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Comical exchanges between officials and coaches
We were playing Corbin in a freshman game on a Saturday morning years ago. Corbin gets the tip and a kid is going in to shoot a layup and one of my players ( that should have slid in position and took a charge) slaps at the ball and fouls the corbin player.
the ref blows his whistle calling a foul and I stand up and yell at my player " Come on Austin that is Horrible!"
I hear the Tweet and and the ref calls a "T" on me. And as the ref runs by me, toward the score table he says, " I was out all night last night ,and I am not going to listen to this all game."

I was dumbfounded, until we talked a few seconds later, and I learned that the referees name was Austin also.

We both laughed and we actually got a pretty fair called game the rest of the morning.
In a Harlan vs Lynn Camp that took place back in the mid 80s, Harlan was ahead of Lynn Camp by about 30 points in the 3rd quarter. Billy Hicks, the head coach of Harlan, was sitting on the bench watching his reserve players play. Hershel Hicks, Billy's brother, was setting behind the bench. At one point Hershel, vocally questioned an official's call. The ref tweeted his whistle and the following exchange took place:

Ref: I have a technical on the coach.
Billy: I didn't say a word.
Hershel: I'm the one that said it.
Ref: No technical, my mistake. Billy, I don't know who that guy is but his voice sounds exactly like you.
Billy: I don't know who he is either.
sometime in early sixties: tommy boyd, coach at betsy layne, got 5 techinals called on him. by this tme he was about 15 steps from his bench on the other end of the floor. the ref said for every step u take back to your bench i will call another tech. boyd called for 2 of his biggest players to come out. they picked him up and carried him to his bench. a smiling ref called no more t's
Late 60's or early 70's Dick Strain is the referee at Bardstown and the late great Garnis Martin is coaching at Bardstown. Strain is marching off a 15 yd penalty on Bardstown when Martin yells out "Strain that call stinks" at which Strain continues to mark the penelty 15, 16, 20 to finally walks off 30 yards then turns to Martin and asks "hows it smell from hear Garnis"!
NavyBlue42 Wrote:sometime in early sixties: tommy boyd, coach at betsy layne, got 5 techinals called on him. by this tme he was about 15 steps from his bench on the other end of the floor. the ref said for every step u take back to your bench i will call another tech. boyd called for 2 of his biggest players to come out. they picked him up and carried him to his bench. a smiling ref called no more t's

Read same story in a book...but the coach was Jocko Sutherland
I had to create an account just to tell this story.

I was coaching in a game about 7 or 8 years ago. Ref makes a quick and what I thought was a bad foul call. Here is the exchange:

Coach- "Stop Anticipating what you think is going to happen, that was not a foul"
Ref- "Say that again"
Coach- "I said stop Anticipating the call"
Ref- "Anticipating the call, Coach I am so old I can't Anticipate a bowel movement anymore"

I about fell over laughing
Coaching against the # 1 team in West Va. Their first team All State player gets the tip dribble down right than left puts up a 8 foot left handed hook ( he is right handed ) off the glass and good. As referee Hall runs by my bench, he pats me on the leg and says coach, you're in a hell of a lot of trouble.....
Southwestern was playing North Laurel in a JV football game in the late 90's. There was a pile up and a North Laurel player kicked a Southwestern player. The Southwestern Player jumped up off the ground and punched the North Laurel kid and out came a flag.

Ref: 15 yard unsportsman like penalty Southwestern.
Coach: What for?
Ref: Your player punched the NL player
Coach: Thats fine but what the hell is kicking? Isnt that a 15 yard penalty.
Ref: Reaches in his pocket throws another flag. 15 yards unsprotsmanlike penalty on Southwestern
Coach: What is that for?
Ref: Coach you cant Cuss
Coach: Cuss? when did I cuss?
Ref: You said Hell
Coach: Hell is a 15 yard penalty? If I knew that I would have said F@&K!
Ref: Throws his hat & it was 15 more yards.
Knox Central vs. Clay girls at Clay. Clay double teams the ball and proceeds to ride the KC player out of bounds. Here is the following convo between Coach Mills and the official:

Mills: Thats a foul
Ref: How coach
Mills: If you or I did that to someone we would be arrested for assault or even worse.
Ref: Laughing so hard he drops his whistle and says you are probably right.
I had a former coach who always told the refs to "put a bow on it" referring to a bow on a present. During a game he had a ref say the same thing back to him.
This is no joke. I saw a coach get a technical just for staring at a ref. This is the honest truth. It happen to Harvey Tackett who coached Jenkins.
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Willie Turnover Wrote:Coach: What is that for?
Ref: Coach you cant Cuss
Coach: Cuss? when did I cuss?
Ref: You said Hell
Coach: Hell is a 15 yard penalty? If I knew that I would have said F@&K!
Ref: Throws his hat & it was 15 more yards.

I have a similar story to that one, it happened a couple years ago with one of the assistance I was coaching with. The official got tired of listening to our coach challenge and complain about a few calls. Our assistant said a few choice words on the sideline and the side judge threw a flag for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Coach: What's that for?
Ref: You know what it's for
Coach: Tell me anyway
Ref: Language
Coach: What did I say?!
Ref: You called me an S.O.B.
Coach: No I didn't, I called you a mother f******, if you're gonna throw the flag then get it right
Me: :thatsfunn
Even though things get heated in a game, there is a lot of good banter between coaches and officials. At the end of the day, both realize the other is doing their job and isn't always right. Most coaches and officials like each other. You would never know it sometimes, but even family members argue. Some of these are really good.
It is amazing some of the relationships over the years between coach and referee. Makes me glad I was neither.
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