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Could T.O. be heading to Tampa?
Its rumored but i dont think him and Gruden will coexist. Just look how him and Keyshawn came about.
TO wouldn't be happy there. Gruden would put him in his place or do the same thing Philly did with him. Plus he won't have the QB to get them the ball. Simms is a good up and comer but not a great QB in the league yet.
TO is the best wr in the game...he is a playmaker and can score anytime he touches the ball...he has a horrible team concept but he is overly confident, something that i think every good wr should have (chad johnson, randy moss, steve smith, etc)

the bucs are a run first then pass second type of offense esp. with the cadiallac back there, but who knows, if by some chacne gruden could contain this guy, the bucs would w/o quesiton have the best offense and maybe the best team in the nfl...

qb-simms(growing coming up strong)
wr-johnson(solid 3 wr...)

the on;y weakaness could be the qb positon...but along with the D...the bucs coulld be a super bowl fav.

i dont know what the falcons or the panthers r doing letting the bucs get TO...y dont the falcons or panthers try to get this allstar...i mean isnt he woth thte chance?...
TO may be good but his attitude and like u said team concept blow therefor he will never be the type of player he could be. i hope he never plays again.
Johnson doesn't play in Tampa anymore, but the 3-5 receivers would be strong with Michael Clayton, Ike Hilliard, and Edell Shepherd.

T.O. can't play in a run first offense though. He wants the ball too much to wait for the run to open up the passing game. He'd cause even more trouble there since there is a solid running game in place and a QB who wouldn't stand up to him.
"Vincent Vega" Wrote:TO may be good but his attitude and like u said team concept blow therefor he will never be the type of player he could be. i hope he never plays again.
does't matter were he goes he is going to be pretty good........
T.O. can make just about any team good. He is one of the best recievers i have ever seen. But where ever he goes he will cause problems. Unless he realizes that his career might be shorter than what he wants it to be if he don't straighten up.
there is no way he would go
"OU_Bruiser" Wrote:does't matter were he goes he is going to be pretty good........

i agree
I was a TO fan when he was at San Francisco, and even though he screwed my favorite team the eagles, i'd still like to see him do well wherever he goes.
i'm a forgiving person, and philadelphia will be back in the chase again next year.
from what ive heard here recently he will more than likely be heading to mile high
i would rather c him go there
"Wildcat_Fan19" Wrote:T.O. can make just about any team good. He is one of the best recievers i have ever seen. But where ever he goes he will cause problems. Unless he realizes that his career might be shorter than what he wants it to be if he don't straighten up.
Yeah he is a little to ****y but look its T.O but yeah he needs to calm it down a bit on the feild or it might cost him........he is still the best tho right behind jerry rice

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