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For Hazard, Somerset, and Harlan County fans...
Excuse me Stardust, but, everyone knows who I am for. Go Mountain Teams!
Harlan County 34 Cooper 14Confusednicker:
JagSwag Wrote:Excuse me Stardust, but, everyone knows who I am for. Go Mountain Teams!

Do NOT allow Stardust to bully you!!

If I had a CLUE as to how to do graphics, he'd be digging out right about now!!!
I don't really consider Somerset a mountain team.
Good luck to Belfry, Hazard, Harlan Co., and Somerset.
Granny Bear Wrote:RoShamBo!!! How are our boys doing???

Getting better day by day GB, thanks for asking! I'm sure a state title would be some excellent medicine though!
I'm sure it would, too!!
Good luck RoShamBo; hope they bring it all home!!!
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Good luck to Belfry, Hazard, Harlan Co., and Somerset.

So are you going to attend any of these games Blackcat Fan??
Go Brokeback Mountain Football! Confusednicker:

Is somerset really in the mountains?
Why do YOU care???
I am from Mayfield lived in central Ky for a large part of my adult life. I used to own Kentucky Moutain Saddle horses and went to a ton of horse shows in Prestonsburg. My sales territory had me in Sommerset and Pikeville. I love the mountain areas blood and loyalty matters i used to sale restaraunt supplies and i had my prices undercut by a competitor once in at a rest in the mountains i used to call on. In just about any other community in the state i would have lost the business the owner decided to stay with me. I asked him why he said son you have been comming in here for 2 years you have never lied to me and alway did what you said you were going to do. That kinda loyalty is part of that geography beautiful area great people and there is something kinda magical there. With out a doubt whatever mountain team makes it as long as it is not against another mountain team every other fan base from every other mountain team will rally behind them like it is their own. Do i think that it gives them some kinda mystical help in sports no but their kids play with pride and a no quit attitude that has been bred into them and that does help in sports. If BW beats us and Hazard gets to BG i have no problem with Rooting for Hazard. Nothing against BW but you might be surprised at the similarities you might find in far west ky and far east ky especially in the people. I know Mayfield fans get on your nerves but we are just very prideful when somebody trashes our team or leaves one of our players off of recognitions that they deserve. We are just fighting for our own just like the Mountain folks do for theirs.
There are no better fans in the United States, than in Eastern Kentucky. To me, they epitomize the word fan. They are there when their team is 13-0 or 1-10. They support their team no matter what. I've been around the state and nowhere are the fans more supportive, than Eastern Kentucky. And, it's in every sport. Plus, if you count UK Basketball... Well everyone in the country knows about the rabid fan base in Eastern Kentucky. There is nothing mythical about it. It's a fact.
I guess no one catches what I am trying to say here. Look at the slogan on the Ky flag. Look at what it says right around the the two men shaking hands. It says, United we Stand Devided we Fall. My point is we cant even talk about football in this state without complaining about what area is getting shafted or what area is better. I have been around here and heard for years how we cant get anything done over here past Lou because they forget there is a West Ky. I hear this stuff on here in football as well. I think when we bless one certain area of the state and put down another, we are speaking right to the second part of the statement on the flag, that is, Devided we Fall. I would be happier with everyone if we could just start supporting a team because they like the team and not what region they are in. I tried to point out the fact that I do it that way. For instance, I have been in support of Danville this year. The reason is, we used to play them and know they area classy program and have been having down times of recent. I have supported Hazard, because my wifes family is from there and they have a classy program from what I have seen. I have supported Beechwood until this point, because they too have a classy program. That is all that I am saying. If that burns someones butts, so be it. I will just say this in closing, I have talked with several people from the east and north this year that I have had fun talking to and I dont root against them because of where they are from.
mysonis55 Wrote:I guess no one catches what I am trying to say here. Look at the slogan on the Ky flag. Look at what it says right around the the two men shaking hands. It says, United we Stand Devided we Fall. My point is we cant even talk about football in this state without complaining about what area is getting shafted or what area is better. I have been around here and heard for years how we cant get anything done over here past Lou because they forget there is a West Ky. I hear this stuff on here in football as well. I think when we bless one certain area of the state and put down another, we are speaking right to the second part of the statement on the flag, that is, Devided we Fall. I would be happier with everyone if we could just start supporting a team because they like the team and not what region they are in. I tried to point out the fact that I do it that way. For instance, I have been in support of Danville this year. The reason is, we used to play them and know they area classy program and have been having down times of recent. I have supported Hazard, because my wifes family is from there and they have a classy program from what I have seen. I have supported Beechwood until this point, because they too have a classy program. That is all that I am saying. If that burns someones butts, so be it. I will just say this in closing, I have talked with several people from the east and north this year that I have had fun talking to and I dont root against them because of where they are from.

Well, the good news is, this is the last time I'm going to attempt to answer one of your posts. I'm typing this really slow, so you can follow.

1) I catch what you're trying to say.....but I can't yell for both teams in one game; therefore I choose to yell for my home team which just happens to be in the mountains.
2) No one on this thread is complaining or pitting one area against another; we are only talking about supporting the mountain teams that will go forward. If you want to see the areas pitted against each other, visit the Northern Kentucky Football thread.
3) bolded statement I don't care what makes you happier. There is no reason for people to change their thoughts or posts just to tickle you a little.
4) I would support ANY Kentucky team playing outside the state. It's just impossible to cheer and support all teams; they are playing against each other.

Now hopefully YOU understand.
If you're a fan of a SEC team do you not cheer for an SEC school when they're playing non conference? When Trinity plays prominent out of state teams do you cheer for Trinity? We cheer for the in state teams too. If it was a national race we'd cheer for the Ky team, but we'd rather see the best in the state come from our area. Does that make sense? You say support the state as a whole, but if it's for state championship that doesn't make as much sense. I'm happy for anyone, mountains or not to win state though.
So by most poster's logic on here, I guess you guys root for Louisville, when they are playing anyone besides UK? I didn't think so. lol
Wasting your time Belfry0304!!
ColtPride Wrote:So by most poster's logic on here, I guess you guys root for Louisville, when they are playing anyone besides UK? I didn't think so. lol

Rivalries are an exception... I wouldn't cheer for Michigan if the world would end if I didn't, but I do support Akron, Ohio, Cleveland State, Miami, Dayton, Kent State, etc when they make it to the NCAA tournament.

Even as supporting the mountains, I would have trouble cheering for Pikeville or Pike Central
When I was a boy my two best friends were brothers. They'd fight all of the time. BUT, if someone tried to start trouble with one of them the other always came to his defense. The other Mountain Teams are kind of like our best friends. We fight and scrape with them, but we take their side against others.
:lmao:mysonis55 we're all next of kin here in eastern kentucky.we stick together in playoff an claim all of eastern kentucky go hazard,harlan co,belfry and yes somerset Confusednicker:64sur
ColtPride Wrote:So by most poster's logic on here, I guess you guys root for Louisville, when they are playing anyone besides UK? I didn't think so. lol

Yes i do. :moon:
Granny Bear Wrote:So are you going to attend any of these games Blackcat Fan??

Yes. I attended the Belfry game this past week. It was great. I had never set on the home side before. Although their was a good crowd, i still think Prestonsburg vs Belfry has larger crowds.

I talked to a few Belfry fans and they where all nice folks.

I recorded the Hazard vs Williamsburg game. It was a classic.

I would love to come to one of Harlan Co games to meet you and your family, but this week i have to go back to Pond Creek and support our rival once again. Those guys are scary good this year and have a lot returning for next.
Go mountain teams !!!
Go bulldogs, briarjumpers, pirates, blackbears !!!
ky_boy Wrote:When I was a boy my two best friends were brothers. They'd fight all of the time. BUT, if someone tried to start trouble with one of them the other always came to his defense. The other Mountain Teams are kind of like our best friends. We fight and scrape with them, but we take their side against others.

Couldn't have said it better myself! Go Belfry, Hazard, Harlan and Somerset!!!
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Yes i do. :moon:

I root for Louisville except when they are playing UK.
mysonis55 Wrote:Well bear, I guess the fact that I'm not picking you guys to win just yet has you upset, oh well. My point is you guys get on here with this crazy mountain talk every year and its no different than any other region. It gets very annoying. That's the same crap we heard a few weeks ago on the middle school site until butler co put a beat down on a mountain team. This mystical mountain crap is way over rated. Hazard may win, but It won't be because they are from the mountains. It will be because they are hazard and they worked hard for it. As far as your ignorant, yes I said ignorant which means you have absolutely no knowledge on this subject, statement that we would even be a top 5 team we will never know because it would be impossible to drive there every week to play. If you are tired of me quit talking stupid talk and just root for a team because they are a team you like. Don't think we buy into the mystical mountain crap.

If you don't like it don't read it :moon:.....GO MOUNTAIN TEAMS!!!!
:1: Go BELFRY, HARLAN COUNTY, HAZARD and SOMERSET........from bobcat nation!!!!
Actually i'm a die hard UK fan and have always been since i was old enough to realize what UK basketball was, and YES i do root for UL when they play someone else not named UK. I dont have a problem with that. Lol!!!
Good luck Harlan Co, Somerset, Hazard, and Belfry.....Can't wait to see you teams representing the mountains in BG. Oh the great mystical mountains. Lol...
Probably one of the classiest threads started in BGR history. Love this time of year, there is NO better time then high school playoff football. Good luck to all EKY teams! Represent the mountains like we all know you can! Go Dawgs, Pirates, Bears, and Jumpers!!

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