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Comical exchanges between officials and coaches
I sometimes like to set behind the teams' benches to hear the verbal exchanges between coaches and officials in the heat of battle. One of the funnier ones was last season when a state power from the 11th region was playing an away game in the 14th region. After the 11th region coach had a series of several highly questionable calls go against his team the conversation went like this:

Coach: Do you guys not have a conscience?
Official: What are you conplaining about coach? You're ahead.
Coach: Barely.
Official: If we really wanted to cheat you, you wouldn't have a chance.

I don't know why this struck me funny.
I truly believe i was at this game, lol.
While coaching against Virgie one I had this story take place. Virgie was shooting a free throw, and I had a player at mid court scratching his head so furiously I ask him if he had dandruff. His quick response to me was, WHAT NUMBER IS HE, COACH....
I once saw a kid come out of a basketball game (grade school) complaining of foot pain. The coach took off his shoe, and $1.37 in change came dropping out.
Coach nearly had a fit!
Us older guys will remember when after each held ball situation there was a jump ball. During first year the national federation changed the rule to alternating possitions after a held ball Evarts was playing at Barbourville. After a held ball the official had the kids line up for a jump ball. When Billy Hicks, who was coaching Evarts at the time, protested. The official actually said "that rule aint got here yet." The whole side of the gym was laughing so hard. Even coach Hicks got a belly laugh out of that one.
I thoroughly enjoy watching Billy Hicks coach!! He's the most animated person I've ever seen; usually crying and complaining for the ref to give him a call! LOL

Such a tragedy about his son!! I really hate that so badly..
Tyler played the game with more passion than any kid I have ever watched play the game.
A coach pulled out his cell phone and asked an official, Is this your cell phone? The official answered back, no sir coach mine's in the locker room why? Coach: There sure is a lot of missed calls on this phone!
I saw a coach take his glasses off and stick them out towards an official after a foul (i wouldn't have called it). The official tells the coach you need those more than me, maybe you'll see that your zone defense isn't working
Coach: hey ref! The fouls 8-2.
Ref: tell your kids to stop fouling.
I saw a coach really getting on a ref in the first 3-4 minutes of a game. He and the ref were going back and forth pretty good. Early in the 2nd quarter I heard this exchange during a free throw:

Coach: hey joe, I owe you an apology.
Ref: (really perked up) that's ok coach.
Coach: no I apologize, cause in the first few minutes I thought you were cheating us. Turns out you're just really bad!

Coach got T'd up. Lol
I saw a coach go and sit on the other teams bench right in the middle of a game. The ref actually asked him what he was doing.....the coach replied," just seeing what it feels like to get a good call"...haha
This was a mid week game where there had not been school for a while and there wasn't very many people there and this mother is setting front row mid court and shes giving the referees down road every time theres a call.Finally her son foul out and she stands and HOLLERS to the top her lung thats all right he's just pissed at your mom. Everybody in the gym is rolling ther laughing so hard, and referee is trying to hold the ball in front of his face so she can't see him laughing.The son now a coach,and she still at every game.
Granny Bear Wrote:I once saw a kid come out of a basketball game (grade school) complaining of foot pain. The coach took off his shoe, and $1.37 in change came dropping out.
Coach nearly had a fit!

When I was in Jr.High playing basketball I kept a lucky penny in my shoe granted it never done me any luck but it was there.
"Kentucky Football needs to be and will be a championship contender in the SEC."- Mitch Barnhart
rojas Wrote:Tyler played the game with more passion than any kid I have ever watched play the game.

My late mother in law used to babysit Tyler & Ash before they left Harlan Co. They were such beautiful and well behaved kids!! Tyler was passionate about most everything he did; even at a young age.
I heard a coach ask a ref, "do you have your eyes open or are you using the force?" the coach got t'd up, i guess the ref wasnt a star wars fan.
Granny Bear Wrote:My late mother in law used to babysit Tyler & Ash before they left Harlan Co. They were such beautiful and well behaved kids!! Tyler was passionate about most everything he did; even at a young age.

Tyler was very passionate, especially about basketball. He had a big heart. However, I remember him being "mean as a stripped snake" when he was a little bitty kid. There was a lot of boy in those little jeans when he was little. Betsy made many trips to the ER when Tyler was little because he would climb on anything and everything. He lived to torment poor Ashley. He turned out to be a very passionate and hard nosed young man. He finished in the top 5% of his OCS training.
During a jv game I had a ref say this: "coach what do you want me to do? Call it both ways."

How can you be upset with someone after that....
I had a coach give me a hard time when I was calling a game once.
I had T'd him up once and didn't want to give him another so I was letting it go a little bit.

The school's AD was behind me talking to a deputy at the game. The AD said "If you don't throw him out we will". So I went ahead and threw him out lol

I thought it was funny the AD said that about his own coach.
rojas Wrote:Tyler was very passionate, especially about basketball. He had a big heart. However, I remember him being "mean as a stripped snake" when he was a little bitty kid. There was a lot of boy in those little jeans when he was little. Betsy made many trips to the ER when Tyler was little because he would climb on anything and everything. He lived to torment poor Ashley. He turned out to be a very passionate and hard nosed young man. He finished in the top 5% of his OCS training.

Not surprised at his OCS training!
My mother in law had boys herself, she LOVED mean little boys! So does my neice....she raised 4.
When I was in highschool at Buckhorn I was working the scoreboard and a buddy of mine named Michael McIntosh, better known as Hub, was keeping the book for a grade school game against Lost Creek, I think. Anyway Lost Creek had a kid that looked to be about 16, stood about 6'2" and 215 pounds. Kind of kid that looked like he already drank, chewed, and had two kids. His dad was the coach and a pretty good size man in his own right, and he was the only player Lost Creek had. By the start of the second quarter he already had four fouls and had probably committed five more that hadn't been called. Kenneth Amis was coaching Buckhorn at the time and was giving the refs a pretty good piece of his mind for not calling the fifth foul.

During a timeout the refs were standing at the scorers table and Hub says to the ref.

Hub: Why don't you foul that kid out, he is knocking people down going for rebounds.

Ref: Last time we fouled that kid out of a game the police had to escort him and his daddy out of the gym and I don't see enough police here to do that tonight.
I went to a youth game and it was one of those games where everybody was yelling back and forth at the referees. As the ref went down the floor one of the dads yelled out "you dumb Son of a BXXXX" to the referee. The other ref stops the game and says to the crowd "I want to know who called that referee a S-O-B" and the dad stood up and said "I wanna know who called that S-O-B a referee". Everyone busted out laughing, but they did kick him out.
Keep posting! Very entertaining!
Once was at a game with a mostly empty gym when a ref
pretty much blew his whistle for something to do, then
made up a foul giving it to a stick thin player. He walks to
the scorers table and says # x with the body, and somebody
yells out "how could he get him with the body, he doesn't HAVE ONE?"
ballstar Wrote:I truly believe i was at this game, lol.

I'd say I was right there too...
I can't remember who the referees were, though.
This is some funny stuff. Please keep it going.
My personal favorite

[YOUTUBE="Bobby Knight Throws Chair"]_jc2ESr43PY[/YOUTUBE]
Coach was really riding an official one night. Ref tells him to sit down, and he doesn't want to hear another word the rest of the night. Coach says " can you T me up for what I'm thinking?" Ref says "of course not". Coach says "good cause I think you suck".
Sure someone from Clay Co. has a good Bobby Keith story. He was very intense as a coach, and could only imagine what he said to some officials. Someone please share!
At a game one night my daughter yells at the ref "over the back ref" he stops turns and looks at her and yells "there is no such call as over the back" they still don't like each other today!!!

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