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Kobe Bryant scores 81 points in win over Raptors..
2nd most points in a game all-time...Unbelievable...
He had 81 points tonight against the Raptors.
We both most of posted this at the exact same time haha.... This is the craziest thing that has happened in the nba in my lifetime though.
I heard this just a few minutes ago.. that's amazing
well I wonder who is a ball hog now
Without him they wouldn't have much of a chance of winning a game IMO
That is incredible. He's put up amazing numbers so far this season.
81 did any other laker get to shoot the ball lol
He was 28-46 from the field and 18-20 from the line.81 points amazing yeah but easy to see how he did it.

That is a tremendous accomplishment for such a jerk like Kobe.
I don't like him, but that is unreal.
thats unbelievable
Kobe is the man.
WOW. When i first saw it i didn't believe it.
So what was the final score.. And did anyoen else touch the ball. he shot just over 50% from the field.. That's nuts
great game kobe........he finally made around 50% of his shots in a game
he is awesome
I admire his effort. But the Lakers still suck.
I heard this morning on the radio on my way to school pretty amazing.......
"torQQue" Wrote:I admire his effort. But the Lakers still suck.
I agree with u Torqque there not the best.........
Amazing, this is unbelievable and i think this proves that kobe is one of the greatest to play the game...
Kobe Is The Bomb. He Is Great!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't care if you call him a ball hog or what...anyone that can drop 81 points in a single game deserves to shoot more shots.
:theman: Kobe ...Unbelievable game
he is a ball hog....and tries to do everything his self.......i don't think he is any good anymore:lame:
and the lakers suck:boo:
you guys this is amazing!
I agree it's a team sport and kobe wants to be a one man team, if I was the other lakers I would freeze him out a game or two and maybe he would know what it's like to not touch the ball. 2 assists is pitiful for someone who handles the ball as much as he does.

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