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UPIKEFAN's answer for transfers
In all seriousness, which is new for me, I think I can offer a solution for the state's inept agency and satisfy the need for kids who legitimately need to transfer without affecting Bylaw 6 at all.

My solution: You get one transfer while you are in high school. Once you have participated in varsity sports after entering your 9th grade year, you get one. Now I know that there may be those who have family issues, divorce, military transfer, etc., but those would be rare and if it happened to be transfer #2 it would fall under the current bylaw with much more strict enforcement. Otherwise, you get one. No rules, you can go to the neighboring school, Scott County, Paducah Tilgman, Pikeville, or Highlands. Doesn't matter, you get one, no questions asked. Move number 2 would be gone over with a fine tooth comb and if any sniff of impropriety was thought, it's tough, but you're SOL.

Anyone think this would fly?
I actually like it. There was many times I wanted to transfer when I was in high school, but fear of ineligibility kept me put.
Nobody plays or everybody plays. Anything else and we are still in the same boat we are in now.

As long as there is any grey area in the rulebook that allows kids to move there will be the same type of eligibility rulings that we have now.
Very good idea, but could make too much sense for the KHSAA. THANKS for a great effort!!
I have said the same thing for years. Any kid ought to get one transfer, period, no questions asked!
No transfers play period.
That solves any doubt and keeps any arguments from happening.
I like Run it up the Gut's idea better.

Can you imagine the recruiting going on if you were allowed a transfer for free?Some would feel left out if they didn't transfer. You lose a starting job, you transfer. You get yelled at by the coach, you transfer.

If you think "going over it with a fine tooth comb" would work for the second transfer, why not just do it for the first?
An unquestioned transfer just opens the door for open recruiting by everyone.
hollcat Wrote:An unquestioned transfer just opens the door for open recruiting by everyone.

So, what would you call that door now? Ajar? I'm not saying do away with the bylaw, you enforce it more rigorously if a transfer moves for a 2nd time.

Most, if not all, schools recruit already. I can't see how in the world a change like this would make things any worse.

As for no transfers, no chance that would ever happen because, regardless what some might believe, there are legitimate reasons for a move and you would be punishing kids for spite, and nothing else.
How is your idea going to do anything but open the door for even more transfers?

As Badman said, he didn't transfer due to "fear" of ineligibility. At least there is that chance now.
That "free" year will be your year when you get recruited.

It just wouldnt work that way.
I agree with UPIKEFAN on this one. Im a big fan of the kids getting to play. The reason I hate the way khsaa selectively enforces their rules is because of the Noble kid from breathitt county a few yrs ago. Coach Noble from BC(then a gradeschool coach) got hired at Owsley County. He took his nephew with him. The way i understand the situation is that the nephew's father had passed away which was Noble's brother. Coach Noble had took his nephew under his wing and worked with him and coached him most of his life. They ruled the Noble kid ineligible!!! To me that is a complete disgrace and a joke for the khsaa to do a kid that way with all he had went through. If anyone can think that is fair and the khsaa cares about the kids then you need some serious prayers.
UPIKEFAN Wrote:In all seriousness, which is new for me, I think I can offer a solution for the state's inept agency and satisfy the need for kids who legitimately need to transfer without affecting Bylaw 6 at all.

My solution: You get one transfer while you are in high school. Once you have participated in varsity sports after entering your 9th grade year, you get one. Now I know that there may be those who have family issues, divorce, military transfer, etc., but those would be rare and if it happened to be transfer #2 it would fall under the current bylaw with much more strict enforcement. Otherwise, you get one. No rules, you can go to the neighboring school, Scott County, Paducah Tilgman, Pikeville, or Highlands. Doesn't matter, you get one, no questions asked. Move number 2 would be gone over with a fine tooth comb and if any sniff of impropriety was thought, it's tough, but you're SOL.

Anyone think this would fly?

I like it.

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