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Ashland @ Highlands - 11/9/12 - 4A Second Round
WideRight05 Wrote:I have to give it to the Ashland fans here. Normally it would be either lefty or I stirring the pot, but honestly we are just sitting back this thread. They are fans I would want to have for my team any day. 8, 10, however many titles is a lot for a program, even if it all was before 1950. Still a lot.

WideRight05 suffers fools much better than do I. He is a peacemaker. However, he, as do they, exaggerates their accomplishments filled with self-declared phantom championships from the"early days". I salute his patience and his kindness.

On the other hand, I find their gaudy claims to be humorous and naive. But this thread does add a bit of comic relief as we await the encounter.

No hard feelings intended- just amusement.
I have great respect for the Fort Thomas progam but I've always wondered why you don't play Trinity or St. Xavier during the regular season? Why play teams like Western and Mason County when you can play the cream of the crop in 6A. What good does it do to play Mason County or Western?
Tomcat Pride Wrote:I have great respect for the Fort Thomas progam but I've always wondered why you don't play Trinity or St. Xavier during the regular season? Why play teams like Western and Mason County when you can play the cream of the crop in 6A. What good does it do to play Mason County or Western?

Mason Co I do not know why. Western was suppose to be a very good team and turned out to be terrible. I was told they have tried to schedule Trinity but the two schools could not get a schedule that worked,they do scrimmage each other. As for X, I do not know and you do not hear much from either school about playing each other.
Tomcat Pride Wrote:I have great respect for the Fort Thomas progam but I've always wondered why you don't play Trinity or St. Xavier during the regular season? Why play teams like Western and Mason County when you can play the cream of the crop in 6A. What good does it do to play Mason County or Western?

I will be happy to pass your thoughts along to Coach Mueller. However, I don't think you want to start comparing schedules. That would be like comparing real trophies.
Tomcat Pride Wrote:I have great respect for the Fort Thomas progam but I've always wondered why you don't play Trinity or St. Xavier during the regular season? Why play teams like Western and Mason County when you can play the cream of the crop in 6A. What good does it do to play Mason County or Western?
Highlands doesn't play trinity or x cause they want to claim to be undefeated against kentucky schools is what I have heard. But they do ply Elder or Cincy St quite frequently and those schools are every bit trinity's equal or better most years.
This may be a closer game than most think. I don't think Ashland can beat Highlands, but anything can happen in the post season in high school football, just ask Russell Co about last year. I like to see the underdogs win, so I will be pulling for Ashland. I hope someone at least gives HHS a scare, and they don't just walk to the title like last year. You do have to respect the dedication they give to the program, and the results they reap from that dedication.
Fort Thomas Highlands by at least 28
HonestJohn Wrote:This may be a closer game than most think. I don't think Ashland can beat Highlands, but anything can happen in the post season in high school football, just ask Russell Co about last year. I like to see the underdogs win, so I will be pulling for Ashland. I hope someone at least gives HHS a scare, and they don't just walk to the title like last year. You do have to respect the dedication they give to the program, and the results they reap from that dedication.

Thank you for the nice comments about Highlands' football program, players and coaches.

I haven't seen Ashland play this year so I have no idea as to what the likely outcome will be. Looking forward to the game.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I will be happy to pass your thoughts along to Coach Mueller. However, I don't think you want to start comparing schedules. That would be like comparing real trophies.

Come to Ashland and look in the trophy case @@@hole!! FTH recruits and cheats their way to many of those championships.. That is not tradition, that is cheating. Even when you get caught they let play in the title game, must have someone high up in the KSHAA. I want one of those 1-14 State championship shirts... They dont play Trinity because they would crush you and it wouldnt look good for the bluebirds to lose to a Kentucky school with all those ohio boys on your team!!!
:Thumbs:As Herb told my Dad at last Fridays game. I hope someone from E. Ky puts a hurting on FTH, preferably the CATS!!!! Also said FTH deserves a little payback. Hopefully this Friday we will get some of that too.
charlie22 Wrote:Thank you for the nice comments about Highlands' football program, players and coaches.

I haven't seen Ashland play this year so I have no idea as to what the likely outcome will be. Looking forward to the game.

Ashland up until the last 2 years was a finese team. Hart is a offensive first coach and really didnt worry about their D. Ashland played soft wouldnt hit and gave up too many points. He wanted speed over size and still does but we now have both. Hart the last 2 years has turned us into a physical team. Ashland will hit you and hit you hard. With the loss of starting tail-back in pre-season and 2nd and 3rd string during the season, they rely on their offensive and defensive lines to control the game. This will be a very physical game Friday night and hopefully Ashland has enough fire-power too pull off the upset. I know for sure Ashland will have the fastest player on the field. Congrats to Ashlands JV team on their 3rd straight undefeated season!!!
The Soviets had won every Winter Olympics ice hockey tournament since 1960, were well-seasoned and the majority of the players had been playing together for many years. In contrast, the Americans were a collection of college students (most from the rival schools of University of Minnesota and Boston University) with little history of playing together.
James "Buster" Douglas (born April 7, 1960) is a former undisputed world heavyweight boxing champion who scored a stunning upset when he knocked out previously undefeated champion Mike Tyson on February 11, 1990 in Tokyo, Japan. At the time, Tyson was considered to be the best boxer in the world and one of the most feared heavyweight champions in history due to his utter domination of the division. The Mirage Casino in Las Vegas, the only Las Vegas casino to make odds on the fight, had Douglas as a 42 to 1 underdog for the fight.
Eight-seed Villanova, coached by Rollie Massimino, won the national title with a 66–64 victory in the final game over Georgetown, coached by John Thompson. Ed Pinckney of Villanova was named the tournament's Most Outstanding Player. The game is often cited among the greatest upsets in college basketball history. This Villanova team remains the lowest-seeded team to win the tournament.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Highlands doesn't play trinity or x cause they want to claim to be undefeated against kentucky schools is what I have heard. But they do ply Elder or Cincy St quite frequently and those schools are every bit trinity's equal or better most years.

Honestly, the only time Highlands cares to be undefeated against Kentucky schools is in the playoffs. Other than the district games, the others don't mean squat.
T-CATS Wrote::ChairHit:

Come to Ashland and look in the trophy case @@@hole!! FTH recruits and cheats their way to many of those championships.. That is not tradition, that is cheating. Even when you get caught they let play in the title game, must have someone high up in the KSHAA. I want one of those 1-14 State championship shirts... They dont play Trinity because they would crush you and it wouldnt look good for the bluebirds to lose to a Kentucky school with all those ohio boys on your team!!!

Please report any cheating and recruiting to the KHSAA. All of these whining fans from other schools say this but NEVER provide any evidence. "My team cannot beat Highlands so they must cheat" Please list the players on the current team from Ohio for me. Please list the current players who have not attended Highlands starting in middle school for me. if you cannot (and you cannot because they do not exist), then you should stop spreading unsubstantiated rumor.

As to the Mike Mitchell incident, KHSAA cleared him and then changed their minds when a couch complained. The issue was finally resolved in the court system which found against the KHSAA and the record for that year is now 15 and 0, thank you.

As to your trophy case, as you have two official football trophies, it must be pretty sparse. Just because you say you have championships from 1975 (when you got beat by St X) and championships from the 1940s and 1950s does not mean they are real.

Highlands is not afraid to play anyone, as can be seen by the schedules from the past decades.

I look forward to a good game between the two schools but I do not anticipate an upset.
T-CATS Wrote::Thumbs:As Herb told my Dad at last Fridays game. I hope someone from E. Ky puts a hurting on FTH, preferably the CATS!!!! Also said FTH deserves a little payback. Hopefully this Friday we will get some of that too.

Everyone who is not a Highlands fan wants to see them get beat. As a Highlands fan you take that as an honor. When people stop stop talking about you and stop loving to hate you, you know your program is not at the top still.
T-CATS Wrote::ChairHit:

Come to Ashland and look in the trophy case @@@hole!! FTH recruits and cheats their way to many of those championships.. That is not tradition, that is cheating. Even when you get caught they let play in the title game, must have someone high up in the KSHAA. I want one of those 1-14 State championship shirts... They dont play Trinity because they would crush you and it wouldnt look good for the bluebirds to lose to a Kentucky school with all those ohio boys on your team!!!

Again, we have tried to schedule Trinity but for some reason it just hasn't worked out. Cheating....please, can't you find something better than this to talk about. I want to know if you also want the ring that comes with the 1-14 State Championship shirt in which our player was not allowed to play in the final game.
I played against Ashland back in the late 70's and Asland beat us 14-13 (?). They played a very physical game and we were at the short end of the stick that day. Good luck this weekend and may the best team win!!!
washed up Wrote:The Soviets had won every Winter Olympics ice hockey tournament since 1960, were well-seasoned and the majority of the players had been playing together for many years. In contrast, the Americans were a collection of college students (most from the rival schools of University of Minnesota and Boston University) with little history of playing together.

And they called it the Miracle on Ice, I do not see a miracle happening this Friday.
Frozenbird Wrote:Please report any cheating and recruiting to the KHSAA. All of these whining fans from other schools say this but NEVER provide any evidence. "My team cannot beat Highlands so they must cheat" Please list the players on the current team from Ohio for me. Please list the current players who have not attended Highlands starting in middle school for me. if you cannot (and you cannot because they do not exist), then you should stop spreading unsubstantiated rumor.

As to the Mike Mitchell incident, KHSAA cleared him and then changed their minds when a couch complained. The issue was finally resolved in the court system which found against the KHSAA and the record for that year is now 15 and 0, thank you.

As to your trophy case, as you have two official football trophies, it must be pretty sparse. Just because you say you have championships from 1975 (when you got beat by St X) and championships from the 1940s and 1950s does not mean they are real.

Highlands is not afraid to play anyone, as can be seen by the schedules from the past decades.

I look forward to a good game between the two schools but I do not anticipate an upset.

Things are messed up when lefty and I aren't the ones stirring things up LOL.

What's funny there is that you came to BGR because of Lefty and I and to put a better light on the highlands fans. You sure aren't doing that here LOL! And then you call us out for trolling?? I don't know how many titles Ashland has, but like our teams prior to 60 (the 30, 43, 57 teams) that I think SHOULD be recognized, it would be a complete slap in the face to the former players on either side for their titles to not be considered "real." That's worse than anything lefty or I could say. If it were anyone else saying this, that hadn't called us out, I would let it slide. Heck you probably would have jumped on lefty or I if we had said it. I pick on cov cath, belfry, and NCC a lot but you can't go around saying their titles "aren't real" just because they won it a hundred years ago.

I do agree, however, on the recruiting and Mitchell ruling. I believe that less than a handful of our players played their full lives at Ft. Thomas. The Mitchell ruling was straightened out, I believe, two years ago.

And finally, this game still won't be as close as the thread. Highlands 56-10, running clock in 3rd.
WideRight05 Wrote:Things are messed up when lefty and I aren't the ones stirring things up LOL.

What's funny there is that you came to BGR because of Lefty and I and to put a better light on the highlands fans. You sure aren't doing that here LOL! And then you call us out for trolling?? I don't know how many titles Ashland has, but like our teams prior to 60 (the 30, 43, 57 teams) that I think SHOULD be recognized, it would be a complete slap in the face to the former players on either side for their titles to not be considered "real." That's worse than anything lefty or I could say. If it were anyone else saying this, that hadn't called us out, I would let it slide. Heck you probably would have jumped on lefty or I if we had said it. I pick on cov cath, belfry, and NCC a lot but you can't go around saying their titles "aren't real" just because they won it a hundred years ago.

I do agree, however, on the recruiting and Mitchell ruling. I believe that less than a handful of our players played their full lives at Ft. Thomas. The Mitchell ruling was straightened out, I believe, two years ago.

And finally, this game still won't be as close as the thread. Highlands 56-10, running clock in 3rd.

I think you meant to say have not played
This thread is going bad.. Saying theres cheating this and that. Sure school closer to other states borers have kids come to there schools or have moved just across the river or this and that. The Khsaa allows and denys things like this so its all legal.. Im sure Ashland has never had a kid from just across the river or from virginia....
bac2369 Wrote:This thread is going bad.. Saying theres cheating this and that. Sure school closer to other states borers have kids come to there schools or have moved just across the river or this and that. The Khsaa allows and denys things like this so its all legal.. Im sure Ashland has never had a kid from just across the river or from virginia....

For the 1000 time, Highlands does not get kids from Cincinnati! Why would a kid from Cincinnati want to come across the river to play football in KY?
pigskin Wrote:Again, we have tried to schedule Trinity but for some reason it just hasn't worked out. Cheating....please, can't you find something better than this to talk about. I want to know if you also want the ring that comes with the 1-14 State Championship shirt in which our player was not allowed to play in the final game.
I played against Ashland back in the late 70's and Asland beat us 14-13 (?). They played a very physical game and we were at the short end of the stick that day. Good luck this weekend and may the best team win!!!
Did you play for highlands? Cause Ashland hasn't beat highlands since 1954
bac2369 Wrote:This thread is going bad.. Saying theres cheating this and that. Sure school closer to other states borers have kids come to there schools or have moved just across the river or this and that. The Khsaa allows and denys things like this so its all legal.. Im sure Ashland has never had a kid from just across the river or from virginia....
is is rediculous most Ashland fans don't like to acknowledge out starting Qb's dad was the mayor if Ironton Ohio and came up in there system before moving to Ashland. I do not think highlands cheats I think they work very hard and it shows. You have a fine program I. Ft Thomas.
sstack Wrote:I think you meant to say have not played

If I hadn't lost all my credibility a long time ago, I would be concerned. Confusednicker:

But yes, that is what I have meant. An I correct?
sstack Wrote:For the 1000 time, Highlands does not get kids from Cincinnati! Why would a kid from Cincinnati want to come across the river to play football in KY?

No kid good enough to play at elder would come to highlands it's kids that don't get pt in Ohio that can at kentucky schools.
T-CATS Wrote::ChairHit:

Come to Ashland and look in the trophy case @@@hole!! FTH recruits and cheats their way to many of those championships.. That is not tradition, that is cheating. Even when you get caught they let play in the title game, must have someone high up in the KSHAA. I want one of those 1-14 State championship shirts... They dont play Trinity because they would crush you and it wouldnt look good for the bluebirds to lose to a Kentucky school with all those ohio boys on your team!!!

As I said, all this is humorous. I feel sure T-CATS doesn't represent the normal Ashland fan. He certainly doesn't display much intelligence. Of course, since he is quoting his father, I suspect he is still in middle school. That would explain a lot. Middle school children often use vulgarity because they have such a limited vocabulary.

Oh. One other question. You quote your father quoting "Herb". Who is Herb?

Let's play the game and see what happens.
sstack Wrote:For the 1000 time, Highlands does not get kids from Cincinnati! Why would a kid from Cincinnati want to come across the river to play football in KY?
BIG FISH IN A BIG POND, BIG FISH IN A SMALL POND with almost guarenteed state titles. I met a kid a few months ago and we started talking football, guess who he played for, Highlands and won 3 state championships (recent) he has told me plenty. Heard Elders stud player turned down his chance to play for the bluebirds, guess the state titles were not enough payment for him. I find it laughable that all of your players are from Kentucky, that is the funniest line so far. Everyone in this state knows Trinity and Highlands recruit. Not saying you two are the only schools but you 2 are the best at it!!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:As I said, all this is humorous. I feel sure T-CATS doesn't represent the normal Ashland fan. He certainly doesn't display much intelligence. Of course, since he is quoting his father, I suspect he is still in middle school. That would explain a lot. Middle school children often use vulgarity because they have such a limited vocabulary.

Oh. One other question. You quote your father quoting "Herb". Who is Herb?

Let's play the game and see what happens.
Conley and I graduated from Ashland in 1990!!! Only 80 year olds use the word Confusednicker:vulgarity..
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