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Obamacare, here we come
Woot woot!
^ COMPLETELY offbase information! It will bury small business! I would dare say that I have spent more time on this than anyone posting here! Good lord people, you have not seen how many jobs have already been eliminated since Tuesday! Are you seriously blind to the pleas and cries of those of us who actually are impacted should these changes go into affect?

But, you guys will probably be right! Obamacare will NOT have an impact! Why, because there will be nobody working to receive it - they will all be on unemployment!
Stardust Wrote:^ COMPLETELY offbase information! It will bury small business! I would dare say that I have spent more time on this than anyone posting here! Good lord people, you have not seen how many jobs have already been eliminated since Tuesday! Are you seriously blind to the pleas and cries of those of us who actually are impacted should these changes go into affect?

But, you guys will probably be right! Obamacare will NOT have an impact! Why, because there will be nobody working to receive it - they will all be on unemployment!
They are touted as the group that have the most accurate information on the Act.
LOL, then you did NOT read my other posts - YES, companies will receive a rebate - but that rebate does NOT offset the 30X expense to them. Why is that not spelled out in the data in your link?
TheRealVille Wrote:

What about the families that who will no longer have employment????
TRV, I like you and I truly respect you! But you are truly misinformed! Throw all the articles out there that you want - But YOU DO NOT KNOW! God bless you. I hope it works out for you and your family. I pray to god, your family is not affected by all the companies that will have to reduce workforce - because trust me, what we have seen over the first two days post election, is only the BEGINNING!

You are a smart guy, but this is a topic that you do NOT KNOW!
Stardust Wrote:TRV, I like you and I truly respect you! But you are truly misinformed! Throw all the articles out there that you want - But YOU DO NOT KNOW! God bless you. I hope it works out for you and your family. I pray to god, your family is not affected by all the companies that will have to reduce workforce - because trust me, what we have seen over the first two days post election, is only the BEGINNING!

You are a smart guy, but this is a topic that you do NOT KNOW!
How do I know that YOU KNOW? Being a financial guy doesn't make you and expert on this Act. My financial adviser is one of the best in the business, and I'm sure he isn't an expert on the ACA. That Kaiser company I posted has been touted as the most knowledgable on it.
TheRealVille Wrote:How do I know that YOU KNOW? Being a financial guy doesn't make you and expert on this Act. My financial adviser is one of the best in the business, and I'm sure he isn't an expert on the ACA. That Kaiser company I posted has been touted as the most knowledgable on it.

I am also a small business owner. You obviously did not read my posts. My wife and I have been meeting with our attorney for several months on this topic. As for my "day job", I work for the largest financial services company in the world, but I am NOT a financial guy - I work in Government Affairs. There is a little bit of understanding required by me, thus me RUNNING to my attorney on the impacts to our business interests and the lives that would be impacted. This is not a debate with me TRV. It's not a political disagreement as with most others on here. It's not a pissing contest either. For me, this is REAL! As I said, good luck to you and all - because the proposed changes WILL impact a lot of lives. For you, you have seen impacts to you personally that will be good. But, there will be lives other than you who won't see their insurance go down - it will no longer be in existence! God bless you my friend.
We are f4@/#/ people good by usa:-(
You'll also see many hourly works get their hours cut to below 30 hours per week especially those around the minimum wage range
^ It's already happening....
Yes I know but some don't understand
Many Denny's Restaurants are adding a 5% Obamacare surcharge to the bills of all customers. Good for Denny's.

The voters chose this socialistic route. Let them suffer the consequences.
While I am attending Seminary, I have medical insurance, so when February rolls around (if not before), I will be insured. My wife graduates in December so in January she will be uninsured.

This has to be difficult to find but does anyone know how this will affect/effect the currently uninsured?

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