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Beechwood suspends up to 20 players...
WCPO Cincinnati has reported BHS has suspended 20 players in an alleged underage drinking incident.

Per BHS principal the suspensions were due to a violation of team rules. He didn't specify the reason in front of the camera.

A Ludlow HS administrator who lives in Ft. Mitchell, hosted a party for his 15 year old son, who attends BHS, and friends. Who unbeknownst to him, "violated team rules!" Party grew due to social media ( imagine that ).

Doesn't sound like he hosted a kegger. The teens brought there own.

The length of time on the suspensions wasn't disclosed. And wasn't disclosed how many of the suspended are starters. One would think Beechwood still rolls in there in their 1st round matchup with Bracken County!
How many starter would depend on the frist round
I'm not defending these young men's actions in any way whatsoever, none, but is it just me or are these not the same things that have been done on the weekends by HS kids (student athletes or not) since the beginning of time; but in today's world, it seems like its blown out out of proportion like they are legit criminals.

Now, if they brought it to school? Different story. I don't know about you all, but if I and my friends/teammates had been caught for having a beer on the weekend when we were juniors and seniors, we'd have been suspended for every game.
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:I'm not defending these young men's actions in any way whatsoever, none, but is it just me or are these not the same things that have been done on the weekends by HS kids (student athletes or not) since the beginning of time; but in today's world, it seems like its blown out out of proportion like they are legit criminals.

Now, if they brought it to school? Different story. I don't know about you all, but if I and my friends/teammates had been caught for having a beer on the weekend when we were juniors and seniors, we'd have been suspended for every game.

i wouldn't say it's blown out of proportion, this is a case where these guys were caught red handed and Noel Rash and Beechwood have a strict policy on underage drinking.

we always had a team pact, no drinking during the season, including summer workouts. did any body else do something like that?
Do we have name on these players
rebel 4 life Wrote:Do we have name on these players

These are kids, and names Should Not be named on this site.
Back in the late 80's dipping snuff and drinking a few coldies was acceptable. Now if we had someone getting poop canned every weekend we took care of that internally. There was plenty of incentive to stay on a good foot for the benefit of the team during the season. Our team never gave the adults reason to be concerned.

Clearly something changed to warrant tighter team rules and contracts since started putting themselves ahead of the team!
rebel 4 life Wrote:Do we have name on these players

i doubt it because they're most likely under 18 and i don't think beechwood released the names to the media.

FORT MITCHELL, Ky. - Nearly 20 players on the Beechwood High School football team were suspended or kicked off the team for underage drinking at a party held on the property of Ludlow City Administrator Brian Richmond.
Richmond told 9 News that he knew his 15-year-old son, who is on the football team, was having friends over but that it grew with the help of social media and even attracted teenagers from other schools.
Richmond said that "there was a gathering" on a portion of his property in the wooded area behind his house, but said he did not know there was any drinking taking place.
Contrary to information provided by two northern Kentucky police chiefs, Richmond said there was no underage drinking at his house.
Beechwood's football coach Noel Rash told 9 News that he his still trying to determine if the number of participants was 18 or 19 but said that first time offenders were suspended for this Friday's playoff game and those who've offended before were kicked off the team.
"This is a teaching moment and we've been forged by fire," said Rash. "We will play 'Beechmont football' this Friday and make our community proud as they've always been."
Earlier in the day Beechwood Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Steve Hutton confirmed "a violation of team rules" and said the investigation was being handled by Rash.
In a written statement Richmond said:
We were aware that our son and several of his high-school friends recently had gathered around a bonfire near our house, but we were not aware that any violation of team rules were occurring that night. To the extent there may have been, we trust it is being handled accordingly.
A supervisor with Fort Mitchell police says the agency is not currently investigating the matter but will be on the lookout for similar situations in the future.
toussaints Wrote:i doubt it because they're most likely under 18 and i don't think beechwood released the names to the media.

I was just wonder before to long if they name were releasd they would never hear the end of It socal media would killed these kids
ROCKSOLID69 Wrote:These are kids, and names Should Not be named on this site.

Agreed Rock...coaches, inner-circle, and community are busting their chops enough!
Somebody needs to explain that to gutless.
rebel 4 life Wrote:Do we have name on these players

No, nor would I ever allow them to be posted
I am so very happy that I didn't grow up in these days. Yep, I was busted and was scolded! I am in no way defending them, BUT - Been there done that! Let's all remember, Good Kids do Dumb Things! It happened yesterday! It happens today! It will happen tomorrow!
My question would be, how in the world did this get to the school staff if it occurred while not in school? It sounds like something else must have happened along with that. I sometimes think today's world is kind of hard on our children. I understand they got caught doing something they shouldn't do and therefore should be punished for that. I just hope the punishment doesn't outway the crime. I think this could be a good learning lesson for the kids but hopefully it wont be taken too far.
toussaints Wrote:i wouldn't say it's blown out of proportion, this is a case where these guys were caught red handed and Noel Rash and Beechwood have a strict policy on underage drinking.

we always had a team pact, no drinking during the season, including summer workouts. did any body else do something like that?

We did my senior year. At least most of us did.
mysonis55 Wrote:My question would be, how in the world did this get to the school staff if it occurred while not in school? It sounds like something else must have happened along with that. I sometimes think today's world is kind of hard on our children. I understand they got caught doing something they shouldn't do and therefore should be punished for that. I just hope the punishment doesn't outway the crime. I think this could be a good learning lesson for the kids but hopefully it wont be taken too far.

The root of all evil today - It was first discovered through Facebook!
FBALL Wrote:We did my senior year. At least most of us did.

After every football game!

Tousaints, I would drink with players from your team Wink
toussaints Wrote:i wouldn't say it's blown out of proportion, this is a case where these guys were caught red handed and Noel Rash and Beechwood have a strict policy on underage drinking.

we always had a team pact, no drinking during the season, including summer workouts. did any body else do something like that?

You simply don't drink on a BHS football team in public and expect there will not be consequences. Back to kids putting themselves ahead of the team.

Our team in the 80's under a similar coach would have waited until season end to have a few. It was more fun to chase cheerleaders than coldies back then!
^ I guess you didn't have the cheerleaders bringing the coldies Wink
Better things during season....coldies and otherwise after;>
I don't like to agree with mysonis55 much an i also hope this will be a learning lesson.showing a little love from WILLIAMSBURG KENTUCKY.Confusedmoke:
I love this.

Tired of seeing it being treated as "Boys will be boys".

It is a problem, and I commend the Beechwood staff for taking a stand on the issue. I wish there were more parents/coaches with the same standard of behavior expectations for their children/players.
Stardust Wrote:No, nor would I ever allow them to be posted

Plz refer to my other post I didnt want that
Gee, could it be that panther is all for this so his boys don't have to play bwood at full strength
mysonis55 Wrote:Gee, could it be that panther is all for this so his boys don't have to play bwood at full strength
I take offense to that.

Anyone that knows me, knows how passionate I am about this subject.

I am genuinely happy to see someone stand up and do what is right. I have heard for too long about it being something that is not a big deal. You can have fun without drugs/alcohol and nothing truly positive will ever come out of either. When you partake in such things, you only are setting yourself up for negative results and potentially tragic events.

If you need alcohol to have fun, then what you are doing probably is not very fun in the first place. If one cannot enjoy the company of his or her friends and that not be enough, I hate that for them.

This is just one guy's opinion, but I am very passionate about it as I have seen all the hurt that can come from it. To be accused of being glad to see it for a competitive advantage is insulting to me as a person and my beliefs.
Panther Thunder Wrote:I take offense to that.

Anyone that knows me, knows how passionate I am about this subject.

I am genuinely happy to see someone stand up and do what is right. I have heard for too long about it being something that is not a big deal. You can have fun without drugs/alcohol and nothing truly positive will ever come out of either. When you partake in such things, you only are setting yourself up for negatives results and potentially tragic events.

If you need alcohol to have fun, then what you are doing probably is not very fun in the first place. If one cannot enjoy the company of his or her friends and that not be enough, I hate that for them.

This is just one guy's opinion, but I am very passionate about it as I have seen all the hurt that can come from it. To be accused of being glad to see it for a competitive advantage is insulting to me as a person and my beliefs.
He thinks you are a Frankfort Panther.
So beechwood is suspending kids who were on private property committing an act in which they are not being legal charged with anything? How does that work. I hope Beechwood's lawyers are ready, this will get ugly.
Slap them on the wrist and get them back on the field. Frankfort will take care of the discipline.TongueirateSho
I too agree that kids should not do this. I think they can send the message without being overboard though. I think they should be punished but one or two games and maybe some other things to go along with that. I just don't think they should go too far with it. I have never used drugs and could probable count the number of times that I have drank alcoholic beverages on both hands. They are kids though and they will make mistakes. I think they should do enough to get the point across and then leave it at that.

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