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Belfry vs. Central (3A State Championship) 11/30
Amped 88 is just a sore loser, and one of those guys who thinks if Central wins he may be able to claim Bell Co. as the 2nd best team in 3A.

But ya know what? We Pirates kinda have that Ricky Bobby mentality, if ya ain't first, you're last.

By the way, where is that crazy Bojangles? It's about time he get on here and support his sons teammates.
Does belfry have a radio station that you can listen to online? if so some one post the link or pm it to me... because ihigh.com are only going to show the replays of the game this year is how i understand there website..
I wouldn't say Belfry is better than Bell County. I pick Belfry to win State Championship. I'm a Whitley County fan Smile
Crossbones Wrote:So, You are saying Bell is that much better than Belfry?Confusedhh:

Didn't say that either would have loved to play you guys to see who is better. I am just saying that you all haven't played anybody like Central this season. I hope you guys win just don't see it happening.
Amped 88 Wrote:Didn't say that either would have loved to play you guys to see who is better. I am just saying that you all haven't played anybody like Central this season. I hope you guys win just don't see it happening.

I understand what you are saying, in a way anyway. But, you did say Belfry wouldn't even be in it after second half. That's what I was trying to understand. Because Bell was definately in it after 2nd half of their game with Central. I too would like to see a Belfry/Bell game. I'm sure it would be a good one.

I'll rephrase that..You said, "lucky to be in game second half"
Pirate1991#8 Wrote:and dont think for a second that we aint loaded either.....we aint Wayne,Bell nor Monroe.....you know as well as I do if you get down on us we are gonna beat ya down and smack ya in the mouth....so I hope you are at full strength...Cause this is gonna be the best game in the finals once again....
You must be a player , sounds like a kid statement seeing what the history of the series shows , ima out !
Belfry0304 Wrote:A 1500 yard rusher got beat out week 14? Wow... Certainly makes it tough for Belfry to know who to game plan for!
PaytoPlay Wrote:BTW Coachdad,

That explanation about Cox isn't believable man. Just saying.
The sophomore came in and got 149 yards on 18 carries !!!!!
Amped 88 Wrote:Didn't never say that I wasn't supporting Belfry just stating what I think will happen Sorry if it offends you.
Coachdad Wrote:The sophomore came in and got 149 yards on 18 carries !!!!!

Understand that, our sophomore fullback has done that the last two weeks BUT he only got his shot when injuries changed things. Cox is a 1500 yard rusher, just kinda strange for him to get beat out now? Not calling you a liar or anything, just saying.
TongueirateSho Arrogant much?TongueirateSho It doesn't become you, sunshine! Central does have an awesome team...REPRESENT for once with a little class..I have read your post for years and while accurate on most accounts, your display of arrogance is really not necessary. Whether you are a coach or a dad, you should be representing those young men with more class and not intigating...:Shaking:
Coachdad Wrote::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
You know what...Friday evening the pads will do the talking...We Are BELFRY!!!
Coachdad Wrote:The sophomore came in and got 149 yards on 18 carries !!!!!
Sorry 23 carries only 138 yards.
Coachdad Wrote:You must be a player , sounds like a kid statement seeing what the history of the series shows , ima out !

Nope I'm a full grown man...if you knew anything about football you would now that the last two games mean nothing that's why they call it HISTORY....BELFRY will win this game....
blazinky Wrote:TongueirateSho Arrogant much?TongueirateSho It doesn't become you, sunshine! Central does have an awesome team...REPRESENT for once with a little class..I have read your post for years and while accurate on most accounts, your display of arrogance is really not necessary. Whether you are a coach or a dad, you should be representing those young men with more class and not intigating...:Shaking:
So you mean to tell me you "been reading my posts for years" then why are you a waterboy with 18 posts ? Not being cocky , just curious , why "just now" saying something after reading all this time ?
QUOTE=Pirate1991#8;1550472]Nope I'm a full grown man...if you knew anything about football you would now that the last two games mean nothing that's why they call it HISTORY....BELFRY will win this game....[/QUOTE]
Uh umm that would be 3 games, sorry Confusednicker:
I'm just playing y'all , don't pay me any attention.Confusednicker:
Coachdad Wrote:QUOTE=Pirate1991#8;1550472]Nope I'm a full grown man...if you knew anything about football you would now that the last two games mean nothing that's why they call it HISTORY....BELFRY will win this game....
Uh umm that would be 3 games, sorry Confusednicker:
I'm just playing y'all , don't pay me any attention.Confusednicker:[/QUOTE]
But I'm serious it's 3.
blazinky Wrote:This has been so true during the playoffs, but like Lunatic said...This Belfry Band of Brothers just dont quit...They continue to pound and press on the entire 4 quarters....I do believe that the team that gets the first numbers on the board will be the the team that pulls it out....It will be a battle to say the least! Like I stated before..There is an UGLY history and there is UNFINISHED business on these young mens' minds...They are on a mission and I have never seen them so happy as when they found out that Central pulled it out last week and won! They wanted to meet them again! They let it slip through their hands last yr and I just don't see it happening again! Once the playoffs began, this was their destiny! The ANGRY RED D is one of the BEST Defenses in the state of KY right now! If Central puts that ball in the air, they chance losing it because we have had more interceptions and turn overs do to this DEFENSES' uncanny ability to be where they need to be! They make things happen! I ADORE these young men and love watching them play! They don't let speculation and doubt cloud their thinking! They get the job done! As for the O-line...(one of the least appreciated groups out there) They will fix their splits and Mr. Warren will be protected! Is it Friday? Let the games begin!

Central 28
Belfry 14

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blazinky (Today), Coachdad (Today)
just wondering blazin if u think Belfry wins,sinced u liked that score?
Coachdad Wrote:So you mean to tell me you "been reading my posts for years" then why are you a waterboy with 18 posts ? Not being cocky , just curious , why "just now" saying something after reading all this time ?
Changed names...Had issues with my other account...However, we have had several discussions on here before and it is usually around this time of year...YOu have an awesome team...No need for the arrogance...They are a much respected team throughout the Bluegrass..Wink
blazinky Wrote:Changed names...Had issues with my other account...However, we have had several discussions on here before and it is usually around this time of year...YOu have an awesome team...No need for the arrogance...They are a much respected team throughout the Bluegrass..Wink

BTW...I knew that you would catch that...lol
Amped 88 Wrote:Belfry will be lucky to be in the game the second half. This one could end up like 2010 before all said and done.

what they said last yr to,and we see it took a gr8 catch in the end zone to win..
cuppett777 Wrote:Central 28
Belfry 14

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blazinky (Today), Coachdad (Today)
just wondering blazin if u think Belfry wins,sinced u liked that score?
Thanks Cuppett...It was the post after this post that I liked...Slip of the fingers...Confusedhh:Much appreciated! No way that I think that is happening this year! Will be worth your trip!TongueirateSho
Threesons Wrote:boys dont forget bout 54 he is
a beast and the leader of the o-line most yardage has came off his side
thats a load of bull, this o-line is a well oiled machiene right now, i cant believe you would post that, its a bunch of crap
all this uncertainy who is playing were will it be the starting qb or the backup who has won twow games or which halfback tat sure does make it more difficult to game plan
I'm going to be broadcasting this game. Could a knowledgeable fan of each team post an honest report on the team he/she follows, i.e. talk about the offensive and defensive sets his/her team runs; key players and key subs on each side of the ball; any particular and interesting info I won't be able to find in the KHSAA stats but would be of interest to the folks listening to the broadcast. If you have a link to a game film on the net, please post it. Many thanks as I want to do the best job possible out of respect to the kids playing and the listeners. Thx.
Central by 16
charlie22 Wrote:I'm going to be broadcasting this game. Could a knowledgeable fan of each team post an honest report on the team he/she follows, i.e. talk about the offensive and defensive sets his/her team runs; key players and key subs on each side of the ball; any particular and interesting info I won't be able to find in the KHSAA stats but would be of interest to the folks listening to the broadcast. If you have a link to a game film on the net, please post it. Many thanks as I want to do the best job possible out of respect to the kids playing and the listeners. Thx.

Have received a very good report from a knowledgeable Belfry fan. Would like to get one on Central. Coachdad, you up for that? You can PM it to me if you wish. Just want to do the best job I can and inside knowledge will help me considerably. Promise not to share it with anyone. If you are concerned, I'm not a "fan" of either program, but respect both of them a lot. I'm a Highlands fan as my prior posts indicate. Former Board of Control member that was asked to do the radio broadcasts. Did it last year also and called the 3A game. Thx.
Belfry returns a lot of the defense from last year. They are all pieces of the Defense that held Central's top rusher to 59 yards in the game. They also go to see a bit of Cox (who I am sure has improved since) and held him to 8 yards on 9 carries. Central's rushing assault couldn't get much going last year. The real offensive star of the game was Taj Miliken 8/12 Passing for ~ 150 yards and 2 td's and another 30 on the ground.

I think the Pirates will take take backs away early. Whether it be Cox or someone else doesn't matter. Central's offense will live or die by the QB in this one. Belfry has faced one of the best QB's in 3A in Richard Trent and shut him down after the first quarter. I think if Central starts Gibbs the Pirates have to contain him. If it's Tedford I like our chances of rattling the youngster as his stats over the last two games don't look all that hot.

The Pirate D will be well prepared for everything Central has. The game is going to be won or lost by Belfry's offense or Central's defense. What will make this year different from last year for Belfry:
. The Pirate O-line is bigger, stronger and more experienced than they where last year.
. Sani Warren is the real deal. He can run, handle the option and throw the ball better than past Belfry QB's. He's also a pretty solid DB.

Central's D is always fast and dangerous. They were the reason for the outcome in '07. They were they key to the butt whoppin' that Belfry got in '10. They where the reason Central won last years classic. The last int on Williams got the young man rattled I believe and it showed in the last drive when they got penetration and Williams lost his composure. ( I think Sani can handle the pressure). The Central D is always ready to play, it's the one consistent thing they always bring to the table.

So how does all this play out? In my opinion there are two possible outcomes. The Central D is far and above better than anticipated and force a lot of turnovers and we get an outcome much like 2010 or the Pirates play flawless football and control the ball well and make it a close game.

For the Pirates to win they need to sustain long drives, reduce the dumb penalties, establish the FB early to open in the play action and the option and NOT turn the ball over. It really is going to have to be mistake free football on offense. They also need to play the best special teams of their lives.
Special teams will be critical. It sounds as though Monroe County's downfall was punting and a short field. Filed position in this game will be paramount, and those missed XP's Belfry have had this year could be the difference in a win or a loss.
Question for Central fans:

Is the center/QB exchange and false start issues a problem or is the PRP game and the field conditions more an anomaly than the norm? I also noticed a ton of penalties on both sides of the ball for Central.
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