS.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, it's not. You can find many crackpot links on the net, all from people that don't want pot legal, or have some kind of moral issue with it. The biggest percentage made from people that don't have a clue. No disrespect, but they are people like you, that don't know. There isn't a case of cancer ruled that weed is the cause.I can tell you for fact it's not addictive. I don't need research for that. There is plenty of research that says it's not addictive. The proof lies in the withdrawal symptoms. There are none. Tell us about all the addictive and health effects of alcohol, and tobacco. They also drink alcohol to gain a high.

2nd bold: BS.

:thatsfunn Research also shows that the biggest sign of an addiction is denial.
There is a reason there are a lot of people in treatment for pot. It is still illegal, although non addictive, and mostly harmless, and because it is illegal, some people opt for treatment over jail when they get caught with it. I wish anybody that truly wants to know about pot, and it's effects would watch the film, The union: The business behind getting high. The full version is in this thread, or can be found in Netflix. It dispels a bunch of myths, if you truly want to know the truth.
WideRight05 Wrote::thatsfunn Research also shows that the biggest sign of an addiction is denial.
I have smoked on and off for years, mostly off, with years in between smoking. No withdrawals, or cravings, whatsoever.

If you can't offer an opinion, without acting like a 6 year old, why even bother to post? Discussions go good, and civil, until some of the usual suspects show up.
TheRealVille Wrote:I have smoked on and off for years, mostly off, with years in between smoking. No withdrawals, or cravings, whatsoever.

If you can't offer an opinion, without acting like a 6 year old, why even bother to post? Discussions go good, and civil, until some of the usual suspects show up.

:lmao: Then you should take some of your own advice!

I find it odd that a lot of the opponents of pot have no problem with, and a lot use, all types of alcohol to get high. Alcohol is already proven to be more destructive on the body, and all the way around, than pot.
I was simply posting published research that stated the negative effects of pot as it was stated that there wasn't any. These may be links, but they are to actual research papers that have been published. Just as there are research papers that state the medical benefits of pot. If it is stated that these are not worthy, than research papers that support the positives of pot should be deemed not worthy as well.

Take a poll of 100 people (who support legalizing marijuana).....ask them two questions....(1) would you drink and drive....(2) would you drive after/during smoking a joint.....I guarantee you that for #1 99.9% would say NO and for #2 99.9% would say YES because they think and have been told that it doesn't have any negative effects when research shows differently. Thus leading to my concerns that you will never know whether Tom, Dick, or Harry is high when driving a school bus, fixing my pizza, or simply driving to work.
judgementday Wrote:I was simply posting published research that stated the negative effects of pot as it was stated that there wasn't any. These may be links, but they are to actual research papers that have been published. Just as there are research papers that state the medical benefits of pot. If it is stated that these are not worthy, than research papers that support the positives of pot should be deemed not worthy as well.

Take a poll of 100 people (who support legalizing marijuana).....ask them two questions....(1) would you drink and drive....(2) would you drive after/during smoking a joint.....I guarantee you that for #1 99.9% would say NO and for #2 99.9% would say YES because they think and have been told that it doesn't have any negative effects when research shows differently. Thus leading to my concerns that you will never know whether Tom, Dick, or Harry is high when driving a school bus, fixing my pizza, or simply driving to work.
If they would drive drunk, they would drive high. Most that wouldn't drive drunk, won't drive high. You will always have a few bad eggs out there, but the rule of thumb stands. Your figure would be way off. You should know you can't guess at facts. The uninformed are the reason that all these so called "facts" are floating around out there.
TheRealVille Wrote:If they would drive drunk, they would drive high. Most that wouldn't drive drunk, won't drive high. You will always have a few bad eggs out there, but the rule of thumb stands. Your figure would be way off. You should know you can't guess at facts. The uninformed are the reason that all these so called "facts" are floating around out there.

You're absolutely right TRV! And you are a perfect example of the uninformed! :lmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:...

By far your most intelligent post ever! :Thumbs:
WideRight05 Wrote:You're absolutely right TRV! And you are a perfect example of the uninformed! :lmao:
If you are talking pot, I'd say I'm one of the most informed on this board.
Bottom line, it's fine by me if it stays illegal. I can still get it in 15 minutes, if I want it. 50 million people will continue to smoke it, drug dealers will still peddle it to whatever age wants it, and pharmacies and doctors will still love the business they get from the legal addicts. Plus, all the money will go to the dealers, and none to the government.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are talking pot, I'd say I'm one of the most informed on this board.

One of the symptoms common to pot smokers is delusions of grandeur. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Bottom line, it's fine by me if it stays illegal. I can still get it in 15 minutes, if I want it. 50 million people will continue to smoke it, drug dealers will still peddle it to whatever age wants it, and pharmacies and doctors will still love the business they get from the legal addicts. Plus, all the money will go to the dealers, and none to the government.

Do u think any of this will change if it gets legalized? Other than the government making money off of it?
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

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