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Colorado votes to legalize Marijuana?
On a good note, Willie Nelson will be 80 years old tomorrow. And, there is a new UofM study out that says Marijuana use doesn't increase the risk for cancer. Dispelling government propaganda, one thing at a time.
Here is a good documentary to dispel some of the idiot myths, and government propaganda.

TheRealVille Wrote:As a matter of fact, no it wasn't. It was a brand new selenium water treatment plant, that they wanted online quick. The big "time" job I can go to after Thanksgiving is another brand new project in the Wheeling WV. area. The Chicago job that I have tossed around in my head is new work in a refinery. Both of those jobs are working 7/10's. The California job, that I would love to get on, but probably can't, is paying 55-60 dollars an hour, per diem, and working 6 days one week, 7 the next, brand new work. Anything else?

Yeah, if you get to California you will be suddenly awash in kindred spirits. Being rich and all, you might want to consider making the move permanent. Seriously, it is more than beautiful out there and a motor cyclist's dream come true.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ In your attempt to try to make it look liked I was lying about what I work, TRT, you got your :flame::moon: burnt. Not everybody works those 40 hour school/hospital jobs. And, not all big overtime jobs are shutdowns. I know you knew that, you were just trying to be a smart alec, and it backfired.

Listen, on your best day on here, that too is a matter of record by the way, you barely managed to pull up beside me.
TheRealVille Wrote:On a good note, Willie Nelson will be 80 years old tomorrow. And, there is a new UofM study out that says Marijuana use doesn't increase the risk for cancer. Dispelling government propaganda, one thing at a time.

:igiveup: You, an Obama supporter have the nerve to bring up government propaganda?
LWC Wrote:That sounds all fine and good, and I am just as big of a fan of personal liberty as the next person, when it is sensible. However, marijuana, alcohol, and other mind-altering substances have the power to affect/effect more than just the individual that uses them.

I always hear than marijuana has no real side effects that are dangerous. Let us clear that out of the way now. From WebMD:

I really do not want people that are paranoid, anxious, depressed and having slow reaction time driving down the road!

Also, if I allow you to smoke it, who is to say that you wont give it to my kids, or if you give it to someone and then they give it to kids.

I have no political problem with what you do at home with someone, what you watch at home, etc... however, when the actions you take LEAVE the home, it becomes a bigger problem.

I would have no problem with a legalization of weed/pot as long as their was a law that stated a person MUST stay in their home as long as it is in their system, however that is not sensible or realistic.

Obviously, I know people that smoke weed and often times they smoke it at home, lay around on the couch, eat cheetos and do stupid stuff. Nothing more and nothing less. However, everyone's body/mind is different.
If you want a good education on the real facts about marijuana, watch the video I posted in post #92. All facts, without all the lying BS.
TheRealVille Wrote:34/hr. You forget 1 1/2 time, and double time, per diem. It is very easy to make that. 6 days/2380wk(61k+ perdiem), 7 days/3060wk(79560). I didn't work all 7 days all the time. Very easy, and still home at 6:45 every evening. You get the gist.
Congratulations on your raise. Apparently, you were making $3/hour less a week ago.

TheRealVille Wrote:^ I did mis count the months, though. March- September is 7 months, my bad.

TheRealVille Wrote:I know what union construction workers make, and what non union construction workers make. That's all I need to know. I make about a third more than they do. I make 31 dollars an hour, they make about 20-22, for the same job, with a lot less retirement package. You can't give me advice on the differences in the two. For 23 years, I have made about a third more, so it isn't changing with the times. Has our economy been sick for 23 years?

TheRealVille Wrote:I do have a good work ethic when I'm on the job, but I also like to have some time off. If I can afford it, what is it to you? Do you think everybody has to work 50 weeks a year, like you, to be productive citizens? You see, you are typical, you expect everybody to work until they die. That's the good thing about my trade, I pretty much get to pick how much I make a year, and during whatever months I choose. Feel free to work until they cart you off of the field, that's your business. Give us a figure on how much someone should make a year, to be productive citizens? You work your 40 hour weeks, I'll work my 6-7(10's, or sometimes 12's,75-90 straight time hours) days a week, and take off a couple of months. In other words, you mind your business, I'll mind mine.
I could not care less how big your paycheck is or how much money you have "invested." Nobody would know the first thing about your finances if you did not brag about your money so often. If you are going to toot your own horn, the least you could do is get your own facts straight. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Congratulations on your raise. Apparently, you were making $3/hour less a week ago.

I could not care less how big your paycheck is or how much money you have "invested." Nobody would know the first thing about your finances if you did not brag about your money so often. If you are going to toot your own horn, the least you could do is get your own facts straight. :biggrin:
It's a general, average amount. My money ranges anywhere from 29 to 35, while working my jurisdiction. If I go to Wheeling, it will be 33, plus 50 a day for expenses. If I go to Chicago, it will be 44/ hr. If I happen to go to Cali, it will be 55-60. My pay ranges at various places, at different times. I'm not bound to your solid pay rate. Actually, looking at my check stub for this year, it is 33.92/hr, if you need exacts. Half of the time I was there, I was foreman, and it went 2.50/hr over the 33.92 regular rate. So I'm in there somewhere.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's a general, average amount. My money ranges anywhere from 29 to 35, while working my jurisdiction. If I go to Wheeling, it will be 33, plus 50 a day for expenses. If I go to Chicago, it will be 44/ hr. If I happen to go to Cali, it will be 55-60. My pay ranges at various places, at different times. I'm not bound to your solid pay rate. Actually, looking at my check stub for this year, it is 33.92/hr, if you need exacts. Half of the time I was there, I was foreman, and it went 2.50/hr over the 33.92 regular rate. So I'm in there somewhere.
You are answering questions that have not been asked. Like I said above, I really could not care less how much or how little you get paid.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are answering questions that have not been asked. Like I said above, I really could not care less how much or how little you get paid.
You were talking about how I missed 3 dollars an hour. I stated that it was a general amount, and that my pay varies widely, depending on what I'm doing, or where I'm at, at a given time. If you didn't want to hear the answer, you shouldn't have posted the post. And, you were the one that accused me of not being a productive, tax paying worker just because I don't work all the weeks you do. I work as much, or more, than you, just in a compressed, more hours/wk timeframe.
TheRealVille Wrote:You were talking about how I missed 3 dollars an hour. I stated that it was a general amount, and that my pay varies widely, depending on what I'm doing, or where I'm at, at a given time. If you didn't want to hear the answer, you shouldn't have posted the post. And, you were the one that accused me of not being a productive, tax paying worker just because I don't work all the weeks you do. I work as much, or more, than you, just in a compressed, more hours/wk timeframe.
No, you do not work as much, or more than I do in six or seven months a year but I am tired of doing the math for you. If it makes you happy to imagine that I work 40 hour weeks for half the money that you earn, then you just keep believing what you want.
Bob Seger Wrote:See what I mean Vundy. You are not capable of having a normal discussion with anybody. Isn't it ironic that the resident HOT HEAD is the one that gives everybody else advice on how to speak on this forum. You're a fine one to be a moderator.

Is LWC not allowed to have an opinion here without getting one of your patented profanity laced tirades for absolutely no reason at all?

Profanity laced? Damn is a profanity to you? I can show you some profanity if you like. I have my reasons for being a "hot head", and you know them.
Why are we arguing about TRV's job?

Anyway, I smoke. Change your view of me? Only from time to time, but I do. Sometimes it's to chill, as was recommended by my therapist for my so-called PTSD. It's sure as hell better than being on 4 different meds like Prozac, Ambien, ect when I'm obviously not crazy. Sometimes I'll go to a party and get shitfaced on alcohol (although not often, since I really don't drink much than one brand of great beer and my Maker's), sometimes on pot. I don't drive afterwards and by morning I'm fine with marijuana, with alcohol, not so much...and sometimes still not able to drive safely.

This is a good thing. You will all see how it works out in WA and CO.
vundy33 Wrote:Profanity laced? Damn is a profanity to you? I can show you some profanity if you like. I have my reasons for being a "hot head", and you know them.

Oh , we can go to just about any off your posts and find them. and you always direct them at someone. It's like I said Vundy, you dont a clue as to know how to have a normal conversation with anyone. Evidently, you are just not capable.. If you want to get on here and cuss everyone else out with just about every post , knock yourself out. Just dont get on here and even attempt to tell anyone else what they should or should not be doing. ....According to what I read, you are to uphold the same standards as everyone else on here. If you cant, you have no business being a moderator, and should just stay off of here until you can get yourself straightened up......... If you have mental issues, get help.......... It's like this Vundy, you're not going to go off on one of your tirades and start in on me and not get it back. I aint puttin up with your crap, and you know I wont..
vundy33 Wrote:Why are we arguing about TRV's job?

Anyway, I smoke. Change your view of me? Only from time to time, but I do. Sometimes it's to chill, as was recommended by my therapist for my so-called PTSD. It's sure as hell better than being on 4 different meds like Prozac, Ambien, ect when I'm obviously not crazy. Sometimes I'll go to a party and get shitfaced on alcohol (although not often, since I really don't drink much than one brand of great beer and my Maker's), sometimes on pot. I don't drive afterwards and by morning I'm fine with marijuana, with alcohol, not so much...and sometimes still not able to drive safely.

This is a good thing. You will all see how it works out in WA and CO.
Because Hoot think's he so much smarter than everyone else, and can't pass up an opportunity to try to show that I'm either lying, or can't do math and know what I make. I've tried a couple of times to get it back to the topic, but Hoot and TRT can't let it go there.
TheRealVille Wrote:Because Hoot think's he so much smarter than everyone else, and can't pass up an opportunity to try to show that I'm either lying, or can't do math and know what I make. I've tried a couple of times to get it back to the topic, but Hoot and TRT can't let it go there.

You really think I want to come on here and hear about your finances all the time? I slugged it out in the work a day world too, and I did it in the typically hostile waters of a bunch of guys who wanted to rise in the ranks that were less than flattering when my back was turned, and don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.

So, let's get back to it. This idea that you and others keep coming with that people should be allowed to do what they want to do. If that includes drug abuse then that should be legalized, and taxed. We already know it will be impossible to regulate. It's basically the same argument the left makes with regard to abortion rights. People want to be allowed to do what they know is wrong without paying the price for their actions. Murder is wrong, but we simply repackage it under a racey new nomenclature and send it back out there with the backing of liberal activist legislators and judges who, after 230 or so years, suddenly decide it's legal. Drug abuse is a national shame, but the users would have us believe it is the magic elixer of our time and that the 'man' is trying to hold everybody back. It's wrong, but there will always be the rationalizers out threre making ever more convincing arguments that is actually right.
vundy33 Wrote:Why are we arguing about TRV's job?

Anyway, I smoke. Change your view of me? Only from time to time, but I do. Sometimes it's to chill, as was recommended by my therapist for my so-called PTSD. It's sure as hell better than being on 4 different meds like Prozac, Ambien, ect when I'm obviously not crazy. Sometimes I'll go to a party and get shitfaced on alcohol (although not often, since I really don't drink much than one brand of great beer and my Maker's), sometimes on pot. I don't drive afterwards and by morning I'm fine with marijuana, with alcohol, not so much...and sometimes still not able to drive safely.

This is a good thing. You will all see how it works out in WA and CO.
Because TRV was bragging about how much money he makes again and how much more money that he earns off of his investments. It is something insecure people tend to do...a lot. Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:You really think I want to come on here and hear about your finances all the time? I slugged it out in the work a day world too, and I did it in the typically hostile waters of a bunch of guys who wanted to rise in the ranks that were less than flattering when my back was turned, and don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.

So, let's get back to it. This idea that you and others keep coming with that people should be allowed to do what they want to do. If that includes drug abuse then that should be legalized, and taxed. We already know it will be impossible to regulate. It's basically the same argument the left makes with regard to abortion rights. People want to be allowed to do what they know is wrong without paying the price for their actions. Murder is wrong, but we simply repackage it under a racey new nomenclature and send it back out there with the backing of liberal activist legislators and judges who, after 230 or so years, suddenly decide it's legal. Drug abuse is a national shame, but the users would have us believe it is the magic elixer of our time and that the 'man' is trying to hold everybody back. It's wrong, but there will always be the rationalizers out threre making ever more convincing arguments that is actually right.

But, the "moral right" have no right to make decisions for others. It's above your pay grade. If I, or others want to smoke grass, it's none of your business.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Because TRV was bragging about how much money he makes again and how much more money that he earns off of his investments. It is something insecure people tend to do...a lot. Confusednicker:
Quit insinuating I don't work, and that all the rest of you year round workers are so much better tax paying citizens with such a better work ethic, and nothing get's said. You never miss an opportunity to try to get a rise out of people. And, if you don't want to read my posts, it's easy to fix, put me on ignore.
TheRealThing Wrote:You really think I want to come on here and hear about your finances all the time? I slugged it out in the work a day world too, and I did it in the typically hostile waters of a bunch of guys who wanted to rise in the ranks that were less than flattering when my back was turned, and don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.

So, let's get back to it. This idea that you and others keep coming with that people should be allowed to do what they want to do. If that includes drug abuse then that should be legalized, and taxed. We already know it will be impossible to regulate. It's basically the same argument the left makes with regard to abortion rights. People want to be allowed to do what they know is wrong without paying the price for their actions. Murder is wrong, but we simply repackage it under a racey new nomenclature and send it back out there with the backing of liberal activist legislators and judges who, after 230 or so years, suddenly decide it's legal. Drug abuse is a national shame, but the users would have us believe it is the magic elixer of our time and that the 'man' is trying to hold everybody back. It's wrong, but there will always be the rationalizers out threre making ever more convincing arguments that is actually right.
While we disagree philosophically on whether drug use by adults in their own home should be legal or not, I find the proposed legalization of drugs and the so-called "right to choose" wildly at odds with liberals' desire to regulate minute details of our lives in so many more innocuous ways. These self-professed champions of individual rights see no problem telling people that they must purchase healthcare insurance, they must wear seat belts, they must pay for cell phones and a host of other luxuries for the alleged poor American citizens and even illegal aliens, they must only smoke tobacco outside in designated areas (in some cases on their own property), they must obtain government permits for often minor enhancements to their own homes, they must fly flags only of a designated size in designated areas, they must eat only federally approved food, they must take only FDA-approved medicines (even if they are terminally ill), etc., etc., etc....

The irony that so many liberals feel kinship to libertarians, merely because libertarians also believe that adults should be free to ingest or inhale whatever they want is lost on liberals who get off on regulating every facet of our daily lives, except in a very few areas. In those areas, such as the recreational use of drugs, liberals demand the freedom to behave irresponsibly. But they will be the first to demand that everybody else pay for their rehab when they cannot handle the responsibility that comes with such freedom.
TheRealVille Wrote:Quit insinuating I don't work, and that all the rest of you year round workers are so much better tax paying citizens with such a better work ethic, and nothing get's said. You never miss an opportunity to try to get a rise out of people. And, if you don't want to read my posts, it's easy to fix, put me on ignore.
I will read what I want and I will comment on whatever posts that I want. I don't measure a man's worth on the size of his paycheck or his portfolio. Your boasting just makes you look small.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I will read what I want and I will comment on whatever posts that I want. I don't measure a man's worth on the size of his paycheck or his portfolio. Your boasting just makes you look small.
Quit bringing it up that I don't work and pay taxes, and are unproductive, then. Leave my work, work ethic, money, and tax paying out of all your posts, and all will be cool. But, you will notice I said "if" you don't want to read my posts, right?
TheRealVille Wrote:Quit bringing it up that I don't work and pay taxes then. Leave my work, work ethic, money, and tax paying out of all your posts, and all will be cool.
Quit lying. I never said that you don't work and I never said that you don't pay taxes. It makes no difference to me if you make 100 times my salary of half of it - but you seem to be obsessed with it. Stop bringing up the subject and stick to Politics and Current Events and then all will be cool.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I will read what I want and I will comment on whatever posts that I want. I don't measure a man's worth on the size of his paycheck or his portfolio. Your boasting just makes you look small.
How does your being condescending to everybody that doesn't agree with you, and you thinking you have to be right about everything make you look?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Quit lying. I never said that you don't work and I never said that you don't pay taxes. It makes no difference to me if you make 100 times my salary of half of it - but you seem to be obsessed with it. Stop bringing up the subject and stick to Politics and Current Events and then all will be cool.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, you told us all about what an incredible work ethic you have in another thread. Yet, there you are, taking it easy while most of us are full time productive citizens, working and paying taxes.
TheRealVille Wrote:How does your being condescending to everybody that doesn't agree with you, and you thinking you have to be right about everything make you look?
You only think that I believe that I have to be right about everything because you are wrong so often. All of us get our facts wrong from time to time, but most of us are capable of admitting a mistake without lashing out personally at somebody else over our own mistakes.

As for being condescending to "everybody," that is simply not true. I see most people who participate on this forum as my equal or better. For you and vector, I make exceptions - not because we disagree politically, but because you are intolerant of other people's religious and political beliefs and too immature to admit when you make factual mistakes.

If you want to say that I have a condescending attitude toward you and vector, then I would absolutely agree with you. That won't change until you change. Condescending also describes your attitude toward me, which may account for your attempts to convince everybody that you make more money than I do. Do you really thing anybody cares? I certainly don't.
TheRealVille Wrote:Really?
I never said that you did not work or that you did not pay taxes - I just repeated your description of yourself. You know, the one where you say that you make so much money that you only need to work 6 months a year to make more money than I do. Confusednicker:

And what set you off? My comment that some of us have to get up early and go to work tomorrow - not an uncommon thing to say when one says good night. Most people do not respond with a financial statement. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:While we disagree philosophically on whether drug use by adults in their own home should be legal or not, I find the proposed legalization of drugs and the so-called "right to choose" wildly at odds with liberals' desire to regulate minute details of our lives in so many more innocuous ways. These self-professed champions of individual rights see no problem telling people that they must purchase healthcare insurance, they must wear seat belts, they must pay for cell phones and a host of other luxuries for the alleged poor American citizens and even illegal aliens, they must only smoke tobacco outside in designated areas (in some cases on their own property), they must obtain government permits for often minor enhancements to their own homes, they must fly flags only of a designated size in designated areas, they must eat only federally approved food, they must take only FDA-approved medicines (even if they are terminally ill), etc., etc., etc....

The irony that so many liberals feel kinship to libertarians, merely because libertarians also believe that adults should be free to ingest or inhale whatever they want is lost on liberals who get off on regulating every facet of our daily lives, except in a very few areas. In those areas, such as the recreational use of drugs, liberals demand the freedom to behave irresponsibly. But they will be the first to demand that everybody else pay for their rehab when they cannot handle the responsibility that comes with such freedom.

I'm all in with you on this one. Great post.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I never said that you did not work or that you did not pay taxes - I just repeated your description of yourself. You know, the one where you say that you make so much money that you only need to work 6 months a year to make more money than I do. Confusednicker:

And what set you off? My comment that some of us have to get up early and go to work tomorrow - not an uncommon thing to say when one says good night. Most people do not respond with a financial statement. :biglmao:
Really? Read it again, then. If you think people are too damn stupid to figure out what you were saying in the quote, you don't give anybody on the thread credit.

" Yes, you told us all about what an incredible work ethic you have in another thread,Yet, there you are, taking it easy while most of us are full time productive citizens, working and paying taxes."
TheRealVille Wrote:Really? Read it again, then. If you think people are too damn stupid to figure out what you were saying in the quote, you don't give anybody on the thread credit.

" Yes, you told us all about what an incredible work ethic you have in another thread,Yet, there you are, taking it easy while most of us are full time productive citizens, working and paying taxes."
What part of what I said is not true? Not all of are lucky enough to have such high paying jobs that we can just kick back and take it easy for 6 months (or 5 months, but who's counting?) each year. I think that this is yet another one of those posts where you take yourself way too seriously and will later tell people that you were just "messing around with Hoot" to explain your irrational posts.

Sorry to cut this debate short, RV, but I have some things to do around home this afternoon. You may continue with your rant, and I will catch up later.
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