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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation
TheRealVille Wrote:You know my real name the same as WR05 does. I don't have to hide to say what's on my mind.
I don't care how many names you use, RV. I really do not believe that you are tech savvy enough to juggle two accounts without getting caught, but you can only post with one account at a time anyway. You don't do a very good job explaining why anybody should support a man like Obama, but you are probably the best of a very weak field.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't care how many names you use, RV. I really do not believe that you are tech savvy enough to juggle two accounts without getting caught, but you can only post with one account at a time anyway. You don't do a very good job explaining why anybody should support a man like Obama, but you are probably the best of a very weak field.
Well hell, we finally found something we can agree on. :Thumbs:
Bob Seger Wrote:I dont exactly know what you are trying to imply, because I can guarantee that I only have one user account. I do however have many computers at many different locations.

Nothing, I was just saying that there has been more than one account logged onto from several different ip addresses you use. Schools, work, etc....

Almost 15 so i doubt u own all off them,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Nothing, I was just saying that there has been more than one account logged onto from several different ip addresses you use. Schools, work, etc....

Almost 15 so i doubt u own all off them,
What does this have to do with multiple accounts and why is it any of anybody else's business to know this? If you check my account, then you will probably find that I have logged into BGR with at least 10 or 15 different ip addresses in multiple states. I have a cell phone, desktops, laptops, and multiple tablets, and I often login from restaurants with open wi-fi networks. I am sure that is not uncommon.

If you checked all BGR user accounts, then you would find many members login using multiple ip addresses. In addition, few people have static ip addresses for personal use. Some ISPs dynamically assign users new ip addresses periodically. It helps them sell static ip services.

So why make it sound like Bob is doing something suspicious?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What does this have to do with multiple accounts and why is it any of anybody else's business to know this? If you check my account, then you will probably find that I have logged into BGR with at least 10 or 15 different ip addresses in multiple states. I have a cell phone, desktops, laptops, and multiple tablets, and I often login from restaurants with open wi-fi networks. I am sure that is not uncommon.

If you checked all BGR user accounts, then you would find many members login using multiple ip addresses. In addition, few people have static ip addresses for personal use. Some ISPs dynamically assign users new ip addresses periodically. It helps them sell static ip services.

So why make it sound like Bob is doing something suspicious?
Because you and your fan club always accuse others of using multiple accounts. Why not prove it, or drop it? Just sayin........
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What does this have to do with multiple accounts and why is it any of anybody else's business to know this? If you check my account, then you will probably find that I have logged into BGR with at least 10 or 15 different ip addresses in multiple states. I have a cell phone, desktops, laptops, and multiple tablets, and I often login from restaurants with open wi-fi networks. I am sure that is not uncommon.

If you checked all BGR user accounts, then you would find many members login using multiple ip addresses. In addition, few people have static ip addresses for personal use. Some ISPs dynamically assign users new ip addresses periodically. It helps them sell static ip services.

So why make it sound like Bob is doing something suspicious?

He makes it sound like Bob is doing something suspicious, to turn the tide off of him.

Myself, I have nothing to hide. I post on a laptop and travel quite often, so who knows how many IPs I have. Like Hoot, I have been in multiple states as well, so I probably have several IPs...whatever my wireless picks up. But tell me this Wildcat - Yes, I was WideMiddle - you were able to catch that account, which was the exact reason I created it. I did not post one time from my laptop/phone. However, you were able to catch it, as I suspected you would. Now, my question - how come you can't do the same thing with Vector and 4 Real? Should be pretty obvious that you know how to track down a clone when it's evident that they are clone accounts.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What does this have to do with multiple accounts and why is it any of anybody else's business to know this? If you check my account, then you will probably find that I have logged into BGR with at least 10 or 15 different ip addresses in multiple states. I have a cell phone, desktops, laptops, and multiple tablets, and I often login from restaurants with open wi-fi networks. I am sure that is not uncommon.

If you checked all BGR user accounts, then you would find many members login using multiple ip addresses. In addition, few people have static ip addresses for personal use. Some ISPs dynamically assign users new ip addresses periodically. It helps them sell static ip services.

So why make it sound like Bob is doing something suspicious?

I was using his user as an example that many users post from schools, work and others.

I guess i could use TheTribe, One of the Admins, His account is the same way.
WideRight05 Wrote:He makes it sound like Bob is doing something suspicious, to turn the tide off of him.

Myself, I have nothing to hide. I post on a laptop and travel quite often, so who knows how many IPs I have. Like Hoot, I have been in multiple states as well, so I probably have several IPs...whatever my wireless picks up. But tell me this Wildcat - Yes, I was WideMiddle - you were able to catch that account, which was the exact reason I created it. I did not post one time from my laptop/phone. However, you were able to catch it, as I suspected you would. Now, my question - how come you can't do the same thing with Vector and 4 Real? Should be pretty obvious that you know how to track down a clone when it's evident that they are clone accounts.

4real is not Vector. 100% Positive. I have told you this many of times.
TheRealVille Wrote:Because you and your fan club always accuse others of using multiple accounts. Why not prove it, or drop it? Just sayin........
I just explained why your post about Bob using multiple ip addresses is nonsense. What you're just sayin.... makes no sense. It's not my job to weed out multiple accounts. I assume that is a responsibility of the moderators and admins, or at the very least it is their responsibility to set good examples in that regard by limiting themselves to a single account.

Implying that there is something wrong with logging in from various ip addresses and calling somebody out by name for doing something so routine is wrong and you should not be doing it. Just sayin....
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I just explained why your post about Bob using multiple ip addresses is nonsense. What you're just sayin.... makes no sense. It's not my job to weed out multiple accounts. I assume that is a responsibility of the moderators and admins, or at the very least it is their responsibility to set good examples in that regard by limiting themselves to a single account.

Implying that there is something wrong with logging in from various ip addresses and calling somebody out by name for doing something so routine is wrong and you should not be doing it. Just sayin....

Im guessing this was for me.

I responded to it above.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Im guessing this was for me.

I responded to it above.
Yes it was. I should have realized that the post was just RV adding his two cents on another subject that he does not understand.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes it was. I should have realized that the post was just RV adding his two cents on another subject that he does not understand.
Do you two accuse others of posting on other accounts? I think both of you have accused me of doing so, so yes, I know what I'm talking about.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you two accuse others of posting on other accounts? I think both of you have accused me of doing so, so yes, I know what I'm talking about.
Don't bet on it.
TheRealVille Wrote:What are all the filter plants that are being built right now in KY and WV cleaning? They are filtering selenium out of pond water going into streams. I just finished one in Rum Creek, in Logan WV, for Patriot Coal. There are, I think 9 on the books being ready to be built as we speak.

Here we go again. Selenium. Selenium is an essential element required by our body in small amounts and is naturally found in plants, seafood, meat and meat products. The selenium scare is likely nothing more than contrived EPA data. After all, the head of this edition of the EPA, Obama appointee Lisa Jackson, has already shown herself to be off her nut; "As the first African-American head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Lisa Jackson is already a historic figure. Yet, it's her response to the threat of climate change that will ultimately decide her legacy. On April 17, Jackson's EPA issued an endangerment finding on greenhouse gases, concluding that carbon dioxide and other emissions posed a threat to public health and welfare."

If we don't get these loons our of power this time, everybody will be hurting. BTW, for all you (this includes me) that like to go out and cut firewood to burn in your homes, you can forget that too. The EPA will be clamping down of stoves, fireplaces and free burning coal appliances. You'll pay through the nose for your heat just like the city slickers do.
TheRealThing Wrote:Here we go again. Selenium. Selenium is an essential element required by our body in small amounts and is naturally found in plants, seafood, meat and meat products. The selenium scare is likely nothing more than contrived EPA data. After all, the head of this edition of the EPA, Obama appointee Lisa Jackson, has already shown herself to be off her nut; "As the first African-American head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Lisa Jackson is already a historic figure. Yet, it's her response to the threat of climate change that will ultimately decide her legacy. On April 17, Jackson's EPA issued an endangerment finding on greenhouse gases, concluding that carbon dioxide and other emissions posed a threat to public health and welfare."

If we don't get these loons our of power this time, everybody will be hurting. BTW, for all you (this includes me) that like to go out and cut firewood to burn in your homes, you can forget that too. The EPA will be clamping down of stoves, fireplaces and free burning coal appliances. You'll pay through the nose for your heat just like the city slickers do.
So you got nothing on too large amounts getting into the water? You think this might be one of the reasons the coal fields have such a high cancer rate? Are you willing to take a chance, because of political leanings? Selenium is toxic at higher levels. Coal companies are not building these 50 million dollar treatment plants for no reason.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Nothing, I was just saying that there has been more than one account logged onto from several different ip addresses you use. Schools, work, etc....

Almost 15 so i doubt u own all off them,

Almost 15? Either it's 15 or it's not 15. Pretty dumb way to state it. Maybe not all of them, but nonetheless a bunch of them. I do travel alot and I have logged in from several motel rooms over the years.

But really when it comes down to it, should this not all be confidential information that you all use for internal purposes, regardless of who you are discussing? Seems to me you have compromised the integrity of this website as well as the legitimacy of your position as a moderator.
Bob Seger Wrote:Almost 15? Either it's 15 or it's not 15. Pretty dumb way to state it. Maybe not all of them, but nonetheless a bunch of them. I do travel alot and I have logged in from several motel rooms over the years.

But really when it comes down to it, should this not all be confidential information that you all use for internal purposes, regardless of who you are discussing? Seems to me you have compromised the integrity of this website as well as the legitimacy of your position as a moderator.

Did I post any locations? Names? Accounts? Ip addresses ?

Your username was just used as a example to prove a higher point to TRV and wide.

You should feel special. More than usual.

Also . It's 14. Which is almost 15.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Did I post any locations? Names? Accounts? Ip addresses ?

Your username was just used as a example to prove a higher point to TRV and wide.

You should feel special. More than usual.

Also . It's 14. Which is almost 15.

What it shows junior, is extreme immaturity to even discuss any of this publicly, on a forum that you have been entrusted to moderate as a responsible adult. You have no business being a moderator on this or any other website. But then, that has become common knowledge among members of this forum.
Bob Seger Wrote:What it shows junior, is extreme immaturity to even discuss any of this publicly, on a forum that you have been entrusted to moderate as a responsible adult. You have no business being a moderator on this or any other website. But then, that has become common knowledge among members of this forum.

Yes because saying that users use multiple locations to log on bgr which results in it looking like you have multiple accounts is so revealing.

This coming from the guy that has been banned from the site.
TheRealVille Wrote:The majority of Americans want clean air, clean water, and clean coal. Just sayin.....

You better be prepared to get the hell out of Paintsville if you ignorant fools get what you wish for.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:You better be prepared to get the hell out of Paintsville if you ignorant fools get what you wish for.
All three can be achieved, and still keep coal mining. It's not an either/or situation.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Yes because saying that users use multiple locations to log on bgr which results in it looking like you have multiple accounts is so revealing.

This coming from the guy that has been banned from the site.

I wasn't even involved in the conversation and the whole thread for that matter, and you bring me into it? I had never made the first post. It just shows incompetance and grave immaturity on your part. In real life, and in the private/even government sector you would be fired on the spot for pulling a stunt like this, no questions asked, and probably set your company and yourself up for a potential lawsuit if anyone wanted to persue that avenue.

Also, I will give you an opportunity to retract that last statement. You dont know me and you have no proof of anything that involves me.

Again, you have absolutely no business being a moderator. You are incompetant, immature, and honestly, just not very sharp to begin with.
TheRealVille Wrote:So you got nothing on too large amounts getting into the water? You think this might be one of the reasons the coal fields have such a high cancer rate? Are you willing to take a chance, because of political leanings? Selenium is toxic at higher levels. Coal companies are not building these 50 million dollar treatment plants for no reason.

I think the evidence is 'doctored' by the EPA. The EPA is a stronghold of environmentalist wild-eyed zealots. Matter of fact it's a regular liberal playhouse. The same thing happened when ice cores were drilled down in the antarctic region and certain strata were found to have higher CO2 levels. The rush to judgement in that case was that high levels of CO2 leads to ice ages. There is no credible evidence this assumption is true much less that man made so-called, greenhouse gases could in any way contibute to such a vast geologic event. None the less because of such guesses, America is fighting for her life right now on the political and energy fronts. And they are nothing more than guesses, albeit educated guesses.

But, back to selenium. I know you are familiar with the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850. Massive amounts of coal were burned during that era. Even more coal was burned from 1850 onward. Factories, generating stations, steel mills, all kinds of business and nearly every home in the US and around the globe, burned coal for heat during the winter months. If selenium is such a problem why, pray tell, has it only just recently reared it's head? Where were the cancer deaths of that day?

We needed to clean up emissions and other pollutants that were being released into the environment, and we in fact did clean those things up. But's that's not good enough for the environmentalist of this day. No, they have to punish man for his sins against 'mother earth' and cause the pendulum to swing back to a more pristine era. The EPA has become the Green Gestapo, and have adopted tactics which are surprisingly similar to Hitler's version. As I have mentioned before and if you're familiar with the Matrix movies, the EPA is like the Smith program, too much power and out of control.
Bob Seger Wrote:I wasn't even involved in the conversation and the whole thread for that matter, and you bring me into it? I had never made the first post. It just shows incompetance and grave immaturity on your part. In real life, and in the private/even government sector you would be fired on the spot for pulling a stunt like this, no questions asked, and probably set your company and yourself up for a potential lawsuit if anyone wanted to persue that avenue.

Also, I will give you an opportunity to retract that last statement. You dont know me and you have no proof of anything that involves me.

Again, you have absolutely no business being a moderator. You are incompetant, immature, and honestly, just not very sharp to begin with.

Firing and potential lawsuit? Over using ur username as an example. Somehow I just for think you have any grounds for lawsuit. And in the real world as you say I don't think I could make a living off of being a Internet moderator. Qq just don't pay us enough.

I love how you try to get my feathers all ruffled. And in the process you just get your blood pressure high.

But go on and repeat yourself.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Firing and potential lawsuit? Over using ur username as an example. Somehow I just for think you have any grounds for lawsuit. And in the real world as you say I don't think I could make a living off of being a Internet moderator. Qq just don't pay us enough.

I love how you try to get my feathers all ruffled. And in the process you just get your blood pressure high.

But go on and repeat yourself.

Yes, in the real world you did commit offenses for immediate dismissal as well as as setting yourself/company up for a potential lawsuit. But I dont expect anyone whose entire immature life has revolved around an XBox game to relate to stuff like that. I didn't say I was going to file a lawsuit, heck you wouldn't have the money to defend yourself anyways. I'll take care of this myself...

haha, Ah junior, you aint never seen my blood pressure up. I promise you, you dont want to be on the receiving end of that.....Confusednicker:

You just remember, you've made your bed.......Confusedhh:
This discussion isn't about the damn number of IP addresses. He only used Bib and WR as an example, and included that its common so I'm guessing that it wouldn't sound suspicious. I would say nearly half of BGR has multiple IP's just because they use multiple computers, like I do.

You all argue about the dumbest stuff. Lol
Bob Seger Wrote:Yes, in the real world you did commit offenses for immediate dismissal as well as as setting yourself/company up for a potential lawsuit. But I dont expect anyone whose entire immature life has revolved around an XBox game to relate to stuff like that. I didn't say I was going to file a lawsuit, heck you wouldn't have the money to defend yourself anyways. I'll take care of this myself...

haha, Ah junior, you aint never seen my blood pressure up. I promise you, you dont want to be on the receiving end of that.....Confusednicker:

You just remember, you've made your bed.......Confusedhh:

Threatening my moderator status is new. Threatening my job at Dairy Queen was a little better.

I would gladly call an ambulance for you.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Threatening my moderator status is new. Threatening my job at Dairy Queen was a little better.

I would gladly call an ambulance for you.
Dairy Queen?

Threats ?
vundy33 Wrote:This discussion isn't about the damn number of IP addresses. He only used Bib and WR as an example, and included that its common so I'm guessing that it wouldn't sound suspicious. I would say nearly half of BGR has multiple IP's just because they use multiple computers, like I do.

You all argue about the dumbest stuff. Lol

Ah, lighten up!!

Jump first. Look second. Sheesh.
vundy33 Wrote:This discussion isn't about the damn number of IP addresses. He only used Bib and WR as an example, and included that its common so I'm guessing that it wouldn't sound suspicious. I would say nearly half of BGR has multiple IP's just because they use multiple computers, like I do.

You all argue about the dumbest stuff. Lol


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